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Corona Virus Updates Part 6

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posted on Oct, 22 2021 @ 09:50 AM
a reply to: butcherguy

Very odd indeed and more than a little suspicious.

It's impossible to hide deaths at these numbers, so how they're classified is always going to be the target of those with an agenda. This would appeal to be a smoking gun signifying that reclassification is afoot.

Still, though, it doesn't enlighten us as to what that agenda is: to save, or to cull!

Controlling information about deaths from vaccine is a requisite of a culling. But it could just as easily suggest leadership that thinks the vaccine really is the way to save folk and will therefore control the information to prevent bad publicity; ends justifying the means. And if i were privy to intel that convinced me that the vaccine are our best chance, then i'd probably fudge the numbers too to stop people being put off vaccination.

It's the kind of situation in which unless you know the bottom line, then choosing sides and deciding who the villains are is fools errand.

posted on Oct, 22 2021 @ 03:19 PM
Ok, so not to be a 'Debbie Downer' but a new variant has reared it's head, and it doesn't look good.

Meet AY.4.2 aka Delta4-2.

It was 4th or 5th in the list yesterday.
It's already at nearly 9% of cases in the UK in what would seem to be about 2 months.

That means that the vaccine probably isn't going to prevent anything, if not a bad outcome.
The numbers over here have plateau'd, and are starting to go up again.
I hope the Delta4-2 doesn't become widespread, because it will be worse than Delta4, which is doing really, really good.

It would be our 5th wave, over here.

As a reply to Butcherguy and Mcginty,
One of my colleagues was feeling a temp on sunday, went to see the Doc on monday, had a hell's own job to get a covid test (you have to pay here now if you don't have a prescription), and only got one the next day because our companies were right up his arse about it.
We had a lot of people prepared to have to isolate if he was positive.
They just don't seem to be giving tests that easily any more...seems weird to me too.

Anyway, delta4-2 is possibly a b!tch, maybe just infectious and not deadly, but only time will tell.
Better safe than sorry.

edit : Link to List Page
edit on 22-10-2021 by MonkeyBalls2 because: added link

posted on Oct, 22 2021 @ 04:29 PM
Also, the Forbes Guy has some interesting articles, including a more than 10-part thing on Covid iirc.

This Study Finds Children To Be Vectors Of Covid-19 And Emerging Variants
and this
Covid-19 Variation: What Comes Next? The Amazonas Experience
are just the beginning for reading...

on a personal topic,
Just started a new job a couple of weeks ago, completely out of my area of expertise, and so far,
"Jusqu'ici tout va bien
Jusqu'ici tout va bien..."

One hell of a week, being put in charge of the physical network of a large factory which produces medical equipment, Xrays, MRI scanners, the lot, 5 buildings on site, and 3 other sites throughout France.
After 5 days on-site experience.
It's a challenge, for sure

I'm not a network guy. Some wires got crossed, and i'm in charge of something I have little knowledge of.
luckily I am really good at what I do, and have managed so far.
I still have another week to go until the guy I replace comes back from Hols, and then it will be gravy from then on..
Sometimes, sh!t just happens, LOL

edit on 22-10-2021 by MonkeyBalls2 because: added a bit

posted on Oct, 22 2021 @ 08:28 PM
I hope you are doing better today, hopefully you got some sleep. Sorry I cant help you kn medical exemption, I am doing research into it for myself I'm guessing it will be different in every country.
Kia kaha kia maia kia manawanui
Sending you healing thoughts and strength

a reply to: Ektar

posted on Oct, 23 2021 @ 12:22 AM
NEW Amazing COVID-19 Vaccine From EnGENEIC Australia.

Great video talk on the new options for a vaccine

posted on Oct, 23 2021 @ 01:45 AM
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2

If i were to take a flight of the imagination for a moment and 'what if', i does seems to be a recurring pattern that whenever there's a new round of injections to push to the public, there's a dangerous new Covid strain right behind it getting plenty of publicity (as of today on

Add to that this non-publicised push to prevent folk getting tested and you'd be forgiven for thinking that tptb want cases to rise and that along with new strain news pushes many to get the booster jab.

The spanner in that theory, though is that apparently in the UK it's not easy to get the booster - due to low supplies. I'm guessing. However, then again i guess that publicity itself might turn into 'panic buying' making folk want to try and get it now before it runs out. Hmm!

posted on Oct, 23 2021 @ 04:30 AM

originally posted by: MonkeyBalls2...i'm in charge of something I have little knowledge of.

