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Corona Virus Updates Part 3

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posted on Feb, 16 2020 @ 08:08 AM

originally posted by: Phoenix
a reply to: musicismagic

I'd like PM on heavy side if you will,

curious, how dependent has Japan become on China for mundane consumer and food production items? Whats supply chain effect there from CV shutdowns.

Much of the frozen vegetables comes in from China and Thailand. Not all, but enough to where I always check the packages. I have notice that restaurants use frozen vegetables from China. Boxes in the kitchen verify that .
We have the 100 yen stores here (1 buck type of stores) and recently they are trying to get stuff made in Japan. Prices are increasing now from China, I guess that is the reason why.

The PM, I've decided to halt it. A good explanation was given to me. Sorry, but its not important and I really didn't want to start a rumor. And I won't that is why I asked for advice. It was just now given to me and I deleted the "deleted statement" in a thread. But it was "real heavy". Something I never heard of before. Interesting fact is, I really believe the explanation of it too.
Again, thank you for asking.

posted on Feb, 16 2020 @ 08:26 AM
Where is a solid web site to get updated numbers on the spread?

The one I was following before has turned kinda bad.

posted on Feb, 16 2020 @ 08:32 AM
Some news about how businesses are being affected in remote Namibia:

Namibia should by rights feel little concern about the coronavirus outbreak given that the sparsely-populated desert country is 12 000km from China and without a single confirmed case.

But like many countries on the continent, the southern African nation hosts a big Chinese retail business community with close links to home. And as the fear of infection spreads, businesses are taking things into their own hands.

A notice in Chinese and English taped to an aluminium shutter on a Chinese-owned shop in Windhoek's Chinatown spells it out: Any merchant returning to Namibia from China "must be quarantined for 14 days and keep the shop closed for that period", state the typed instructions signed by the Chinatown management.


The locals are afraid:

Shop attendant Matilda Ndinoshisho, 28, said a workmate had stopped showing up.

"Her uncle and aunt told her the Chinese bosses will give her the virus that is killing all the Chinese and that a N$800 (US$54) salary is not worth losing her life or infecting the rest of them in the house," and so she quit, said Ndinoshisho.

Namibia has had only one suspected case of coronavirus which turned out to be a false alarm.

So far, in Africa, only Egypt has a confirmed case.

It has been a great, relaxing weekend, with T20 cricket against England, and a lovely braai (BBQ) with friends. China's woes seem so very far away.
Let's hope it stays that way.

edit on 16/2/2020 by deltaalphanovember because: added missing word

posted on Feb, 16 2020 @ 08:33 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

Not to be Captain Obvious, but I think there is a LOT about the China situation that we don't yet know or realize. Something is happening there besides an outbreak of disease.


posted on Feb, 16 2020 @ 08:33 AM

originally posted by: SpartanStoic
I won’t believe it’s slowing down in China until I see numbers in Singapore and Japan drop to zero new cases per day.

#China Chongqing Titanium Industry Company restarted working and then 2 #Coronavirus cases confirmed in the factory, this lead to the quarantine of more than 300 workers


Shanghai Public Health knew about virus on Jan 5


CCP desperately wants people to go back to work. The economy is being crushed and they know the reckoning is coming.

Wtf! Are they gonna quarantine people at work so the economy doesnt fail?

posted on Feb, 16 2020 @ 08:37 AM
a reply to: onthedownlow

Not to mention produce & ship out contaminated products!

posted on Feb, 16 2020 @ 08:37 AM


edit on Sun Feb 16 2020 by DontTreadOnMe because: Crossposting

posted on Feb, 16 2020 @ 08:38 AM

originally posted by: primalfractal
Some more exploration down the rabbit holconnection to Wuhan.

Lab-Made Coronavirus Triggers Debate

The hybrid virus could infect human airway cells and caused disease in mice, according to the team’s results, which were published in Nature Medicine.

“If the new virus escaped, nobody could predict the trajectory,” Simon Wain-Hobson, a virologist at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, told Nature.

One of the people who co wrote the paper was a Chinese researcher by the name of Xing-Ye Gi. Google scholar shows Gi has written or co-written numerous papers on SARS, ebola and coronavirus.

Gi works in Wuhan, within the sole BSL-4 lab in the entire country. A Chinese national literally worked on modifying a bat coronavirus to infect humans, 100% confirmed.

Is this the one that got away?

So we have a Chinese virologist working on the exact cause of the Wuhan!!?
Someone once told me there is no such thing as a coincidence........

posted on Feb, 16 2020 @ 08:41 AM
a reply to: SpartanStoic

I saw that you have some contacts with the Mainland. I read that they are only testing people outside Hubei if they have travelled to Hubei province so do you think the numbers being released are the tip of the iceberg or genuine decline. Most of the videos I see on Twitter etc don't say which province so it's hard to tell. My gut is that this is far from over especially that latest death in Taiwan being a non know contact with previous cases

posted on Feb, 16 2020 @ 08:42 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

PM for you, musicismagic


posted on Feb, 16 2020 @ 08:42 AM
a woman has just run onto the cricket pitch and started handing out masks to the South African players!

