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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -7W3N7Y sIx-

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posted on May, 17 2020 @ 03:06 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: SouthernGift

SG, Ivanka's "Taken!" tweet may also reference sex trafficking as in the Liam Neesom movies Taken 1, 2 and 3.

That did come to mind, Rel, but as a second thought..

My very first thought was that Elon has been “taken” by white hats.

Lol, but of course my own bias is in that as can clearly be seen through the lenses of reading my post I quoted from a few days ago. 🤷🏽‍♀️

posted on May, 17 2020 @ 03:09 PM

originally posted by: samuelsson
Havent caught up, not sure if its been brought up.

Obamas IG charged on 16 counts.

Former Acting Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Indicted on Theft of Government Property and Scheme to Defraud the United States Government.

Birds singing and all that. Sorry if discussed already.

Suicide weekend coming up?

posted on May, 17 2020 @ 03:11 PM

originally posted by: SouthernGift

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: SouthernGift

SG, Ivanka's "Taken!" tweet may also reference sex trafficking as in the Liam Neesom movies Taken 1, 2 and 3.

That did come to mind, Rel, but as a second thought..

My very first thought was that Elon has been “taken” by white hats.

Lol, but of course my own bias is in that as can clearly be seen through the lenses of reading my post I quoted from a few days ago. 🤷🏽‍♀️

I'm getting an odd feeling about Musk also. He's hard to profile IMHO.

posted on May, 17 2020 @ 03:11 PM
a reply to: CanadianMason

On that same 'Puzzle' ? the words changed to

REDLIPSLIKETENTH...........on Gadgetzz, translation can be found and read, that will shock you.

posted on May, 17 2020 @ 03:12 PM
Canadian Mason?

posted on May, 17 2020 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: Observationalist

Yeah, after watching a few more times, I found other things I missed the first time around; and, then I went and read up on it at the Gadgetzz website. I was pretty bang on for some of it, lol.

In any case, it's weird, and distracting, and disturbing all at the same time.

Anybody know wtf it means?

posted on May, 17 2020 @ 03:37 PM
a reply to: LanceCorvette

At some point the people have to be told why their entire country was locked down and, it seems now, pretty much our economy destroyed, and, most important, what are going to do about it.

I wish the Q-people would have been among the vanguard in the charge against institutional tyranny, but they were too busy cheering it on as part of the secret plan to round up all the baddies (real and imagined, that are still talking freely on the TV) until it was too late...

posted on May, 17 2020 @ 03:37 PM
a reply to: nowayreally

nwr, please don't take this as a rant but more as a CALL2ARMS re decoding!

I post the spreadsheet daily at between 6 and 7am UK time - to ensure that you all have access to the automated decodes on a daily basis. (This means I don't go to sleep until 7am GMT and then wake up in time for 9am EST)

As it stands, posting of decodes IS slowing down - because noone else seems to be bothering to analyse the spreadsheet provided and read the decodes off the Main DECODE RESULTS tab.

This means that because I have to post the basic "read and post" decodes, I don't have time to spend on the more obtuse decodes like Chess Moves (which has a mountain of information and xref links between posts).

I haven't eaten or watered my garden yet today and I've been gagging to visit the loo... please all, share the load a bit!
(Remember the "What if he gets hit by a bus?" rule)

Here is the updated s/sheet with all posts up to Q4275:

Q V17.70 20200517 to 4275 incl. DECODE tools

I'm off to utilise some toilet paper!

Where We Decode 1, We Decode All!!!
edit on 17-5-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2020 @ 03:40 PM
Just about caught up, great post, i will start saying yahoooo Trump will/has a great vaccine coming on FB etc, feel it will work, crazy world indeed

originally posted by: saladfingers123456

originally posted by: Observationalist

originally posted by: saladfingers123456
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Everything is topsy turvy. It occurs, that Trumps opposition in the public realm reject everything he says and does... most of them are extremely pro vaccine. What happens when Trump says "I have a vaccine for you". Do they then start to question the vaccine, or embrace it?
Can't have it both ways. Just thoughts.

Reverse psychology?

Trump said chloroquine and they all laughed.
Trump said disinfectant and they all mocked him
So the best way to protect everyone form a bad vaccine is to have trump tell everyone to inject themselves with a safe vaccine.
Is Trump messing with the brainwashed MSM sheep.

