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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 09:42 PM
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

Don’t get me started on the astonishing ignorance we are bearing witness too. We are watching a gobsmacked United States government who proven their ignorance by having ample time to prepare for a pandemic and did not. Not to mention it appears most Americans are willing to accept hundreds if not thousands die daily yet just 19 years ago when 911 hit those kind of fatalities were unacceptable. 🤷‍♂️ Anyhow back on topic thanks.

New York, Hawaii and North Carolina have requested emergency mortuary assistance from FEMA to handle the coming deaths expected from coronavirus, as the pandemic bears down on the United States.

New York, Hawaii and North Carolina ask FEMA for help handling coronavirus dead

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 09:42 PM

originally posted by: sine.nomine
I just got a letter and a badge that exempts me from any curfews or lockdowns to show to police and/or national guard so I can go to work as an essential service...

I was really hoping for that quarantine pay... Damn.

You got a badge?
Huh.. I've only seen the letters.

I'm working with hazard pay.. But it is starting to get sketchy..
edit on 3/25/2020 by clay2 baraka because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 09:44 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

Well we are definitely not under quarantine, you can catch a flight out of NYC right now.. or drive your car right out of the city.
edit on 25-3-2020 by Bicent because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 09:44 PM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

originally posted by: Bicent

Wednesday's major coronavirus updates: - USA: +11,204 cases, +146 deaths - Spain: +7,457 cases, +656 deaths - Italy: +5,210 cases, +683 deaths - Germany: +3,907 cases, +47 deaths - France: +2,931 cases, +231 deaths - Iran: +2,206 cases, +143 deaths - UK: +1,452 cases, +43 deaths


Highest fatalities for USA to date. Pisses me off. RIP

Too many people not taking this seriously, it's going to get a lot worse.

Yeah, we beat Iran's cases/deaths today. New York mortuaries at capacity.

This "hoax" is just beginning in the US..

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 09:50 PM

originally posted by: Bicent
a reply to: burdman30ott6

Well we are definitely not under quarantine, you can catch a flight out of NYC right now.. or drive your car right out of the city.

Not sure I could say the same for Alaska right now. The way it sounds, not sure you'll be able to say the same about New York in a day or two.

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 09:51 PM
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

The tighter they try to control things, the less control they will have.

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 09:53 PM
a reply to: clay2 baraka

Ahem, democrat hoax...

The number in the U S are sky rocketing, doctors are sounding the alarm, I'm glad I don't live in a city right now.

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 09:53 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6


posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 10:04 PM
My biggest question now is will this thing result in A) an economic depression similar to what happened after the 1929 stock market crash, B) a global monetary reset, or C) something in between involving draconian measures/1984esque and something akin to the NWO theory we've speculated about for well over a decade?

I'm personally leaning towards B or C... and I'm not liking where this is going regardless of options A, B or C (they all suck)

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 10:05 PM
Hawaii up 6 to 95.
Will we hit three digits tomorrow?

And a correction, the reported death was not due to coronavirus, the test results were "misinterpreted." Swell.
edit on 3/25/2020 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 10:08 PM

BUDAPEST/LONDON — Deputy British ambassador to Hungary has died after contracting coroavirus.

Steven Dick, Deputy Head of Mission at the British Embassy in Budapest, has died after contracting coronavirus, the Foreign Office said on Wednesday.

Steven Dick, the 37-year-old diplomat, died in Hungary on Tuesday,, the UK the Foreign Office said in a statement on Wednesday. Dick had served as Deputy British Ambassador to Hungary since December, Reuters reported citing the UK government’s website.

Parents of the deceased diplomat described him as “a much-loved son, grandson and nephew” who was “kind, funny and generous” in a public statement.

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 10:11 PM


posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 10:16 PM
Morning Update: Tokyo March 26, 2020

I know these numbers are likely to grow much larger in the big cities since the "clusters" will be very hard to contain, but here it is for this morning in Japan and Okinawa.

ccording to local governments and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, six people were infected by 11 am in Gifu, Hiroshima, Okinawa and Fukui in total on 26th.

