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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 09:02 AM
North West England; heard some local supermarkets have rolled out some "new and improved" social distancing measures. Went into an Iceland superstore, and a Home Bargains. They have stuck tape all over the floors marking out 2 metre squares, and also have put up a lot of signage. A lot of products are now "1 per customer." The worst part was, nobody is respecting the "social distancing" things. Literally people walking oblivious getting way too close to eachother! Every 2-3 minutes I was having to go out of my way to avoid people who would have otherwise came within touching distance. Also had to avert several aisles were people who were together were standing spread out and blocking the aisles for anyone else. And at the tills it was a nightmare. Nobody respecting the space, people milling about near the tills still doing their shopping, using the till area to cut through from aisle to aisle and weaving through the queues. It is madness and people are still not taking it seriously. I was going to do one final shop in Asda tomorrow but after today I may have left the house for the last time until May...

posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 09:10 AM
a reply to: MonkeyBalls2

Regarding Tokyo I found this news site
It has some pictures of the stores and empty shelves.

posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 09:26 AM
a reply to: McCool

I can believe it. Without seeing it, it just doesn't seem real to people, and it isn't ever present in their minds.

If I was to make a recommendation if you want to add to your stocks, I think the local corner shops might be a better choice.
They have slightly elevated prices, but have some of most things. Also, they are small enough that so long as you know what you're going in for, you can (as futile as it might be) to hold your breath until you get out again.
Everyone is generally going to the big stores.
There is a kind of "ah, screw it" attitude kicking in slowly, and people want things, so they're still just carrying on as normal.

I'm of the mind, that if I can hold out, then I may as well. This virus is actually a test of will power above all else.
I'm trying to stick with one decent meal a day at the moment, and I'm not feeling lacking. Most of my stress right now is coming from worrying about family etc, who are all a bit more cavalier about it.

posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 09:40 AM
a reply to: misfit312

Perfect, cheers

posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 09:50 AM
The world really has gone upside down!!!!!

Protesters on the Mexican side of the US/Mexico border are blocking roads to prevent people and supplies coming into Mexico from the US over virus fears!

I am really thinking I have slipped over into an alternate reality somehow.


posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 09:53 AM

originally posted by: MrRCflying
The world really has gone upside down!!!!!

Protesters on the Mexican side of the US/Mexico border are blocking roads to prevent people and supplies coming into Mexico from the US over virus fears!

I am really thinking I have slipped over into an alternate reality somehow.


Maybe the Mexicans can build a wall to keep Americans out.
edit on b000000312020-03-26T09:55:14-05:0009America/ChicagoThu, 26 Mar 2020 09:55:14 -0500900000020 by butcherguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 09:56 AM
This isn't going to end well here in Indiana it's close to 200 new cases everyday. Still hasn't got to our County yet but at this rate it's only a matter of time and by the infection rate I really don't believe it's going to just stop when the season is over . this is just crazy how can that many people get this virus without it being airborne ?
edit on 3/26/2020 by Gargoyle91 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 10:09 AM
LOL now pay attention 7aRcXnmnsrHJKzE452OJA0Vntze1TB3cRTj1XLX9RQ2JoEIBaNyIqwyF_CM_g_mLlzMzsOr0dbuhG6rS5LmhEF-x02uYJiqhMWMHkzj7bIPhR5gihJPZgnQEpuGQNFoHxb_I3xz-LpQNR-Ie-gP-Re s5NtQ3fQKR8LpivMgsFwOA_Wu3_3WwTgii5R2yHqR48WSJvWAhXi8jfKcEW115UOd-Vq3hRDBMS2ucmRuP7L1SeyqziAURkupiGZ77KadImcNcde3m6qZ_HHhZcnl5vWKk-sNP-KdHykjsMP2KmG8P cKs-m&__tn__=-R

posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 10:09 AM

originally posted by: Gargoyle91
This isn't going to end well here in Indiana it's close to 200 new cases everyday. Still hasn't got to our County yet but at this rate it's only a matter of time and by the infection rate I really don't believe it's going to just stop when the season is over . this is just crazy how can that many people get this virus without it being airborne ?

Honestly, I believe most of it is surface touch. I think doors, counters, store pin pads, money, all of those are possible places that you could pick it up. A quick lapse in judgment, and you rub your eye, and you have it.

I have only been out once since the 13th. and that was to get propane and meds. I used gloves, n95, and sprayed everything down when I got home. Put my cloths in the washing machine, and got a shower.

I really believe the odds of picking it up off surfaces is higher than someone coughing in your face.

posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 10:09 AM
a reply to: Trillium

Link did not work.

posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 10:12 AM
From The BBC Live Feed :

-15h12 : Scammers in UK sending Fake Texts to People to gather credit card details : Example Pics of scams in Twitter feed below.

