(Woke up in front of TV again last night, 2am)
Some Numbers from yesterday, 9PM BST+1 (GMT+2) :
and the graph for France from this morning :
Numbers here are going up faster than the first time round by the looks of it.
~6100 on thursday, ~7300 yesterday...Sat and Sun are likely to be lower, just because the numbers are always lower at the weekend.
Kids go back to school on tuesday, going to be fun seeing what Public Transport is going to be like...
At work, they were planning on having everyone back by next week, but they have since changed their tone to "Work from home at least 3 days a
Macron said yesterday that he wasn't ruling out another National Lockdown, if it was needed.
Considering our Numbers, it seems we might be incapable of self-distancing adequately.
Still people this week at work gathering in enclosed spaces for coffee and lunch, many without masks.
There has apparently been three cases at work, where the people got their tests done, and then came to work, and when found that they were positive,
went home.
Its mostly a rumour, but I wouldn't put it past anyone at work.
Quite a lot of French workers in Offices feel the need to show that they are either indispensable, or that they come to work no matter if they are ill
or not.
Maybe because a large amount of people are insecure in their jobs, and are afraid of losing their jobs (this was heavily prevalent before Covid),
Covid has just made it much worse.
Frankly, i'm preparing for a complete change of Job.
Better to be prepared, especially in a domain that you are happy with, rather than being placed in a domain you don't like.
edit on 29-8-2020 by MonkeyBalls2 because: spelling and stuff