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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 06:37 AM
Some updates from the Marine Corps,
I thought this would be the best thread to add this if anyone is interested.

This is what's currently going on at the battalion/squadron level.

I have a unit of about 600.
-On Thursday we had to report up everyone that had traveled out of town in the last 30 days and location and any dependents that had traveled in the last 30 days and location.

-We had a few who were sick that had to be secured to their rooms, they ended up cleared by medical on Friday but are being made to stay in their rooms until Monday just in case.

-Everyone returning from out of town is being placed in a 14 day isolation status. (that list is going to get long very fast)

-All travel outside of 100 miles has to be approved by the 1st commanding General in our chain of command.

-Any gathering of more than 250 has to be approved by the MEF CG. Our unit commander can't even hold a formation without approval.

-We're standing up a Corona response platoon to handle getting chow, laundry etc... for all the inevitable confirmed cases.

-We're expecting these restrictions to remain in place for at least the next 45-60 days.

posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 06:37 AM
Insane queues on the road in Italy for the supermarkets now

Benidorm on lockdown

Ransacked shelves in Manchester

Basically there is so much content on this group, especially if you are in the UK
I will try and embed some bits as well

posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 06:39 AM
The biggest problem in Europe (as I personally saw in Italy and neighbouring countries) are the elderly. Even when the young population respected the quarantine, the elderly are the ones in bars drinking coffee. There were thousands of them out in Italy this week even when the police started to fine them. They were living a free life for the last 70+ years and because of that they ignore the rules that everyone else have to obey. The same problem is in Slovenia and Austria. Old people ignore everything and don't respect social distancing. You can't theach new tricks to an old dog.

posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 06:47 AM
a reply to: watchitburn
Good info. I wonder what the Reserves and National Guard are planning on doing with this month and next month drills and upcoming 2 week annual trainings? Will this apply to those folks too?

posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 06:52 AM
a reply to: KindraLaBelle

Can I just say we also don't want to sleepwalk into 1984, this world changing scenario, might be just the ticket to usher in a new era. Once we adopt a certain lifestyle and accept a police state openly, who's to say we'll ever go back completely to how it used to be?

posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 06:57 AM
a reply to: 38181

We're not allowed to leave the state, schools and competitions are canceled, no training outside of the state, stay home and do not come to drill (SUTA) with any symptoms, anybody exposed or sick is required to report up the chain, this includes family members and children. There is also talk of suspending drill because we get piled into small spaces. No orders, no standby orders, nothing really.

posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 07:04 AM
a reply to: DAZ21

This X 1000. I had to dig up my old password from an account I made and never really used just to answer this.

I feel the exact same way. I can't help but feel like we are watching a worldwide human programming right before our eyes. For the past few months I've felt like either I was the crazy one, or something really weird is happening here. I hate to say I hope I'm wrong b/c then that would mean this virus is some serious stuff (which it may in fact be! I'm not discounting that, this is just me rambling), but this all just seems like a poorly written movie (as they all are lately) unfolding in front of us.

Let me be clear... I'm not saying the virus isn't real! I know it is, but it's a tool being used as a way to 'sleepwalk into 1984' which is a great way of putting it.

posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 07:07 AM

Keep seeing stuff like this

The hospital found out she posted about her grandson having cv and pneumonia on Facebook and asked her to take it down to stop people panicking! SHOCKING!
I can't even believe a hospital would do this in the UK. I bet there are so many cases like this we don't know about.

posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 07:08 AM

originally posted by: trusername
So without reading thru 5 threads and hundreds of pages - can anyone summarize / update -

Is China not manufacturing again or still seeing lots of cases (are their #s totally false on worldometer since the % # out of Italy vs. # out of China are so different?)

Also, this is a very odd little Mar 9th video (maybe using crafting and glue sticks to avoid censorship while this guy walks around Beijing showing how empty the streets are and the temperature and social distancing measures and child labor bleach spraying??

Clearly it is not back to normal there. The date on the vid is pretty reliable as the map shows greater than 100 cases in the US. This is what I am hearing from my sources as well.

This is crippling their economy, so they are trying everything to make it look like they are back to work for the rest of the world, as well as doing everything to try and maintain social order before the CCP loses all credibility (too late for that).

I will keep repeating, while there are actual issues outside, the big story is there. The focus will return to China and the CCP. Don't get distracted by the TP rush as what is going on there actually matters to us too. Hang tight.

posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 07:12 AM
Netherlands Update:

- Minister of Finances, Mr. Hoekstra wants to do everything to keep KLM and Schiphol afload (Airline companies). He says we can do this, cause government finances are great right now. Really? We've had major financial problems in this country for years and now suddenly we can spend billions on a #ing airline company? That's the government in a nutshell. It's likely Mr. Hoekstra has some shares in it aswell. Like he has shares in the deaths of many.

- New measures in Brabant. Live program at 1415u to announce them. I wonder if it has anything to do with the ''fake news'' story that the situation in the Brabant's hospital is critical.

- GGD thinks total infections currently at 6000 (Compared to the confirmed 959). Less testing means less panic. Also, apparently it ''only seems the virus is widespread, but it's actually heavily restricted.'' Really?

