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Please. . . . Calm down

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posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 08:49 PM
a reply to: scar

If only there was a drug to keep all them fatties from reproducing(!).

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 09:09 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

Yes there is, it's called common sense. Wash your hands properly and often, stay away from crowds and don't travel.

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 09:11 PM
a reply to: BoscoMoney
Everyone deserves a right to be fruitful, that was not nice.
The drug for obesity is willpower and cardio and a proper diet including lots of water.

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 09:12 PM

originally posted by: madenusa
Ask yourself if you know anyone, personally, who has contracted the illness.
If the answer is no (which it likely is), ask yourself if you know anyone who knows anyone who has been infected.
If the answer to both of these questions is no, then rest assured that the threat of Coronavirus is less imminent than top-of-mind thinking might lead you to believe.

Rest assured that the US is doing very little testing.

So chances are about 100% that you would not know anyone who officially has the virus.

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 09:30 PM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

Thanks for your work compiling those threads

They're , staff , looking to stop people doing the fandango in a whirl of quandary like it was in Milan last night .

That makes sense and fair enough . Not launching the unexpected on them is going to help in the first place . Currently widely held relative complacency is become a publicially obvious legitimised
sense of relativee-ist vulnerability within about ten seconds and that's caused some immediate angst . Don't let that happen , prepare the public instead . They shouldn't really be in bars drinking anyway , and they should have known that already why didn't they . They should have expected it but Conti just appearing on news channels when they didn't expect it , that's your recipie for what went on .

Going forward some kind of education , unity , connectedness, a central New broadscale new CDC TV and web channel directly replacing broken up snips of bad news edits for information etc etc , that might help . Central information point , not just streamed through msm's . Bypass alarmism or leaks , appear in control .
Mixing research advances with news information .
Listening to expert medics humourous but serious lectures eg the one from university of Louisville , involving public in the knowledge base by sharing it , putting things in historical context for kids , seeing long term history allows sight of better futures beyond , eg horrible histories BBC , staying in contact with the public 247 during quarantined periods , reassurance by setting out planned responses , giving out realistic appraisals (forget that flu balls , if the paradigm has shifted , and it's squarely in the public perception you will not drag it back) , working with not against the developing circumstances , being seen to be doing that.

For us morale boosts, daily updates, network retention , staying in contact , not panicking either , or as well , drinks , smoking , grim but hilarious memes see pg 10 , historical context again the record , non avoidance of the any issues , recognition of problems , working with new paradigm , helping , informing developments , hardening off techniques , skill sharing , experience relation , communal recording , last respects, compilation of cloud resources , oversight of responses , monitoring of concurrent events eg Madeira earthquake 6.4 today

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 12:33 AM
Experts are predicting that 100,000,000 people could be infected in the US and 500,000 could die.

I'm not taking this lightly.

One guy in New York is responsible for 80 people being infected.

I had pneumonia in 2003 in my early 20's and it almost killed me. I've had cat scans and my lungs have scars from it.

Have you seen peoples first hand experiences with this illness? Because I have and they're saying it's worse then pneumonia and if that's the case I want no part of it.

My mom is 60 and had lung cancer. She's cancer free but chemo and radiation damaged her lungs.

My aunt had a liver transplant. She has a low immune system. She takes drugs to suppress her immune system to keep it from attacking her new organ.

My grandmother is 78 and frail.

This is all the family I have and I'm not in the greatest health either. No I'm not going to calm down about this. This is a pandemic and it's only the tip of the iceberg.

Our government can't even meet a small fraction of the demand for testing.

edit on 9-3-2020 by wantsome because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 12:37 AM
Good news, the CoronaVirus mortality rate is declining in the U.S..

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 12:39 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
Good news, the CoronaVirus mortality rate is declining in the U.S..
LOL you must watch Fox

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 01:53 AM
a reply to: scar

Fruit? Pfffft not for this fatty. Pray tell, how does one manufacture will power or self esteem or self confidence when they've been devoid of it for most of their life. I'll hang up and listen.
edit on 9-3-2020 by BoscoMoney because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 02:29 AM
Chiming in late here, but its not the flu. Not related to influenza at all.

originally posted by: DBCowboy
Can we put the Wu-flu into perspective?

It is something serious. But like I stated in another thread, it's not an end-of-the-world serious.

We're nearing the end of the regular flu season.

A season where 18,000 people died WITH an available vaccine.

And no one bats an eye.

Hell, many threads on anti-vaccinations are on this site. I don't get the vaccine.

This is a novel virus. There is no vaccine.

So wash your hands, cough into your sleeve. If you're sick? Stay at home.

The last few days I've been working from home because I've caught a nasty cold and I work in a hospital so I didn't want to freak people out.

Now I'll be in work tomorrow to check on Power Charting and time change issues because of Daylight Savings Time, but I'm also feeling a little better.

This is the flu. A new flu, but the flu all the same.

I am not stockpiling on water, toilet paper, or rice and canned meat.

I did stock up on scotch, vodka, wine, and beer but that's because I'm an aging booze hound and it was a Friday.

I won't tell people not to stock up, but you're wasting a perfectly good worry on what (in my opinion) is a minor issue.

Let's all calm down, act like adults and carry on. Let's treat this seriously, but rationally.

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 10:45 AM
A good friend is a Dr. One of the Dr's she works with has a Chinese wife, who went to Wuhan, came back and had a significant cough. They requested a coronavirus test. The CDC denied the request due to not having a high enough fever. So, they sent the Dr home, who likely exposed the staff and all the patients. We truly have no idea how widespread because so few have actually been tested. Another friend is a CT tech and they had a patient with it. She said the CT looked nothing like a regular pneumonia scan. Said she has never seen anything like it.

