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Corona Virus Updates Part 6

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posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: McGinty

First things first :

Happy New Year 2023 Everyone

Still here, albeit a lot less often.
I still hate this Mac Wireless Flat keyboard just as much, lol

My Job has evolved quite a bit, as has my salary a little bit, so i'm getting to grips with the new knowledge, and its not easy.
All in the space of 12 months, so work has been a bit hectic, and a very steep learning curve that i'm having trouble climbing right now.
Just about scraping by though.
Day by Day.

Keeping to the topic,

I read yesterday that the BBC had an article on a new variant, XBB 1.5.
BBC site

What got me is they're actually talking about it again.
If it's newsworthy, it must be something, right ?
Been a while since we had one of these, as far as i'm aware.

So maybe time for a Numbers Update, like the good old times, just for the record

edit : Upload isn't working, so here's the best I can do, sorry.

Websites prove their identity via certificates, which are valid for a set time period. The certificate for expired on 8/14/2022.


NextStrain Tree view.
(edit3 : removed un-needed un-tick bit.)

John Burn Murdoch over at FT is still doing stats :

John Burn Murdoch's Twitter

ONS deaths data has been released for week ending 23 Dec.

2,982 more deaths were recorded in-week compared to the 2015-19 average. That’s 26% more, the largest excess we’ve seen all year.

Year-to-date there have been 567,379 deaths recorded which is 8% more than 2015-19 avg.

Worldometers - Order by descending active cases.

Something to read from William Haseltine at Forbes :

Viral Sleight Of Hand: SARS-CoV-2 Mimics Host Protein, Regulates Gene Expression SARS-CoV-2 is a master of deception, capable of evading and suppressing our immune system in multiple ways. New research describes a previously unknown strategy: mimicry of histone proteins, which help regulate gene expression.

I hope uploads come back soon, links can be changed or deleted, whereas onsite uploads of screencaps are pretty safe usually...

Hope everyones Ok, and keeping good health.

My dutch friend still has long covid, since Nov 2021, though he is getting a little better week by week with therapy.

Going to be seeing a friend from Thailand / China tomorrow, who I don't think I have seen since The January before covid.
Damn, its been that long..., We were with our dutch friend, who can't be there tomorrow, due to his long covid.
It can't really be that long, but it probably is, i'm racking my brain and can't think of a time in between then and now...

Stay safe everyone, and I hope everyone has a great 2023

I'll be back more often, and if the upload sorts itself out, i may even post images

edit on 5-1-2023 by MonkeyBalls2 because: edited stuff

posted on Jan, 6 2023 @ 12:58 AM
And they claim that each new variant is leaps and bounds more contagious than the last. From what I recall, the original virus was supposed to be incredibly contagious. So with all the progressive leaps in infectiousness, simply talking about it here will get all who read this thread infected with COVID immediately. If anyone you have ever known catches it, you will too, just by that past association. Talk to someone on the phone infected with it? Bam! You got it too.

Scary stuff, eh??

edit on 6-1-2023 by Rich Z because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2023 @ 07:44 AM
Hi guys and also Happy New Year ATS members.
I guess I'll be posting here more often, but seems like the other forum thread gets more views.

Tokyo Time: 10:30 PM Friday

the new update

1. Japan now is giving their 5th booster jabs. I truly don't know why, but on another forum, I know the people and they all are going for it.

2. January 1, 2023 Sunday 86,924 new infections
3. January 2, Monday 76264 new infections
4. January 3, Tuesday 89,643 new infections
5. January 4,5 and 6 I don't have the results

1-1 Sunday 247
1-2 Monday 208
1-3 Tuesday 223
1-5 Wednesday 498 ( what happened ) ?

