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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -XXV-

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posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 06:17 PM
a reply to: AgarthaSeed

The media, along with Democrat leaders in several Industries, and state Governor's offices, along with liberal hospitals, combined to ruin the country's economy, and broadcast everything bad that they could dream up in order to Stage a coup against President Trump.

If Democrats had a candidate that was reasonably expected to give President Trump a run for his money this November, almost none of the economic impacts, or media hype we're going through now, would be occurring.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 06:20 PM
a reply to: AgarthaSeed

Odd that the sex of ONE of the NYC victims is "Unknown".

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 06:26 PM
Just my opinion, for the record as we head into the next two weeks, aka the APEX.

President Trump has been under attack from day one, actually even before that.
His current battle against COVID-19, and the forces exploiting it, became untenable the day the NBA announced they were postponing their season and the NCAA March Madness followed and so on and so forth. Quite remarkable news and unexpected to most. This pandemic has been carefully managed from dark global cabal with roots far deeper than we'll ever know.
Regardless of whatever Trump felt he had no choice but to shutdown the economy, he lost the news cycle and was cornered. I can only imagine the angst and pain but he had no other choice.
When Trump saw an opening to bring hope he was slammed for offering false hope and when he suggested, at least partially, reopening the economy on Easter he was lambasted for putting the his economy over the sick and dying. He was unable to make the case that the our economy and our lives are intertwined.
Sun Tzu said-to know your enemy, you must become your enemy and at this point our president has to remember that he will have another day, another opportunity, but he must stand fast with the "doctors" recommendations for now. When the time comes he will part ways and move in his own direction but now is not the time. Trump needs to see the Apex through. We will all remember where we stood at this hour, I stand with President Trump, the evil forces behind the exploitation and hate for our country cannot win.

I may be wrong but I do not see this coronavirus bringing down Trump.

I refuse to abandon President Trump in this most critical hour, I would rather go down with the ship, a la fin.
He has done nothing to dissuade my support.
I, as you, will continue to support him and believe in him because he has accomplished so much and still has much more to do. Trump is not an insider and he is all in, that is unquestionable.
I, along with most everyone else, want my life back from this crisis, a crisis that started out projecting 2.2 million potential US deaths now down 100k to 240k potential US deaths all projected to apex in the coming weeks.

If the initial models projected 100k-240k potential US deaths would Trump have been forced to shut down our economy?

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: Creep Thumper

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
52% of all US CV deaths are in 2 states (NY/NJ).

75% of all US CV deaths are in 7 states.

6 of those 7 continue to lead in # deaths each day.

NY/NJ are the Italy/Spain of the USA.

USA at 22 CV deaths per 1m population.

As those top 7 states manage the pandemic, the country’s numbers flatten fast.

US Rate of Infection v. Deaths seems very suspect to me. The ratio is higher than anywhere else. Why? 🤔

Have you seen the order out of the Center For Disease Control telling Hospitals/Coroners to label a death as "Covid-19", if the person who dies is shown to have Covid-19 during the post-mortem analysis...or prior.

Thread I started on this subject:

President Trump could be tired of fighting the deep-embedded evil in our government. Rather than tell the CDC that their March 24th re-classification of what is a "Covid-19 death" was totally screwy, he raised the anticipated worst-case-scenario death toll, a few days later.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 06:27 PM
Yep O H,

It would look like the prisons would have to make room pronto.

originally posted by: onehuman
This is a interesting concept that was sent my way. Thought I'd see what you good folks thought about it.

If you needed to make room in jails around the country for hundreds of thousands of pending indictments for horrendous crimes, what would that look like?

Would that look like the release of all non violent offenders?

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 06:29 PM
The secret of Fatima.

They are so faithful to God they are blind to the Vicar of Christ being replaced with people who owe allegiance to the enemies of God.
I have always thought the symbolism could certainly be that the Catholic Church is the city on Seven Hills of Revelation. Mystery Babylon.

originally posted by: carewemust

Why are normal people still devoting themselves to the Catholic Church?

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 06:31 PM
Oil set to ‘crater’ Monday as OPEC meeting delayed, tensions flare between Saudi Arabia and Russia

The virtual meeting between OPEC and its allies scheduled for Monday has been postponed, sources familiar with the matter told CNBC, as tensions between Saudi Arabia and Russia mount.

The meeting will now “likely” be held on Thursday, sources said.

The Monday meeting was set after President Donald Trump said to CNBC on Thursday that he expected Russian President Vladimir Putin and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to announce a deal on production cuts.

Not drop,
Not fall,
Crater. Deep impact.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 06:37 PM

originally posted by: i8miceb4
a reply to: cherokeetroy
"We are here with you" just popped up on my tv...
Was reading, had the tv on mute, glanced up and there it was...
Hubby was getting ready to take the dog for a walk in the woods behind the house (since all the parks are on lockdown)..asked me to join.
"No way!!" i said, aliens might be out there...prepare to be probed,,might wanna throw the vaseline in your pocket....
he just shook his head and carried on...
Seriously though, whatever does it mean??

No idea.

ETA: Maybe it's disclosure. *twilight zone music*

Or more probably some networks version of "We're all in this together"
edit on 4-4-2020 by RadioRobert because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 06:49 PM

originally posted by: RadioRobert

originally posted by: i8miceb4
a reply to: cherokeetroy
"We are here with you" just popped up on my tv...
Was reading, had the tv on mute, glanced up and there it was...
Hubby was getting ready to take the dog for a walk in the woods behind the house (since all the parks are on lockdown)..asked me to join.
"No way!!" i said, aliens might be out there...prepare to be probed,,might wanna throw the vaseline in your pocket....
he just shook his head and carried on...
Seriously though, whatever does it mean??

