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With 99% Percent of U.S. Covid-19 Victims Classified as Mild - What Entities Benefit From Hysteria?.

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posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 08:12 PM

originally posted by: Mach2
a reply to: smurfy

So, you admit that the fear of the unknown is the driving factor here, rather than the reality.

We can agree on that.

It's not so much the unknown, it's more the diversion from the already known by some.
Try looking at how far a sneeze can go..maybe a dozen feet then big blow. heavy drops go to the ground? but much lighter contaminated droplets, they can't get airborne can they?..maybe they don't exist, just the big blow when you sneeze...falls to the ground.
That's not so, at all, at all. Try it and see with an LED white light at night and see what happens, then come back to me.

Here's a video from 2018 on MIT research, maybe they used an LED setup I don't know, I just found this..but it is appropriate to what I was saying. here, and on another thread a while ago.

edit on 13-3-2020 by smurfy because: Text.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 08:35 PM
a reply to: carewemust

I naturally am prone to connecting this to election year, but it's a global hysteria. Being global it really forces me to pull out the old tin foil hat and wonder about the globalist agenda. Are they trying to collapse the global economy so that they can rebuild it how they want it? Are they testing how submissive and gullible each country currently is? Are they going to use this to employ international laws and regulations?

How could any of this fit into agenda 2030?

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 09:47 PM

originally posted by: Mach2

And this is different than influenza how???

Why is it that people still can't understand that this virus IS NOT LIKE THE FLU/INFLUENZA?...

I don't give a rat's butt what the left-wing MSNBC, or Castro's News Network say... I care about what doctors are actually saying. This virus is more virulent, and more contagious than flu/influenza. it also has a higher death rate, and it also depends on what strain you get. The mutated(L) strain is worse than the ancestral/first strain of the virus.

Not to mention, again, that if you have heart disease, lung disease, any respiratory illness like asthma, etc these health problems increases your chances not only of getting the virus, but for these people the virus is more deathly by 10%-15%.

Hiding your head in the sand repeating "this is nothing, this is nothing" will not make these facts, or the virus, go away.

BTW, about 20-25 millions Americans alone have asthma. Then add to that those with other respiratory problems, people with heart problems, etc, etc.

edit on 13-3-2020 by ElectricUniverse because: add comment.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 09:58 PM

originally posted by: ElectricUniverse

originally posted by: Mach2

And this is different than influenza how???

Why is it that people still can't understand that this virus IS NOT LIKE THE FLU/INFLUENZA?...

I don't give a rat's butt what the left-wing MSNBC, or Castro's News Network say... I care about what doctors are actually saying. This virus is more virulent, and more contagious than flu/influenza. it also has a higher death rate, and it also depends on what strain you get. The mutated(L) strain is worse than the ancestral/first strain of the virus.

Not to mention, again, that if you have heart disease, lung disease, any respiratory illness like asthma, etc these health problems increases your chances not only of getting the virus, but for these people the virus is more deathly by 10%-15%.

Hiding your head in the sand repeating "this is nothing, this is nothing" will not make these facts, or the virus, go away.

BTW, about 20-25 millions Americans alone have asthma. Then add to that those with other respiratory problems, people with heart problems, etc, etc.

Are you sure about which of the 2 strains is worse?

I'm under the impression that the 2nd mutated strain is more contagious, but less powerful/lethal

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 11:31 PM

originally posted by: ElectricUniverse

originally posted by: Mach2

And this is different than influenza how???

Why is it that people still can't understand that this virus IS NOT LIKE THE FLU/INFLUENZA?...

I don't give a rat's butt what the left-wing MSNBC, or Castro's News Network say... I care about what doctors are actually saying. This virus is more virulent, and more contagious than flu/influenza. it also has a higher death rate, and it also depends on what strain you get. The mutated(L) strain is worse than the ancestral/first strain of the virus.

Yeah, but isn't having a "higher" death rate than the flu kind of like being "taller" than an ant?

Not to mention, again, that if you have heart disease, lung disease, any respiratory illness like asthma, etc these health problems increases your chances not only of getting the virus, but for these people the virus is more deathly by 10%-15%.

Hiding your head in the sand repeating "this is nothing, this is nothing" will not make these facts, or the virus, go away.

BTW, about 20-25 millions Americans alone have asthma. Then add to that those with other respiratory problems, people with heart problems, etc, etc.