This is a prerequisite for a position in UK Tory cabinet.

Congrats on the new job

posted on Oct, 23 2021 @ 03:19 PM
a reply to: puzzled2

Dr. Been is excellent, he’s pretty much the reason why I got an A in Immunology and Immunopathology in graduate school.

He has some great immunology lectures to prep for medical certification exams, at least I enjoyed them.

posted on Oct, 23 2021 @ 03:28 PM
Strange poke side effect from a friend. His psoriasis that he has been dealing with for 30 years or so and it's been getting worse. Is gone a month after his second shot. He's happy but confused as is his Dr.

Anybody else hear of psoriasis going away??

posted on Oct, 23 2021 @ 03:48 PM

originally posted by: McGinty
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2

If i were to take a flight of the imagination for a moment and 'what if', i does seems to be a recurring pattern that whenever there's a new round of injections to push to the public, there's a dangerous new Covid strain right behind it getting plenty of publicity (as of today on

Add to that this non-publicised push to prevent folk getting tested and you'd be forgiven for thinking that tptb want cases to rise and that along with new strain news pushes many to get the booster jab.

The spanner in that theory, though is that apparently in the UK it's not easy to get the booster - due to low supplies. I'm guessing. However, then again i guess that publicity itself might turn into 'panic buying' making folk want to try and get it now before it runs out. Hmm!

What push to prevent folk getting tested is that?

Couple weeks ago I booked in for a free PCR test next day. Lateral Flow Tests are readily available for free, too.

Panic buying for booster shots? They are free, too?

posted on Oct, 23 2021 @ 05:38 PM
a reply to: mikell

I may be mistaken, but I think psoriasis operates in a similar way to eczema. Cross wires in the immune system (people say ‘overactive’, but is that technically correct?) causing the body to produce too much skin at that location, causing the flakes.

Maybe your friend’s sudden recovery suggests that the vaccine either gives the immune system a kind of tune up, correcting those cross wires? Or more bluntly, could it simply be ‘turning down’ the immune system so it’s too underpowered to notice, or do anything about those phantom calls to grow more skin.

Let’s hope that if there is indeed a connection to the vaccine then it’s the former, since the latter rings those tin foil hat alarm bells about the vaccines crippling our immune systems so that the next ailment you get puts you down for good.

posted on Oct, 23 2021 @ 05:54 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2

originally posted by: McGinty
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2

If i were to take a flight of the imagination for a moment and 'what if', i does seems to be a recurring pattern that whenever there's a new round of injections to push to the public, there's a dangerous new Covid strain right behind it getting plenty of publicity (as of today on

Add to that this non-publicised push to prevent folk getting tested and you'd be forgiven for thinking that tptb want cases to rise and that along with new strain news pushes many to get the booster jab.

The spanner in that theory, though is that apparently in the UK it's not easy to get the booster - due to low supplies. I'm guessing. However, then again i guess that publicity itself might turn into 'panic buying' making folk want to try and get it now before it runs out. Hmm!

What push to prevent folk getting tested is that?

The push described by Butcherguy just 12 post back… here:

originally posted by: butcherguy
I had to go pick up my 16 y/o son from school this morning. He is fully vaxed. He developed a fever (100.6 F), a sore throat, headache and chills while at school. He can't return to school until November 1st.
The interesting part was the paperwork that they sent home with him. He is not to be tested for Covid until 3 days have passed. His pediatrician told me the same thing.
Before the vaccines were in widespread use, they sent everyone for Covid testing right away.
Now they want to keep the 'breakthrough' cases low. If he isn't feeling worse in three days... no covid test needed.

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
Couple weeks ago I booked in for a free PCR test next day. Lateral Flow Tests are readily available for free, too.

The U.K. news I has been running plenty of stories this week about the booster shot roll out being incredibly slow. And reports on BBC radio 4 have interviewees saying that they’ve had the invite, but when they try to get an appointment everything is booked. The main theory presented to explain this was its bad management (new vaccine minister possibly not up to the task) and problems with supply. As usual with the Tories throughout the pandemic they’re being opaque and slippery when challenged.

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
Panic buying for booster shots? They are free, too?

Maybe I should’ve considered that someone would take that analogy literally. My mistake! Next time I’ll make it explicit for everyone.

Indeed the vaccines are free, but the point I was making was that once people think there’s a run on a commodity, then everyone rushes out to get that commodity before it runs out - causing the very run on the commodity that they feared.

posted on Oct, 23 2021 @ 05:56 PM
a reply to: McGinty

There is no cure for psoriasis but he seems to be cured without scars???? Should be good for some grants!!