Well, I have to assume that there is only so much benefit in preaching to the converted. His own base and Q followers etc are reasonably trusting. The real ground that needs to be turned around are his opposition who totally reject everything he says... unreasonable viewpoint, that is, no reasoning.
Trump offering a vaccine would seem like a very clever way of people questioning vaccines. Trump vaccine, or Bill Gates vaccine. To fight back against a Trump vaccine, you have to arm yourself with knowledge of the Gates alternative. When you start researching Gates and his ideas/vaccines, they will quickly start to question whether it something they actually want.
This is hard to talk around, as it is all about negatives and mind games. I just get a feeling that this is a bit of a reverse psychology thing. There aren't many ways to break MK. Most of it has to be an internal mechanism halting the program. This can only be done by forcing someone to check their own routines and question what they really believe. Recognising a program can be a strong step in that... breaks the loop.
I hope some of this makes sense.

I know that Trump has previously said that he wouldn't force vaccines on those who don't want it. I'm not sure why he would Uturn on that, especially as I think he'd know it would have a big negative effect on his supporters. So, you have to look to alternative things going on. The ground to be gained and turned isn't on his side and repeat their programming. He doesn't even need them to like him, he just needs them to question if they really support the program being pushed by his adversaries... to recognise the programming.

posted on May, 17 2020 @ 03:41 PM

originally posted by: steaming
a reply to: CanadianMason

On that same 'Puzzle' ? the words changed to

REDLIPSLIKETENTH...........on Gadgetzz, translation can be found and read, that will shock you.

Wow, references to the Black Plague and this.

Update 13:

I forgot to mention something that was found a while ago. ‘We are the antivirus’ has been found in the spectrogram. Most of you have already seen it, I just forgot to write it up. Thanks to those who reminded me. A so called Pigpen cipher has been decoded, it holds the message ‘AD OPPUGNARE HOMINES’ which is latin for ‘To target men’.

posted on May, 17 2020 @ 03:50 PM
a reply to: CanadianMason

Those videos are all tied to an ARG that points to nefarious activities in Pelzer, South Carolina.

posted on May, 17 2020 @ 03:57 PM
a reply to: steaming wasn't a 3-2-1 finger countdown; it was 3-1-2.
Unless you keep the 3 'as is', and add the 1 and 2, it's a 6 instead of a 33; because, 3 + 1 + 2 = 6.
There's so much more to the video than what the naked eye can see (or what the naked ear can hear), as attested to by the updates at the link you provided. I was a bit taken aback ("shocked") when I read the article and its updates a little earlier on today. Fascinating. Thanks for sharing. I wish I could help.

posted on May, 17 2020 @ 03:59 PM

originally posted by: Sahasrara
a reply to: LanceCorvette

We could be told there is no god, only demons, and they control our world through proxy... That would blow some folks minds...

But it would be the truth, and we could move forward *with valid and important information* and that's important for humanity.

posted on May, 17 2020 @ 03:59 PM
a reply to: imthegoat

One can hope.

Q's boomless week and watching mccabe strzok manafort brennan and clapper all walk free while they destroy flynn's life, ill take this with both hands.

posted on May, 17 2020 @ 03:59 PM
There was a Snowbird crash today in Canada. Some video at the first link


Or you can read the article. It also has the footage.


I dont think this would be a FF. At least not without more info

posted on May, 17 2020 @ 04:01 PM
I haven't been able to access that link (server crash?) from Q4257 so here's an alternative official link to the PDF file...

Review of the Unauthorized Disclosures of Former National Security Agency Contractor Edward Snowden

Not sure if [Pg 20][Pg 21][Pg 22][Pg 23] are starting from the cover page or the actual PDF page numbers. If counting from the cover page then the PDF page numbers are 15, 16, 17, 18.

posted on May, 17 2020 @ 04:18 PM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: CanadianMason

Those videos are all tied to an ARG that points to nefarious activities in Pelzer, South Carolina.

Thanks for the tip.

Wayback Machine

posted on May, 17 2020 @ 04:20 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

What the...?

A YouTube channel called 'Slave New World', started March 29, 2020 with one video using MY ATS MONIKER as a title for a video?

Is this YouTuber calling me out?

I'm not sure what's going on but, if I get to the bottom of it, I'll let you know.

Thanks for bring this to my attention.

Maybe CSIS is coming after me for posting my conservative opinions online?

(I ain't worried though, cuz I got a 'friend' who works for them in Ottawa).

posted on May, 17 2020 @ 04:20 PM
Anyone know what this link was to? From 4257?

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 9c278b No.9212171 📁
May 17 2020 12:05:19 (EST) NEW📁
[Pg 20][Pg 21][Pg 22][Pg 23]
For future events [understanding].

It just comes back as a forbidden link, or timing out.

posted on May, 17 2020 @ 04:23 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

well that would change things a lot won't it? a 9/11 declas could be big, could be a dud, it would depend on it reveals.

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