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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -XXV-

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posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 08:45 PM
Corona, it's not all bad news...

Hundreds of journalists are being laid off, right when the public needs them the most

Like, they all can't work from home... behind a keyboard.🤔

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 08:46 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

Catching up, but that looks photoshopped. Zoom in on the text, you can see artifacts around it where it should be normally Pixelmator.

ETA: I see it's been mentioned already.
edit on 3/27/2020 by imthegoat because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 08:55 PM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

BTW, still hoping that user OsirianObsidian could elaborate on this idea of water being used to teleport objects...
We are told to "watch the water" after all and it could almost be considered un-kosher to sorta tease people with information like that and not elucidate. Is this supposed to be something we find ourselves, or are you gonna tell us? (I don't mean any offense here) This is always the problem I've had with esoterica in regards to this thread. We are supposed to be promoting an awakening. If you have information, please share.


Anyone who plays with Gematria, and hasn't yet, should plug in "watch the water" to the calculator. Check the top result.

edit on 27-3-2020 by PioneerFigureSkating because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 08:58 PM
a reply to: CanadianMason

No linky...

Saw it here

edit on 27-3-2020 by CoramDeo because: TTT

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 09:00 PM
Anyone mention this weirdness yet?

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 09:01 PM
Another take on watch the water could be that it was pointing to this forced opportunity of self reflection as the climax of the great awakening.

After all, water was the original source of a mirror/looking glass.

but I second the invitation for more information about that teleportation through water phenomenon 👍🏽

a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 09:02 PM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

In 'English' and 'Simple' gematria, the top result for "watch the water" is, "Coronavirus".

In the 'Jewish' gematria, the top result for the same phrase is, "Congratulations You Figured It Out".

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 09:03 PM

originally posted by: elementalgrove

originally posted by: crankyoldman
Day 250 of the Q-uarantine, how are you spending it Cranky? Well, thanks for asking...

For decades one of the most frustrating things about the waking process is the fact that average folks simply cannot grasp that others have motivations different then theirs.

I see it so much in the Anon world with professional hypocrisy spotters saying "how come they do this, if the are supposed to do that?" Endless outrage over the "elite" or whomever doing things that are not "constitutional" or "lawful" or "moral" and bearing little resemblance to our beliefs of what should be done.

Folks simply cannot grasp this truth: Some are not like us. They are fundamentally different in almost every way.

So I thought a visual might help. I am NOT saying these Q-players are actually these races, but I am having Q-uarantine fun with the idea of finding a visual that represents this notion of cosmic differences in motivation.

Taking it a tiny step further. There are many factions, many agendas, many dark motivations all happening at once. We are seeing them all go at each other in an effort to survive what cannot be stopped.

I have been absent from this forum for a very long time.

What I have grown to appreciate is people like you, who have showed up time and time again to share your unique and well informed perspective to assist in waking up people who are seeking answers.

I would like to commend you and everyone else who has been present along this journey of awakening. We are entering a very critical time and it is wise that we all do our part. I suppose realizing this has led me to weigh in with my opinion on these matters.

What we are witnessing now is unprecedented, dark is coming into the light. Conspiracy is no longer conspiracy is it a blatant fact. Now more then ever we need to have the optimistic understanding or belief, that there truly is far more good people then evil. And fortunately for all of us, the good have been fighting a silent war, with no expectation of recognition.

We are experiencing the GREAT AWAKENING, it is the time for us to understand the lies we were fed.

Cranky, I have appreciated your input from day one, thank you for all of your time and effort!!

To the rest of the ATS fam that I have not been present with, I hope you have been blessed with growth, strength and the ability to reflect in these trying times. I can say that for myself, it has been difficult and continues to be. I do believe that sharing my opinion in this forum is vital to my path.

EG! It has been a while. Clearly you're feeling it.

