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Corona Virus Updates Part 6

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posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 08:46 PM

edit on Mon Jan 10 2022 by DontTreadOnMe because: Created in error

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 08:53 PM
a reply to: DontTreadOnMe
Wasn't that chart that was doing the rounds, about when each variant 'should' appear, say Omicron wasn't supposed to be here until either March or May? I remember thinking at the time Omicron started, "well you are ahead of schedule by a long chalk".

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 09:01 PM

originally posted by: TheAMEDDDoc
a reply to: angelchemuel

Not really no, only that we botched our chance to stop it quickly through stupid political posturing and uneducated people not understanding the impact. Now we just let nature take its course, fortunately it won’t be too bad.

I don’t get how hard it is for people to understand that immunized hosts, vaccinated, natural, or otherwise drive viruses to mutate just like they drive evolution in eukaryotes. There’s a reason molecular biology isn’t one of the easy sciences. It’s also why investors and people depending on grant money shouldn’t be making these decisions for us.

I’ve seen your posts in the past. You are a smart person
That said, we have never successfully eradicated any airborne RNA viruses via masking, lockdown, leaky vaccine, or hand washing. Especially not ones with readily available mammalian hosts that it seems to easily jump between.
The notion that we could have stopped it is a fallacy in my opinion

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 10:36 PM
a reply to: DontTreadOnMe

Sounds to me like an "under promise / over deliver" campaign so they can come out looking like heroes. (While still reaping exorbitant revenue benefits)

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 10:56 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

That could be it!
I remember the chart, but not the details.

posted on Jan, 11 2022 @ 07:08 AM
a reply to: PeteMitchell

You are correct there, eradication was never the goal though. Or at least I would hope not, driving it to endemic spread should be the goal. Although, we have made influenza viruses go extinct to such an extent that if some old strains did come back, they could be problematic. But that was due to exposure and spread through the population.

It’s just nature doing it’s thing, Coronas will attenuate, they’re just notoriously slow at doing so compared to other RNA viruses since they error check their genomes using ExoN and hide from intrinsic cell defenses using EndoU.

The true test will be when we analyze how the universal mRNA flu vaccine works when it is released. It’s possible, but we are only just approaching that technology wise.

posted on Jan, 11 2022 @ 09:54 AM
a reply to: TheAMEDDDoc

Coronas will attenuate, they’re just notoriously slow at doing so

You're kidding right? (sarcasm) Omicron is here about 4-6 months before it was predicted


posted on Jan, 11 2022 @ 10:25 AM
a reply to: PeteMitchell

When you eliminate all the strategies that have no effect, whatever you're left with, no matter how little effect they do have are what you have to make the best of.

Sure, the mitigating powers of the things you listed are debatable, but imo that doesn't mean you through them out. In fact it means you have to try that much harder when employing them to rings as much protection as possible out of them.

If the virus is real (no matter its source), then surely to fight it we need all of the strategies fighting together. At least the one's you know do more good than harm; i'm still on the fence about the vaccines, as should anyone without prothetic powers be)

posted on Jan, 11 2022 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Lol predictions never work out. It would have been nice if they prevented this thing with science but I guess we’re not there yet. The day will come, they said we couldn’t cure bacteria and other infections. Now it’s changed and it will change again once antibiotics don’t work anymore.

Genetic based therapies are the future, we just need to be absolutely sure we do it correctly or it will just make things worse.

posted on Jan, 11 2022 @ 01:32 PM
Colleague tested negative this morning, he was very happy to do the autotest.
I'd swear he'd done it before.
Not a sniffle or a sneeze when poking the swab up there

(I immediately sneezed 4 times in a row when i did mine for the first time).