God, I hope people finally wake up to what these governments actually are.

posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 07:14 AM

originally posted by: Vault40
a reply to: DAZ21

This X 1000. I had to dig up my old password from an account I made and never really used just to answer this.

I feel the exact same way. I can't help but feel like we are watching a worldwide human programming right before our eyes. For the past few months I've felt like either I was the crazy one, or something really weird is happening here. I hate to say I hope I'm wrong b/c then that would mean this virus is some serious stuff (which it may in fact be! I'm not discounting that, this is just me rambling), but this all just seems like a poorly written movie (as they all are lately) unfolding in front of us.

Let me be clear... I'm not saying the virus isn't real! I know it is, but it's a tool being used as a way to 'sleepwalk into 1984' which is a great way of putting it.

if it weren't for the nuclear power plants and all the oil pipe and other horrible stuff that can pollute us, well, I just don't know what to say.

There is a saying , it can be contained, but if an infected person walks in, then it all repeats itself, that is my biggest worry.

By the way, has China fallen yet?

posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 07:18 AM
Just a thought... What if the vaping empire contributed toward the start of this virus ?

In 2019 it became news that vaping posed a certain threat and folks were suddenly getting respiratory illnesses and dying from it. Could a strain of the corona virus have mutated from people who vape and turned into the current COVID19 strain ?


posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 07:23 AM

originally posted by: DAZ21
a reply to: KindraLaBelle

Can I just say we also don't want to sleepwalk into 1984, this world changing scenario, might be just the ticket to usher in a new era. Once we adopt a certain lifestyle and accept a police state openly, who's to say we'll ever go back completely to how it used to be?

People seem to be unknowingly asking for it... broader awareness of this should be spread. Even HERE at ATS (depressingly), it is unbelievable what some folks seem to think is a good idea. The key to getting through this all without 1984 coming about is promoting personal sovereignty and responsibility. Less reliance on government, and a willingness to tell authority to go jump when they step over the line. It is sad how far we have travelled down that road, and we're coming over the brow of the hill to have the realisation of the destination they have envisaged.

Last chance to put the breaks on and exert personal sovereignty. Authority are really wanting to move in to top gear now. Which is the greater threat? Corona or the Gov? We can handle self isolation right? We can think of ways of looking after each other...
Do we feel the need for governments to be arresting people? Checking our papers... Honestly, speak loudly about this where you can. I mean, no public gatherings? Separating us? The writing's on the wall with this...

If you give your power away, then someone will take it.

posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 07:25 AM

originally posted by: 38181
a reply to: watchitburn
Good info. I wonder what the Reserves and National Guard are planning on doing with this month and next month drills and upcoming 2 week annual trainings? Will this apply to those folks too?

From what I understand for reservists, anyone currently at drill or AT will stay there. Any upcoming drills will get cancelled unless specific units get activated or tasked.

National Guard belongs to the States, so I don't have any visibility on them.

posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 07:28 AM
someone sent me this watch party for a hong kong train station

Someone let me know if it works

Also anyone know whats going on?

Very distressing.

Being censored, sorry guys I can still access it on messenger buy cant share, the police were beating people in the train station, keeping people on train, than going inside train and beating people with umbrellas?

W t F is going on.. why do they have umbrellas open in the subway??
edit on 15-3-2020 by ragiusnotiel because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 07:31 AM
a reply to: ragiusnotiel

Link doesn’t work.

posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 07:33 AM

originally posted by: litterbaux
a reply to: ragiusnotiel

Link doesn’t work.

Rewatching and screenshotting its a watch party i cant save the video

posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 07:35 AM

originally posted by: leolady

Just a thought... What if the vaping empire contributed toward the start of this virus ?

In 2019 it became news that vaping posed a certain threat and folks were suddenly getting respiratory illnesses and dying from it. Could a strain of the corona virus have mutated from people who vape and turned into the current COVID19 strain ?


While I guess it's possible, I don't think it's likely.
On the one hand, a lot of vapers buy those juel things or similar, and who knows where they are manufactured and where the juice is mixed and packaged and by whom. Or they are buying the little bottles of flavored juice, same thing. Who's making it and where?

However, if you look at how they work. The juice is vaporized on a heated coil. I think any pathogens would be destroyed in the heating process.

posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 07:40 AM

originally posted by: ragiusnotiel
someone sent me this watch party for a hong kong train station

Someone let me know if it works

Also anyone know whats going on?

Very distressing.

Being censored, sorry guys I can still access it on messenger buy cant share, the police were beating people in the train station, keeping people on train, than going inside train and beating people with umbrellas?

W t F is going on.. why do they have umbrellas open in the subway??

The link works fine, and wtf man, they're beating the crap out people in t h e station, it appears they are trying to keep people on the train and are spraying stuff at them when the doors open. Just wtf...

posted on Mar, 15 2020 @ 07:41 AM
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

I'm unable to see the facebook video, I get this message:

The page you requested cannot be displayed right now. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may be broken or expired, or you may not have permission to view this page.

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