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Corona Virus Updates Part 4

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posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 09:50 AM

originally posted by: UFO1414
Trump calls emergency meeting with top health officials at White House

“This morning we were informed that President Trump and Vice President Pence have called our witnesses to an emergency meeting at the White House. We don’t know the details, just that it’s extremely urgent,” Maloney, D-NY, said before opening a hearing on the nation’s preparedness and response to the coronavirus outbreak that has swept across the nation.

Pence tests positive for the corona?

As I said in my post above, All over the world leaders, politicians, ... even the pope, etc are putting themselves in quarantine!
They can't all be infected?
They are bugging out!

I posted this over a month ago, watch what the elite is doing because once they are moving out of sight (or into quarantine) you know tshtf!

edit on 11-3-2020 by KindraLaBelle because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 09:52 AM

originally posted by: UFO1414
Trump calls emergency meeting with top health officials at White House

“This morning we were informed that President Trump and Vice President Pence have called our witnesses to an emergency meeting at the White House. We don’t know the details, just that it’s extremely urgent,” Maloney, D-NY, said before opening a hearing on the nation’s preparedness and response to the coronavirus outbreak that has swept across the nation.

Pence tests positive for the corona?

I am wondering if they are monitoring the amount of hospitalizations recently?

I would like to see some real time data about the amount of people being admitted to the hospital in the metro areas of the country.

We might be seeing an uptick, not enough to sound the alarm, but could possibly getting close.

Just speculation and on on my part of course, but that us why I am curious of the numbers.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 09:57 AM
One thing I just thought of but way too late is should people think about getting a copy of their medical records and medical records of their children/grandchildren When the dust settles on all of this how many people will be looking for a new doctor?

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 09:58 AM
a reply to: SpartanStoic

I agree..but my husband does not, we just had a lovely fight As of right now he said she stays.

But Michigan State officially went online. I expect U of M to follow.

My oldest asked some of her peers working at the schools. Only one said she heard a rumor of schools closing at the lower levels.

I'm going to see how the rest of the week plays out. It's already Wednesday.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 10:01 AM

originally posted by: CrazeeWorld777
73 new cases in England, wonder where they are??

I reckon London is over 100 now

I mentioned this before, they are giving total numbers and not being specific where they are (e.g. the 2 confirmed cases I mentioned in the specific hospital in West Yorkshire are STILL not even being reported locally there - instead the local MP & other officials are declaring "business as usual") so they can keep the true numbers down.

As for London - it's fried already.

When that first case was confirmed what - 2 weeks ago?

Do you really think at that point they'd found the only person with CV in London out of nearly 9 million inhabitants? And no more cases there until days later.

London is so overcrowded, on the tubes, trains, buses, streets, everywhere they are crammed in like sardines, it's everywhere.

It's even hit the government - there are THOUSANDS of cases in London alone, it will begin to unravel there over the next week, within a fortnight there will be rioting and looting (although the idiots will be looting cool sneakers and big tv's).
edit on 11-3-2020 by JamieJJones because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 10:04 AM

originally posted by: bastion
The UK Health Minister has tested positive for it which likely means COBRA and the government have it.

In Italy it seems to be hospitalising the young and healthy in intensive care at the same rate as the elderly, staff are already collapsing from exhaustion while on shift and its barely begun with a 6% fatality and 9% intensive care rate so far which is around double the rate China was reporting.

Numbers in china are as fake as USA numbers due to planned testing #ups in the US and due to blatantly lying in China. People will soon find out, that 20% severe cases with hospitalization are normal.
In Italy 50% of cases are hospitalized.

US is hiding the truth and killing its citizens by not testing. Numbers will further explode. In 2-3 weeks there might be a big crisis coming, when comparing it to italy.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 10:08 AM
Does anyone have a list of colleges and universities that have closed classes and gone all online yet?

I hear Ohio state and Michigan, I am assuming all campuses. Syracuse U, Harvard, a few others.