In Japan, 1313 people have been infected, including those who returned home on charter aircraft. In addition, the cruise ship has 712 passengers and crew members, bringing the total to 2025. A total of 55 people have died , including 45 infected people and 10 cruise ship passengers in the country.

Of 1313 people who were infected in Japan or who were travelers or returnees from China, Europe or the United States, of which 1313 people were infected

212 in Tokyo,
167 in Hokkaido ,
154 in Aichi
149 in Osaka ( hmm... won't be long to see Osaka a few cases following Tokyo ) ( kind of a wild city there when the weather turns warm )
119 in Hyogo ( I'm surprised at the high cases here, something is happening quietly there )
87 in Kanagawa
60 in Saitama
53 in Chiba ( this is the one place we got to keep an eye on )
31 in Kyoto
29 in Niigata,
25 people in Oita Prefecture,
17 people in Wakayama Prefecture
, 14 people in Gunma Prefecture, 14 people in
Gifu Prefecture ( both Gunma and Gifu Prefectures are small in numbers , but it doesn't look good at all )
12 people in Kochi Prefecture
10 people in Tochigi Prefecture, 10 people in
Ibaraki Prefecture
9 in Mie, 9 in
Nara, 9 in
Fukuoka ( Fukuoka, hmm... I think in the days to come, its going to be right up there with Tokyo, why, well, the international airport and the cherry blossom viewing )
8 in Ishikawa, 8 in
6 in Aomori, 6 in
Okinawa, 6 in
Shiga 5 prefectures, 5
Nagano prefectures, 5
Fukui prefectures, 5
Yamaguchi prefectures, 5
Yamanashi prefectures, 4
Hiroshima prefectures, 4
Shizuoka prefectures, 3
Ehime prefectures 3 people,
Miyazaki Prefecture, 3 people,
Akita Prefecture 2 people,
Fukushima Prefecture 2 people
Nagasaki Prefecture, two people,
1 person in Miyagi prefecture, 1 person in
Okayama prefecture, 1 person in
Tokushima prefecture, 1 person in
Kagawa prefecture, 1 person in
Saga prefecture
14 people returned from China by charter aircraft,
Welfare There are a total of 33 people, including those from the Ministry of Labor, quarantine officers, and those who have been confirmed to be infected during airport quarantine. ( the airport quarantine headquarter I find alarming. I don't know what kind of protection they are wearing and haven't seen any recent pictures )

It says 55 people have died, but I wish they'd post the ambulance calls around the nation. If they are doing that, I'll try to find out. That would give us a better idea on the situations in the hospitals. ( not all cases will be for the virus, but this would give us the activity, also many farmers are now out being busy in their fields )

A meeting of experts this morning held a round table meeting and agreed with a report stating that the current situation in the country was "highly likely to spread".
Yep! Finally they said it up front to the public. Yippy! Now maybe they'll start closing all the these conveyor type sushi restaurants. Some have covers on the sushi, but not all . I say this because it flu season and these are family restaurants .

This actually has been taking place in most prefectures with university hospitals: Japan is preparing a medical system in each prefecture in preparation for an infection explosion.

So there you have it folks. We'll be probably seeing a lot of Japanese news from now, on the world stage. We got some pretty big cities here.

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 10:18 PM

originally posted by: Bicent

Where The ICU Beds Are More than half of counties have no hospital ICU beds, a growing concern as the novel coronavirus spreads throughout the nation. This map shows counties with no hospitals, counties with hospitals but no ICU beds, and counties that do have ICU beds. You can scroll over the map or, better yet, do a more comprehensive search on KHN’s interactive table, where you can search by either county or state

Millions Of Older Americans Live In Counties With No ICU Beds As Pandemic Intensifies


My wife is in the critical care medical profession..we just moved..

There is the old acronym us CC/CCU (Critical Care Unit) .not to the confused with the Corany Care Unit...then become TRU...then TCU...please people get off the "USA is lacking" bandwagon.

Now get into NICU....Hell our national L&D gave birth to damn near (for free) 750k+ births last year to illegal alien parents!...didn't stress the system out or did it? link

Yet, would not one question the use of a single word used constantly lately "ICU" all MSM and governors crying for aid??