He's doing an antigen and PCR test tomorrow before coming into work.
How he's not caught it yet (or all the tests he's done up until now have been wrong) i don't know.
He's apparently been masking up even at home since they're all probably still positive.
Tomorrows another day

edit : Oh, and Yay, we had over 368000 cases in the last 24h.
At least all of our neighbouring countries can use us as a sort of prediction to what could happen there.
Deaths are going up here, i'll post a pic or two later.
Nothing like the previous waves, or especially nothing like the case increase.
just a noticeable trend upwards.

edit on 11-1-2022 by MonkeyBalls2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2022 @ 03:08 PM
So is the UK turning a corner or ?

13% down over the last 7 days.

419,974,364 tests overall and 14,732,594 positive - what's that 3.5% of the population that tested.

96.5% waste of time, effort and money looking for some thing that only made 4.4% end up in hospital
Just testing those sick and in hospital would have saved how much money for giving to protect the vulnerable? 1-2 billion?

- Note these are not all in hospital from Covid-19 but merely with a sars-cov-2 infection. ( NYC currently more than 50% are with not from ) .

posted on Jan, 11 2022 @ 06:22 PM

originally posted by: McGinty
a reply to: PeteMitchell

When you eliminate all the strategies that have no effect, whatever you're left with, no matter how little effect they do have are what you have to make the best of.

Sure, the mitigating powers of the things you listed are debatable, but imo that doesn't mean you through them out. In fact it means you have to try that much harder when employing them to rings as much protection as possible out of them.

If the virus is real (no matter its source), then surely to fight it we need all of the strategies fighting together. At least the one's you know do more good than harm; i'm still on the fence about the vaccines, as should anyone without prothetic powers be)

What they did eliminate was traditional way of attacking and mitigating a pandemic. They eliminated common sense and a collective brain storm power of true science in favor of academics that seem to be too narrow sighted to concern themselves with therapeutics to treat people PRIOR to hospitalization
In fact, I’d contend they ACTIVELY prevented any meaningful progress from happening.
Top it off with horrible messaging to the public, willful deceit in the name of “common good” and an utter failure to have any sort of accountability and the result is they have likely permanently tarnished the entire umbrella of healthcare from scientists, research, practice, and govt health intervention. Will the juice be worth the squeeze?

And I believe masking a healthy or asymptomatic populous does do more harm than good in the social development of our youth and the isolation of the healthy and asymptomatic more damaging to the mental and social well being of society
Neither option has ever been a net benefit or useful
For the sick and symptomatic. Sure

One simply cannot claim the science is changing so fast that what was said yesterday is wrong tomorrow and vice Versa. And then turn around and claim these vaccines are worthy because they are based on the science of a similar virus 2 decades ago.
So which is it, the science changing or are they incompetent or purposely deceitful

Edit: and this isn’t all directed at YOU. I appreciate the conversation. This is just the kind of stuff on my mind over the course of this pandemic
edit on 11-1-2022 by PeteMitchell because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2022 @ 06:33 PM
Tokyo January 11, 2022 Tuesday

A little update and really some REAL bad news for Japanese children, well actually all children around the world.

1. 503 new cases among the US military in Okinawa
2. 31 million seniors 65 and over will be given the 3rd vax this January and February
3. 962 new cases in Tokyo
4. 4 seriously ill in Japan
5. Japan now has APPROVED that children 5 to the age of 12 can NOW be vaccinated ( this saddens me deeply )
6. Japan will keep its boarders closed till the end of February ( so don't hope to come here before then )
7. Okinawans schools will now be closed for one week starting today
8. Yamaguchi prefecture records a record high cases of 143 cases
9. 2 deaths were recorded today

( just in ... in Japan now there are 100 cases that are in critical condition... these people are all in the hospital )


Something happened in this country. The old folks here still remember " don't trust the politicians " because of this :

For me I do NOT trust the crap that is being pushed into us. Life is beginning to suck.

I posted last year that May of 2021 a big change would happen. Didn't really know what it was, but it sure did happen. The whole world started to crack.

Now I will say this, this May something also will happen, of course, everyday something happens, but I'm talking about world govts may start to cooperate on something. I'll keep it personal since I'd rather go with MiM's street talk, but nothing has been said yet that I know of. Just I got another gut feeling , May is going to be the month. And it isn't too far away.