On January 6th 29 of the deaths in Tokyo were 50 years old and older

Seriously ill ( this is very important since it sets the sad trend of possible deaths )

1-1 Sunday 592 this is terrible
1-2 Monday 595 also very bad
1-3 Tuesday 602 unbelievable

no other info available yet

For December and up to January 5, 2023 231,053 cases if infections

My opinion is that the vaccinated are getting hit hard with the old and new variants that are in Japan.

I mentioned this in another thread about the eyes. The ciliary body and muscle of the eye "might also" have the side effect of the covid virus. Also we have the Superior Rectus and Inferior Rectus muscle that may show signs of dropping. Ask your eye doctor about this if you've had covid on your next eye exam.
edit on 0100000009462023-01-06T07:46:09-06:00460901am7 by musicismagic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2023 @ 11:05 AM
I've been mulling whether or not to post/report this over rthe weekend, and I now feel I should.
Last Friday I was interviewing a lady who wants to start studying Reflexology and Essential Oils with me, starting in February. She is mid-forty and been a nurse all her adult life. Her current hospital is in the NE of England and not one of the huge metropolitan ones. She has been on the stroke ward for the last 7 years and is one of the most senior nurses on that ward.

I count what she reported to me as first hand evidence. I knew things were bad (despite all the denials) but what she has recounted to me is horrifying.

Prior to 18 months ago, their ward had a capacity of 15 beds from minor to major stroke patients in any given week. The beds were never at capacity and pretty much every single patient was over 70.
In the last 18 months there has been an 'exponential' growth (her word) in admissions. They have had to open other wards and be able to accommodate 50 patients per week. Hardly any are over 70, the vast majority are between the ages of 35-55 and all have 'complex' stroke/embolism problems. Because of the position she holds and speaking to a paramedic she has known for years, he said 90% of the calls they are getting is for stroke or heart attacks. He's also long time served and says he's never seen anything like it.

I have absolutely no reason to doubt her.


posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 04:26 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

That's indeed extremely concerning - thanks for posting!

The big question is whether it's covid or the vaccine or the combo of both causing this. Could it be a latent effect of exposure to covid, or the a result of reinfection? People may not even have known they were infected, or reinfected.

Throw the vaccine into this and it's quite the task to pick apart the causes. I've said before, if this is vaccine doing this by design it's the perfect crime, since it can hide behind covid causing it - at least in the short term, until the experts (if allowed) get to the root.

But that said, it may indeed be a latent effect of covid itself

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 04:33 AM
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2
Hey MB2, apologies for the tardy repy!

Great to hear that you're well and congratulations on the job evolution and accompanying salary - much needed in these times.

Now we just need to hear that TheAMEDDDoc is ok

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 05:31 AM
a reply to: McGinty
She quite categorically stated that they are all vaccinated. I can't answer the other questions as we didn't go into that depth during her 'interview' to sign up for her diploma. What she has witnessed over the last 18 months has finally driven her to look at other forms of health care to ultimately leave the NHS. She said it goes against her conscience to remain, but she knows in her soul she wants to carry on helping people. She is going to be one amazing therapist!
I know one thing for sure, I'll be asking her to do a class on thrombosis and the different types of strokes and the kinds of warning signs we should be looking for as therapists for the rest of my students.

Yes, viruses can cause micro-clots as we have previously discussed here, but most of the time they cause no issue and we are even unaware that we might have some. So yes, it could be down to infection (not covid as that has mutated itself out of existence now), but she never mentioned it. I am far more inclined to believe it was the shot alone, given that she has access to all individuals health assessment statistics and her specific area of expertise, length of time served and what she has witnessed.

