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Covid-19 Community Support and Mental Wellness Thread

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posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 05:10 PM
Greetings everyone, esp Heff, thank you for starting this thread. About me, I'm 57 with PTSD, manic depression, and a few other mental issues. The past six years have been unpleasant for me after losing my wife, four other family members, and a small number of people I've known through out the years.

The issue I am having with this virus is caused by the diarrhea of so called "news" that I can't get away from on TV and from every website, news related or not, that I visit.

Sure, there is some virus killing a small percentage of the people that get it, but the media is making it a bigger deal than it really is. My theory is that this hype in news has been created by those who are behind the scene with all the power to make their wallets that much fatter.

They are creating some thing for us to hate in order to take away more and more of our freedom. The Democrats tried to impeach Trump but failed to get the job done in their attempt to get enough people to hate him.

Before this we had the Middle East to hate due to 9/11.

Before that we have the evil empire of North Vietnam.

Before that we had the commies and the Red Scare.

Before that Germany had half of the world hating the Jews and anyone different from the "perfect" Aryan race.

And the list goes on in back to the cavemen with clubs hating those with spears.

My fear is that we are becoming nothing more than Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union.

Both counties limited the number of people that could get together. The was an old saying something like "when four people meet it's a crowd, when 5 or more meet it's an uprising". The limits are back now but I don't see anything about limiting the number of people that can be in a grocery store or church at one time.

My area toll roads no longer take cash. I think this is just one sign of the beginning of a cashless society. Perhaps one of an universal currency for the whole world.

As this virus is supposed to be such a threat to the world I would not be surprised to see UN troops invade the US and other countries to turn us into a one world nation.

We are in unpleasant times so I'm having difficulty dealing with this.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 07:10 PM

originally posted by: Hefficide
a reply to: Starwise

I don't think I've mentioned it yet, but thanks to my unique issues, specifically how my anxiety works, my fight/flight is kind of inverted.

When things are business as usual and my world is OK - I really struggle. I'm petrified and in an panic at all times and over nothing ( or anything and everything ). The slightest thing can and sometimes does put me down and out of commission for days.

Sounds like you and I would do really well on a desert island together.

Perhaps it's because we thrive on challenges and common sense takes away a lot of time for thinking about and dwelling on nonsense.

Real glad your thead here is still going strong and our community/family is communicating so well and sharing every drop of information available for scrutiny, opinion and speculation.

I'm working on the speculation bit because I like to be as perseptive as possible. Silly to some I meet, but I giggle quietly and use grown up words to help them understand what they cannot in their everyday lives.

Still a lot of sheeple out there. Many here in France too, but that will never stop me revealing truth.

Cheers for now, see you later.

Chin up all. Keep breathing.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 08:28 PM
Last at the school practice was tonight. Instructor is starting video session via Zoom for son's tae kwon do on Saturday morning.

Tomorrow, we all get to figure out where and how we will set up enough space for kiddo to practice in. We have an extra video monitor running around, so then we have to attempt to get it networked with our in-house WiFi so we can get the video session streaming to where son can see and hear on it.

The other really fun part is that I'm going to bite the bullet and work out with him. It'll be fun since I've done absolutely zero martial arts and I'm in the middle of rehabbing my right shoulder which still has limited range of motion. But he needs a workout partner to keep him honest, and I need the extra exercise and gentle work on that shoulder ... so I get to play crazy ninja lady with my kiddo in the coming weeks.

I'll be perfectly honest; it was something I've been seriously considering doing, taking lessons ... but not until I had my shoulders back under me.
edit on 19-3-2020 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 09:05 PM
a reply to: Hefficide

First off, Thank you, Heff. We need to reconnect at some point. I'm sure you remember me

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 09:07 PM
First off, Thank you, Heff. We need to reconnect at some point. I'm sure you remember me
This is a good thread and definitely needed. Reminds me of "old" ATS. I miss that.