No idea.

ETA: Maybe it's disclosure. *twilight zone music*

Or more probably some networks version of "We're all in this together"

It's A&E and all their channels. So, it's that last one.
edit on 4-4-2020 by RadioRobert because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 06:49 PM

originally posted by: fringeofthefringe
Just my opinion, for the record as we head into the next two weeks, aka the APEX.

President Trump has been under attack from day one, actually even before that.
His current battle against COVID-19, and the forces exploiting it, became untenable the day the NBA announced they were postponing their season and the NCAA March Madness followed and so on and so forth. Quite remarkable news and unexpected to most. This pandemic has been carefully managed from dark global cabal with roots far deeper than we'll ever know.
Regardless of whatever Trump felt he had no choice but to shutdown the economy, he lost the news cycle and was cornered. I can only imagine the angst and pain but he had no other choice.
When Trump saw an opening to bring hope he was slammed for offering false hope and when he suggested, at least partially, reopening the economy on Easter he was lambasted for putting the his economy over the sick and dying. He was unable to make the case that the our economy and our lives are intertwined.
Sun Tzu said-to know your enemy, you must become your enemy and at this point our president has to remember that he will have another day, another opportunity, but he must stand fast with the "doctors" recommendations for now. When the time comes he will part ways and move in his own direction but now is not the time. Trump needs to see the Apex through. We will all remember where we stood at this hour, I stand with President Trump, the evil forces behind the exploitation and hate for our country cannot win.

I may be wrong but I do not see this coronavirus bringing down Trump.

I refuse to abandon President Trump in this most critical hour, I would rather go down with the ship, a la fin.
He has done nothing to dissuade my support.
I, as you, will continue to support him and believe in him because he has accomplished so much and still has much more to do. Trump is not an insider and he is all in, that is unquestionable.
I, along with most everyone else, want my life back from this crisis, a crisis that started out projecting 2.2 million potential US deaths now down 100k to 240k potential US deaths all projected to apex in the coming weeks.

If the initial models projected 100k-240k potential US deaths would Trump have been forced to shut down our economy?

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: Creep Thumper

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
52% of all US CV deaths are in 2 states (NY/NJ).

75% of all US CV deaths are in 7 states.

6 of those 7 continue to lead in # deaths each day.

NY/NJ are the Italy/Spain of the USA.

USA at 22 CV deaths per 1m population.

As those top 7 states manage the pandemic, the country’s numbers flatten fast.

US Rate of Infection v. Deaths seems very suspect to me. The ratio is higher than anywhere else. Why? 🤔

Have you seen the order out of the Center For Disease Control telling Hospitals/Coroners to label a death as "Covid-19", if the person who dies is shown to have Covid-19 during the post-mortem analysis...or prior.

Thread I started on this subject:

President Trump could be tired of fighting the deep-embedded evil in our government. Rather than tell the CDC that their March 24th re-classification of what is a "Covid-19 death" was totally screwy, he raised the anticipated worst-case-scenario death toll, a few days later.

Very well said & I agree wholeheartedly!

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 07:07 PM
DJT Tweet Clip



I think the clip should be VERY clear to Anons. The use of the term WAR is not a euphemism. As POTUS, he cannot just toss that term around.

This clip pretty much spells it out for those with eyes to see.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 07:07 PM
Looks like someone is crying about michael atkinson being fired.

They help drain the swamp, so any removal demands an explanation. Congress has been crystal clear that written reasons must be given when IGs are removed for a lack of confidence. More details are needed from the administration.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 07:08 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

As well as the coincidence of it actually being called "Compound Q"

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 07:08 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

As POTUS, he cannot just toss that term around.

Says who?

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 07:12 PM
The only disclosure will be “we are alone” which will scare the “we are not alone” folks more than a “we are not alone” would scare the religious.

We are not alone is “baked in”.
We are alone is “terrifying” to most non-religious.

I’m ok with either being true. Are you (the collective)?

As for Q. I’ll let Q focus on the DS and the human trafficking. The 2 things that bother me much more than CV or ET/ID ghosts.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 07:12 PM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

As well as the coincidence of it actually being called "Compound Q"

Touche! Flew right past my eyes.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 07:18 PM

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
The only disclosure will be “we are alone” which will scare the “we are not alone” folks more than a “we are not alone” would scare the religious.

We are not alone is “baked in”.
We are alone is “terrifying” to most non-religious.

I’m ok with either being true. Are you (the collective)?

As for Q. I’ll let Q focus on the DS and the human trafficking. The 2 things that bother me much more than CV or ET/ID ghosts.

No. How can anyone at this point believe that we are "alone"

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 07:29 PM
That really is the elephant in the room. I don't want to know either way.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 07:31 PM
I know sometimes I hit you guys about not taking action.
That's not what this reply is about.

Are any of you helping people during this time?
If so what are you doing?
If so how can the rest of us help as well?

I was thinking, I'm young enough (40) and very healthy.
Physically fit and now have lots of time on my hands.
How can I help?
I was looking at medical field jobs in my area. I was thinking I could do some things that people are afraid to do.
but i don't have the training or experience for any of them.

Anyone have any leads on jobs that need to be done but people just don't want to do them right now?
I just make a thread about this shouldn't I?

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 07:32 PM
That we are alone is laughable nowadays I feel, gosh when we go back home after finishing present life here on Earth, we will know for certain, until then I feel to stick with the obvious in these our times.

originally posted by: FlyingFox
That really is the elephant in the room. I don't want to know either way.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 07:32 PM

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