I told my mother to just stay home for awhile. She is 77, thin, very active but has had MAC which about killed her and has left her lungs in not the best shape. I am not staying home, so, I am just not going to visit her physically for awhile. We will see if the college I work for goes online. We have a plan in place to do so.

I am not panicking, I am not staying home. I do think the cows are out and way too late to shut the barn doors

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 11:15 AM
Just left Palm Springs yesterday in the AM right before Riverside County declared a state of emergency and someone with a confirmed cases is hospitalized at Eisenhower.

Stock market opened down more than 7% on the S&P - which for those at home looking at points on the Dow I encourage you to think about the S&P and not in “points” but “percents” if you want to really see how the broader market is doing.

Oil now craters at the open because the Saudi’s are doing it wrong.

Ted Cruz is using CV19 as a publicity stunt.

And on top of that - Anecdotal reports of a toilet paper shortage!

The good Ole’ flu kills ~300k to ~650k people globally every year for the full flu season.

And this source puts the death toll from the coronavirus at around 4k

Let’s say the real number is 10x that - 40k....

All it did was contribute to a slightly worse flu season.

The flu season ends in the coming months. If we have even 10k deaths worldwide from CV19 then it will need to kill at least 250k to 300k globally in the next 60 days to be worse on its own than the standard flu season.

Said another way, it would need to kill 5k people/day, globally, for the next two months... or based on some reports it would need to be responsible for the same number of deaths each day that we’ve seen in total since the outbreak began last year.

I doubt that’s going to happen.

Take smart precautions like washing your hands, maybe load up on a little vitamin C with a zinc at night, drink lots of water, eat good food and go about your business.

Cooler heads prevail.

But - if this does turn into 5-10k deaths/day then I will get fully on board with everyone’s concerns that have been discussed on here in detail.

edit on 9-3-2020 by EnigmaChaser because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 11:32 AM
a reply to: wantsome

Our government can't even meet a small fraction of the demand for testing.

They never have. The government doesn't make anything. They just provide oversight and some testing of the tests to make sure they're safe. The government does not test people... medical facilities do that. Private sector.

COVID19 is new... never been seen before. China hid the outbreak as long as they could, which further delayed anyone knowing it existed. Until we know something exists, we can't test for it. Once we know it exists, we can develop tests... but even that takes a little time. Pharmaceuticals, with urging form the government, released something like 1.5 million individual tests last week and they're still gearing up to make more. The CDC (which is part of the government) is working as hard as they can go to develop a vaccine, and so are pharmaceuticals. Things just don't happen overnight, no matter how badly they may be needed.

If a test was released that killed one of your family members, you'd be screaming to high heaven about why the government put out tests without making sure they were safe.

Panic if you will; no one can stop you but you. Just understand that you (and your family) are more likely to die from your panic than from COVID19.


posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 12:02 PM
a reply to: EnigmaChaser

He's using it as a publicity stunt? Why? Because he told people he was?

He and another Congresscritter shook hands with someone who tested positive for it. Both of them are self-quarantining. Many people who were at CPAC are also self-quarantining for the same reason and they're not shy about talking about it.

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 12:02 PM

originally posted by: scar
The drug for obesity is willpower and cardio and a proper diet including lots of water.

That's not the one that Kate Moss took to stay thin.

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 12:12 PM
I think that the real reasons for this corona causing such issues are infact things that have not much to do with the coronavirus itself .Yes i know it`s a bold statement`s a novel virus yes and can cause bigger immuno responce yes, but at this level we see? It look`s to be bad only to some people, and then the question goes why ? I think it`s more about how everyones body is ready to handle pathogens generally ...

Here are the factors :

Vitamin D deficiency

EMF radiation

Selenium deficiency

possible zinc deficiency

lack of antioxidants

basically any nutrional deficiencys that can have negative effect .

I have noticed for years that most of the people have been be detached from reality what comes to health, i was also one of them. We have loosed touch with nature, have started to use technology that actually is very unhealthy to us, our food is often nutrionally poor and have toxic ingredients ....what comes from all this? I would say that poor health and lowered immunity . Then , when just one new novel bug comes people start seeing it as the only culprit .

Allready reported years ago, that around World virtamin D deficiency is a big issue, even in countrys that have a lot sun .

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 02:11 PM


posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: bwinwright

utter twaddle

i shal request citations - just for the amusement value

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 02:55 PM

originally posted by: bwinwright
Your URINE is the most powerful and effective medicine ever found on earth. URINE THERAPY, Amaroli, or Shivambu Kalpa dates back more than 5,000 years. Check out the book entitled THE WATER OF LIFE by John Armstrong....and Google "URINE FASTING BENEFITS" by Dr. Jake Ames. Not only is your URINE the best medicine FOR YOU, but it is also the most nutritious FOOD source on Earth as well. Therefore, regardless how bad things might get, you have all the FOOD & MEDICINE you within you. This Coronavirus EVENT is clearly another devious crime being committed by THE EMPIRE OF THE CITY STATES. ALL of our top people, on both the Left & Right are TOTALLY LOYAL TO THE EMPIRE. Everything else is simply more deception. Drink your piss and stop eating ANIMAL FAT, which has been found to be the Leading Cause of ALL DEGENERATIVE DISEASES, like Heart Disease, Cancer, Diabetes, Stroke, and Alzheimer's. Trump, Obama, Bush, and Clinton are all TOTALLY LOYAL TO THE EMPIRE and yes, they are all incredible liars, thieves, murderers, and traitors of the most disgraceful kind.

posted on Mar, 9 2020 @ 03:17 PM
a reply to: bwinwright

Look, recycling is a good thing... but maybe you're taking it a bit far?


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