If all of those people were to quarantine themselves, or be permitted on the basis of their ailment to invoke FMLA, and stay home from work for a while until this blows over.

If they did that, the economy could continue just fine.

Most older people, especially, are retired. They can seclude themselves with next to zero effect on the economy.

The PROBLEM is telling young, healthy, people they are in danger. They really aren't.

originally posted by: Subaeruginosa
a reply to: carewemust

If your so convinced its all overblown hysteria, then why don't you just go book a cruise ship tour?

Go see the world dude... there's never been a better time if you were looking for a ridiculously cheap deal.

If I could take the time off, sure.

I always tell people who ask me, I think the best thing to do if you're healthy would be to simply go ahead and contract the virus. Then recover.

From then on you don't have to worry anymore.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 11:47 PM
So much B's, MERS after the fact is 10x more lethal, we are still in the begging stages of testing and cov19 - one of a long list of past and present Corona viruses is perhaps 3.4% in a dirty filth hole like Iran, 1.4% everywherw else...but only 1-2% of people who display flu like symptoms even test positive and of that tiny fraction only those over 60 with health problems have to worry and will probably die from something else first. I think trump is allowing the news to kill itself with this overblown nonsense while he gets a free pass to railroad through endless change, ie 72 hour fda approvals on new drugs and a radical reduction of illegals and a backdoor way to fun more border security. Pedo bidden will probably start foaming at the mouth soon so I doubt it's about that.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 12:01 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Can you perhaps now tell us what entities stand to gain?

Also consider we probably know only fraction of a percent of why countries around the world are taking such extreme measures. Things are being kept from us. That is the only thing we can be certain of.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 12:10 AM
Gravity! Clearly somebody is providing those tests, right? I know my local supermarket is raking in the sales right now. "Can't keep food on the shelf" is a good thing if you're a food seller (until you finally run out, of course.)

But the way the stock market works, you can also bet on a company's ruin. I think it's called a "put option"?

And if you're fairly sure the world economy will eventually bounce back, then there is gain to be had everywhere by buying stocks while they are at rock bottom.

originally posted by: circuitsports
So much B's, MERS after the fact is 10x more lethal,

So..... 10 times taller than an ant?

we are still in the begging stages of testing and cov19 - one of a long list of past and present Corona viruses is perhaps 3.4% in a dirty filth hole like Iran, 1.4% everywherw else...but only 1-2% of people who display flu like symptoms even test positive and of that tiny fraction only those over 60 with health problems have to worry and will probably die from something else first. I think trump is allowing the news to kill itself with this overblown nonsense while he gets a free pass to railroad through endless change, ie 72 hour fda approvals on new drugs and a radical reduction of illegals and a backdoor way to fun more border security. Pedo bidden will probably start foaming at the mouth soon so I doubt it's about that.

You never know with Trump! He just might be playing a long game.

Or maybe his experts were telling him it was contained, and was going to blow over, because it was going to.

But then the same people that created it, just put more strains out on targets in the USA. You can't win if the game is rigged.

Or maybe.....both!

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 05:07 AM
Interesting idea in the video below: Corona came in handy as an excuse for the financial crisis that was inevitable anyhow.
"People will be begging for a new system and then they will bring in their New World Order, a one world government."

I do not claim that this must be the truth, but it is a possibility to be aware of.
Corona likely has natural origins but there is a danger that it could be taken advantage of to enslave us even further.

CORONACRASH: This is the New 9/11 That Will Be Far Worse Than The Great Depression
You can start at 7:30

BTW, here is the cure:
Coronavirus VII: We Are Ready and You Can Be Ready Too!

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 05:13 AM
a reply to: KKLOCO
It can be killer for the elderly or those with an underlying illness that involves the lungs. My parents are in their early 80's. I want them to be around for a bit longer thank you very much, so I'm trying not to catch it and then pass it on to them.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 05:16 AM
a reply to: carewemust

The same group that runs the 40-Week Cycle is the group that brought us the coronavirus, precisely on time, on purpose to further their social engineering agenda and to manipulate the stock market. Point blank. If you can follow the trail somehow, I don't know how, you can find the people who did this. I don't know. They manipulate the media and the market. They do these events every forty weeks. Same group behind the Las Vegas concert shooting from the 32nd floor, the 12 Thai soccer kids in the cave of initiation, the rooftop fire at the Notre Dame cathedral, all the way back to the Elizabeth Smart kidnapping. Every forty weeks. The next one is timed to occur just before Halloween which could literally be the scariest ever.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 05:27 AM

originally posted by: AngryCymraeg
a reply to: KKLOCO
It can be killer for the elderly or those with an underlying illness that involves the lungs. My parents are in their early 80's. I want them to be around for a bit longer thank you very much, so I'm trying not to catch it and then pass it on to them.

