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With 99.8 percent of USA Covid-19 Cases Not Needing Hospitalization...

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posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:12 PM
a reply to: daskakik

More importantly. Why did you act or believe “ Reports out of Italy are indicating that they don't have enough crematories” was true. With no credible source cited?

It’s like you wanted it to be true? And that’s sick.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:12 PM
a reply to: neutronflux
The subject was the one posited in the OP. 99.8% of cases are mild and don't need hospitalization. New stats just posted show that is not the case, so it isn't just fear mongering.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:14 PM
a reply to: daskakik

Then why did you post this?

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: neutronflux
What statement are you referring to?

Is it a false statement people are holding onto remains until the ban on funerals is lifted so they can intern their dead family members as they see fit?

Let’s look at it this way. Would you agree there are numerous cities within Italy where crematoriums are more or less idle.

I can't say but if the one that can't handle the load, in the example given, and that is all it was, why wouldn't they send the rest to these idle crematoriums?

So why are remains from the stricken city not asking for crematoriums in the area to help out?

Maybe it is because they are not idle. That is an assumption you are making without doing any legwork.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:15 PM
a reply to: neutronflux

Actually I said:

I can't say but if the one that can't handle the load, in the example given, and that is all it was, why wouldn't they send the rest to these idle crematoriums?...

...Maybe it is because they are not idle.

Why would it be sick? They are already dead.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:16 PM
a reply to: daskakik

But now you want to be on topic? Got it.

And you want to ignore fear mongering states made in this thread that should be called out?

Because it doesn’t fit your agenda?

Got it.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:18 PM
a reply to: neutronflux
I don't even know what you are arguing about now. I just posted the exact same thing.

You made an unsubstantiated claim that people were holding their dead waiting for the ban to be lifted. That was something you pulled out of thin air.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:19 PM
a reply to: daskakik

Who’s moving the goal post?

The actual argument?

Now you what to change the subject when there is no truth in “ Reports out of Italy are indicating that they don't have enough crematories”

I didn’t say anybody cared. But how many posts did you make concerting my posting that “ Reports out of Italy are indicating that they don't have enough crematories” is a false statement based and fear mongering. And fear mongering is a theme of this thread, and very topical.

And again. The reason the crematorium had to load up all the sudden was because of a government agenda to stop burials. Is that false.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:19 PM
a reply to: neutronflux

The numbers that prove it wasn't fear mongering have been posted.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:20 PM
a reply to: neutronflux
Because that report did say that. It had to do with the topic of the OP because it showed the 99.8% number was wrong.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:22 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: neutronflux
I don't even know what you are arguing about now. I just posted the exact same thing.

You made an unsubstantiated claim that people were holding their dead waiting for the ban to be lifted. That was something you pulled out of thin air.

What does that have to do with “ Reports out of Italy are indicating that they don't have enough crematories” is a very misleading or right out false statement.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:23 PM
a reply to: neutronflux
To you maybe. Everyone else knew it was just an example of why that 99.8% in the OP was wrong.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:24 PM
a reply to: daskakik

Because that report did say that

Said what? It said “Reports out of Italy are indicating that they don't have enough crematories”

Cite where it said such a thing.
edit on 18-3-2020 by neutronflux because: Added and fixed

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:26 PM
a reply to: neutronflux
That wasn't the report. That was what Butcherguy posted before backing it up with a link.

The report did say that a crematorium in Italy was backlogged.

Not seeing why that is giving you a hard time.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:26 PM
a reply to: neutronflux

43 deads in one day is enough for you?? more than the double from yesterday?

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:28 PM
a reply to: Peserc
1,057 New Covid Cases in NYC In One Day...
Maybe this other thread might interest them.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:29 PM
a reply to: neutronflux

Dear neutronflux,
I intentionally lied about deaths in Italy. No one actually died, and the entire population is in great health.... even in the tiny town of Bergamo. The crematory operator there almost died of boredom though, since he has nothing to do all day long.
Yours truly,

Can you give it up now?

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:30 PM

originally posted by: Peserc
a reply to: neutronflux

43 deads in one day is enough for you?? more than the double from yesterday?

Evidently it’s not enough for the individual and the people that want “Reports out of Italy are indicating that they don't have enough crematories” to be a true statement.

I think it’s very sad. And I wish no morgues had victims. And I wish the Italian authors didn’t feel the need to stop burials to overload the one city crematorium so people wouldn’t pay their last respects at a grave.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:31 PM
a reply to: neutronflux

9/11 threads a bit quiet lately Neutron? looks like you just upped and brought your game to the corona challenge.

i'll call you mr denial.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:32 PM
a reply to: butcherguy

You should have referenced the fact that this is all a hoax and 99.8% of cases don’t require hospitalization. Then your mea culpa might mean something.

posted on Mar, 18 2020 @ 08:33 PM

originally posted by: butcherguy
a reply to: neutronflux

Dear neutronflux,
I intentionally lied about deaths in Italy. No one actually died, and the entire population is in great health.... even in the tiny town of Bergamo. The crematory operator there almost died of boredom though, since he has nothing to do all day long.
Yours truly,

Can you give it up now?

You go from posting items with no source. With no understanding of the situation. To mocking the situation.


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