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Covid-19 Community Support and Mental Wellness Thread

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posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 05:55 PM
Man, this is the best thread going right now and I'm talking to myself!

We need to keep our spirits up everyone!

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 06:06 PM
a reply to: toolgal462

What is everyone gonna buy with their 1200 check? Aside from food. lol

I'm going to at least buy me some plants/flowers/garden stuff!! I can't wait for the weather to be consistently warm enough to spend the day in the dirt. And I heard it is very good for fighting Wuflu too!

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 06:11 PM
a reply to: toolgal462

Given the current state of things, it's entirely possible my answer will be "Buy 4 packs of Charmin on Ebay for $300 each".

Real answer? Probably sit on it, hoping that this situation passes by summer or fall and them maybe use it to buy a few nice Christmas gifts for friends and family.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 06:14 PM

originally posted by: Hefficide
a reply to: toolgal462

Given the current state of things, it's entirely possible my answer will be "Buy 4 packs of Charmin on Ebay for $300 each".

Real answer? Probably sit on it, hoping that this situation passes by summer or fall and them maybe use it to buy a few nice Christmas gifts for friends and family.

I have Charmin, the top of the line stuff I'll sell ya for cost. Cuz this is about supporting one another's behinds!

I get it on 'subscribe and save' from Amazon, and it comes by the case, so I already had it!

I think I might have to use mine for another POS laptop actually....

I have the WORST luck with men and laptops.

So, my 81 yr old mom doesn't take anything seriously and I just spotted her driving ....Question: Should I disable her car? She goes out to scratch tix all night and then comes home to my 87 yr old dad.

I think I might have mentioned them previously. I cannot believe that she wont take this thing seriously.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 06:39 PM

originally posted by: toolgal462
Man, this is the best thread going right now and I'm talking to myself!

We need to keep our spirits up everyone!

You aren't talking to yourself. We're listening even if we don't always respond.

I'm glad to see you blocked him. I was just sitting here thinking, "WHY are you still talking to this guy?" He sounds like a Grade A jerk, and I'm glad you got out.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 06:40 PM

originally posted by: toolgal462
a reply to: toolgal462

What is everyone gonna buy with their 1200 check? Aside from food. lol

I'm going to at least buy me some plants/flowers/garden stuff!! I can't wait for the weather to be consistently warm enough to spend the day in the dirt. And I heard it is very good for fighting Wuflu too!

Put it on the debt I incurred buying 5 million rolls of toilet paper.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 06:41 PM
Thank you for the well wishes and offers of support. I wrote that quickly in the morning when it was all caving in on me, my mind racing and I was on the edge of the old self harm outlet. I said my piece and abandoned thread because I was embarrassed.

WHat will I spend my check on? I probably wont get one under the current proposal(no tax liability). Sure, we could use it(badly) as could anyone else. Its hard to deal with because I've done what I was supposed to do. I jumped through all their hoops. I was denied help every time. I wasnt asking for a handout for the rest of my life, I was asking for help. I may not be rich, but I've been blessed with angels who have kept me going. One of those is my Wife, who I am VERY VERY blessed to have. I'd be dead without her support. Nevertheless, everyday is a constant struggle...and I hope everyday that I'm alive I can count as a win. Maybe its not. Maybe I;'m just an unproductive human who takes advantage of to survive, for no other selfish reason but life.

I wish you all well.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 06:55 PM
Yay, people are listening!

Keep the faith, Bosco, I do think the people who need it will get the stimulus. I hope I am right. And you know what, I also have trouble with depression. Damn, that is an understatement. And people in my life have always said thoughtless things to me like, "get over it" and "you need to push yourself". bleh

I find I live for the animals I have rescued. They need me and get me up every day.

You are lucky to have a great wife! I have not had luck in love.

Have great friends though!! But we have grown apart lately.

