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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -XXV-

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posted on Mar, 23 2020 @ 11:05 PM
a reply to: Sabrechucker

It was Rex Tillerson - Q892 RT?

posted on Mar, 23 2020 @ 11:06 PM

originally posted by: elDooberino
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

This one blew my mind. I think they've hacked the simulation!
His name is Kuester. Pronounced "Q-ster". He says it at the beginning of the FB video. I wonder if his friends call him Q for short?

Also, the rabbit (with the blue and red pills) bares a striking resemblance to the adrenochrome molecular structure. Crazy stuff

Yeah man, no doubt. Lots of stuff lining up suggesting things are pretty much exactly as 0311 says they are. The white rabbit is a reference to the adrenochrome.

posted on Mar, 23 2020 @ 11:09 PM
Q3898: The 'Start' started with [Movie 1] back on Aug 19, 2018 with Q1928/1929.


Dec 5 2017 16:01:30 (EST)
Key - unlocks the door of all doors (info)
Stone - the force / strength capable of yielding power to act on info


Nov 20 2017 13:12:14 (EST)
POTUS opened the door of all doors.
Expand your thinking.
What is the keystone?

posted on Mar, 23 2020 @ 11:16 PM
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan

Well I've got a lot of digging to do then. These Q threads are intimidating in the amount of information/rabbit holes being thrown our way. I'll take your advice and start with NXIVM.

posted on Mar, 23 2020 @ 11:29 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
I don't know why some Q followers say they want to "Red Pill" average people, then spout off a sentence like this:

"1600 LDS missionaries just returned back to SLC"


Does anyone know what Ms. Star is announcing?

Mormon missionaries recalled back to Salt Lake City.

posted on Mar, 23 2020 @ 11:31 PM


posted on Mar, 23 2020 @ 11:47 PM


edit on Tue Mar 24 2020 by DontTreadOnMe because: Please do not link to paywall bypasses!

posted on Mar, 23 2020 @ 11:52 PM
Just prepping the usual decodes on Q3896 to Q3898 but this stuck out immediately re Q3897:

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 0cbc83 No.8537834 📁
Mar 23 2020 18:31:36 (EST) NEW📁
PREVENT [[D] party destruction] BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
These people are sick!
Nothing can stop what is coming.

Timestamp/Delta2Acronyms gives:


QO=Q0=Q+? GO order?

posted on Mar, 23 2020 @ 11:53 PM
West Virginia shutting down with just 20 positives and over 600 negatives.

West Virginia issues stay-at-home order

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 12:10 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Regarding UK, this Dr has an alternative hypothesis.
"Dr Vernon Coleman explains the hidden agenda behind the coronavirus hysteria." Anyone remember "Logan's Run"?🙄

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 01:20 AM
A couple of possible insights from Warrior posts tonight using their timestamp, time delta and CAPS only simple gematria methods:

Post 1 at 19:46:
Q1946 - mentions PS/XBOX chat logs then Xbox live goes down
Q619 - Stage Must be Set before Prosecuting Big Names
Q1957 - Attempts to Re-write History of WWI/WWII
Q68 - Harvard University Alumni Assoc

Post 2 at 22:14:
Q2214 - Castle LOCK
Q228 - USA/SA/GER/PAK leadership change? 40,000ft. (8, 7, 6, 5......).
Q2800 - Anon Locates the UK Surveillance Camera Surveying the Corinthia Hotel
Q892 - RT (Surveillance photo of car in China, mentioned earlier this evening here by Sabrechucker)
Q40 - Donald J Trump 4,10,20 A,b,c,d,e......

Coincidence? That's a Heineken "Probably..."

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 01:42 AM
a reply to: Serdgiam

like hearing an echo of Pan's shout from the collective milieu.

A primal scream from the collective unconscious.


posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 01:49 AM
DECODE ID 25RSH200323001D - Usual decodes on Q3896 - I won't include post text or the decodes wont fit in post!

Q18 Mueller and POTUS Meeting
Q229 Red Cross Stringer (Long Post of ACTION COMMANDS) mostly "_FREEDOM-"
Q542 Fight, Fight, Fight. DEMAND public disclosure. BE LOUD. BE HEARD. This is just the beginning. 2018 WILL BE GLORIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Q613 Military Detention of US Citizens
Q1813 Infiltration.
Q1869 Seattle Plane Crash / Ketron Island Mystery
Q2041 POTUS Calls for Hearing on FISA Court Fraud and Potential Criminal Referrals
Q2080 Traitor: John McCain Senator for ISIS and Muslim Brotherhood
Q2313 This Evil Must Be Destroyed
Q3013 In the News: John Huber Investigating Clinton Foundation and Uranium One Scandal
Q3513 Next week Change of DNI, Coates Gone, Declass of Docs, Durham news

Chess moves Method (Queen and Knight cover all pieces moves):

