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USA & Israel's Ugly Past - Did You Forget They Are State Sponsors of Terror?

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posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 02:58 AM
Juddah, you argue me as if you understand me...that's a big problem...

I am not pro-palestinian, I am not pro-israeli. How can I be? I am neither.

What I am is Anti. I am so Anti it's unvelievealbe. I am a negative pessimist. If I see something Bad I understand it for what it is. NOthing enrages me. I could care less who lives or dies.

But calling out someone or some contry on their beef and getting these absurd replies from their country men (and you even though you are American) about their country only being righteouss and moral and ethical but the enemy isn't is so funny...

I'm sure If I was in Israel right now we could have a cool time together...This is just a message board and I think it is true that what other people stated, most countries can be accused of being a State Sponsor of Terror. There is actually nothing to argue here. Israel and USA are included in that list....

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 03:02 AM

Originally posted by 00PS

Originally posted by JudahMaccabbi

I do not want to raise children in a warzone. I have NO CHOICE!!!

You do have a choice, you can go back to America.

The US is a great place. Israel is my home. Throughout history Jews were told to go back home. After 2000 years they did. Now you say go to America? Hey I was Born in Israel - So were my parents - my grandparents were the ones who immigrated to Israel prior to it establishment as a state. My wife's parents, grandparents and greatgrandparents are from this land - Hell they have been Israeli for as far back as they can recall - And you say go to America - That is utterly disgraceful.

Why don't you tell the Palestinians to go to Jordan, Egypt or Syria?

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 03:04 AM

Originally posted by JudahMaccabbi

Originally posted by 00PS

Originally posted by JudahMaccabbi

I do not want to raise children in a warzone. I have NO CHOICE!!!

You do have a choice, you can go back to America.

The US is a great place. Israel is my home. Throughout history Jews were told to go back home. After 2000 years they did. Now you say go to America? Hey I was Born in Israel - So were my parents - my grandparents were the ones who immigrated to Israel prior to it establishment as a state. My wife's parents, grandparents and greatgrandparents are from this land - Hell they have been Israeli for as far back as they can recall - And you say go to America - That is utterly disgraceful.

Why don't you tell the Palestinians to go to Jordan, Egypt or Syria?

You said you are from America.

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 03:06 AM

Originally posted by 00PS
Juddah, you argue me as if you understand me...that's a big problem...

I am not pro-palestinian, I am not pro-israeli. How can I be? I am neither.

What I am is Anti. I am so Anti it's unvelievealbe. I am a negative pessimist. If I see something Bad I understand it for what it is. NOthing enrages me. I could care less who lives or dies.

But calling out someone or some contry on their beef and getting these absurd replies from their country men (and you even though you are American) about their country only being righteouss and moral and ethical but the enemy isn't is so funny...

I'm sure If I was in Israel right now we could have a cool time together...This is just a message board and I think it is true that what other people stated, most countries can be accused of being a State Sponsor of Terror. There is actually nothing to argue here. Israel and USA are included in that list....

Then that is our problem I am an optimist - I think peace can be obtained - I think that anything can be acheived - I believe in mankinds capacity for good. For that we need to spread truth not lies and be positive and not negative.

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 03:11 AM

Originally posted by 00PS

Originally posted by JudahMaccabbi

Originally posted by 00PS

Originally posted by JudahMaccabbi

I do not want to raise children in a warzone. I have NO CHOICE!!!

You do have a choice, you can go back to America.

The US is a great place. Israel is my home. Throughout history Jews were told to go back home. After 2000 years they did. Now you say go to America? Hey I was Born in Israel - So were my parents - my grandparents were the ones who immigrated to Israel prior to it establishment as a state. My wife's parents, grandparents and greatgrandparents are from this land - Hell they have been Israeli for as far back as they can recall - And you say go to America - That is utterly disgraceful.

Why don't you tell the Palestinians to go to Jordan, Egypt or Syria?

You said you are from America.

Yes Born in Israel. Moved to the US after the 1974 war in which my father fought, injured, shell shocked and disgusted by the Israeli gov't whitewashing the whole affair behind that war (by the way the only person who seemed to have done the right thing back then was SHARON).
I moved back to Israel in 1993.

An Israeli/American and damn proud of it (with all the sh*t Israel and the US has under there belts).

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 03:11 AM
Spreading Truth is negative when you say Israel is a State Sponsor of Terrorism.

You asked me to Educate you so why don't we take a break and I'll come back with some evidence that shows you the Israelis target Non-Israelis in a way that is not in line with you optimism and positivity and is in fact Terror.

