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Corona Virus Updates Part 3

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posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 07:57 PM

originally posted by: elitegamer23
a reply to: musicismagic

Stay safe out there m8!

Thank you for your kind thoughts.

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 07:59 PM
Still debating on official name.
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is name proposed for virus causing COVID19 but virologists in China suggest human coronavirus 2019 (HCoV-19) to distinguish from SARS-CoV & be consistent with disease name.

Lancet paper [PDF]

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 08:04 PM

originally posted by: jedi_hamster

originally posted by: musicismagic
Here is a picture that really may take place in your town one day. Just lets hope not.

it's a picture from Hong Kong.

Yes it is.

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 08:05 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
Still debating on official name.
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is name proposed for virus causing COVID19 but virologists in China suggest human coronavirus 2019 (HCoV-19) to distinguish from SARS-CoV & be consistent with disease name.

Lancet paper [PDF]

more obfuscation and muddying of the waters? hmmm

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 08:05 PM
Sep 18 2019 Tianhe Airport in Wuhan conducted an infection drill. Can you guess what virus they chose?

We can call this weird if not a bombshell. On Sep 18, 2019, Tianhe Airport in #Wuhan did an "emergency response drill", presuming a passenger had #Coronavirus infection...Why on earth out of over 10K disease, they chose #Coronavirus?

Jennifer Zeng Twitter

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 08:12 PM

originally posted by: jedi_hamster
a reply to: musicismagic

also, i just spoke with a friend living in Tokyo. he's saying you're just spreading FUD and at least in Tokyo it's "life as usual" - shops are full, you can even buy masks without a problem.

now, i'm not saying that cannot change with time, but you seem to be going full panic mode recently.

calm the f..k down.

Thanks, I'll calm down. But I think your friend may not have watched the 9 am news this morning. Don't know what FUD means. I post what is being seen and translated. As far as I know, I haven't mislead anyone on this forum. If I did. I would apologize to everyone including you.
It takes time for me to write this updates and I only do it to let people be aware that they may not have access to. Seems both you and I have access to news up to the hour briefings on local foreign TV. If you see me write in a mistake, just leave a note and I'll correct it asap.
Again, I'll take your advice an cool it.

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 08:13 PM

originally posted by: SpartanStoic
Sep 18 2019 Tianhe Airport in Wuhan conducted an infection drill. Can you guess what virus they chose?

We can call this weird if not a bombshell. On Sep 18, 2019, Tianhe Airport in #Wuhan did an "emergency response drill", presuming a passenger had #Coronavirus infection...Why on earth out of over 10K disease, they chose #Coronavirus?

Jennifer Zeng Twitter

Coincidences don't exist.

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 08:19 PM
link neighborhood 7/11 is owned by an older Chinese gentleman who usually works the cash register (either him or his wife) and it had been a few weeks since I had seen them there. Well, he was there tonight running the register and obviously sick....coughing so hard he couldn't get words out to talk to his customers. So now of course, I'm concerned he may have been in China for their holiday and contracted the virus....and now I probably have and my asthma. I'm hoping my "Caucasian"ness will protect me.
But anyway, it will be in the back of my mind for.... what, 24 days now?
Sigh.... just what I need....something new to worry about.

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 08:25 PM
CCP propaganda video in the making...

Twitter - And cut scene

And more places reporting Russia has cut all travel to and from China. Other outlets reporting complete ban on Chinese people entering Russia.

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 08:26 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

Don’t let people tell you what you can do and can’t do. EVER. that Is not what winners do.. YouR on a public forum, titled corona, updates your updating info. I am sure you have helped more than have hurt with the tone of your threads.

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 08:26 PM
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

Why wouldn't you pick a Corona virus for an exercise? SARS is a Corona virus and China had had an outbreak in past 20 years. Influenza ( a novel bird flu type) would be the other obvious choice.
edit on 18-2-2020 by jefwane because: clarity

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 08:33 PM
a reply to: jefwane

I just dont believe in coincidences, what you say has merit though, I'm just suspicious.

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 08:35 PM

originally posted by: Bicent
a reply to: musicismagic

Don’t let people tell you what you can do and can’t do. EVER. that Is not what winners do.. YouR on a public forum, titled corona, updates your updating info. I am sure you have helped more than have hurt with the tone of your threads.

Thank you. And recently I've been putting some humor to them also. For real, my latest "facts" were the 9 am news this morning. As far as Tokyo goes, I don't think his friend watch the Professor out of Kobe University. I didn't know about him till today and watch his video. I do have say, my reporting was / is based on my wife's translations (which is good, but hard to translate exactly) . What I did listen to the Professor, he and I are on the same page of what may actually lay in store for the upcoming days "worldwide" and not only Japan. That Professor held nothing back and the TV news here, although cautious, they report actual news as it happens.
Again thanks.

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 08:36 PM

Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the U.S. National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases weighs in on the conditions aboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship and what it could possibly reveal about the coronavirus

Reuters Twitter

If ever there was a poster child for smart idiot that guy is it. It’s in the plumbing? Really? This is the best he has?

It’s airborne. They just can’t admit it.

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 08:36 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

If it's true that Japan doesn't have a version of the CDC, then they may not effectively have an agency or central authority to coordinate a response to this type of threat, not clearly. If that is so, then the Diamond Princess illustrates what may take place in the country.

I hope that's wrong, but if it's not, I'm not sure your worry is misplaced. Bureaucratic ineptitude for want of clear leadership and lines of authority in a situation can kill as much as anything else would.

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 08:41 PM
a reply to: SpartanStoic

It's been tested in fecal matter, so it could very well be in the plumbing.

And there is some level of airborne too, but apparently there is no level of infection control taking place on that ship at all. It's like a hospital during Spanish Flu.

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 08:45 PM
What's going on with the cruise ship. bothers me on a human level but not on a risk level. Cruise ships are known for being a near perfect environment for spreading illness, even in normal times. I'm quite disappointed in the way the Japanese, the ship operator, and ship guest parent nations handled things.

I do consider Japan a bellwether for what happens in the developed world though and would like to thank music for his efforts.

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 08:53 PM

originally posted by: jedi_hamster
a reply to: musicismagic

also, i just spoke with a friend living in Tokyo. he's saying you're just spreading FUD and at least in Tokyo it's "life as usual" - shops are full, you can even buy masks without a problem.

now, i'm not saying that cannot change with time, but you seem to be going full panic mode recently.

calm the f..k down.

Hes only reporting what is going on in his area, I have been talking to family in Tokyo myself and what Music is posting is pretty much on par.

Theres no need to be a jerk, so maybe you should calm the f down and stop being so hostile

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 08:55 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

Again, I'll take your advice an cool it.

Dont listen to him, youre doing fine, just keep reporting what youre seeing and whats coming across on the news there, dont change a damn thing your doing because someone else has an attitude.

Youve done nothing wrong

posted on Feb, 18 2020 @ 08:58 PM
Heard the first discussions about it at kiddo's practice tonight. No one is sounding worried yet, but there was some chatter. People are aware, but China is a long ways off.

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