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Data Will Expose the Covid Conspiracy

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posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 01:40 PM

originally posted by: jadedANDcynical
a reply to: M4ngo

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Situation Report – 69 March 29, 2020

634 835 confirmed (63 159)
29 891 deaths (3398)

From the time you pulled your numbers to the time I made this post those figures have updated to:


So we grew 125502 cases and 6971 deaths, that's an increase of 19.769% and 25.923% respectively.

The coronaviruses that cause the common cold are endemic alpha- and betacoronaviruses:

The alphacoronaviruses HCoV-NL63 and -229E and the betacoronaviruses HCoV-OC43 and -HKU1 are established human pathogens. They are responsible for episodes of common cold in humans worldwide (Annan et al., 2016; Graat et al., 2003; Mackay et al., 2012; Owusu et al., 2014; van Elden et al., 2004).

Hosts and Sources of Endemic Human Coronaviruses

Pronunciation /enˈdemik/ /ɛnˈdɛmɪk/

1(of a disease or condition) regularly found among particular people or in a certain area.
‘complacency is endemic in industry today’
‘areas where malaria is endemic’


The virus that causes Covid19 is a new virus to humans, and due to that fact no one has any antibodies for the virus. It is more closely related to SARS and MERS than it is to the common cold:

Other human coronaviruses

MERS-CoV (the beta coronavirus that causes Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, or MERS)
SARS-CoV (the beta coronavirus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS)
SARS-CoV-2 (the novel coronavirus that causes coronavirus disease 2019, or COVID-19)

Human Coronavirus Types - CDC

It is far more transmissible than either SARS or MERS, however.

What's your point?

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 02:45 PM
Miami - Dade County is the current "hot spot" in Florida right now. Out of 3 million people their current confirmed cases are .0544% of their population.

Last year Miami - Dade had 3,720 cases of tuberculosis which is .124% of their population within this same time period. Therefore tuberculosis outpaced corona virus during the same time period. This is more than DOUBLE the cases of Covid-19.

South Florida is now on mandatory lock down now until mid-May.


posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 04:08 PM
a reply to: EnigmaChaser

This all certainly makes one wonder about Pompeo's slip of the tongue addressing the TV cameras, seeming to suggest it might be some kind of exercise?

They used training exercises in 911, Sandy Hook, London and many others. Who knows what evil lurks in the heart of men?

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 04:14 PM
a reply to: Case74282

The governor of Illinois locked this state down after just five people had died of coronavirus.

There were more people murdered in Chicago that day.

There is much more going on than we are aware of.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 06:06 PM
a reply to: EnigmaChaser

Good work and good post.

I agree this hysterical pandemic posturing is all about getting $$$ and changing the laws and economic model.


posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 06:36 PM
Good conversation...and interesting. Just a couple of comments -

1. You will never determine the *real* number of infected unless you test every single person in the world. This is an unrealistic expectation that will never happen.... This is also no different than any other potential disease. The difference here is what is being REPORTED.

2. For the sake of argument, let's say they DID test every single person and determine a figure...would you trust it? I wouldn't... Too many ways that "junk data" could be entered into the system which might skew results.

3. At the end of the day, this really boils down to an emotional response (i.e throwing trillions of dollars at businesses, people, and, yes...special interests) instead of....doing what? What would have been the "logical" approach?

4. A few people have mentioned mass hysteria. There's a lot of legacy research around mass hysteria and manipulation of the masses to create mass hysteria. Has anyone actually made the correlations to support the theory proposed here that this is a contrived event? Don't get me wrong...I *do* believe this virus is genetically modified. I don't believe it just happened on its own in the wild... But that also lends to reasonable questions of "why?," "was it released on purpose?," and "if on purpose, what was the intended strategic outcome?" All of the responses to those questions are ALSO speculative because no one has prove it one way or another.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 07:47 PM
After thinking on this subject more than I need to, and thinking about the data/sequences of events - this is probably what happened/how we got here/ the point of all of this IMO based on my read of the data and the events that surrounded the Covid situation:

- Virus legitimately started in China - probably not a weapon - either from an animal or leaked as an accident. No ill intended.
- US intel picked up word of this Covid virus spread in 2019 and briefed the house intel committee - probably knew a lot more about the virus then than we were told. President also receives these briefings.
- Trump goes out and says "it's no worse than the common flu" - which wasn't BS - it's what he heard in the intel meeting.
- Virus started spreading globally.
- US persons shared intel with Italy and “suggestions” were made (this can be looked into more) about how they should react to the virus - all done under the table.
- Italy bites and played this up hoping for foreign aid because their economy is in shambles while at the same time giving the US an example of “how bad this really is!” They also garner the world's sympathy in the process.
- The liberals on the US Intel committee knew all about this and began planning to play this out in terms of economic damage and discrediting the Trump presidency (and this has to be a BFD because the economy is really good and you just called POTUS a xenophobe for banning travel).
- Those intel committee members mentioned above joined with others in the government and the left-wing controlled media to turn this into a panic - Success! A virus that truly is like the flu (data supported) is into the next humanity ending issue.
- We in the US found our “first case” in ultra-liberal WA, then the most liberal of liberal NYC becomes the epicenter just like everything else that’s bad that happens. Note CA did the same thing but have somehow faired WILDLY better than NYC).
- NYC screams to the country “it’s a war zone! OMFG!” and it gave the governors of the entire left coast a chance to shut down their states. Which they did. And then many more followed because they have go for political reasons.
- Economic activity then shutters and we have literally a record rate of w/w change in unemployment. Bailout package time! So the left via Pelosi already have their plan ready and sure enough they cram all kinds of non-Covid stuff into the bill to forward their agenda. Mission accomplished.
- So now, keep the country locked down via bogus fear mongering from Fauci until May ish. Maybe June. Basically until people are about to lose their # entirely - right up to the brink. It’s Trump’s plan! Side note - watch Italy. If they have riots and deploy the military you can bet that is coming here.
- As expected, the “bail out” doesn’t work as well as people thought (obviously it wont) and suddenly Orange Man Bad again. What, you thought we were sending out million dollar checks? Expectations are way higher than reality for this "bail out" package.
- Dems can now say they would have done more and orange man bad and don’t re-elect orange man.
- voila - campaign platform created, trumps economy shuttered and tons of leftist perks plowed in along the way. WINNING!

And all of this because of the “gang of 8” who sit on the intelligence committee. These people get access to some of our most sensitive intel.

They saw it coming and played it masterfully - even sold their stocks.

And that’s why you’re stuck in your house.

Next steps of the strategy that may be coming our way:
- played up/staged gun violence to create a ban on firearms - bans on sales already under way in some blue states.
- fed pumping money into equity markets and start taking interest in private institutions.
- mandatory shots for every single American once a “vaccine” is found (that’ll be fun)
- national health system and a major reduction patients rights to privacy

Plus more.

This theory makes a hell of a lot more sense to me than what the data as about this being “a pandemic”.

It was just people who knew more than everyone else using the knowledge and data to forward their agenda - and they’re damned good at it.

edit on 30-3-2020 by EnigmaChaser because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 08:25 PM
a reply to: EnigmaChaser

Now you've just jumped the shark...
An "I don't know" would have sufficed....

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 09:37 PM

originally posted by: CIAGypsy
a reply to: EnigmaChaser

Now you've just jumped the shark...
An "I don't know" would have sufficed....

Now - I'm going to say the following leaving (likely) reality and purely as an entering a thought exercise - which all goes back to data....

Apparently, one of the major NY politicians "slipped" and called the current Covid situation an exercise or something to that effect.

What if that's true?

Perhaps this is the "virus" version of the first WTC bombing. Think about it - on the first bombing, we gathered all kinds of data about how people reacted, structural damage, how people reacted to the perpetrator and what we could have gotten away with, etc.

Then 9/11. It was the "exercise" on steroids. And it played out at scale based on learning from the previous exercises - we were able to model the impact very accurately and be very targeted with what we "implemented" e.g. mass surveillance - that served more of a purpose than just tracking terror threats.

That would mean if this is the "bombing" version, the 9/11 version of Covid would be a real, real pandemic that's probably a biological weapon that's reasonably potent and will kill a whole lot of people - particularly those who don't comply with federal orders.