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 03:08 AM
a reply to: mikell

I’ve had psoriasis a couple of times and had eczema most of my life (pretty bad as a kid). I tore my myself to pierces with eczema - blood in the bed many a morning. Now I’ve skin like a wee baby, no scars at all. The body’s a wondrous machine.

edit on 24-10-2021 by McGinty because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 05:38 AM
a reply to: mikell

I did have a patch of red, itchy skin on my left leg for many years.
It would seem to be psoriasis by the definition of the condition.
Only a small patch (2in by 4 in), basically the contact area below the knee of the left leg when you cross your left leg over your right.
I always thought it was due to crossing my legs for too long whilst seated at work.

it has disappeared since Covid began.
I'm pretty sure it vanished before I got the vaccine, but can't be certain, I just noticed it wasn't there any more one day.
You wouldn't even notice it was ever there at all.

@McGinty : Its a new job, but same employer. So no real benefits, only the downside that most of the time i'm trying to not cock things up

Only got one week to go, and it will all be safe from then on.
Just praying no "emergency" happens, as I would have no idea what to do, but there are 'higher ups' in the US and India that could take over if the poo hits the fan.

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 05:58 AM

originally posted by: butcherguy
Had second Pfizer vaccine about 17 hours ago. Sick as a dog again.

Interesting. I know a whole church congregation of elderly people, with lots of underlying health conditions that have had both Pfizer jabs. Not one congregation congregation far.

So I'm wondering if the ingredients are different in different countries? If so, the question would be why? 🧐

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 06:14 AM

originally posted by: MonkeyBalls2
Ok, so not to be a 'Debbie Downer' but a new variant has reared it's head, and it doesn't look good.

Meet AY.4.2 aka Delta4-2.

It was 4th or 5th in the list yesterday.
It's already at nearly 9% of cases in the UK in what would seem to be about 2 months.

That means that the vaccine probably isn't going to prevent anything, if not a bad outcome.
The numbers over here have plateau'd, and are starting to go up again.
I hope the Delta4-2 doesn't become widespread, because it will be worse than Delta4, which is doing really, really good.

It would be our 5th wave, over here.

As a reply to Butcherguy and Mcginty,
One of my colleagues was feeling a temp on sunday, went to see the Doc on monday, had a hell's own job to get a covid test (you have to pay here now if you don't have a prescription), and only got one the next day because our companies were right up his arse about it.
We had a lot of people prepared to have to isolate if he was positive.
They just don't seem to be giving tests that easily any more...seems weird to me too.

Anyway, delta4-2 is possibly a b!tch, maybe just infectious and not deadly, but only time will tell.
Better safe than sorry.

edit : Link to List Page

Hi, just to help me understand this chart better, why did you say it was delta 4-2 and not any other varients from the list?

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 08:35 AM
a reply to: Albert999

It's being called "Delta Plus" in the UK.
AY.4 is Delta4 variant, and AY.4.2 is the one that is "Delta plus" or "Delta4-2".

It's the one that's going up the list very fast, with respect to the list order "UK Cases in 28 days".
ie, within the last 28 days, it's the fastest climber up the list.
So basically, it's just by observation that I chose to warn about it.

I try and keep an eye on the list, as it's interesting to see which variants are climbing fast, as they are the ones that will probably spread to the rest of Europe, and elsewhere.

In the BBC website article about it, they said it had also been seen in Denmark, but that the cases of it there were dropping now, not increasing.
Definitely one to watch though.

As I said, numbers here have plateau'd, and are staring to slowly go up.
We'll see what the next few weeks bring, as usual, only time will tell which way the wind's blowing

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 02:25 PM

originally posted by: McGinty
a reply to: mikell

I’ve had psoriasis a couple of times and had eczema most of my life (pretty bad as a kid). I tore my myself to pierces with eczema - blood in the bed many a morning. Now I’ve skin like a wee baby, no scars at all. The body’s a wondrous machine.

May I ask you please, did you do something specific to treat your eczema or did you just 'grow out of it'?


posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 03:21 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Around my mid 40s I seemed to have grown out of it. Until then I was prone to flare ups in different locations, like it needed to cover (almost) all the bases. I’m now 50 and (touch wood!) nothing. Thanks for asking

edit on 24-10-2021 by McGinty because: (no reason given)

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