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 09:04 PM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

BTW, still hoping that user OsirianObsidian could elaborate on this idea of water being used to teleport objects...
We are told to "watch the water" after all and it could almost be considered un-kosher to sorta tease people with information like that and not elucidate. Is this supposed to be something we find ourselves, or are you gonna tell us? (I don't mean any offense here) This is always the problem I've had with esoterica in regards to this thread. We are supposed to be promoting an awakening. If you have information, please share.


Anyone who plays with Gematria, and hasn't yet, should plug in "watch the water" to the calculator. Check the top result.

Ha! And the bonus Hebrew (2211): "Congratulations you figured it out"

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 09:05 PM
a reply to: CoramDeo

Yeah, sorry. I always forget to add the link from Twitter. You can copy and paste it but, you're right; it would be easier if I just put the link in. Thanks!

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 09:08 PM

originally posted by: RadioRobert

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

BTW, still hoping that user OsirianObsidian could elaborate on this idea of water being used to teleport objects...
We are told to "watch the water" after all and it could almost be considered un-kosher to sorta tease people with information like that and not elucidate. Is this supposed to be something we find ourselves, or are you gonna tell us? (I don't mean any offense here) This is always the problem I've had with esoterica in regards to this thread. We are supposed to be promoting an awakening. If you have information, please share.


Anyone who plays with Gematria, and hasn't yet, should plug in "watch the water" to the calculator. Check the top result.

Ha! And the bonus Hebrew (2211): "Congratulations you figured it out"

I think that our new friend here may be able to help us more than simply saying water is a veil. Lets hear more, please.

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 09:14 PM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

C'mon, Quantum mechanics 101 don't ya know.

IDK, but came across this article...

Physicists Just Achieved Quantum Teleportation Underwater For The First Time

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 09:20 PM
DJT Tweet

Maggie 6:05

Maggie 10:05:51

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 09:25 PM
I saw that today but I have'nt listened. Some of the lyrics printed in the article make it sound like Bob Dylan might regret selling his soul, I'm sure there's a lot of that going around!

Murder most foul last verse-

What is the truth, and where did it go?
Ask Oswald and Ruby, they oughta know
"Shut your mouth," said a wise old owl
Business is business, and it's a murder most foula reply to: RadioRobert

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 09:45 PM
AP Sources: Alleged Maduro Co-Conspirator Is in DEA Custody

Four people familiar with the case say a retired Venezuelan army general indicted alongside Nicolás Maduro has surrendered in Colombia and is being taken by Drug Enforcement Administration agents to New York for arraignment.

Recall the largest bust in CBP history...

Ship seized in $1.3 billion coc aine bust is owned by JP Morgan Chase

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 09:51 PM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating
Plugging in "Watch to water" to the carnal revenge oriented side my brain yields,

"Keep your eyes on the Hospital Ships".

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 09:55 PM
Might be possible that before we get back to work we will need to get a flu shot. Extra precaution, Mandatory adult vaccinations will begin. Cold be their solution until a Covid-19 vaccine is ready.

That would start this all over again.

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 10:00 PM
Nicolas Maduro should have known better than to challenge the global reserve currency, foolish.

Venezuela publishes oil prices in Chinese currency to shun U.S. dollar
Hugo never got the memo either.

Late socialist leader Hugo Chavez during his 14-year rule repeatedly vowed to back away from the dollar, which he said was being printed indiscriminately and was destined to lose its place as the world’s dominant currency.

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
AP Sources: Alleged Maduro Co-Conspirator Is in DEA Custody

Four people familiar with the case say a retired Venezuelan army general indicted alongside Nicolás Maduro has surrendered in Colombia and is being taken by Drug Enforcement Administration agents to New York for arraignment.

Recall the largest bust in CBP history...

Ship seized in $1.3 billion coc aine bust is owned by JP Morgan Chase

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 10:01 PM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

I'll try to explain it.