Anyway, I wanted to add my own rx issues. I just started my first med for bipolar 2.
And that med DEFINITELY needs a slow build up at 25mg at a time, a few weeks between MG raising. There's a chance one can get a rash which can ultimately give 3rd degree burns over the entire body. People have died on it. And you can't just cold turkey stop it as the body can't take the sudden stop. Gotta taper off as slow as it's built up.

Anywho, my psychiatrist prescribed me a certain amount to have with no refills as she'd represcribe as I go. Well the pharmacy decided to cut that 150 into 3 separate refills. I went to see if I could get the other 2 due to (at the time) potential quarantine and they refused. The rx I take is NOT a drug that's like rx pain killers. Yet they're treating it like it is.

Any user of this rx knows if you take more that your personal dose, you will be immensely in trouble. 3rd degree burns, remember. And what I've heard, it can do serious heart damage if used irresponsibly.

So what if I run out and get covid (I have rheumatoid arthritis and my immune system is fubar so I'm in the "high risk of every level" tier, and cannot get more meds? It's positively ridiculous. And since our meds mainly come from China... Well.....

Are they doing the same to people who depend on Insulin? Or life saving heart meds?

I'm already bipolar 2 and believe me, any small bad thing is a TEOTWAWKI situation on a good day. All this stress from covid and "what can happen" is driving me insane. I'm positively terrified for me and my fellow Mankind. And now I get to plan my death when I can't get my rx meds. Like, let me triple the TEOTWAWKI which is my personal hell.

I hate this

edit on 3/19/20 by Hefficide because: (no reason given)

edit on 3/19/20 by Hefficide because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 09:14 PM
a reply to: sarra1833

Of course I know who you are! I don't spend much time on the social media site we've spoken on previously but I do keep the app for it open on a tablet and check it once or twice a day.

As for the post? Dunno but if you want you can PM me here with what you're trying to post and I'll see if I can figure it out.

Oh and Hi! LTNS

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 10:41 PM
I'm having a fairly rough time with this tonight.

I'll let y'all in on a poorly kept secret. I'm not a very good liberal. My liberal friends are largely pacifists and I deeply, deeply respect their views on the topic. I wish I could be more like them. But I'm not.

My problem solving skill set is essentially: 1) Identify problem. 2) Ask problem to stop being a problem. 3) Hit problem on or about the head until problem agrees with step 2.

If those steps don't work my alternative is to simply ignore that the problem even exists or ever did.

This is obviously a problem that I can't ignore nor throat punch.

II guess the only really liberal thing I am OK with is that I care for others. Every single one of you included. I hate that we're going through this but am thankful that we're all going through it together. It it weren't for y'all I'd be far worse for wear than I actually am.

posted on Mar, 19 2020 @ 10:51 PM
a reply to: Hefficide

Well, in my very non-professional opinion this is not the sort of problem that has a head you can pop. This is the sort of problem you have to learn how to make like Elsa and let it go, find your zen, and that's way easier said than done, I know.

Control what *you* can and let the rest go and flow with it. In the end, that's all any of us can do.

Hang in there and we'll all get there.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 12:01 AM
This is a great thread. For all the vitriol that can be spit around here and all of the very serious and through provoking comments ATS is a very human bunch (well, largely

What’s really bothering me about all of this is the impact on people - and I don’t mean the virus.

I’m pretty mentally tough. That’s been proven lots of ways but I’ve spent a lot of time training my mind in various scenarios. I also work my mind a ton for work - of which I typically do for 50+ hours a week at minimum. I can handle the storm right now. Need to isolate? Fine. Don’t go outside for two weeks? I’ll figure it out. I can also work from home so a big chunk of my day is still engaged as I normally am. Some people will get cabin fever on steroids and freak out.

But I really feel for the small business employees, the service industry folks, airline employees, manufacturing jobs - all the folks who are dealing with reduced or eliminated income. That’s millions of people. Hurts them from their ego up to feeding their children. It’s tragic. They did nothing wrong but be human - and they’re out of work. That bugs me because I still buy the American Dream that hard work pays off. Many of these folks worked hard - and poof - doesn’t matter.