We'll take our learning from the current Covid situation and know based on data how long we can have people live under a stay at home order before they go nuts, how much money we have to give them to make them feel like it's ok, how easily it is to take data and twist it to scare the public - everything. We'll know how many days from day of release of the agent it will be until we roll the guard and military - to the day. All learning gained from the Covid exercise.

If you go one step crazier, the virus would probably be BAD. Like way, way worse than the worst case scenarios of Covid. I'm thinking more like it liquifies your skin in 2 days if you contract it. Really, really bad stuff.

When we deploy the military because "we should have done this last time" they'll be inoculated - largely. Those who are then willing to live in their houses, accept rationed food from the GOV, basically be sheltered until Stockholm Syndrome fully kicks in and those who tried to fight/leave their house/live free will all seemingly die from going outside.

When the dust settles some time later, the death toll will be in the 10s of millions, the economy will be entirely dismembered and the only people left are those who "followed instructions". Thus, you have your compliant study, the state runs everything and our currency is destroyed due to inflation - and everyone is OK with that because they didn't die from the biological weapon.

The government can then take your guns, change immigration laws, take over the health system, run the food supply - everything - and all because they have to as there is basically only a few elites left with money.

The point of all of that being to eliminate the capitalist model, bring us in line with more of the rest of the world and finally derail the one remaining bastion of even a notion of freedom in a country at scale - while also disarming the world's policeman.

And until we figure who "they" are who is behind that... and it's not a dem or a lib - they're puppets... there's little we can do to stop it from happening.

/fantasy story time and back to data

It also dawned on me that most Covid patients probably aren't coming into the ER nearly coded. How do they deteriorate so quickly at hospitals but we never hear of it happening anywhere else? Few stories about people feeling really sick and dying at home relative to the hospital coverage...

So now I'm curious - what's the first few medications (pills/shots/IVs/etc.) that they give a Covid patient when they're admitted and known to have Covid? Is it CDC provided and/or who makes it?

Ok /rant and I'm way out of bounds - spend too much time with numbers today so decided to toss some creativity in here.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 11:09 PM
a reply to: Joneselius

Ill take that wager.

You are afraid, it shines through.

Take a step back.

posted on Mar, 30 2020 @ 11:19 PM

originally posted by: CIAGypsy
Good conversation...and interesting. Just a couple of comments -

1. You will never determine the *real* number of infected unless you test every single person in the world. This is an unrealistic expectation that will never happen.... This is also no different than any other potential disease. The difference here is what is being REPORTED.

Yeah. But the death count will probably be accurate. Everyone who dies dies of some form of lung failure, so even just going off suspected cases, we can get a good count.

Also something like 60% of cases are so mild they don't get reported start to finish. It's like they never happened (including being "like it never happened" from the perspective of the person to whom it did happen.)

2. For the sake of argument, let's say they DID test every single person and determine a figure...would you trust it? I wouldn't... Too many ways that "junk data" could be entered into the system which might skew results.

3. At the end of the day, this really boils down to an emotional response (i.e throwing trillions of dollars at businesses, people, and, yes...special interests) instead of....doing what? What would have been the "logical" approach?

4. A few people have mentioned mass hysteria. There's a lot of legacy research around mass hysteria and manipulation of the masses to create mass hysteria. Has anyone actually made the correlations to support the theory proposed here that this is a contrived event? Don't get me wrong...I *do* believe this virus is genetically modified. I don't believe it just happened on its own in the wild... But that also lends to reasonable questions of "why?," "was it released on purpose?," and "if on purpose, what was the intended strategic outcome?" All of the responses to those questions are ALSO speculative because no one has prove it one way or another.

Clearly the goal was economic meltdown.

A crashed economy is the quickest gateway to a totalitarian takeover.

.......However another possibility is a superpower like Russia wanting to grow its position on the world stage. They start an oil feud with the Saudis right around the same time as a virus gets unleashed on both China and the USA......

And to date, fewer than ten people in Russia have died from it.

Still, I think Bilderbergers is a more likely suspect. All the news outlets that attend that meeting appeared to be ready, on que, with a script, all telling the same story.