I put on Green Acres since it was mentioned in another thread. haha This show cracks me up. I especially love Arnold Ziffel.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 08:09 PM
a reply to: toolgal462

Thank you for sharing toolgal. When I speak of angels I think about my Mom, my Grammy, my Son and my Wife. The first 3 have passed. My Wife hangs in there with me...and only God knows why cant be easy for her. My Son was my first feline. The lack of human in him was not an obstacle. He was every bit my Son...and I miss him every day I breathe. My "kids" will always be important to me. They teach me things all the time. They also remind me to be a little humble sometimes.

I hope you all find something to keep you engaged this weekend. Take care.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 08:12 PM
In regard to the idea that nobody is listening, having had a peek or two behind the curtain of ATS I can say that based upon what I've seen for every reply one gets, there are many more who read the posts.

ATS has a large lurker community who are here and sharing in this journey as well.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 08:13 PM

originally posted by: BoscoMoney
a reply to: toolgal462

Thank you for sharing toolgal. When I speak of angels I think about my Mom, my Grammy, my Son and my Wife. The first 3 have passed. My Wife hangs in there with me...and only God knows why cant be easy for her. My Son was my first feline. The lack of human in him was not an obstacle. He was every bit my Son...and I miss him every day I breathe. My "kids" will always be important to me. They teach me things all the time. They also remind me to be a little humble sometimes.

I hope you all find something to keep you engaged this weekend. Take care.

Bosco, I just saw that the stimulus will pay 600 to you if you don't file taxes. Hopefully to each you and your wife.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 09:26 PM
About two years ago a relative guilted me into adopting a kitten. The sales pitch was pretty simple, the person explained that three of their cats had all had kittens in a short time and they'd managed to give away or find placement in no kill shelters for all but one of the kittens and that if I didn't take the little guy he was off to the county shelter - probably to be euthanized.

I didn't really want a cat but he was adorable and, well... My new kitten and I settled into our new arrangement.

Nine days ago he went outside and didn't come back home.

Until just now.

He's thin as a rail, covered in some sort of oil or grease - fur all matted and nasty. He's got scabs all over his neck, throat and back.

I don't know where he ran off to or what happened while he was gone but I hope he enjoyed it and opening my door to check for him, for about the thousandth time this week... And for him to actually have been there?

Yeah my emotional cork is straining.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 09:38 PM
a reply to: Hefficide

Yeah, that's why our kitties are indoors now. The first one we had when I was a kid disappeared and we never did find out what happened to her.

I didn't like that. So all the kitties after that have been indoor.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 09:39 PM
a reply to: Hefficide

I've had that cork pop also. Gone and somehow survive, and poof! there they are one day/night. Just as expectant as before. Fix me. Fix me now, and I will demonstrate my gratitude by sleeping on you and stepping on your legs at night. Maybe even your head.

The little bastards get you hooked into their control dramas, and get you hooked into them. It is futile to resist. When my Mom asked me why I didn't let the cat out when he was crying so insistently, I told her that I didn't negotiate with terrorists. They are like little children who walk around with knives on their hands. I love our cats.

I have been enjoying this thread. I guess none of us are ever truly alone, as long as there is one like you listening.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 09:53 PM
a reply to: argentus

My Son was an outdoor guy. Thats the way he wanted it and I figured I could try to teach him as much about what to avoid while outside(cars,people) and the rest was up to him. If he was smart enough to navigate the world, he would survive. Maybe I got lucky with him(and LilBOy currently, knock on wood) but he always came home. There were nights he didnt come home I couldnt sleep and I called and looked for him, once disappearing for 10 days after a snowstorm...but he always came home. He was one of kind, and he taught me some wonderful things after not having had an animal since I was a child...and I owe him a lot for his friendship and love when I was alone. Never judging. And god damn I miss him dearly.

Death has always been a hard thing for me to deal with, to move on from.

I have my opinions on this virus thing. But like Wargames, there is no winning move. I hope the ones that are most at risk are being looked after and taken care of. I believe the rest will take care of itself. I hope.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 10:12 PM

originally posted by: Hefficide

About two years ago a relative guilted me into adopting a kitten. The sales pitch was pretty simple, the person explained that three of their cats had all had kittens in a short time and they'd managed to give away or find placement in no kill shelters for all but one of the kittens and that if I didn't take the little guy he was off to the county shelter - probably to be euthanized.

