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Corona Virus Updates Part 6

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posted on Aug, 25 2020 @ 05:08 AM
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2

It’s a thought that’s occurred to me too; could it be possible that this virus is nature’s, or God’s way of cleansing and rebooting?

A great flood that instead of drowning all but a select good family, drowns all but the young. At first glance it may seem perhaps a more merciful mechanism. Why? Because the first flood took out everyone and surely not all the children of the bad would’ve been tainted beyond the chance of being good adults. Does only bad fruit fall from a bad tree? Such metaphors are too simplistic to be an empiric truth of all human souls and their many complexities. When does a ‘bad’ person become ‘bad’? Are bad children redeemable? At what age are they not?

To my mind I can’t think of an answer to these questions that would justify the application of a justice to all in a single sweepIng flood (I’m not saying such reason couldn’t exist, since I don’t know the mind of God, or any greater power, if such was the cause).

In this context of mass extinctions like the great flood its tempting to see a virus that spares the children as perhaps a mechanism for a fresh start for humans. There’s an undeniable elegance in removing only the demographic that wages war, causes suffering by converting wealth and power and destroys the environment In the process that suggests maybe there’s an architect of some kind - God, Nature, an elite in possession of secret vaccine, or even little green men (wasn’t something like this the plot of The X-File 🛸)

But like you I fear the superficial elegance of a mechanism that could potentially leave a world of children...

The Children of the Corn and The Lord of the Flies give us alternative visions of such a utopia of children. In the first they are at a loss of how to continue and rely upon superstition In thrall of sinister forces, instead of conquering them. In ’Flies’ we see that politics of personality, greed and avarice are human frailties that can come to the fore at any age and if left unchecked will dominate.

Humans progress because we learn from our mistakes. Moreover we are taught the most important lessons of love, respect and good will by our own children and in turn we try to show and teach this back to them. Like out parents hopefully gave us, this gives our own children a context and facility to learn - to re-learn - this again from their children. It’s a chain in which every link depends entirely upon those before it. Without this chain before them what kind of adults would children become?

The vast majority of children are sweat, gentle souls, but without adults to protect that innocence wouldn’t that majority be pray for the few that, so sadly life has hardened and damaged. Tragic souls for which life has fostered a grudge and tools to express it. There is no way that I can humble conceive to decide an empiric age that determines a clean slate, since some can be tainted from the earliest time. It’s heartbreaking to think of children as not all innocent and pure, but pragmatism suggests there would be all levels of innocence and damage in these surviving children; some with sharper, harder tools to dictate the shape of these emerging societies.

Instead of adults giving some of these tragic children the chance to leave behind such hardship and damage with some level of peace Inside them, these few would be the one’s that shape the world outside in their image. A tough feudal realm in which the strongest thrive. I fear that such a utopia of children would be a hell for most of them and I prey it will never occur.

It’s a nice dream to imagine a world in which children start afresh and forge societies of love and respect for nature, but the reality would differ. It’s a dream that in truth reveals the guilt for those with means and the utter helplessness of the the rest of us to make a better would for our children.

posted on Aug, 25 2020 @ 05:37 AM
a reply to: tennisdawg

Greetings, tennisdawg! Just wanted to ask how you’re doing. All of us here are rooting for your and hope you’re getting better. Best wishes to you!

posted on Aug, 25 2020 @ 06:42 AM
I spotted this hoax day one I mean these people aren't even
good liars. But then I guess they don't have to be either.

In case you were wondering when we get our country back?
Here's Tucker

posted on Aug, 25 2020 @ 10:55 AM
Seems like taking a vaccine may become a quarterly thing.

Supposedly, he got 1 strain in Hong Kong got mild symptoms and recovered -- Then went to Spain and got a different strain with no symptoms but no symptoms.

So it it good news or bad news - For the Vaccine producers, probably Billions, for those in power more laws more control.

Problem becomes with the backlash when people stop following the mandates, no symptoms or just mild.

Me - seems like it's going to be another Coronavirus in the world, better get healthy and stop buying the sugar and chemicals in processed foods.

posted on Aug, 25 2020 @ 01:41 PM
a reply to: puzzled2

One person in Belgium has been re-infected, as has one in the Netherlands, and one more in Russia.
As you say, the man from Hong Kong caught a different strain the second time round, not the same one again.
The other three, we don't know much yet.
edit on 25-8-2020 by MonkeyBalls2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2020 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: carsforkids

Thanks for the piece from Tucker. He's right, it's a scam. Plandemic is even more accurate.

posted on Aug, 25 2020 @ 05:05 PM
Numbers Update for Europe, and Elsewhere (No BNO) :

New Deaths :

posted on Aug, 26 2020 @ 01:30 AM
So linked before but need to re-read.
Increased Risk of Noninfluenza Respiratory Virus Infections Associated With Receipt of Inactivated Influenza Vaccine

So the Inactivated flu vaccine stopped the flu in the Gold Standard RCT but increased the cases of Noninfluenza Respiratory Virus including the Coronavirus.

So Ireland answer is to encourage ... .The live vaccine for 2-12 years so they can shed Live virus of the flu.

Having trouble on duckduckgo finding confirmation. Does anyone else have info?

Does anyone else have a comment on the study being peer-reviewed and wrong??? hoping so.

posted on Aug, 26 2020 @ 10:45 AM
An Important Vax Warning - Another Must See.

Not sure exactly who is saying this, an Italian doctor. Does sound like a reasoned analysis of the situation. Provides a warning of the vaccination plan.