They are losing control of the American political system, so "strike while the iron is hot", to get rid of the election system altogether. Stop letting the people decide stuff.

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 12:43 AM
a reply to: M4ngo

It's already widely believed Covid-19 has already made its way through the US many months ago and there will soon be tests that prove this by testing for antibodies.

This is not a new virus.

And if we had regular data reporting on the seasonal and annual flu strains, pneumonia, and tuberculosis as much as we have had on Covid-19 those numbers make Covid-19 look like a drop in a water tower reservoir.

There are more than 200 known virus circulating the planet as we speak. Yet all people continue to do is let the mainstream media pump them full of fear.

Fear is a control mechanism.

The OP came up with the single best title to a thread on Covid-19 as it will surely be the data that exposes what an absolute and complete hoax this fear campaign is, has been, and will continue to be 18 months from now.
edit on 31-3-2020 by Case74282 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 02:35 AM

originally posted by: EnigmaChaser

originally posted by: UKTruth
Erm, Oregan only has 411 positive tests and 11 dead.
It's not surprising thy are doing OK.

Correct. So why are they wanting another 1000 hospital beds and causing fear amongst the populace?

Can’t control them if they’re not scared. If you tell the truth, they won’t be scared, and you can’t control them.

That is exactly where this stands.

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 04:53 AM
a reply to: yeahsurexxx

You're on. I'm not afraid in the slightest, being a weight lifter and all round healthy person who takes all the necessary vitamins daily, a none drinker or smoker, I don't worry much about virus'.

The vast majority of people do not look after their health, Covid will slay those people with weak immune systems.

The reason the lockdown is necessary is because it will actually help the hospitals. The hospitals, if covid was to run rampant, would be totally overwhelmed and lost.

I know nurses and health professionals and they're ALL in a serious state. They're overworked and making death calls already, but hey, the lockdown is totally unnecessary. Such a selfish mindset.

Its not fear that makes me speak like this, its love for my neighbour.

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 08:31 AM
This is a completely unreported fact in the US right now. It's absolutely relevant and no one discusses it. There is a literal epidemic right now in this country of FLU. Most folks who are going for testing with ' covid' symptoms are getting negative tests because they have' just the flu'. It must mean something. I posted this in another thread a few days ago but it's meaningless in certain circles.

''Based on National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) mortality surveillance data available on March 26, 2020, 7.4% of the deaths occurring during the week ending March 7, 2020 (week 11) were due to P&I. This percentage isabove the epidemic thresholdof 7.3% for week 11.''
''CDC estimates that so far this season there have been at least 39 million flu illnesses, 400,000 hospitalizations and 24,000 deaths from flu.''
''rates for the U.S. population overall are higher than most recent seasons and rates for children 0-4 years and adults 18-49 years are the highest CDC has on record for these age groups, surpassing rates reported during the 2009 H1N1 pandemic. Hospitalization rates for school-aged children (5-17 years) are higher than any recent regular season but remain lower than rates experienced by this age group during the pandemic.''

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 08:38 AM

originally posted by: schmae
This is a completely unreported fact in the US right now. It's absolutely relevant and no one discusses it. There is a literal epidemic right now in this country of FLU. Most folks who are going for testing with ' covid' symptoms are getting negative tests because they have' just the flu'. It must mean something. I posted this in another thread a few days ago but it's meaningless in certain circles.

''Based on National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) mortality surveillance data available on March 26, 2020, 7.4% of the deaths occurring during the week ending March 7, 2020 (week 11) were due to P&I. This percentage isabove the epidemic thresholdof 7.3% for week 11.''
''CDC estimates that so far this season there have been at least 39 million flu illnesses, 400,000 hospitalizations and 24,000 deaths from flu.''
''rates for the U.S. population overall are higher than most recent seasons and rates for children 0-4 years and adults 18-49 years are the highest CDC has on record for these age groups, surpassing rates reported during the 2009 H1N1 pandemic. Hospitalization rates for school-aged children (5-17 years) are higher than any recent regular season but remain lower than rates experienced by this age group during the pandemic.''

I'm guessing most of these prior "flu" hospitalizations were actually COVID-19. I think it's been around for about six months now.