This is often missed. All of the young healthy people can still run around carrying it for a month to all of their elderly family etc.

I had someone at work saying they weren't concerned about their kids getting it at all until I pointed out that they can still pass it on to grandma. They literally hadn't thought of that. The elderly CFR is much higher than 3.4% and most people have friends and family in that demographic. To them it's not just the flu.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 09:21 AM

originally posted by: filthyphilanthropist
a reply to: carewemust

I naturally am prone to connecting this to election year, but it's a global hysteria. Being global it really forces me to pull out the old tin foil hat and wonder about the globalist agenda. Are they trying to collapse the global economy so that they can rebuild it how they want it? Are they testing how submissive and gullible each country currently is? Are they going to use this to employ international laws and regulations?

How could any of this fit into agenda 2030?

Could the globalist agenda be a One World Order?

Schools across the nation are shutting down; parents are left to child care (an unexpected new expense) and the breakfast/lunch programs at school to feed their kids( more added expense).

The really frightening thing is the posts starting to appear about people loosing their jobs en masse due to the economy shutting down. People are going to need a government hand out to survive this; there is no 'hand up'.

Financial relief for small businesses isn't going to support the hoard of people loosing their job and now have no way to pay their rent or buy food for their families.

If this isn't a set-up for accepting socialism, I don't know what is.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 09:28 AM
I can't wait for the return lines of people returning their unused cases of toilet paper and disinfectants. It will be like the day after Christmas, except with TP.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 09:42 AM
If all of those people were to quarantine themselves, or be permitted on the basis of their ailment to invoke FMLA, and stay home from work for a while until this blows over.

If they did that, the economy could continue just fine.a reply to: bloodymarvelous

The economy has already crashed. With schools closing down, and people getting laid off or let go, this isn't going to 'blow over'. It's beginning to look like that may have been the end game all along.

People will be begging for a socialist government in short order.

The confidence Pelosi had when she said Trump will not be president again really jumped out at me. I sensed she knew something way above the knowledge of the average citizen.

Our country has already been hijacked, and we never saw it coming.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 12:00 PM

originally posted by: panoz77
I can't wait for the return lines of people returning their unused cases of toilet paper and disinfectants. It will be like the day after Christmas, except with TP.

There should of been a "no returns" policy for these hoarders

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 12:05 PM

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: panoz77
I can't wait for the return lines of people returning their unused cases of toilet paper and disinfectants. It will be like the day after Christmas, except with TP.

There should of been a "no returns" policy for these hoarders

When the shelves begin to fill up again, the more informed hoarders will start to sell their toilet paper to the less informed hoarders.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 12:15 PM
a reply to: carewemust

My grandmother with Alzheimer’s in her nursing home benefits.
My grandfathers, both in their mid 80’s benefit.
Our dear friend who is more family than most who has COPD, benefits.
The little girl on the corner with cancer benefits.
The healthcare workers who are already overloaded benefit, by people slowing the spread.
Our healthcare infrastructure benefits by not being overloaded all at once.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 01:22 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: panoz77
I can't wait for the return lines of people returning their unused cases of toilet paper and disinfectants. It will be like the day after Christmas, except with TP.

There should of been a "no returns" policy for these hoarders

When the shelves begin to fill up again, the more informed hoarders will start to sell their toilet paper to the less informed hoarders.

Oh for sure, happening already(people selling their hoarded good at 500% markup)..I disagree on anyone being "informed" though, we just can't say with certainty..only time will tell.

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 01:43 PM
a reply to: KKLOCO

Only a selfish person would go to work and spread a virus that while seemingly non threatening to young healthy people would be spread to older people and people with compromised immunity. Unless of course you are advocating the complete quarantine of older people and people with compromised immunity which would mean no visits to Grandma and Grandpa and my poor son who has had pneumonia in the past. Unless you would like to see an increase in deaths in these sort of people it would be foolish to knowingly spread the disease.

Let's not forget that obese people also have an increased possibility of complications from the Corona virus and we all know the U.S has a big percentage of unhealthy obese people running around, Donald Trump included.

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