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 03:15 AM

Originally posted by 00PS

Originally posted by JudahMaccabbi

Are you suggesting that Israel has been killing Palestinians for 50 years?

No I am suggesting your logic has an infection, virus, disability or something.

I would have appreciated if you had replyed to the remainder of the post -like the real issues - just out of respect for the time I put into writing it up into this god forsaken forum.

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 03:17 AM

Originally posted by 00PS
Spreading Truth is negative when you say Israel is a State Sponsor of Terrorism.

You asked me to Educate you so why don't we take a break and I'll come back with some evidence that shows you the Israelis target Non-Israelis in a way that is not in line with you optimism and positivity and is in fact Terror.

That will depend on the sources you will use.

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by JudahMaccabbi
....that memo is a blessed thing!!!!!!!!!

you're on happy pills, or something. i have linked to evidence of top down corporate control of truth. how is that a blessed thing? lying is okay if it's lying for your side?

fingerpointing 101. -whenever someone points a finger your way, ignore them, and point your finger at them while shouting defamatory remarks.

very insensitive of you to lump OOPs murdered friend in with terrorists. peace activists are not terrorists. there are no actual horns or sharp protruberences on a bull horn. orange is not a camoflage colour. protesting is not an act of aggresion.

i'm always very impressed with the linguistic acrobatics played by BOTH sides. your head can spin right off if you believe any of it.

'moses', an eyptian, leads people out of bondage through the REED SEA(it's amzing how many BAD TRANSLATIONS are still excepted as fact. once holy-wood burns it onto celluloid, history is rewritten.), and then goes up a mountain, puts some horns on his head and pronounces that god says kill 5000 people(crazy, eh?), so moses 'obeys'.
'jews' spread out over the centuries into russia and europe. 'judaism' is a religion, not a race.
peoples from the russian steps adopt judaism as their own.
the majority of jews are now genetically 'russian'.
the russians claim 'israel' belongs to their 'race'.
pasty english royalty decides to 'give' this 'race' 'back' their 'homeland', as a matter of biblical(?) 'right'.
people who have been 'squatting' on the russian homeland, that is, the semitic historical natives of the area, are driven out by force. these disenfranchised peoples are now known as 'terrorists'. they do things like try and live on their own land. but the russians call it 'occupied territory', which means it's a place for target practice on 'terrorists' like little girls on their way to school, and whatnot.

"everything israel does is justified" -dr.horacid.
"turn it into a sheet of glass" -every mind controlled redneck media junkie.

do israelis strap bombs to themselves and kill palestinian civilians? no. they shoot millions of dollars worth of munnitions from a distance. they plow people, homes and farms into the dirt. they 'occupy' land that is not theirs.

are palestinians not terrorists, then? i personally, never said that palestinian violence was justified, or that it wasn't 'terror'. a terrorist is a terrorist whether he has a bomb strapped to himself, or an entire country's war machine behind him(infront, technically).

this is my history lesson for today.

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 07:30 PM
OOPS - Good Post

No doubt about it, both US and Israel have long used terrorism to further their aims. Understandably people fed mush by Fox and other propaganda networks struggle to grasp this - the power of newspeak. Is it me or are these the same people who can't use capitals/ paragraphs/ proper spelling?

To me the saddest thing isn't the terrorism - it's the acceptance of it as acceptable behaviour for developed societies. Once you abandon moral behaviour you can't criticise other for repaying you in kind - hence any sympathy we have for innocent victims on an Israeli bus / 9-11 is lessened by knowledge of the evil done in their name against others.

For the record add the British Government to your list: links to and support for the UVF/UDA (protestant paramilitaries in Northern Ireland) are well -known and well-documented. These thugs have murdered and tortured innocents for years with the connivance & assistance of the UK Govt.


posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 07:55 PM

let's not fualt poelpe for splelnig msikates oaky ?

I don't always capitalize's a conspiracy of letters to dominate people haha

think about it... my college is the evergreen state college in olympia, washington. it's an anti-establishment univesity founded in 1967 by liberals in washington. they don't capitalize their name? why...i just told you..


also, thanks for chiming in on the list, few people added anything, only want to rant about this and that...welcome aboard

00ps (zero zero p.s.)

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 08:11 PM
Cheers 00PS (annoying that you can't see previous posts while you compose on this board)

Nice to be here. Interesting board.