I also feel for the children who can’t go to school but want to. My kids miss school. Miss their friends. Miss their teachers. Miss learning in a classroom. Miss PE. It’s tough.

This will sound bad, but I feel for the people who don’t understand what’s going on. Those who can’t think critically, can’t scale, don’t understand the importance of taking proper precautions. People who are extremely dependent on other people for all kinds of things - particularly those who are legitimately dependent on others (age, illness, etc.). Tack on to that a whole generation at least that has endured minimal hardship as America flourished. They’re going to be ok, but I bet this is super scary for young adults who have grown up with the lifestyle we were leading a month ago - and now don’t lead anymore. Terrifying.

I lastly feel for people who feel alone. I’ve felt very alone before and it sucks. I hope those people who feel that way take this time as motivation to get out in the world and see some other humans once they can. Make some friends, find a date, join a club - one doesn’t have to be alone. And it saddens me when people are.

I’m also hopeful - we’ll sort this out and move on. Too many stubborn people (myself included) to have this be the thing that ends the world.

edit on 20-3-2020 by EnigmaChaser because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 02:44 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko

The other really fun part is that I'm going to bite the bullet and work out with him. It'll be fun since I've done absolutely zero martial arts and I'm in the middle of rehabbing my right shoulder which still has limited range of motion. But he needs a workout partner to keep him honest, and I need the extra exercise and gentle work on that shoulder ... so I get to play crazy ninja lady with my kiddo in the coming weeks.

As long as it doesn't flare up the shoulder too badly, ketsuko, I think this will be great fun! I envy your being able to practice martial arts with a son. I'd be interested in hearing how it goes. (I was belted in jiu jitsu.)

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 03:01 AM
Still doing okay here in virginia.
Went to Hardees to pick up dinner and the dining room was closed. Only drive through.
They must have not been very busy because the fries were stale like they'd been sitting under those lights for hours.
Oh well, that's pretty normal and why we seldom do fast food but we were working out in the yard all day and I didn't feel like cooking.
The burger was fresh.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 03:08 AM
a reply to: LookingForABetterLife

Let me put it this way...
Using just the U.S. figures if this was the ordinary everyday flu out of 13000 cases you could expect about 13 deaths.
With this virus we have nearly 200 deaths with the same number of cases.
That's pretty sobering.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 03:42 AM

originally posted by: Sillyolme
working out in the yard all day and I didn't feel like cooking.

I always used to go out, get delivery, etc., on days like that too. I'm being more conservative than you are because of my immunosuppression (avoiding restaurants altogether), but it is hard to think of cooking on days when you're worn out. If it weren't for my husband, I'd probably just open a can of beans and eat it at room temp some days. So....he has frozen food for days like that.
edit on 20-3-2020 by drussell41 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 06:51 AM
As someone who has struggled with sever mental illness all my life, I;m finding myself being pulled back into old self destructive behaviors. Its always been a fight to keep the positive times up and not let the negative come back and take over. things are beginning to build up this past week. this morning i was reading about the stimulus checks and who and who would not be eligible. It would seem that i would not. for me this is not a party thing, or a socialism thing, please dont bring that to me here. all i know is reading about it seems to have finally flipped that last switch. when i talk about sel f destructive behavior, i mean it litteral. when overhweling sadness grips me like this, i usually find an outlet in hurting myself. please, im not in need of intervention. im too chicken# to kill myself. food will do that eventually. Ive taken my panic pills so i am on my way to sleep now. i know this is all info with no end or point. i just wanted to express myself this morning. im a pathetic person

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 07:19 AM
a reply to: ketsuko


posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 07:28 AM
a reply to: BoscoMoney

You are not pathetic. You are a human being struggling with things that are too big to force into place. It's hard and it sucks. Please find your center (for me that's music) and go to it. Prayer helps too. If you want someone to yell at I'll give you my phone number and you can rant at me until you get it all out.

