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Corona Virus Updates Part 3

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posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 08:59 PM
Sen. Tom Cotton still on the warpath.
Tom Cotton on Coronavirus: Establishment Media ‘Spouting’ Chinese ‘Communist Party Line’

"Again, none of these are “theories” and certainly not “conspiracy theories.” They are hypotheses that ought to be studied in light of the evidence, if the Chinese Communist Party would provide it."
Scroll through his tweets:

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 09:02 PM

originally posted by: jefwane
What's going on with the cruise ship. bothers me on a human level but not on a risk level. Cruise ships are known for being a near perfect environment for spreading illness, even in normal times. I'm quite disappointed in the way the Japanese, the ship operator, and ship guest parent nations handled things.

I do consider Japan a bellwether for what happens in the developed world though and would like to thank music for his efforts.

Go through Musicismagics last few posts, hes posting updates FROM the japanese news on the Cruise ship, thats your best bet for info

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 09:03 PM
Don't know if this Japan news has been covered, Thousands Ordered To Work From Home

Abe is especially concerned as infectious disease experts warn about the possibility of a China-style outbreak in Japan, as former FDA Director Scott Gottlieb said the country looked to be on the verge of a major outbreak.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government decided that day to distribute roughly 150,000 protective masks to bus and taxi drivers in response to a request by industry groups.

The world is watching to see if Japan will see the first major outbreak outside China. Japan appears "on the cusp of a large outbreak and maybe epidemic growth," former U.S. Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Scott Gottlieb told CNBC on Tuesday. The country's patient count has doubled in four days, he said.

"If you start to see this become epidemic in other nations or have other nations experiencing large outbreaks that's going to be extremely worrisome that we're not going to control this globally," Gottlieb said.

be vigilant musicismagic and keep the info flowing...............

I only wish I felt like we were getting truthful information from media and government here in U.S. but many signs point to severe minimization of the potential issues due the love of money and control.

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 09:04 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
Sen. Tom Cotton still on the warpath.
Tom Cotton on Coronavirus: Establishment Media ‘Spouting’ Chinese ‘Communist Party Line’

"Again, none of these are “theories” and certainly not “conspiracy theories.” They are hypotheses that ought to be studied in light of the evidence, if the Chinese Communist Party would provide it."
Scroll through his tweets:

Yep Cotton and others have been looking hard into this, and im willing to bet hes probably going to push to get the truth on it.

hes been sounding the alarm on it for two weeks now, but hardly any news agencies are covering it, if any

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 09:06 PM

originally posted by: SailorJerry

originally posted by: jedi_hamster
a reply to: musicismagic

also, i just spoke with a friend living in Tokyo. he's saying you're just spreading FUD and at least in Tokyo it's "life as usual" - shops are full, you can even buy masks without a problem.

now, i'm not saying that cannot change with time, but you seem to be going full panic mode recently.

calm the f..k down.

Hes only reporting what is going on in his area, I have been talking to family in Tokyo myself and what Music is posting is pretty much on par.

Theres no need to be a jerk, so maybe you should calm the f down and stop being so hostile

he's extrapolating a bit too much. situation in one smaller city doesn't equal situation in Tokyo. what he's posting as far as the official news go, sure, everyone gets the same news. as far as Diamond Princess goes - sure, it's all official info, more or less.

but posting a picture with "this can be your city next" comment, without even stating clearly that it's NOT his home city, or posting an official statement with "... - i won't translate this, it's too much for ya", that's just childish at best, trolling at worst. and that's not even just my opinion - that's my friend's take on it. his reaction was basically "if you want, i can take a couple of photos around Tokyo, with timestamps, he'll see how empty the shops are".

so far i haven't seen a single photo from musicismagic's area posted by him, so forgive me if i'll take a word of a friend i know for more than two decades over posts of someone from here that went from calm and honest reporting to a mix of all caps and/or full panic mode, like he's losing a grip on reality "because we're being invaded by boats full of infected people, they're coming here by the hundreds, we're all doomed".
edit on 18/2/2020 by jedi_hamster because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 09:08 PM
a reply to: SailorJerry

He's a conservative. It wouldn't be politically advantageous. Now if he were AOC and Co., the press would be screaming to the hills because to ignore them would be one more show of how callous and uncaring the admin is.

Of course, it would be even better if this thing were in somewhere like Brazil because then they really could tear into the admin for being racist.

You know, it's all about finding the angles with them. Right now, China appearing strong is the best angle.

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 09:10 PM
a reply to: jedi_hamster

he's extrapolating a bit too much. situation in one smaller city doesn't equal situation in Tokyo. what he's posting as far as the official news go, sure, everywhere is the same. as far as Diamon Princess goes - sure, it's all official info, more or less.

Hes reporting what the news is reporting

And lest be honest if youre going to try and throw stones about "extrapolation" EVERYONE in this thread has tried to extrapolate information from what is given, to try and figure out the truth of things

but posting a picture with "this can be your city next" comment, without even stating clearly that it's NOT his home city,

We all knew it wasnt from his city, he stated it multiple times, and he never claimed it was

His point was that people ares starting to hoard goods in Japan, and that COULD BE a scene coming to people in hard hit areas if it gets as bad as it has in places in China

And hes right, My family members in Japan have already talked about places having to restock water, toiletpaper, and other sundries at a mad pace because people are getting concerned enough to start prepping for something bad.