I didn't really want a cat but he was adorable and, well... My new kitten and I settled into our new arrangement.

Nine days ago he went outside and didn't come back home.

Until just now.

He's thin as a rail, covered in some sort of oil or grease - fur all matted and nasty. He's got scabs all over his neck, throat and back.

I don't know where he ran off to or what happened while he was gone but I hope he enjoyed it and opening my door to check for him, for about the thousandth time this week... And for him to actually have been there?

Yeah my emotional cork is straining.

Is he eating??? Happy to be home?

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 10:15 PM
a reply to: toolgal462

He downed the first can of food in about 5 seconds.

The second took a bit longer.

He finally settled down after a couple of ounces of dry kibble that I reluctantly offered after the two cans were gone.

I cleaned him up and he spent ten or fifteen minutes acting like he wasn't sure he recognized the place or not.

He vocalized a lot for awhile, loudly. Not sure if it was fear, happiness or what. But he eventually settled down.

Currently he's in a cardboard Amazon box that I've kept for a few months because the day my package arrived, he climbed into it and seemingly claimed it as his.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 10:16 PM
a reply to: toolgal462

For us it will be credit card payments, had a plan to be 100% debt free by Xmas... that's out the window now if this drags on through the summer.

But still want to get out from under as much of it as possible.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 10:18 PM
a reply to: argentus

We can learn a lot from the little jerks too. Our two youngest are about 6 months old meaning they have adult cat bodies and kitten cat brains, and they spent the *entire* day today acting like it!

But right now, they're both curled up sleeping sweet as you please.

They sure don't know anything at all is wrong with their world. Today is a day like any other day. There was no yesterday and no tomorrow, just now, and now is right in their little worlds.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 10:18 PM
I am beginning to come to terms with what I am seeing coming. It is very difficult to for me to process and keep my emotions suppressed. I suppose ats does not help either by providing a platform. I have always been a bit of an eccentric person, I had a very unique life growing up, at birth I was given away by my mother and raised by my grandparents, I was introduced to trauma before I was a year old. We will not focus on that, I also grew up acquiring a education money cannot buy at the expense of the dod. I lived in a town in Germany as a kid with my father, was the best and worst time of my life, allot of hungry days thank god for my German friends whose parent fed me was a very grateful time to be an American in Germany early 90’s. I dont want to get into my biography.

My point i have been pretty damaged with trauma, more negative than positives things come from this yet we or I gained a keen sensitivity to things around me the environment and the energy. Sounds a little weird but for example I can sense in the air right before I get into a violent environment and vice versa a very good even. Positive and negative feelings. Anyhow it maybe a coincidence but just saying. I would perfer to not have such a traumatic life and never had to rely on my senses to survive even my 6th sense.

So with this current event I see allot of bad things happening not just because of this pandemic and with what it does to a human body, but what it is going to do to our economy, our governments, our healthcare systems, our public safety, what it can mean to our rights, etc. my point is the pandemic is a perfect storm to effect our way of life in many ways. Each week each day that goes by our world gets worse effected by the pandemic. Personally I do not think our current class of politicians in DC have the wear with all to deal with this successfully. Trump, showed me today that he sadly is just a Baffoon, in his press briefing, I am just not sure if he is capable of making very serious decisions coming his way soon. I sadly see none of these guys even Biden, capable of doing their jobs. We have no rosevelt, no Truman, no great leaders. We may in years from now etc.

I am not scared of what is coming, I can already see it, what I am concerned about is whether or not, we will ever live as great as we have up until march. What will compound things with this pandemic effecting the global, is additional natural disasters or wars, I have a fear, that a war, will result because of this pandemic, due to how it is effecting the NORMAL of the world, whether it be civil or global etc.
This to shall pass, but it is probably be longer than we think.

Thanks ats therapy.

edit on 20-3-2020 by Bicent because: (no reason given)

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