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Corona Virus Updates Part 3

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posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 12:26 PM
Come On Tennisdawg. Please give us something better, don’t let your fellow ATSers be in the dark.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 12:30 PM
A new strain at that fatality rate would be devastating. But there is no proof of that yet at all, and it's -much- more likely that Iran's #s for infected is just tragically off. Either accidentally, or accidentally on-purpose.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: tennisdawg

Damnit. Thank you for swinging back our way, td. But damn
This sounds like it’s been nice knowing ya. We are so f’ing unkind and unreasonable to each other on this planet.
This didn’t have to happen. And yet. I fear we won’t learn anything at all from this event.
Thank you for your insight td, I appreciate what little youve been able to share, albeit, it’s terrifying.
Take care of yourself too and good luck to you and yours

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: St Udio

I hope it doesn’t get too crazy, I can’t imagine the medication impact if it hits India and China for months. We should see another second wave once they return to normal daily operations and activity.

Most severe cases are over 60, and when I said it increases chances of severe illness we’re still in the single digits most likely and it’s not a likely outcome.

This thread has some good data with symptoms and numbers information:

Wuhan Coronavirus Symptoms at Onset

The biggest data point I saw was 2.9% mortality in hard hit provinces due to being overloaded most likely and .4% in other provinces with reduced numbers. Unless they changed cause of the death data, every nation had done that at some point. It’s the best we have at the moment, not that it matters, we will all be living it soon enough, I’m more worried about people getting crazy.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 12:45 PM

originally posted by: sirlancelot

originally posted by: Power_Semi

originally posted by: misfit312
a reply to: Power_Semi

Neither one of you have anything to prove to the other..... or any of us.

Tennisdawg made a claim believe it or not move on.

The rest of us do....

The problem I have is that this thread is for virus updates.

What the dawg is posting is claimed "inside information" that is totally unsubstantiated, deliberately provocative, and fear and panic inducing, and is clearly FALSE>

Some members may believe it and I don't think that's right.

So why dont you just let us all decide what to decipher from what others say? At times like this we all are looking for morsels of fact and of course hearsay will be included but so what!!?

I agree. I'd rather have too much information and weed it out myself than to be hit with a sucker-punch. Please keep posting 'dawg.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: Mateo96

Thanks for the quote. Yeah I can see how you could read it that way. As has been said, new strain very likely refers to new coronavirus, nCoV, not a new strain of nCoV itself. But you never know!

Going against the WHO line was a big step in itself. Will be interesting to see if mutation has occurred in Italy and/or Iran.

My better half came up with an interesting idea. I was talking about how the virus could be more contagious, more serious in Asian populations, for whatever reason, but as soon as it starts to spread outside of those populations, it's successive generations could adapt to those new populations being a quick mutating RNA virus.

She came up with the idea that maybe it mutates to be SARS-like in Asian populations, MERS like in Middle-East. Interesting idea, and what would it be like everywhere else? Maybe a cold. Not my field though, so not even sure this is possible given they are different Coronaviruses.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 12:49 PM

The markets are getting crushed, here we go with 2008 or worse.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: cris_y2k_se

It's broken through the technical support levels today. It's busted through all the moving averages, so we're in a difficult to predict, difficult to chart territory right now. As far as I can tell, the next technical support level is 26,100-ish, which would be the 10% stock market correction threshold. If it drops into the 24,000s, then it breaks 52 week lows (another technical support level) and we're seeing a crash. Keep in mind I'm talking about this over the course of the next week or two, not in a single day. If we reach into the 26,000s before the end of today, then it's a major crash well before reaching the 52 week lows.

My prediction: It closes today at 27,920.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 12:55 PM

originally posted by: JSpader

The markets are getting crushed, here we go with 2008 or worse.

Unlike 2008, this drop is for fully technical reasons. Manufacturing has slowed to a full stop due to external issues not related to demand in any way. Even outside of China the manufacturing plants depend heavily on Chinese manufacture components, and China has been shut down full stop for almost 6 weeks now. The time is now for the rest of the world to start manufacturing components. I have no idea how quickly a plant can be converted to manufacture microchips, but the US and Mexico had better get started on whatever conversions are needed immediately.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 01:07 PM

NEW: Another 18 Americans who were passengers on the Diamond Princess cruise ship test positive for coronavirus after being evacuated to the U.S.; they are all in quarantine.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 01:09 PM

originally posted by: TheAMEDDDoc
a reply to: tennisdawg

If that were the case it would be weapons grade or synthetic and we’re getting Wuhan in our BSL3 labs for some research studies at a research university. They wouldn’t clear it for that type of work if it were BSL4 or worse, this virus has been mapped so often already it’s just not possible to move through hosts like that unless it underwent significant mutation or recombination.