Seems youre the one who needs to calm down, you have literally taken every single thing hes posted out of context.

Thats your problem , not his.

like he's losing a grip on reality "because we're being invaded by boats full of infected people, they're coming here by the hundreds, we're all doomed".

Hes never once eluded to this, it seems perhaps youre the one having an issue jumping to conclusions on what hes posted.

Again, thats your problem, not his, and youre literally the ONLY person who has an issue with it in over 500 pages and 3 threads with ANYTHING hes posted.

That should say something

In your own words "calm the F down"
edit on 18-2-2020 by SailorJerry because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 09:10 PM
a reply to: jedi_hamster

Oh good grief! Did you think he was seriously trying to misrepresent that photo as reality?

Take a good look. He's projecting a realistic view of what could happen if this thing breaks out where he's at between the situation on the ground and the deterioration of China. A lot of countries depend very, very heavily on China, and a crippled China on top of a crippled local economy will cause massive problems in their supply chains.

There is every reason to be concerned.

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 09:16 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: jedi_hamster

Oh good grief! Did you think he was seriously trying to misrepresent that photo as reality?

Take a good look. He's projecting a realistic view of what could happen if this thing breaks out where he's at between the situation on the ground and the deterioration of China. A lot of countries depend very, very heavily on China, and a crippled China on top of a crippled local economy will cause massive problems in their supply chains.

There is every reason to be concerned.

I for the life of me cant figure out why certain members on this thread have gotten so hostile for no reason.

People are posting information and theories, if you dont like it, then throw it out and move on.

Its like they have to have a reason to be in conflict or be outraged.

PS thank you for all your contributions on here, and helping keep us on topic, and the information moving along as this whole thing continues to develop

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 09:17 PM
It is forbidden to carry food and other supplies in China #coronavirus #covin19 #wuhanvirus #china

It is situations like this that a fear of fear and promotion of ignorance results in. Sooner or later people are going to realize that things are not all good. I do not know the exact details around this event. A high level of frustration is apparent.

While it is very difficult to get an accurate picture of current events in Wuhan, food resources appears to be generally holding at this time but are declining due to road blocks and quarantine measures. With the WHO declaring that it is important to keep trade routes open, hopefully it helps avoid more situations like these.

With the supreme court and President Xi both saying that transparency is important to fight this demon, there does appear to be big cultural challenges down the chain of command. When a culture is entrained to not talk bad about things, the communication breakdown when bad things happen is showing.

Coronavirus call to Governor Cuomo by Dr Paul Cottrell

It is not just China facing these issues. This video follows Dr Paul Cottrell as he tries to contact his local representative about confirmed patients not getting recognized in the official count, gets the usual run around and ends with someone saying they will look into it. While China has a reputation of strict censorship, America does have a strong culture of fake news.

Pretending this virus does not exist will not make it go away. It will lead to more uncertainty, confusion and all round general chaos as it does hit.

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 09:19 PM
a reply to: jedi_hamster

We all have different ways of expressing our feelings in writing. If the situation is escalating in his town that is natural and important to be conveyed through his writing style. We are lucky to have someone on the ground. I wouldn't change a thing! keep it up music!

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 09:25 PM
a reply to: kwakakev

That video really gets under my skin.

Weve seen what they are giving these poor people for 17 us dollars equivalent, and its just vegetables and only about 1/3 a basketfull and these CCP THUGS are trashing all this food that could be feeding those starving in quarantine.

We knew this would happen tho, the first question raised on the very first Corona thread, when they went under quarantine was "What happens when they run out of food and medical supplies in their homes"

This is infuriating

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 09:33 PM
Purportedly rocket in sky near Wuhan

Kinda weird in a place with lots of weirdness already...........

Not sure about embedding twit video - maybe someone can do?

Comments claim Space X - is it?
edit on 18-2-2020 by Phoenix because: add comment

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 09:38 PM
Just to clear things up about the virus and fecal matter.... the odor you smell from a bowel movement is actually minute particles of fecal matter suspended in the air, and these particles can be contaminated with the coronavirus. There was that apartment complex in Wuhan that was evacuated recently because the venting system for the sewage pipes(without the ventilation you get vapor lock) was allowing air from the sewage pipes to enter the apartments.
Could be the same thing going on in the cruise ship.

edit on 2/18/2020 by MissSmartypants because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 09:38 PM

originally posted by: Phoenix
Purportedly rocket in sky near Wuhan

Kinda weird in a place with lots of weirdness already...........

Not sure about embedding twit video - maybe someone can do?

Comments claim Space X - is it?

This is a SpaceX launch from a few years ago.