Q2518 China is the Primary Threat, Not Russia
Q3336 Trump Gives AG Barr Authority to Declassify Documents Related to 2016 Campaign Surveillance
Q3468 Department of Justice Opens Antitrust Probe into Big Tech / Social Media
Q3514 Videos of Obama Talking About His Kenyan Roots "First Sitting American President to Come From Kenya"
Q3620 Q Suggests PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) Has Non-disclosed Vulnerabilities / Backdoor (Access Granted)
Q3625 Senate, DHS and Government Affairs Committee Investigating Obama Admin, Burisma & Ukraine
Q3627 Future trip(c) re_verify: Notebook Pen Watch Desk —————— Anon interaction coming soon.
Q3782 Castle Clean
Q3783 Emails Expose What Obama Admin Knew about Bidens and Burisma
Q3784 DECLAS CoC: POTUS > Barr > Durham [[F] classified intel provided [FVEY - Non FVEY] as needed] Does Durham want to hold [freeze] 'public' declas due to criminal nature of the probe(s)? Think GJ material. Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing. Slow drip > Flood
Q3897 D's Adding No Voter ID and Anonymous 'Ballot Harvesting' to Corona Virus Bill
Q3898 Spygate Could Make Watergate Look Like A Third-Rate Burglary

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 01:56 AM

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 02:05 AM
a reply to: Creep Thumper

Oh boy. If the Prussians are bringing Bavarian beer, the world really is upside-down ...


posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 02:14 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

DECODE ID 25RSH200323002D - Usual decodes on Q3897 - I won't include post text or the decodes wont fit in post!

Q51 We hear all Americans such as yourself. The time has come to take back our great land. The time is now.
Q115 Obama Flushed Out
Q424 Fully operational. Resolved.
Q488 God bless Patriots.
Q631 Edward Snowden: Who assigned him w/ foreign ops? Why is this relevant? Future unlocks past. Watch the news. Spider web. Stop taking the sleeping pill.
Q1305 John McCain Announces Retirement, Senator Graham sings about Jim Comey
Q1741 Welcome to the no borders, pro pedo, destroy ICE, socialist movement - Antifa (arm of Democratic Party).
Dark to LIGHT.

Q1831 POTUS Roasts Corrupt & Evil Hillary Clinton at Catholic Charity Event
Q2331 Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R) Subpoenaes Glen Simpson from Fusion GPS
Q3031 Interview With FBI’s Gaeta, Central to Russiagate, Among 53 Transcripts Slated for Release
Q3531 How the Deep State Operates: Those Who Take the $$$ Are Offered More Powerful/Controlled Positions

Chess move Method linked posts:

Q3337 Carter Page FISA is Public; Others Are Still Classified (Sen. Ted Cruz?)
Q3469 Ray Chandler and Jeffrey Epstein Used Modeling Agencies to Identify Targets for Sexual Abuse
Q3515 Redrop: Why Did Obama Call Himself a Renegade?
Q3621 Vindictive Vindman is the “Whistleblower’s” Handler
Q3626 General Flynn Was Targeted and Silenced Because He knew Too Much
Q3783 Emails Expose What Obama Admin Knew about Bidens and Burisma
Q3784 DECLAS CoC: POTUS > Barr > Durham [[F] classified intel provided [FVEY - Non FVEY] as needed] Does Durham want to hold [freeze] 'public' declas due to criminal nature of the probe(s)? Think GJ material. Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing. Slow drip > Flood
Q3785 "What storm, Mr. President?" "You'll see!" - POTUS
Q3896 The CHINA Virus
Q3898 Spygate Could Make Watergate Look Like A Third-Rate Burglary

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 02:21 AM
You are right of course.

The Sun will eventually expand out to Mars and the Earth will be consumed.

Since we have had the flood and God promised not again, then I bet the CA coast doesn't dive so hard. It will likely split geographically but not be totally destroyed and under the ocean.

There is evidence of repeated events that wipe the Earth of most living things. Maybe no big floods again that clean the Earth and the Juan DeFuca fault just keeps plodding slowly into the San Andres fault and not break off huge chunks. That tsunami would be unimaginable if the predictions ever came true on Cali.

originally posted by: Creep Thumper

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
a reply to: ColdWisdom

all that's submerged will reemerge as the earth expands to make room for new land mass

And the Tsunami of an Eon will hit too. I am leaning toward that this is what is repeatedly wiping off the face of the Earth of millions of species in one event.

Supposedly, God promised he wouldn't do that again, but I also heard the next wipeout will be by fire.

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 02:27 AM
Oregon is screwed.

Coronavirus model sees Oregon hospitals overwhelmed by mid-April; 'point of no return' for intervention to work: March 24-29

They're already almost out of PPE, and Oregon is yet to apex.

First paragraph of the article though

PORTLAND, Ore. — “The storm is coming,” Gov. Kate Brown said over the weekend in a plea for Oregonians to stay home to help prevent the further spread of the novel coronavirus.

Thought it was funny 😉

ETA: Link to Covid Act Now for model
edit on 3/24/2020 by imthegoat because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 02:34 AM
a reply to: 0311Warrior

Always good to hear from a Marine.

Stay on top of them. No ratlines this time.



posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 02:38 AM
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan

- 15 days of shelter in place may force some to bolt or cave in to their addictions.

"Shelter in place" is a good way of protecting one's kids if the a-chrome freaks try to jump-start a new supply chain.


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