The long term illness and nanotechnology is something to watch out for with all the lies and corruption going on. To add some analysis, the plan by Bill Gates is for different populations are to have different vaccinations.

posted on Aug, 26 2020 @ 04:55 PM
Numbers Update for Europe, and Elsewhere (No BNO) :

Nu Deaths :

posted on Aug, 27 2020 @ 04:39 PM
Numbers Update for Europe, and Elsewhere (No BNO) :

New Deaths :

posted on Aug, 28 2020 @ 12:24 AM
For those that like to read Low-dose Hydroxychloroquine Therapy and Mortality in Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19: A Nationwide Observational Study of 8075 Participants

For those that like to watch a review by someone.

Seems those that like Evidence Based Medicine i.e. RCT or nothing Failed to properly dose the patients, using known evidence.
They knew before using HCQ its dosing levels and knew the dangers of overdosing yet still overdosed the patients and got the known reactions.
Deliberate failure with disregard for human health or genuine attempt to force the hcq into the lungs??????

posted on Aug, 28 2020 @ 01:18 AM
a reply to: puzzled2

Thanks for posting that. Dr. John Campbell usually follows the establishment line, promote masks and vaccinations. I was a bit surprised to see him getting into HCQ. Found the video was set to private on my feed. It is now public which is good. I did like a lot of the work by John when it first broke out. He was listening a bit too much to the WHO and Fauci, still kept his common sense engaged with some of it. Good to see he is finding some benefit with HCQ.

Latest News of Chen Chu-Shil

Three of the citizen reporters in Wuhan when it broke out have been taken to Tianjin, it is where the lawyers are. They are still detained. One may be looking at a lengthy stay as he called for an uprising against the CCP handling of the situation.

posted on Aug, 28 2020 @ 10:52 AM
Well another interesting approach to defeating a virus - Bile Acid. M ass General Hosp & Weill Cornell Partner with NJ Biotech to Explore use of Synthetic Bile Acid to Combat COVID-19

It Seems this virus got a lot of interest in some Genius's minds and got them thinking in cell - bile relationships. Then the business side of the brain kicked in.

Will this be bad news for Big Pharmaceuticals or will they just do the buy and bury the cheap solutions?

The benefits are, like some other re-purposes treatments, they are not single Virus Strain solutions. As seen recently you can get different strains of covid. Hence need multiple vaccines. So is it only a coronavirus solution or will it prevent other virus replications? Time will tell but won't it be fun if they actually eradicated all virus vaccine requirements with the new treatment protocols.

posted on Aug, 29 2020 @ 04:16 AM
(Woke up in front of TV again last night, 2am)

Some Numbers from yesterday, 9PM BST+1 (GMT+2) :

and the graph for France from this morning :

Numbers here are going up faster than the first time round by the looks of it.
~6100 on thursday, ~7300 yesterday...Sat and Sun are likely to be lower, just because the numbers are always lower at the weekend.

Kids go back to school on tuesday, going to be fun seeing what Public Transport is going to be like...

At work, they were planning on having everyone back by next week, but they have since changed their tone to "Work from home at least 3 days a week".

Macron said yesterday that he wasn't ruling out another National Lockdown, if it was needed.
Considering our Numbers, it seems we might be incapable of self-distancing adequately.
Still people this week at work gathering in enclosed spaces for coffee and lunch, many without masks.

There has apparently been three cases at work, where the people got their tests done, and then came to work, and when found that they were positive, went home.
Its mostly a rumour, but I wouldn't put it past anyone at work.

Quite a lot of French workers in Offices feel the need to show that they are either indispensable, or that they come to work no matter if they are ill or not.
Maybe because a large amount of people are insecure in their jobs, and are afraid of losing their jobs (this was heavily prevalent before Covid), Covid has just made it much worse.

Frankly, i'm preparing for a complete change of Job.
Better to be prepared, especially in a domain that you are happy with, rather than being placed in a domain you don't like.

edit on 29-8-2020 by MonkeyBalls2 because: spelling and stuff

posted on Aug, 29 2020 @ 04:16 PM
Numbers Update for Europe, and Elsewhere (No BNO) :

New Deaths :

posted on Aug, 30 2020 @ 05:03 PM
Numbers Update for Europe, and Elsewhere (No BNO) :

New Deaths :

posted on Aug, 30 2020 @ 05:14 PM

Something for a change - What can we do to help ourselves to avoid the drastic viral problems.

posted on Aug, 31 2020 @ 05:05 PM
Numbers Update for Europe, and Elsewhere (No BNO) :

New Deaths :

So, First day back where there were a lot more people.
More people on the train, not able to distance properly due to the numbers, but not overwhelmed.
School going back tomorrow is going to be a problem, but we'll see.

Today, I saw quite a few people flaunting the rules, in the short times I was out of the office.
Simple rules, to stop the spread, and make this time with f-ing masks as short as possible.
Two people per elevator (There are 3, next to each other)
I saw four people get out at the ground floor, and three people go up.
People talking closely without masks while drinking coffee (to be honest, I think that person believes its all crap).

I'm in early tomorrow, so might miss all the kids.

We are not going to win over this thing, if we can't follow simple rules.
The "Human Factor" rears it ugly head...

posted on Sep, 1 2020 @ 07:23 AM
Gigaohm News: The Morning Report (It's Over, Folks)

J.C. on a bike has com out all called this pandemic over. it is still something to watch like many other medical conditions. It is not the mass killer disease we where all lead to believe. The issues now are more psychological than biological with the mass media fear campaign and censorship on available options.

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