You matter. Be cool to yourself.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 08:18 AM

originally posted by: drussell41

originally posted by: ketsuko

The other really fun part is that I'm going to bite the bullet and work out with him. It'll be fun since I've done absolutely zero martial arts and I'm in the middle of rehabbing my right shoulder which still has limited range of motion. But he needs a workout partner to keep him honest, and I need the extra exercise and gentle work on that shoulder ... so I get to play crazy ninja lady with my kiddo in the coming weeks.

As long as it doesn't flare up the shoulder too badly, ketsuko, I think this will be great fun! I envy your being able to practice martial arts with a son. I'd be interested in hearing how it goes. (I was belted in jiu jitsu.)

He and I already work together some. It's been an agreement of ours for a couple of years now. I'm not a slouch athletically. I was a collegiate heptathlete; I've just been out of it for a lot of years thanks to some health issues (chronic migraine), and just now starting to get healthy and past early motherhood and feeling good enough to want to get back into something. Then, my shoulders froze on me, one after the other. I worked through the left, but then the right was bad enough I needed surgery on it.

So I promised him I'd use all the tricks in my bag to help with what he was learning at the school if he gave me 15 to 20 minutes at home in the mornings. He's sort of hard of hearing, so the arrangement has helped him. He needs to practice on his own anyhow, but it also helps him smooth over those little things he misses because he doesn't hear clearly.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 08:24 AM
a reply to: BoscoMoney

This is the time to be networking with family and friends if you have them.

Even if you don't receive much in the of material support, just hearing friendly, sympathetic voices goes a long way. I know my family has been scouring our various sources of information and passing along tips as we run across them to help each other out.

It's sort of funny.

My sister and I each call mom and dad. Mom calls my aunt, and my cousins call my aunt. So my mom and my aunt then pass each half of the family's news between them.

There isn't any material stuff going around, but lots of information and tips and tricks. And it helps to know there is a support network of sorts out there.

If you have any form of that, tap into it.

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 08:44 AM
a reply to: Hefficide

Way cool of you to put this up for us Heff thank you. I'm taking full
advantage of the opportunity as I am in absolute shock at what has
transpired over these last few days. The uncertainties we have all
been left to ponder over with no real reassurance? Seems callus n
cruel. Just stay in your homes with your imaginations, unanswered
questions, worries for those we love and realize that we don't even
know what the hell just happened.

OMG! Heff we just had our country ripped out from under us along
with all our rights and our freedoms. Just stay in your houses and die now
because most of you will just be trouble for us in the new world any
way. Trunp telling us many times " These are very bad people". And
we all knew what they wanted. All the time I was wondering. Knowing
what these very powerful, "Very bad" people are capable of. How is it
Donald Trump can get away with defying these wicked people?

All the promises of arrest and the three years of complete and utter
courtroom crap. And it all was aimed right at us apparently. But ya
know what Heff? I'm not afraid one tiny little bit for myself. But I am
terrified for my youngest daughter and my step daughter. Both
pregnant and with kids. My grandchildren.

All great kids just try'n to have traditional American families. And now
these wicked rotting putrid ugly souls have released a bio weapon on
us all because of what they want! But at least I'm not totally blindsided.
Been arguing online for twenty years with people who not only hid their
heads in the sand. They tried to convince me that's where my head
should be as well. So much for I told ya so's right? And we haven't even
fired a shot. Who was that? I can barely hear him it was so long ago.


I don't feel better but I guess that's it.

edit on 20-3-2020 by carsforkids because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 09:18 AM
a reply to: carsforkids

Has bio-weapon been confirmed?

I haven’t had time to catch any news!

I thought that from the start; I have seen some rather questionable behaviors in the past 6 months. I just chocked it up to paranoia, greed on the part of others, I can’t say much because of HIPAA but pay attention when in public, shopping and such!

May god bless all our children 💙🍀

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