You are by far one of the best sources of knowledge on this thread. I am only passing along the information I am given. I trust your opinion on the medical side of this, but I am not sure that your BSL3 lab is being given the exact virus that we have seen in Wuhan and Iran. A lot of the misinformation is centered around a smokescreen virus (much milder) released by China itself to cover up/confuse the actual bioweapon that was released in Wuhan. There is a significant difference between Wuhan and outside of Wuhan. Iran has been targeted by a bioweapon as well. All other areas of mild coronavirus are exactly that. A mild coronavirus released by China on purpose to calm the populace and re-gain control of the situation. This is why so many different labs, doctors, countries, etc. have differing opinions on the virus.

China tried to keep the lid on it by locking down Wuhan early, then releasing a normal coronavirus in the same area, and surrounding communities. They did not release the bioweapon, but knew that they had stolen it from the USA. At first, they did believe this was an accident from their own lab. Within days, they were aware that it was released near their lab intentionally. Now, here we are with the same deep state players trying to throw gas on the fire in Iran.
edit on 2/24/2020 by tennisdawg because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 01:14 PM

Now, here we are with the same deep state players trying to throw gas on the fire in Iran.

So... can you even give the sector or agency from whence your information is coming?

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 01:15 PM

originally posted by: tennisdawg

originally posted by: TheAMEDDDoc
a reply to: tennisdawg

If that were the case it would be weapons grade or synthetic and we’re getting Wuhan in our BSL3 labs for some research studies at a research university. They wouldn’t clear it for that type of work if it were BSL4 or worse, this virus has been mapped so often already it’s just not possible to move through hosts like that unless it underwent significant mutation or recombination.

You are by far one of the best sources of knowledge on this thread. I am only passing along the information I am given. I trust your opinion on the medical side of this, but I am not sure that your BSL3 lab is being given the exact virus that we have seen in Wuhan and Iran. A lot of the misinformation is centered around a smokescreen virus (much milder) released by China itself to cover up/confuse the actual bioweapon that was released in Wuhan. There is a significant difference between Wuhan and outside of Wuhan. Iran has been targeted by a bioweapon as well. All other areas of mild coronavirus are exactly that. A mild coronavirus released by China on purpose to calm the populace and re-gain control of the situation. This is why so many different labs, doctors, countries, etc. have differing opinions on the virus.

China tried to keep the lid on it be locking down Wuhan early, then releasing a normal coronavirus in the same area, and surrounding communities. They did not release the bioweapon, but knew that they had stolen it from the USA. At first, they did believe this was an accident from their own lab. Within days, they were aware that it was released near their lab intentionally. Now, here we are with the same deep state players trying to throw gas on the fire in Iran.

Glad you are back, posting, for whatever that's worth.
I think it has become quite obvious that the scenario you are presenting herein makes the most logical sense, or other variants of the same type of scenario. Becoming quite clear, there is one thing, the virus, and possibly another, as well, a bioweapon......accidental becoming purposeful along the way.

With the kind of minds we have on ATS, I am surprised, genuinely, that so few seem to get this. Per the level of response, per reported infections, per everything we have thus far witnessed......and available information, so conflicting, and so convoluted, it then becomes rather obvious, I should think, that nothing is what it seems, in fact.

The huge problem with that is, you cannot realistically fight an enemy if you don't truly know who and what the enemy is.

regards and stay safe,

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 01:18 PM
Hi welcome back . a reply to: tennisdawg

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 01:23 PM

Is this on top of the 53? Bno also posted but site remains at 53

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 01:24 PM
a reply to: tennisdawg

How does it make sense to release another type of Corona virus to "calm fears".

When catching that second virus, with an already compromised immune system from catching covid19, could be exponentially fatal and would most certainly drive the numbers up??

No offense but, I'm not buying it, your story is a great yarn, but I'm a bit skeptical
edit on 24-2-2020 by SailorJerry because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 01:28 PM

originally posted by: fleabit

Now, here we are with the same deep state players trying to throw gas on the fire in Iran.

So... can you even give the sector or agency from whence your information is coming?

Respectfully and attentively: surely we all realize that to "out" certain information in specific times is quite dangerous, and though one outing may not have source material to prove their information, it may still be well worth consideration, without even the sources of "pics or it didn't happen."

It does happen, though, with or without the pics, sources, etc.

I do not mean to propel doom porn nor panic. But any information we might get that helps us fight an unknown is probably well worth the risk in believing, as these are different, and trying times.
regards and stay safe,

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 01:28 PM

originally posted by: Power_Semi
Oman has a case now as well.

Today has been shocking for first cases - Iraq Afghanistan, Kuwait, Bahrain & Oman - and I might have forgotten one as well.

It’s also a pretty good bet to say, where there is one case of the virus , there are surely several more .

This is going to be an interesting week.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

There are currently 79,737 confirmed cases worldwide, including 2,628 fatalities.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 01:29 PM

originally posted by: fleabit

Now, here we are with the same deep state players trying to throw gas on the fire in Iran.

So... can you even give the sector or agency from whence your information is coming?

Well, most of my sources are US and Canadian based. Since I live here, I am not going to list them.

2 other sources of information have originated from the following:

NICA (Philippines)
FIS (Ukraine)

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