I have another student who lives in South Wales. I was with her the other weekend as she was doing her exams. Anyhow, she told me the following about conversations she has herself had with the local undertaker and pathologist.
The undertaker has capacity for 80 bodies maximum. Apparently undertakers have to have what seems to be 'high capacity' wait for it...... in the event of a pandemic or mass disaster in their area. During the 'height of the pandemic' they had about 12 bodies in any given week. Again in the last 18 months (they said that) they have seen a steep increase, and at the time of their conversation (a couple of weeks ago) they were up to 40 that week!
Now to the pathologist:
There are 2 of them who cover a fairly large area NW of Swansea, same area my student lives. On average both he and his colleague would deal with 6-8 autopsies a week between them. Again, the 18 months was specifically mentioned, they had hit 27 that week and it has been steadily climbing. He is now so exhausted and although he didn't use the word traumatised, he said he'd just taken leave of absence at the end of that said week as he "can't take any more".
Both pathologist and undertaker are jabbed.

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Bloody scary stuff! And, yes like you i'm inclined to believe this is vaccine damage.

However, i'm an annoying bugger who loves a bit of devils advocate. I fear my own inclination towards unconscious bias - gravitating too quickly towards the answer my immediate reaction conjures up. Sometimes that reaction is right, sometimes its wrong. The latter's taught me to play out the alternative possibilities; process of elimination as Mr AC Doyle said

Is it not possible that some folk may have a delayed reaction to covid for some reason. An insidious aspect not yet identified taking root, with the damage not evolving until long after?

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 01:38 PM
a reply to: McGinty

Is it not possible that some folk may have a delayed reaction to covid for some reason. An insidious aspect not yet identified taking root, with the damage not evolving until long after?

Now you are dipping into the HIV spliced into the cleavage of the original SARS-CoV-2. In which case, yes. I have stated previously that if this bears out, then anyone who caught C19 before vax roll out could also be FUBAR over time, myself included, but not jabbed.

posted on Feb, 5 2023 @ 03:38 AM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
anyone who caught C19 before vax roll out could also be FUBAR over time

Do you mean because the vaccines prevent this long term immune damage, or that covid changed after vax roll out so as not to have this effect?

You probably meant neither of these, but asking anyway

posted on Feb, 5 2023 @ 03:59 AM
a reply to: McGinty
No, I don't believe the vaccine prevents long term immune damage, quite the opposite, I believe it compounds it.
Covid mutated at a hell of a rate after the intro of the vax. As Geert Vanden Bossche said at the beginning of the vaccine roll out... I paraphrase, but you don't vaccinate during a pandemic for this very reason, it forces a virus to mutate.

posted on Feb, 5 2023 @ 05:21 AM
a reply to: McGinty

Do you mean because the vaccines prevent this long term immune damage

I am with angelchemuel with the data presented so far. As overall mortality is yet to peaked, Bill Gates has got his wish.

posted on Feb, 5 2023 @ 05:30 AM
a reply to: McGinty

Is it not possible that some folk may have a delayed reaction to covid for some reason. An insidious aspect not yet identified taking root, with the damage not evolving until long after?

Very wicked indeed. Been some speculation that covid is just round 1, the softening up phase. Antibody dependent enchantment does gray out that smoking gun.

posted on Feb, 6 2023 @ 02:37 AM
I love that this thread has somehow remained a sanctuary away from the few shills that derail and side track every other covid thread with the same relentless BS pushing the official narrative.

There, now i've gone and said it there'll be swarming here like zombies sniffing brains. Doh!

posted on Feb, 11 2023 @ 02:16 AM

originally posted by: kwakakev
a reply to: McGinty

Is it not possible that some folk may have a delayed reaction to covid for some reason. An insidious aspect not yet identified taking root, with the damage not evolving until long after?

Very wicked indeed. Been some speculation that covid is just round 1, the softening up phase. Antibody dependent enchantment does gray out that smoking gun.

If you consider the speculation that this was likely designed as a biological weapon, and recall how China reacted when it first took hold there, I don't think it would be wise to rule out long term effects that haven't happened yet as being completely unlikely.

Remember when China locked down EVERYTHING except flights outgoing to the rest of the world to spread the joy? They acted exactly like someone who accidentally had a nasty biological weapon escape control locally, and decided that they HAD to launch it at that point. So I believe keeping a close eye on China to see what new health developments take place might be worth using as a yardstick as to what the rest of the world might be facing sometime in the future. Of course, the trick is getting truthful information out of China.