I also said about the woman here , babies are born in April and May. ( Many that is ). Well, today day on the morning news a child was born with a head unusually full of mature hair. Strange I though. Like 2 inches long already.

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 01:03 AM
This is very hard to watch, I only made it half way through.

This is the most racist government initiative I’ve ever seen. WA premier, Mark McGowan had an indigenous elder translate his message from English to “Aboriginal-English.”

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 05:44 AM

originally posted by: TheAMEDDDoc
a reply to: angelchemuel

Lol predictions never work out. It would have been nice if they prevented this thing with science but I guess we’re not there yet. The day will come, they said we couldn’t cure bacteria and other infections. Now it’s changed and it will change again once antibiotics don’t work anymore.

Genetic based therapies are the future, we just need to be absolutely sure we do it correctly or it will just make things worse.

I agree completely! However, as i'm sure you'll agree, releasing experimental antibiotics on the entire world in the space of a year or two wouldn't have been advisable

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 08:44 AM

originally posted by: TheAMEDDDoc
Genetic based therapies are the future, we just need to be absolutely sure we do it correctly or it will just make things worse.

I absolutely Agree Cuz Genomes Trump everything else

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 01:27 PM
There was a new thread today from anonentity about an online chat that took place in sep 2019 predicting a pandemic and warning readers not to accept any vaccines offered in winter 2020, since they'll be full of heavy metals.

Among all the doomporners there's bound to be some taking a punt on a pandemic being the weapon of choice, but the latter part, predicting the timing of the vaccines is pretty chilling. Reason i'm talking about this here, instead of in that thread is because that thread has vanished.

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 02:31 PM
Colleague did both Antigenic and PCR this morning, and both came back negative.
He had his 3rd jab about a month ago, maybe a week or two more.
Triple Pfizer. He's got some diabetes thing which has him almost at the front of the line when jabbing time comes round

His wife's still sick, but better, and his kids are fine, just cooped up all day going nuts.

Here's some Pics for thread relevance.

France's case and death curves for today.
For the Death curve, if its flat, no ones dieing, if its climbing, how steep is the number per day, so really steep is bad, and smooth slope is not bad. Slight uptick I mentioned in last post at the far right.
Our latest cases omicron/delta wave has rendered all of the previous waves much smaller.

From Worldometers

Its also been a while since I posted anything by John Burn-Murdoch, from over at the Financial Times website.
His twitter feed is actually full of charts like these below :

Right click and open the image in a new tab to get the full size.

This is the John Burn-Murdoch twitter thread and his John Burn-Murdoch twitter feed that these two pics above came from.

The Forbes Dude also has a lot of new articles up, if you like reading stuff.
I haven't had time to read them all yet.

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 04:29 PM
For comparison, here's the UK :

and the USA :

posted on Jan, 13 2022 @ 09:20 AM

Researchers at the Statens Serum Institut in Denmark published a pre-print study suggesting that the second doses of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines may increase people’s likelihood of infection after 90 to 150 days. The same study suggested that a third Pfizer shot re-establishes efficacy for an indefinite period.

A large number of so-called breakthrough infections after second doses of vaccines suggest that vaccine clinical trials may have badly miscalculated efficacy rates.
source on medrxiv

So Jab to establish reaction - oopsee Jab weakens you - Jab to put back to normal.

Their conclusion get boosted and fast

Our study contributes to emerging evidence that BNT162b2 or mRNA-1273 primary vaccine protection against Omicron decreases quickly over time with booster vaccination offering a significant increase in protection. In light of the exponential rise in Omicron cases, these findings highlight the need for massive rollout of vaccinations and booster vaccinations.

Fortunately for their studies there is a large control group of unvaccinated for them to test against. With the fines, taxes and pressures the number is getting smaller.

Didn't making the Banana's crop all the same contribute to the loss of the crop a few years back?
Seems a lot of pressure being applied to get jabbed before the majority of people get the sniffles.

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