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Originally posted by 00PS
Originally posted by JudahMaccabbi
[4- Murder - Some cases were uncovered when soldiers killed an Arab out...
Is IDF murdered my Classmate. An American citizen, born and raised. They ran over her with a bulldozer - on purpose.
What is Terror? The message Israel Sends to anyone who stands up for Palestinian rights. They send this message back home in a casket to my college : """ WARNING AMERICAN PEACE ACTIVISTS *** DO NOT GO TO ISRAEL *** THE ISRAELI DEFENSE FORCE WILL KILL YOU """
Originally posted by boogerYou are just a coffe shop liberal with just enough information to shame yourself.
Originally posted by 00PS
My friend was an innocent bystander.
And don't tell me standing in from of a
Doctors home is Pro-Palestinian Activism
It's Pro-Children, Human-Life Activism.
You don't see Palestinians Bulldozing
Israeli Hospitals do you? No!
All Citizens of Israel Serve in the IDF unless
Exempted. Israel has a very aggressive
settlement policy as well as Jewish
Outreach Program - Birthright.
The Palestinians are losing their land
You're friend got injured. Some
Peoples Friends have been Murdered.
Israelis can stand up and stop the violence
better than the Palestinians can, yet
most demonstrations are for the keeping
of the settlements. Pretty right winged
if you ask me.
This thread is not to discuss who is right
and who can fight. This thread is to discuss
the fact that ISRAEL and the USA are
State Supporters of Terror - are you
saying you disagree?
Originally posted by 00PS
Wow, Chinese new year resolution eh? I am reminded of a Right Wing Israeli nut case like that one that Assassinated your leader not too long ago.
Anything for Zion
There is no point talking in this thread anymore as you Judah and Booger have brought stupid remarks here and degrading bigotry by bring China into this....because I am in China?
Where are you Judah? In Israel? Make your Israeli New Year Resolution to stop the murder of Americans and Arabs alike by the IDF...And Booger, Make it your American New Year Resolution to try to think positive for a change.
A grip on reality? The only reality here is that you 2 cannot converse civily with others. It's your right to be be it
I'm outtie....................
[edit on 12-3-2005 by 00PS]
Originally posted by SiberianTiger
LOOK more "EVEDENCE" showing realy UGLY PAST,PRESENT (and from the way things are going) FUTURE also
[edit on 12-3-2005 by SiberianTiger]
The bomb was sophisticated and the target was psychological which points to the Mossad
The injuries were due to ball bearings which rule out rockets, mortar, truck bombs, etc.
You have voted 00PS for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have one more vote left for this month.
Originally posted by 00PS
Juddah I can understand your ignorance. That's why I choose to still communicate with you.
Who ever started Jew Bashing in this forum thread. Odd it's you, the one who claims to be in Israel.
No one said anything was all Israel's fault. Just because some thinks Mossad doesn't mean they are a 'Jew Hater'. Do you really feel hated?
There were many Jewish kids at my school. A minority had a majority at a college of only 4000 or so it seemed. Seemed by their Superiority Complex. Much I can say about you. Do you feel superior that you are Jewish? That Israel has the right to do anything in the Name of Zion?
And just because I question your Jewry doesn't mean I hate Jews. My best friend is Jewish and went to Israel on Birthright but went home because he said it was not as cool as USA...bottom line you should check yourself. The way your statements are you sound like a fundmental zionist extrimist.
[edit on 12-3-2005 by 00PS]
Originally posted by General Zapata
Now, we turn to Israel. Unlike the US (except for 9/11, which was pissweak compared to the hell that the US has wrought), Israel has been feeling the retaliation of its policies on its own soil. Thankfully, the world is starting to sit up and take notice. The sympathy card is getting more and more difficult to play. If we can't fully remove the blight on the world knows as Israel, we can at least make it pay for its transgressions. And yet, we have no reason as to what Israel gains from its continuing policies of violence and apatheid against the palestinian people. Perhaps the huge US 'aid' is enough. perhaps not.
If we can't fully remove the blight on the world knows as Israel
Originally posted by JudahMaccabbi
I think I sensed a bit of racism there:
If we can't fully remove the blight on the world knows as Israel
Fisrt off, Jews and Arabs are Semitic therefore race has nothing to do with it.
Palestinians have no land ownership rights, voting rights and sometimes education rights in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon or Egypt. Therefore, true, Apartheid exists but it is in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt where Palestinian residents in these countries do not have the rights of the local population and yet Arabs and their Oil loving Cronies (Europeans for the most part) say that Israel is an Apartheid state.
Ironic isn't it.
Originally posted by 00PS
Yeah well I don't know what issues you are talking about that I haven't responded to...please be more specific...
Secondly, I didn't prove Israel can't defend herself. I said She killed my classmate witha bulldozer. They ran over her with a bulldozer. After a standoff of staring eachother down, they just ran over a young girl. That is terror. That is telling my comrades not to come to Israel if we want to stop them from tearing down the homes of Palestinian doctors because if they do the IDF will kill them. That's terror.
I was only talking about this to you at first. But the original of this post is that ISRAEL is a state sponsor of terror. If you disagree that's fine but there is so much proof out there that they are.
OK Even assuming what you say is true and not doctored in any way or transformed to suite the mindset of extreme individuals - then, according to your definition the only people not guilty of terrorism are probably the Tahiti and Micronasia - I think I herd of a story that a policeman in one of these Isalnds arrested a local and forgot him in the holding cell for a month.
So I guess to define terrorism we need to be a bit more specific and not generalize the definition to include just about every country on this god forsaken rock we call Earth.
Originally posted by 00PS
Originally posted by JudahMaccabbi
I think I sensed a bit of racism there:
If we can't fully remove the blight on the world knows as Israel
Fisrt off, Jews and Arabs are Semitic therefore race has nothing to do with it.
Palestinians have no land ownership rights, voting rights and sometimes education rights in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon or Egypt. Therefore, true, Apartheid exists but it is in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt where Palestinian residents in these countries do not have the rights of the local population and yet Arabs and their Oil loving Cronies (Europeans for the most part) say that Israel is an Apartheid state.
Ironic isn't it.
Minority rights are a different story.
You contradict yourself by sensing racism that doesn't exist.
Lastly, Apartheid exists because Jews are building a wall between themselves and Palestinians, the previous (and current by many means) legal ownder of the land.
Originally posted by JudahMaccabbi
I think I sensed a bit of racism there:
and then you talk about apartheid? That seems to be contradictory don't you think?
apartheid: n. racial segregation and discrimination (in South Africa).
Fisrt off, Jews and Arabs are Semitic therefore race has nothing to do with it. The difference is religion. How many Arab countries are there? How many Muslim countries are there? How many Christian countries are there? How many Jewish countries? Yet Israel is the problem?