Hermeticism (teachings of Hermes Trismegistus, became known as the Egyptian god Thoth - inventor of alchemy, writing and pretty much every ancient technology) teaches the following:

1. The Principle of Mentalism - the All (God) is Mind, the Universe is Mental

2. The Principle of Correspondence - As above, so below. As below, so above

3. The Principle of Vibration - Nothing rests; everything moves, everything vibrates

4. The Principle of Polarity - Everything is dual; Everything has poles; Everything has its pair of opposites; Like and unlike are the same; Opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; Extremes meet; All truths, are but half-truths; All paradoxes may be reconciled

5. The Principle of Rhythm - Everything flows, out and in; Everything has its tides; All things rise and fall; The pendulum swing manifests in everything; The measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; Rhythm compensates

6. The Principle of Cause and Effect - Every cause has its effect; Every effect has its cause; Everything happens according to law’ Chance is but a name for law not recognized’ There are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law

7. The Principle of Gender - Gender is in everything; Everything has its masculine and feminine principles; Gender manifests on all planes

The first law supersedes the second law, the second law supersedes the third law and so on. These laws are universal and are applicable across all religious faiths (or even if you aren't religious, they still apply to the universe). Since the first principle states that the entire universe is mental, what it means is this: your reality is literally created by your thoughts.

"Lord, if it's you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water."

"Come," he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.

But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!"

Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?"

So...if your will power is strong enough, you can create whatever reality you wish. Satanists and other black magic practitioners use blood magic because the ritualistic act of consuming the life force of another human being (or their own blood, if they are desperate) acts as a kind of magic talisman that validates the sincerity of their desire. The greater the request in terms of power, the more power must be harvested to balance the scale.

It's not the adrenochrome that gives them's the thought of adrenochrome that gives them power.

Those entities that vibrate at a lower frequency to us - most would call them demons - feed on negative energy. They feed on pain and suffering, which is why blood and tears are the currency by which they are paid. They are bound to the physical plane.

On the flip side of that, prayer....genuine, heartfelt prayer, not repetitious words spoken by the power of the forces of light. Tears shed in repentance for transgression.

The weaker your connection to spirit, the more ritualised magic (meaning, intervention from the spirit world) - the Lord's Prayer is one such ritual - is required. It's why the Catholic Church has a lot of rituals during mass.

The most powerful magic is ceremonial magic. I've read the Lesser Key of Solomon, and most of it is reciting certain verses from Psalms and ritualised bathing...but its designed to get the practitioner in the correct mental space for the work.

"Then the disciples came to Jesus in private and asked, "Why couldn't we drive it out?"

He replied, "This kind can come out only by prayer.""

Why water? Earth to water, water to air, air to fire. Earth/pentacles is the physical plane, water/cups is the emotional plane (think tears), air/swords is the mental plane and finally fire/wands is the spiritual plane. To transmute a physical object, water must be used.

Actually, there's no reason at all why those cups have to be filled with water...they might actually be tears. I'm not sure how deep into this stuff celebrities are, though. I've always considered them to be pretty low grade when it comes to spiritual technology.

It doesn't matter if you don't believe in this stuff. These guys believe in it very, very much, and that's what makes them dangerous.

If you want to learn more about who you are dealing with, see the post below.

edit on 27-3-2020 by OsirianObsidian because: Changed formatting

edit on 27-3-2020 by OsirianObsidian because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 10:04 PM
Now this is that priceless moment....if we are strong....get to hear! Lost 2 marriages and my last love to this evil white shyite!! Great win!!!

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
AP Sources: Alleged Maduro Co-Conspirator Is in DEA Custody

Four people familiar with the case say a retired Venezuelan army general indicted alongside Nicolás Maduro has surrendered in Colombia and is being taken by Drug Enforcement Administration agents to New York for arraignment.

Recall the largest bust in CBP history...

Ship seized in $1.3 billion coc aine bust is owned by JP Morgan Chase

edit on 3/27/2020 by NopolleyAnNa because: (no reason given)

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