The original threads following the developments when COVID19 was initially running through China would be well worth reviewing. Assuming they still exist here, of course.

posted on Feb, 11 2023 @ 03:43 AM

originally posted by: McGinty
I love that this thread has somehow remained a sanctuary away from the few shills that derail and side track every other covid thread with the same relentless BS pushing the official narrative.

There, now i've gone and said it there'll be swarming here like zombies sniffing brains. Doh!

Yeah, I comment very little on the topic now because the remaining people pushing it can't even accept objective reality. There's no point in trying with them anymore. If it doesn't show up on the news it isn't real. They cite random quotes from studies they don't understand from authors paid by industry lobbying groups and dismiss the data from several decades of public health research.

All the suspected adverse events with previously known mechanisms, except for one, have been confirmed through data. The remaining adverse event is downstream reproductive failure in offspring due to gene deletion from reverse transcription. That will not show up for two decades unless widespread genetic testing happens before they reach reproductive age. There will probably be effects nobody has even predicted as well as immune system tampering is poorly understood.

Excess mortality should be declining already since uptake for each subsequent booster has declined, but it isn't and Germany's most recently released data is at historic levels. There are several significant issues I haven't even seen get much or any real discussion here.

The recent addition of these vaccines to the childhood schedule is the last of many signals anybody should need showing that there has been total corporate capture of our institutions. There is no way, even using the most favorable junk data to support it, to justify the addition. This is slow burn depopulation and at this point it's hard to argue it isn't intentional.

posted on Feb, 11 2023 @ 03:44 AM
a reply to: Rich Z

China is a big part of this mess, as for trusting what makes it through the great firewall of China? It is telling how a few videos of people in China just fainting or dropping was used to push the fear campaign of covid, but as many personalities and presenters are fainting and dropping live on tv its just part of the new normal.

posted on Feb, 24 2023 @ 04:17 AM
Tokyo update Feb. 24 Friday 7 pm.

Nationwide infections:

15/02 (Wed) 16/02 (Thu) 17/02 (Fri) 18/02 (Sat) 19/02 (Son) 20/02 (Mon) 21/02 (Tue)
28,772 (- 12,812)​
21,347 (- 11,622)​
18,606 (- 10,009)​
17,142 (- 10,229)​
14,239 (+ 499)​
7,020 (- 2,403)​
19,202 (- 12,501)​

Nationwide deaths:

15/02 (Wed) 16/02 (Thu) 17/02 (Fri) 18/02 (Sat) 19/02 (Son) 20/02 (Mon) 21/02 (Tue)
213 (+ 13)​
172 (- 51)​
141 (- 51)​
130 (- 51)​
107 (- 30)​
51 (- 42)​
72 (- 63)​

Nationwide Seriously Ill:

15/02 (Wed) 16/02 (Thu) 17/02 (Fri) 18/02 (Sat) 19/02 (Son) 20/02 (Mon) 21/02 (Tue)
258 (- 140)​
254 (- 105)​
232 (- 94)​
221 (- 93)​
220 (- 71)​
223 (- 63)​
226 (- 44)​


15/02 (Wed) 16/02 (Thu) 17/02 (Fri) 18/02 (Sat) 19/02 (Son) 20/02 (Mon) 21/02 (Tue)
1,858 (- 754)​
1,474 (- 699)​
1,272 (- 650)​
1,146 (- 606)​
992 (+ 193)​
510 (- 300)​
1,451 (- 781)

Mask will start to come off on March 8th.

posted on Feb, 26 2023 @ 02:32 PM

posted on Feb, 26 2023 @ 03:41 PM

originally posted by: puzzled2
Has anyone watched the Covid Chronicles Movie

Made by experts.

Is this the final proof of how lockdowns didnot work?

I actually did the Swedish subtitling for it

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