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With 99% Percent of U.S. Covid-19 Victims Classified as Mild - What Entities Benefit From Hysteria?.

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posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 02:20 PM
There is no doubt in my mint that media loves a tragedy. They would never pass up a chance to make something sound as absolutely terrifying as possible in hopes of higher ratings. Sensationalism and journalism seem to be interchangeable terms now.

That having been said, there are several nations currently closing borders, imposing lock-downs, limiting travel, etc. Its not just the US and our idiot attention hound media. This virus, based on current statistics, is anywhere from 8 to 10 times more deadly than the swine flu epidemic of 2009 that ended up killing nearly a quarter of a million people. If covid-19 takes the same trajectory as swine flu did that will equate to between 2 and 2.5 million dead.

The majority of the victims in this country are the elderly and medical workers. That is not the case world wide, though certainly the elderly make up a significant portion. All age groups, social classes, genders, races ethnicities have been affected. The only people in this country to have escaped are apparently the state of West Virginia. That makes sense, however, since no one goes there and they never leave.

So my question is with all these nations enabling some kind of seemingly serious actions, with all these cases across all social classes, how much of it is hysteria and how much is a logical response to the situation? It can't all be hysteria. The answer is somewhere in the middle but to which side is the needle pointing?

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 04:19 PM

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: Tearman

0.7% for China overall.

Where are you getting that 0.7% from? China has reported 80880 cases, and 3213 deahts as of today. That's 3.97% death rate. Keep in mind, they are aggressively testing.
edit on 16-3-2020 by Tearman because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 05:29 PM

originally posted by: Tearman

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: Tearman

0.7% for China overall.

Where are you getting that 0.7% from? China has reported 80880 cases, and 3213 deahts as of today. That's 3.97% death rate. Keep in mind, they are aggressively testing.

Since China started out lying to the world, like Iran, there's no reason to believe anything they say (good or bad), IMO.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 05:32 PM
DNC and Dim Governors are still encouraging their masses to get out and vote in tomorrow's primaries, even though no more than 10 people should congregate, and also remain 6 feet apart.

More evidence that we're looking at a manufactured crisis. One manufactured to hurt President Trump before the November 2020 election.

I can't wait until Americans wake up and start rebelling. The ATS and Twitter threads will be EPIC.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 04:31 AM
a reply to: Tearman

I'm at work, would need to check source when i get home.

As an example the latest figures i seen this morning estimated the UK has around 50000 infections with roughly 50 deaths.

That equates to 0.1% or same as seasonal flu.

This whole affair, although a disaster for the elderly and vulnerable is no-where near as deadly nor deserves this totally outrageous response.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 05:57 AM

originally posted by: Grenade

100's of celebs, public figures and politicians now have corona virus. Remind me how many of them have died of the deadly virus so far?

iran had a few.. but nobody cares about iran.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 10:40 AM
Great that you are so confident in your ability to diagnose 7.5 billion people from your couch. Very impressive we are proud of you.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 10:57 AM

originally posted by: Vroomfondel
There is no doubt in my mint that media loves a tragedy. They would never pass up a chance to make something sound as absolutely terrifying as possible in hopes of higher ratings. Sensationalism and journalism seem to be interchangeable terms now.

So my question is with all these nations enabling some kind of seemingly serious actions, with all these cases across all social classes, how much of it is hysteria and how much is a logical response to the situation? It can't all be hysteria. The answer is somewhere in the middle but to which side is the needle pointing?

Every day I tell Americans to focus on the U.S. statistics:

99% of those who contract CoronaVirus have the mild version. With over 5,000 Americans diagnosed with CoronaVirus since Jan 21st, fewer than 200 have needed hospitalization.

Source- Updated Hourly:

If you do that and use the same common sense used during any flu season, you can stay calm...easily.

The U.S. media has a "daily doom mantra" that all of them spout together, for maximum fear generation.

Yesterday, it was the 200,000 hospital-bed shortage for Intensive Care...and 8 million needing hospitalization.

All the talking heads and experts (even FoxNews) say in 10 days, the hospitalizations will ramp up. They've been predicting this for 2 weeks already. Now, they're desperately HOPING for a wave of serious Covid-19 sickness to hit America.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 11:02 AM

originally posted by: sputniksteve
Great that you are so confident in your ability to diagnose 7.5 billion people from your couch. Very impressive we are proud of you.