"The UK Govt has only sent out One text Message. Any others are False."
edit on 26-3-2020 by MonkeyBalls2 because: added stuff

posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 10:22 AM
a reply to: Hefficide

Thanks for this Heff, however we have 13 cases in our town and unfortunately we're not even on the map.

ETA just hit 14
edit on 26-3-2020 by slapjacks because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 10:25 AM
We will hit 70,000 confirmed cases in the US, and 500,000 confirmed cases globally later today (we're at 69,000-something in US and 490,000-something globally at the current time)

That was fast

posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 10:26 AM

originally posted by: FamCore
We will hit 70,000 confirmed cases in the US, and 500,000 confirmed cases globally later today (we're at 69,000-something in US and 490,000-something globally at the current time)

That was fast

If the numbers are like yesterday, we will blow by 70k and 80k today in the US.

posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 10:26 AM

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: Gargoyle91
This isn't going to end well here in Indiana it's close to 200 new cases everyday. Still hasn't got to our County yet but at this rate it's only a matter of time and by the infection rate I really don't believe it's going to just stop when the season is over . this is just crazy how can that many people get this virus without it being airborne ?

Honestly, I believe most of it is surface touch. I think doors, counters, store pin pads, money, all of those are possible places that you could pick it up. A quick lapse in judgment, and you rub your eye, and you have it.

I have only been out once since the 13th. and that was to get propane and meds. I used gloves, n95, and sprayed everything down when I got home. Put my cloths in the washing machine, and got a shower.

I really believe the odds of picking it up off surfaces is higher than someone coughing in your face.

Hey there ... be aware that it survives in the air for up to 3 hours. That's why other countries spray the empty streets. It's in the air
edit on 26-3-2020 by pasiphae because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 10:29 AM
Update : March 26 almost midnight Thursday Tokyo

Hello ATS folks . Gosh, things are starting to take place as mentioned: The Olympics was a "hold it till we figure out what to do with a stage 2 panic". Of course , you've been reading my "street talk" and the most important one was about when the Olympics fall, then that is when the "behind the scenes" become clear to us in Japan. We are no different then China in a few ways, which I've said. It's community, but with cities here in the millions, I don't feel that is true.
Any way, I want to sound positive about something that may actually happen: that is people will stay put. But truthfully I'm dreaming. Because immigration to the big cities to find jobs for the young is off, so if they can't pay the rent then they are heading back where they came from and although in my area there are job openings everywhere. But with a possibility of lock downs even nationwide which I can see is a must or other wise this country will be polluted with the virus in about 30 days. Book mark this post.

As for food shortages. NO
As for food flying off the shelf, well, yes and no. ( the reason is because the young mostly eat out or they just buy cup noodles or ramen or soba stuff and cook) (this will all change this weekend )
Empty shelves, yes of course. But currently I don't have any pictures . (its really not necessary because there are so many neighborhood small stores everywhere.
What you need to understand that it is soon to have the new year for university students. They have already with the parents help secured the apartments and now ordering fridges , beds and everything to be delivered, but there is now a sever shortage of people to work the delivery trucks. ( its a big mess )
So will university start if the cities have lock down? Its very possible and how do you get 1st students enrolled then with classroom studies of campus. You all see the links here... Everything seems to be a recipe for the upcoming month.
I live in a medical university town and also with the largest chemical company (are they still be able to keep their promise of the hires from the recruiting period of last year. Already thousands of companies are canceling their new employees. What a mess. The young ones move all around the country only to show up and find out they are no longer needed. (most companies have different policies regarding this, but I'll just keep it simple: NO WE NO LONGER NEED YOU
Tokyo and perhaps many other cities will now follow Tokyo's example of shutting down this weekend other then essential businesses . Many large department stores WILL BE CLOSED this weekend for 2 days. ( I think this is just a warning what really lies ahead for the retail business.
I mentioned already Toyota closed 5 plants here. Yikes!

For food supplies:
According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, rice has about 3.8 million tons of domestic demand, equivalent to 6.2 months of domestic demand, combined with government stocks, and about 90% of wheat depends on imports from overseas, including the United States. However, it has a stockpile of approximately 930,000 tons, equivalent to 2.3 months of domestic demand, and says that there will be no shortage of supplies.
Much of our can fruit does come from Thailand, Philippines and China. Lots of chocolate, cookies and crackers come from other Asian countries. As of today, I will not be buying any more can fruit from Thailand and the Philippines. China, well them days were long gone.
So basically we have the food storage OK. Lots of pasta comes from Italy and Greece. But once those supplies are empty, I highly doubt we'll see it in stock. ( I bought this stuff all 2 weeks ago ) Also we get can tomatoes from Spain and Italy, those too once gone will probably never show up.
Luckily fish (local markets ) should be ok. Fishing season soon I believe. And for me too.
Thousands of small family gardens so we have a lot of Saturday open air markets, so I don't think where I'm at, vegetable and fruit will be in short supply. As long as the old don't fall ill.