I am no fan of China, but there is CLEARLY an anti-China disinformation campaign being run on Twitter right now..
edit on 2/18/2020 by clay2 baraka because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 09:42 PM
Here in my small and tiny humble Portuguese shores that infamous and hillarious Sen. Tom Cotton quote was talked on a funny & humorous mode at a news radio show after the main news, normally when they use to conclude the world news with a lil bit of *de-ice* to let listeners with a smile on their faces, be it some sort of comedy, silly or funny news

But changing now the subject, and regarding our dearest japanese forum member "musicismagic* i really started to worry about the begginning he seemed a very rational and plausible person, wich i really really loved to read...but since a few days ago (and still respecting him as well) i have the feeling he/she starts to fall into the "doomsday" category...i have a great friend and aviation/pilot colleague living in Jap for decades and when i do the link-past to show him some posts of our dear Japanese member, specially the last few ones, he has the gentle tendency to explain that maybe they are not living in the same Japan, or at least not at the main biggest urban centers.
Peace to all, from Japan to China to Everywhere who are reading these words...and Joyful Health

edit on 18-2-2020 by AngelsDecay because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-2-2020 by AngelsDecay because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 09:43 PM
Anyone can confirm this guy suspected of being infected in BC is legit?


Also there’s some graphics all over Twitter saying 54 suspected cases in USA. Not sure of source, I’m digging around now.

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 09:48 PM
a reply to: SailorJerry

Thank you for this. There are certain people, myself included that have opted to shy away from this continuing thread. Obviously this isn’t going away. Graphs, personal opinions, and the deafening silence by all in the know is less telling than what govt’s appear to be taking as “serious”. I’ve followed ATS for years, only just signed back into this collaboration of varied conspiracies because of this epidemic alone. I dunno if it’s gaining traction or not, much like most of us. But having worked a wedding this weekend where many of the 200+ people were from a country that says “they’re fine”, from somewhere much close to China, I immediately became sick with a serious fever and a cough. It could be the heartbreak I’m dealing with coupled by the excessive drinking for numbing effect. Again. I don’t know. I’m not too concerned for mine own well-being as the state of the world and its complete lack of regard. It seems Big Biz carries on as usual (except for all those cancelled meetings and expos), flights not being allowed from China “is racist”. And the only person that came along in here to ascertain that “yes, S WILL HTF” according to what they’ve seen from their line of work with the US govt in response to building a massive quarantine structure, got laughed out of here. No regard. None.

It’s our uncaring that will allow for this. Already has.
The cats out of the bag, and this I fear will bring humanity to its knees. Not the virus itself. But much like that video with the food in the truck, or bodies in the street, or unstocked shelves; it shows how we are the disease.
We are the manifestation of loathing that continues to breed recombinant viruses and allow for laser-guided drone strikes against other colors, other nations, that has my concern and regret. We could clothe and feed the world many times over, truly. But we all know there is no $$ in giving and being kind to one another.

This beer is for you ATS, let’s play nice while we still can eh?

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 09:51 PM
a reply to: SailorJerry

In this case, I do think the threat is less the disease and more the breakdown and disruption of supply chains that could result from so many just being sick all at once.

We really live in a world where there is only about a three day supply of most things at your local store, and if that supply is disrupted by something, there is no easy replacement.

Panic, hoarding, etc., can all cause this type of disruption even before anyone has to start worrying about actual supply chain disruptions due to illness.

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 09:54 PM

originally posted by: jedi_hamster

originally posted by: SailorJerry

originally posted by: jedi_hamster
a reply to: musicismagic

also, i just spoke with a friend living in Tokyo. he's saying you're just spreading FUD and at least in Tokyo it's "life as usual" - shops are full, you can even buy masks without a problem.

now, i'm not saying that cannot change with time, but you seem to be going full panic mode recently.

calm the f..k down.

OK here is a screen shot, so I just now got to find it where I posted it before, keep in mind jedi, if in fact i did say Hong Kong on it along with the Diamond Princess picture of the meal I also posted on the same thread, I understand that you may not have see it, but here is the screen shot with the 2 pictures.

Hes only reporting what is going on in his area, I have been talking to family in Tokyo myself and what Music is posting is pretty much on par.

Theres no need to be a jerk, so maybe you should calm the f down and stop being so hostile

he's extrapolating a bit too much. situation in one smaller city doesn't equal situation in Tokyo. what he's posting as far as the official news go, sure, everyone gets the same news. as far as Diamon Princess goes - sure, it's all official info, more or less.

but posting a picture with "this can be your city next" comment, without even stating clearly that it's NOT his home city, or posting an official statement with "... - i won't translate this, it's too much for ya", that's just childish at best, trolling at worst. and that's not even just my opinion - that's my friend's take on it. his reaction was basically "if you want, i can take a couple of photos around Tokyo, with timestamps, he'll see how empty the shops are".

so far i haven't seen a single photo from musicismagic's area posted by him, so forgive me if i'll take a word of a friend i know for more than two decades over posts of someone from here that went from calm and honest reporting to a mix of all caps and/or full panic mode, like he's losing a grip on reality "because we're being invaded by boats full of infected people, they're coming here by the hundreds, we're all doomed".

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