What's crazy, is that the media and many "experts" think that increased Covid-19 TESTING will generate increased HOSPITALIZIONS.

If I'm sick as a dog, I don't need a test to tell me I have the Flu or Covid-19.

Most of the Politicians/Media/Experts think everyday Americans are STUPID.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 11:05 AM
Im to the point that stress will be the real killer with this thing. The market will eventually restock but it going to take some time since the economic gears might just go into idle for a bit.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 11:14 AM
By what was being said during today's update by the va govt officials..
The classification system as to what is severe or mild was adopted from what the chinese used..
You can have a mild case and still end up with a nasty case of pneumonia..

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 11:20 AM
a reply to: dawnstar

That's what happened to my Mother-in-Law right after Christmas. Her Flu ended as pneumonia, with her in the hospital. She's fine now, thank goodness.

For the most part, people know when their sick enough to visit the doctor. Contrary to what so many "experts" are saying, They don't need a Flu or Covid-19 test to tell them that.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 11:33 AM
a reply to: carewemust

No, but such knowledge might be useful to the scientists, healthcare workers, and planners. If, as they say, those who get this will be immune, it would be helpful to have a general idea how many will be unaffected when it comes around next year. It would be helpful in predicting just how many cases will be popping up in the near future and where. And, it might prompt some people to head to the doctors before they become a candidate for an ICU unit.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 11:52 AM

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: Tearman

I'm at work, would need to check source when i get home.

As an example the latest figures i seen this morning estimated the UK has around 50000 infections with roughly 50 deaths.

That equates to 0.1% or same as seasonal flu.

This whole affair, although a disaster for the elderly and vulnerable is no-where near as deadly nor deserves this totally outrageous response.

where is your data for 50,000 cases in UK?

UK is not 50,000. The entire planet is at 180,000.

The UK is a little over 1900 cases with 50 deaths. (somewhere around 2.5% death rate)
edit on 17-3-2020 by wdkirk because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-3-2020 by wdkirk because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-3-2020 by wdkirk because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 12:08 PM
I'm not getting the craziness and panic I just did the numbers and it's like only a 3.5% death rate why is everyone in panic mode ?
edit on 3/17/2020 by Gargoyle91 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 12:11 PM
because the pathogen was designed to target people over 65 y.o. as general rule...
but persons with a compromised immune system or chronic lung/liver/kidney ill health are highly susceptible to infection going into overdrive leading to a 70%+ death rate within that targeted group....wait as more targeted CV are designed then released to kill off the survivors that escaped COVID19

the cadre of master-minds that are responsible for the China/Wuhan Outbreak (into over 129 nations in likitty-split time) have Eugenics in mind as well as eliminating resource black-holes that cost us All (they consider themselves gods) killing off old or infirmed is Euthanasia for the benefit of the many

the radical left youth are followers of this madness...…...….Trump is a humanitarian which helps cause TDS among them

edit on th31158446542117172020 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to: wdkirk

UK is not 50,000. The entire planet is at 180,000.

Estimates of actual infection rates vary. I'm thinking 10x is a good number. Could be low, or high. But you can understand the point. Not everyone is tested.
edit on 3/17/2020 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 12:21 PM

originally posted by: Gargoyle91
I'm not getting the craziness and panic I just did the numbers and it's like only a 3.5% death rate why is everyone in panic mode ?

Are you f'ing kidding


I guess as long as it's not you in the 3.5 it's alllll gooooood. Are you good at math, can you grasp the # if even only 20% of people get it?

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 04:24 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Well said

I’ve been getting disgusted with all this nonsense lately.

I felt that this was not the place I hoped for when I came .

Just another place full of people that can’t be taken seriously. With social cliques and a member driven hierarchy that decides who should stay and who should go.

But it’s people like you that keep bringing me back . 👍

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 04:29 PM
a reply to: Phage

If your estimates on untested cases is close to accurate .

As I believe it is .

How much would that change a CFR of 3.6% ? ( I know that number is not accurate . It’s just a figure for calculation )

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