I am hoping SUNY (New York) follows today. My son attends a STEM school, and a lot of them go to the local SUNY for some classes. then return to the STEM. It will strengthen my decision to pull them all after Friday.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 10:09 AM
Michigan News

ANN ARBOR, MI -- One of the first Michigan patients diagnosed with COVID-19, the illness caused by the novel coronavirus, is being treated by the University of Michigan Health System, officials said.

The hospital system is preparing for potential surges in confirmed cases by tracking and ordering additional supplies, such as masks and hand sanitizer, Spokeswoman Mary Masson said. The system can also create containment units or separate rooms, she said.

“If necessary, we have the ability to set up a respiratory isolation containment unit, and we have additional isolation rooms on multiple units,” Masson wrote in an email.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 10:11 AM
a reply to: MrRCflying

Here is a list on Forbes.... there is a paywall though.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: MrRCflying

Current Universities with in-person class closures

-University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

- Duke University

- Purdue University

- Harvard University

- Amherst College

- University of California, Berkeley

- Columbia University and Barnard College

- Hofstra University

- Ohio State University

- Princeton University

- Seattle University

- University of Southern California

- University of California, San Diego

- Stanford University

- University of Washington

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 10:14 AM

originally posted by: butcherguy
a reply to: MrRCflying

Here is a list on Forbes.... there is a paywall though.

Thank you!

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 10:14 AM

originally posted by: UFO1414
a reply to: MrRCflying

Current Universities with in-person class closures

-University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

- Duke University

- Purdue University

- Harvard University

- Amherst College

- University of California, Berkeley

- Columbia University and Barnard College

- Hofstra University

- Ohio State University

- Princeton University

- Seattle University

- University of Southern California

- University of California, San Diego

- Stanford University

- University of Washington

Many thanks!

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 10:17 AM
It affects the old they say 🤔

103 year old woman survives coronavirus in wuhan, she has no underlying health conditions.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 10:22 AM
a reply to: Furryhobnob

repeat after me - :

almost every data set has some expected outliers

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 10:24 AM

originally posted by: Furryhobnob
It affects the old they say 🤔

103 year old woman survives coronavirus in wuhan, she has no underlying health conditions.

Good for her!!! I think it has more to do with preexisting conditions running your body down, rather than age.

Heart disease
Blood pressure

How many people in the west have those? A whole lot!!

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 10:25 AM
Agreed, it seems to be affecting the old that already have underlying health conditions the most, which any virus would do, good that old people are surviving it though. a reply to: ignorant_ape

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 10:30 AM
Canada is now over 100 confirmed.

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 10:33 AM
The first in Ireland 😥

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 10:39 AM

originally posted by: mzinga
Anyone in Europe that is communicating with friends in multiple countries have any idea why such a stark difference between Italy and the rest of Europe? In this modern day of communication where there are so many different easy ways to communicate it is strange not to know this and be discussing it.

I think someone posted a while back, that italy is ghe big test how western civilization is reacting to a total lockdown like china. It will then certainly come to other countries.
Several other countries closed all schools already. Like poland, czech republic etc

posted on Mar, 11 2020 @ 10:41 AM

Number of UK coronavirus cases soars to 456 after EIGHTY-THREE patients test positive for the killer virus in the biggest daily increase yet

The number of coronavirus cases in Britain today soared to 456 after health chiefs announced the biggest daily jump in cases since the killer infection hit the UK. Eighty-three more patients have been struck down by the deadly infection, meaning the outbreak in the UK has risen five-fold in the space of a week – just 85 cases had been confirmed last Wednesday. Most of the cases confirmed in the UK have been in England (387). Thirty-six patients have been struck down in Scotland, 16 in Northern Ireland and 15 in Wales. Dozens are feared to have caught the infection in the UK. Fears are mounting that the worsening crisis in the UK is mirroring that of Italy, where 60million people have been placed in an unprecedented lockdown to contain the escalating outbreak.

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