South Africa playing England in T20 cricket

She is dressed as Wonder Woman!

There has been an intruder at the Centurion. A woman dressed as Wonder Woman has just ran all the way up to de Kock and is having a chat with him. She then removes a mask from her bag and gives it to the South African captain. Steyn joins in and he also gets the mask.


edit on 16/2/2020 by deltaalphanovember because: eta

edit on 16/2/2020 by deltaalphanovember because: removed a

edit on 16/2/2020 by deltaalphanovember because: source

posted on Feb, 16 2020 @ 08:45 AM
a reply to: checkmeout

Eventually, it will burn itself out in Wuhan and Hubei, really any location it's in. They may be on the downhill side of that wave. Hard to say when you cannot trust the official numbers.

But with any disease that come into an area, it has a large pool of potential people to infect. As time goes on, like a fire, it infects/burns more and more of that fuel and leaves less and less that it can access. That will make it harder for it to spread. It won't be able to really re-infect those already infected, it will be harder for it to easily jump to uninfected people because they'll be less common and farther apart. So new cases will slow down and eventually stop altogether.

Whether or not we're at that point? Who knows for sure.

posted on Feb, 16 2020 @ 08:46 AM
a reply to: GoldGlobal

Now you see, you saying that, along with others always brings my thinking back to contaminated masks. China is a place where the use of masks is common, even without a virus going round due to pollution etc. Facemasks are part of Chinas culture so to speak. Maybe that's the wrong way to put it, but it's not unusual for the Chinese to be carrying a mask round with them as part of daily life. I'm not sure about Japan.

Now, what if the virus got started, and workers manufacturing masks were unknowingly infected, and still producing masks, which would probably get shipped to local businesses and such, hence spreading the virus more in China than elsewhere.

Other parts of the world don't use masks at all, even if unwell and sick, so the odd stray cases would be from contact, not masks.

I know, it's a crazy thought that the masks are helping, or helped initially, spread the virus, but I've seen crazier theories.

posted on Feb, 16 2020 @ 08:51 AM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

a factor I do not think many realize is this: when and if China opens back up the cities, many people will rush out into the countryside to escape the confines and to visit their relatives far away. the factories will have to open too. or else the economy will crash. but even if in say Wulun, the infection rate is now slow, there *WILL* be a few people who are sick or exposed! they will then leave also and scatter this virus everywhere! in a sense the quarantines should really be in effect for *years*! huge cities will never be virus free! this virus will always be there, forever.

in a sense maybe we all should just let nature take its course, a 98% infection rate all over the world!

too, as spring arrives and the weather warms, the virus might lay low but spread in stealth all over the world. then when fall comes, watch out! virus might suddenly appear in every single city all over the world.

I live in a senior facility. i can well imagine where they cancel all activities for three months! then as all of the kitchen people are sick, what will the nursing home people eat? imagine a city of 300,000, in the USA, where schools are closed for months or even a year and no business is open except for maybe gas stations, drug stores, a few grocery stores!
watch the Dow Jones fall to 5000, or less! watch the factories shut down for months and no one can now pay their rent for six months or more!

*everything just stops*!

this is a worse case scene, of course. but someday, someday, a 70% kill rate disease will appear. who then will man the complicated control boards in the factories, power plants, surgeon areas, airplanes? then after six months these systems will need repair to function again. no one left to do this! of the 30% who survive, many will be children and wives and some surviving men might need years to fully recover!


posted on Feb, 16 2020 @ 08:55 AM
a reply to: MissBeck

Looks like OM took care of you on the mask for your av!


posted on Feb, 16 2020 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: freestonew

It's going to get out and we're all going to eventually deal with it.

What really has to happen is that the rate of infection and spread needs to be contained and slowed to something manageable so that local systems can handle the rate of illness.

Realistically, we seem to be looking at something that most people will get through on their own without really needing medical support. What we need is for the rates to be low so that medical infrastructure can properly support and care for those who do experience heightened difficulty with it.

posted on Feb, 16 2020 @ 08:58 AM
I am not sure if this was posted yet or not as I am catching up on pages...

MSM in Canada with an article about China creating a new world order, how Canada is waking up to it as per Japanese academic Junya Nishino. I find the timing of this article extremely interesting.

Also an article about Xi’s early involvement in the outbreak raising questions.

posted on Feb, 16 2020 @ 09:00 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: musicismagic

PM for you, musicismagic

replied, no broken strings lol

posted on Feb, 16 2020 @ 09:03 AM
On the cruise liner in Yokohama, the amount of passengers infected now stand at 355 . That's a lot.
More test were done and results in tomorrow. And yes, there are still about 3000 still on the ship. Crazy and very cold weather is moving in. Now where's my matches.

posted on Feb, 16 2020 @ 09:04 AM
Eu clearing patients
120 cleared and released( there’s a few more coming soon on that from else where in Germany soon)
Released 186 yesterday (I think but can’t find link to that over shadowed by the tourist that died I think)

94 released from hospital 2292 tested 2283 cleared

42 released

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