I think there are a lot of negative tests because there is a large portion of the population who will sneeze once and then run to get testing. They talk up their symptoms in order to get the test - remember a positive test gets you a month of almost paid sick leave.

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 09:08 AM
Wouldn't the cdc numbers be from positive flu tests?
Yes, everyone we know was sick as could be from Nov - Jan. Tests negative for flu.
We had coughing injuries that had to be adjusted by the chiropractor. The coughing
went on and on and on.
I wonder if any of the negative Covid tests subsequently test positive for flu or if they just go
home and don't bother knowing what they actually had.
edit on 31-3-2020 by schmae because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 09:25 AM

originally posted by: bloodymarvelous
Yeah. But the death count will probably be accurate. Everyone who dies dies of some form of lung failure, so even just going off suspected cases, we can get a good count.

Also something like 60% of cases are so mild they don't get reported start to finish. It's like they never happened (including being "like it never happened" from the perspective of the person to whom it did happen.)

I think the OP's message, though, is all about the ratios. Mortality rate = x/y where 'x' is the number of people who died over the number of total infected or 'y'. The mortality rate % shrinks as 'y' grows, as long as 'x' doesn't exponentially grow with it. The OP is claiming that the figures for 'y' may not be realistic because the only data we have are the number of CONFIRMED reports and not the number of ACTUAL infections.

While his point is valid, my point is that we *never* have the number of actual infections for *any* illness.

originally posted by: bloodymarvelous
Clearly the goal was economic meltdown.

A crashed economy is the quickest gateway to a totalitarian takeover.

.......However another possibility is a superpower like Russia wanting to grow its position on the world stage. They start an oil feud with the Saudis right around the same time as a virus gets unleashed on both China and the USA......

And to date, fewer than ten people in Russia have died from it.

This is possible, however Russia and China are close allies. If Russia were going to strategically target the US, they would have released it here or in Europe....not in a friendly country. If this was genetically modified, it was done by the Chinese or the US. If the Chinese did it, it's a crap shoot whether it was released intentionally or by accident.

Another idea to speculate is that whomever released it has a cure or a vaccine.... That's not to say that industry-at-large wont' eventually find either a cure or a vaccine, but that point is irrelevant to the crashed economy or the people who died beforehand.

originally posted by: bloodymarvelous
Still, I think Bilderbergers is a more likely suspect. All the news outlets that attend that meeting appeared to be ready, on que, with a script, all telling the same story.

They are losing control of the American political system, so "strike while the iron is hot", to get rid of the election system altogether. Stop letting the people decide stuff.

An emotional "boogeyman" response. People love to blame Bilderbergers for everything. Bilderberg is the essence of capitalism at its core. A crashed economy is everything that Bilderbergers fear and try to prevent.

Just ask yourself this question - who benefits from a growing and roaring America? Who benefits from an America with a crippled economy and people unable to leave their homes? It isn't the Bilderberg.

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 09:26 AM

originally posted by: schmae
Wouldn't the cdc numbers be from positive flu tests?
Yes, everyone we know was sick as could be from Nov - Jan. Tests negative for flu.
We had coughing injuries that had to be adjusted by the chiropractor. The coughing
went on and on and on.
I wonder if any of the negative Covid tests subsequently test positive for flu or if they just go
home and don't bother knowing what they actually had.

I've often speculated whether the COVID tests are positive for *any* coronavirus and not just COVID-19....

posted on Mar, 31 2020 @ 10:16 AM

originally posted by: CIAGypsy

originally posted by: schmae
Wouldn't the cdc numbers be from positive flu tests?
Yes, everyone we know was sick as could be from Nov - Jan. Tests negative for flu.
We had coughing injuries that had to be adjusted by the chiropractor. The coughing
went on and on and on.
I wonder if any of the negative Covid tests subsequently test positive for flu or if they just go
home and don't bother knowing what they actually had.

I've often speculated whether the COVID tests are positive for *any* coronavirus and not just COVID-19....

Supposedly the test works only for CoV19, and if you want to check for 4 others there's and older different test kit.

this website sells them, the link to the CoV19 test is there.

It explicitly stated the 19 test is geared to identify it explicitly and the other broad test won't identify it.

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