Start looking at a generality and colloquialism called...
"Acute Care"...American Hospital Association

This is an emergency for this country, period.

Yet, (not knowing who votes them back into office without an end in site)...pack a bill, full of pork neglecting their responsibility.

Here is the source to the entire bill text: link

Edit: Adjustments to the bill will be on the above link as available


edit on 03200000America/Chicago25_10America/Chicagopm by missed_gear because: Clarity

edit on 03260000America/Chicago25_10America/Chicagopm by missed_gear because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 10:20 PM
a reply to: missed_gear

Don’t shoot the messenger I just shared the story. 🤷‍♂️

Thanks for the bill. 👍
edit on 25-3-2020 by Bicent because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 10:22 PM

originally posted by: Bicent
a reply to: missed_gear

Don’t shoot the messenger I just shared the story. 🤷‍♂️

Yes...perhaps parroting is just a messenger...


posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 10:29 PM
‘Twisted prank’: Woman purposely coughed on $35,000 worth of supermarket food, owner says

HANOVER TOWNSHIP, Pa. (NEXSTAR) – The co-owner of a Pennsylvania grocery store chain wrote an exasperated Facebook post after he says a woman purposely coughed on at least $35,000 worth of food, which had to be thrown away Wednesday afternoon. “Today was a very challenging day,” Joe Fasula, of Gerrity’s Supermarket, wrote. “At 2:20 p.m. today, I got a call from our Hanover Township store. The manager informed that a woman, who the police know to be a chronic problem in the community, came in to (sic) the store and proceeded to purposely cough on our fresh produce, and a small section of our bakery, meat case and grocery.” The staff worked with the Hanover Township health inspector to clean the supermarket, disinfecting displays and throwing away product in every section she came in contact with. Fasula said the total damage done in the “twisted prank” is estimated to be well over $35,000, and he expects his insurance rates to rise because of it. “I’m also absolutely sick to my stomach about the loss of food.” Fasula wrote. “While it is always a shame when food is wasted, in these times when so many people are worried about the security of our food supply, it is even more disturbing.” =twitter_8NewsNow

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 10:37 PM
Took my youngest to urgent care here in Phoenix, AZ today because we thought he had strep throat (he does).

While there one lady passed out in her chair and slumped on the floor, her boyfriend brought her in with Wuhan Virus symptoms. They quickly moved her to a room and then called paramedics and ambulance. She was taken to trauma ER nearby I heard he boyfriend say as he left.

Then when we were next up to see a doctor a lady came in saying she had all the symptoms and a 103 degree fever (39ish C) and they made her sit down outside the building until they organized the extra staff they had to handle Wuhan Virus cases.

I don’t think I’ve been more scared to be in a medical building than today.

I’m following the China situation which by all accounts is an internal communist civil war. Especially notable is the Chinese Ambassador to the US saying the Chinese Foreign Minister is crazy blaming the US. That is simply not done and shows that he is not afraid of the consequences and likely protected by anti-Xi faction. Major stuff going down in China, I can barely keep up with virus and the situation there.

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 10:45 PM
Governor Polis today announced a stay at home order for the state of Colorado at 6 AM tomorrow by reading chapter 3 of Eccliastes, better known as the basis of the lyrics of a Pete Seeger song - "Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everything There Is a Season)". Hospitalizations have doubled in the last 24 hours and Colorado is near the top of the list of cases per capita. Polis also wrote a letter to President Trump asking to declare the state of Colorado a major disaster area.

Went to Garden of the Gods Park Overlook today and watched all the people hiking and biking on the trails. People sitting on the grass picnicking. It was packed. Not as busy as during the summer when all the tourists are here but still pretty busy. First time I've been out of the house in two weeks. Long lines at all the fast food joints. Looked like everyone was having one last hurrah before the big lockdown.

I really hope we can put all the political differences aside and pull together to get through this.
edit on 25-3-2020 by Surveyor7 because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-3-2020 by Surveyor7 because: (no reason given)

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