Personally I worry that lack of capitals, grammar, punctuation, paragraphs and poor spelling (keying errors excepted) indicates too much Fox and not enough books. The odd idiosyncrasy is excusable - all at the same time is very worrying.

I thought posting was about conveying opinions - hard to see what some people are trying to say when their communication skills are so incredibly poor.

Always trying to make allowances for regional / country accents of course -

'More power to your elbow' - as we say in oop North in Ingerland


posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 08:21 PM

Definately, as an English teacher in China I should take care of my grammar and punctuation here at ATS more. I think people, including myself, get lazy on the net. And, I also agree with you, it's a sign of less books and more TV in peoples world.

I read recently about Brits' lack of ability to hold conversations on topics of relevance. It said that in a survey most people admitted to indulging in idle conversation rather than deep meaningful discussions.

While this is certainly most true for most places in the world where education is supposedly more developed in many ways than other nations it is notebly suprising to see the decline of the ability of these societies to have meaningful debate on the issues concerning them and the world.

Damn, that was a long sentance....

See ya!

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 09:01 PM
Hopefully it's not just a British condition.
But when us Brits talk about the weather, the price of tea etc it's just a coded way of exploring the potential for extreme sexual coupling - normally involving school uniforms and a cane.

Overall I think the saddest thing about all this WOT guff is not the people who've died (regrettable though every death is) it's the stifling of debate. 'Liberal' is now a dirty word in the US, the Christian hard right are becoming the dominant voice and any dissention is shouted down as unpatriotic.

Even here with our much freer and more diverse media the neo-con agenda is becoming dominant.

Two years ago 2+ million of us got off our arses and protested the illegal crusade against Iraq. From tattooed lesbians to ex-military (and some serving) all UK society was there. Talking to a policeman he admitted to me it was the biggest demo he'd ever seen - and beyond their possible control.

Just 2 years later people are passively accepting we're under a grave threat and that draconian legislation which will severely limit our freedom is 'probably neccessary'. We've just seen a plan to dismantle the greatest broadcasting / media organisation in the World be proposed with barely a murmur of dissent. The fact they caught the Govt. out in a lie over the war may have something to do with it.

That's the saddest thing - personally I think that's a fundamental part of the neo-con agenda. Quite what they've got in mind ultimately I don't know - Hopefully I won't be here when their master plan is finally revealed.

Make Tea Not War

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 09:08 PM
Juddah, If you have the juevos to come check this site out man I'll give you your proof.

If you can't handle babies with holes the size of golf balls shot through their stomach or burned babies or anything like that, don't go here.

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 09:21 PM
The images that were "hotlinked" from another website in this post had been reproduced without permission and have been removed at the request of the owner.

[edit on 16-3-2005 by SimonGray]

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 01:54 PM
Damn, Oops, that was a sick link. Appalling $hit, but they don't sponsor terror...

Ironically, the worst pic imo wasn't of the dead people. (I really can't say that, those pics were horrible) What I should say is that the pic that made the intentions clear was the "kill all arabs" written on the windows. And I thought the Israelis were under constant threat of their enemies who want to kill them all...

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 02:35 PM
The rest of the world knows this.

They know that while the US and Israel are saying they want to stop terrorism, they use it daily for their own means (Shock and Awe anyone? Bulldoze some neighborhoods?).

It's best for you to know what 98% of the rest of the planet KNOWS about America and Israel. Don't you agree?


posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by 00PS
Juddah, If you have the juevos to come check this site out man I'll give you your proof.

If you can't handle babies with holes the size of golf balls shot through their stomach or burned babies or anything like that, don't go here.

i had the juevos. forced myself. a very graphic portrait of the situation. very disgusting. the faked suicide bomber execution is disgusting. the baby with the exit hole the size of a baby's back was disgusting. the dead children are disgusting. the insult to humanity is disgusting. the fogging to prevent media coverage of mass murder is disgusting. bulldozing people into the ground is disgusting. 75 vivid pictures of disgusting GENOCIDE. if a picture is worth a thousand words, then that's a 75, 000 word message.

it's very disgusting that people actually cheer this # on, and label it 'justice'. 'israel is justified!'. insane.

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by skippytjc
By that argument, you need to add every other nation on the planet to that list.

Canada for example can be added for the dispersion of cows with Mad Cow desease, targeting soft targets worldwide.

Please use LOGIC when debating on this forum. Your counter-example is completely illogical and downright silly. I'm not trying to be offensive, just saying that if we stick to using logic, and relevant examples, our discussions will become much more intelligent.

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