For Europe news:
Italy over 7500 dead ( probably much more by now )
Spain is topping the 4000 mark

For Japan and Okinawa:

Many more people were infected in Japan or who were travelers or returnees from China, Europe or the United States,
Numbers may not be current , but I can see by tomorrow in the 1600's, maybe less, maybe more
259 in Tokyo, ( Tokyo cases are rising very fast now ) ( I actually can see 5000 cases once the testing goes into full swing like in one day, don’t know why they won’t do it )
168 in Hokkaido ,
157 in Aichi ,
156 Osaka: 156,
Hyogo: 120,
Kanagawa: 93,
Saitama: 67,
Chiba: 56,
Kyoto: 34,
Niigata: 29,
Oita Prefecture 25 people,
Wakayama Prefecture, 17 people,
Gifu Prefecture 15 people,
Gunma Prefecture 14 people,
Kochi Prefecture, 12 people,
Tochigi Prefecture 10 people,
Ibaraki Prefecture, 10 people,
9 people in Mie prefecture,
9 people in Nara prefecture, 9 people in
Fukuoka prefecture
8 people in Ishikawa prefecture, 8 people in
Kumamoto prefecture
6 people in Aomori prefecture, 6 people in
Yamaguchi prefecture, 6 people in
Okinawa 6
6 Shiga prefectures
5 Nagano prefectures, 5
Fukui prefectures, 5
Yamanashi prefectures, 4
Hiroshima prefectures, 4
Shizuoka prefectures, 3
Ehime prefectures 3 people,
Miyazaki Prefecture, 3 people,
Akita Prefecture 2 people,
Fukushima Prefecture 2 people
Nagasaki Prefecture, two people,
2 people in Miyagi prefecture,
1 person in Okayama prefecture, 1 person in
Tokushima prefecture, 1 person in
Kagawa prefecture, 1 person in
Saga prefecture
14 people returned from China by charter aircraft,
There are a total of 33 people, including those from the Ministry of Labor, quarantine officers, and those who have been confirmed to be infected during airport quarantine. (I can see the airport personal numbers rising due to people coming back from overseas)

I can't really do anymore shopping and in a way I guess its good since it keeps me away from people. But hopefully by April 4 th I'll some money to buy some more flour and other needed supplies. Need to buy a hand ax . Charcoal from China I don't think will be coming in this year and I really don't want to touch the stuff anyway. So I'll go out in the woods and get my bbq wood that way.

You all take care and see ya in the morning.

posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 10:31 AM

originally posted by: pasiphae

originally posted by: MrRCflying

originally posted by: Gargoyle91
This isn't going to end well here in Indiana it's close to 200 new cases everyday. Still hasn't got to our County yet but at this rate it's only a matter of time and by the infection rate I really don't believe it's going to just stop when the season is over . this is just crazy how can that many people get this virus without it being airborne ?

Honestly, I believe most of it is surface touch. I think doors, counters, store pin pads, money, all of those are possible places that you could pick it up. A quick lapse in judgment, and you rub your eye, and you have it.

I have only been out once since the 13th. and that was to get propane and meds. I used gloves, n95, and sprayed everything down when I got home. Put my cloths in the washing machine, and got a shower.

I really believe the odds of picking it up off surfaces is higher than someone coughing in your face.

Hey there ... be aware that it survives in the air for up to 3 hours. That's why other countries spray the empty streets. It's in the air

That is why I am still doing N95 mask if I go out. One of these days I will break out the P100 respirator, I am sure that will get a lot of looks.

For it to hang in the air 3 hours, I assume that would be completely still air? That won't happen outside. Even inside with HVAC, I think it would disperse. The question is, how dilute (in the air) does the virus have to be, to be considered not a threat.

posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 10:32 AM
a reply to: Gargoyle91

It is airborne though.

posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: MrRCflying

I'm wearing my P100 when I go out now (rarely), bright pink filter housing with yellow bands, quite striking, only gone out twice with it.

I live in the heart of Sydney, Australia, and i do get some interesting looks. Anger, ridicule, fear, consideration and pure denial are all apparent on different people's faces when they see the mask.

The denial ones are the funniest, their gaze magically slides around you, deftly avoiding even an instant of eye contact... not happening, not happening, not happening...... lol

There are probably about 200,000 people in a 200 metre radius of my house, and I'm still seeing lots of people out, maybe keeping a bit of distance but generally not too concerned (idiots... it's alright, statistically they are the first 60% who will get this), and less than 10% wearing masks.

Interesting times!

posted on Mar, 26 2020 @ 11:06 AM
a reply to: MrRCflying

I don't worry so much about it outside as long as I'm not near people but going into grocery stores I definitely worry. In office buildings where people are still working... it's a problem. I know A/C will filter it but it takes a long time for a big area to recycle. I envy people who can afford expensive air purifiers.

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