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Corona Virus Updates Part 3

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posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 01:32 PM
It's Mardi Gras in New Orleans......meaning there are lots of crowds and human to human contact. I sincerely hope and pray (yes, I pray and so should everyone I think about now) that a benign, compassionate pall falls upon us all, right this is a city, where people know more recently than most places, that the stock market, cash in your hand, etc....won't matter a hill of beans in a truly apocalyptic event, much like Katrina, and what most of us here experienced.
PLEASE stay safe everyone

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 01:35 PM

originally posted by: SailorJerry
a reply to: tennisdawg

How does it make sense to release another type of Corona virus to "calm fears".

When catching that second virus, with an already compromised immune system from catching covid19, could be exponentially fatal and would most certainly drive the numbers up??

No offense but, I'm not buying it, your story is a great yarn, but I'm a bit skeptical

Really doesn't matter if it drives the numbers up - they (China) not giving us true numbers anyway

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 01:37 PM
BNO reporting another Italy death. 62 yr old female. Not sure of comorbidities. Don't mean to be a dumbass but 220 cases. 7 deaths. That's pretty high no?

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 01:40 PM

originally posted by: checkmeout
Don't mean to be a dumbass but 220 cases. 7 deaths. That's pretty high no?

3.18%, not crazy in comparison with what we've seen elsewhere (but particularly high for non-Mainland China hot zones.. other than Iran where something doesn't seem to be adding up)

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 01:41 PM

originally posted by: kwakakev
a reply to: celltypespecific

The CDC must really think the American people are stupid.... How the hell can there only be 14 US cases...? WTF!!!

They are stupid, look at how they got away with 9/11. WeChat and twitter is in censorship mode. Even on this thread look how much heat comes down when uncomfortable issues are brought up. Distractions, diversions and confusion is a well tried and tested tacits of information warfare.

Crowd control... look at finance today. 1-2 months will be deadline. This is globalists apocalypse. After this the world be not what it used to be. WHO, CDC are traitors. As are most ruling governments. All of us is just disposable ants. That is for fact as it seems.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 01:42 PM

originally posted by: checkmeout
BNO reporting another Italy death. 62 yr old female. Not sure of comorbidities. Don't mean to be a dumbass but 220 cases. 7 deaths. That's pretty high no?

3.1% Mortality Rate which is exactly as predicted.

Moving forward lets not pay attention to china numbers.
Garbage in....Garbage out

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 01:44 PM
a reply to: Oppenheimer67

Editing is crap these days. With publishing going downhill, a lot of places cut corners by cutting in editorial and proofing where issues like this would get caught. This is a clarity issue in the writing and should get caught by a competent editor.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 01:44 PM

originally posted by: fleabit
I can't believe for a moment the U.S. has nailed this down so there is literally no spread of the virus. How realistic is that? Not very. No other infected passengers in flights from China, or from connecting flights? Or from many other regions now infected? Like.. ZERO? Hmm...

The only nugget I will ad for now is related to the CFR. I have posted for weeks now that the CFR was 15% on the documents I saw at the beginning. I now have reason to believe that this is a very conservative number.

Numbers coming out of other countries don't support that idea. While nebulous in China, other countries reporting in are right around that 2% range, maybe 2.5%. You can't count on #s from China or from Iran, either. They are purposely misreporting. SK, Japan, Thailand, the U.S., Singapore, Hong Kong.. and more. All right around 1.5% to 2.5%.

If the U.S. has to send in intelligence agents to try and get the truth from China, why do you think some random #s you are getting are correct? None of the deaths reported in other countries are supporting anything even at 3%.. let alone a "conservative" 15% number.

Some substantiated proof would be helpful.

Those official numbers are pulled out of their asses to keep the markets from crashing just now. They will nontheless in 1-2 months.

I must add: you will have only 1-2% deaths in the west under OPTIMAL conditions. With some single cases. When this spread reaches thousands like in china.... the 20% severe and critical cases will be #ed. Second wave? Worse. Like Tennisdawg said. Prepare folks. Now its still easy so what? Just realize this is no sniffles. Prepare. Without hysteria at all. Just prepare calm.
edit on 24-2-2020 by Strifingsoul because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 01:45 PM

originally posted by: celltypespecific

originally posted by: checkmeout
BNO reporting another Italy death. 62 yr old female. Not sure of comorbidities. Don't mean to be a dumbass but 220 cases. 7 deaths. That's pretty high no?

3.1% Mortality Rate which is exactly as predicted.

Moving forward lets not pay attention to china numbers.
Garbage in....Garbage out

I'd heard more like 1-2% and this is days in. We're not seeing the prolonged ICU stay deaths. Although I think this is a partial anomaly cos it seems like a lot of patients who were in hospital became infected and so were already weaker. Seems to me that will be a likely source of spread in other countries tho. People admitted with x illness until they discover it's corona...

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 01:45 PM
a reply to: FamCore

The economic fallout from this is going to be immeasurable: How the Coronavirus Can Infect Global Supply Chains

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 01:45 PM

originally posted by: tennisdawg

originally posted by: TheAMEDDDoc
a reply to: tennisdawg

If that were the case it would be weapons grade or synthetic and we’re getting Wuhan in our BSL3 labs for some research studies at a research university. They wouldn’t clear it for that type of work if it were BSL4 or worse, this virus has been mapped so often already it’s just not possible to move through hosts like that unless it underwent significant mutation or recombination.

You are by far one of the best sources of knowledge on this thread. I am only passing along the information I am given. I trust your opinion on the medical side of this, but I am not sure that your BSL3 lab is being given the exact virus that we have seen in Wuhan and Iran. A lot of the misinformation is centered around a smokescreen virus (much milder) released by China itself to cover up/confuse the actual bioweapon that was released in Wuhan. There is a significant difference between Wuhan and outside of Wuhan. Iran has been targeted by a bioweapon as well. All other areas of mild coronavirus are exactly that. A mild coronavirus released by China on purpose to calm the populace and re-gain control of the situation. This is why so many different labs, doctors, countries, etc. have differing opinions on the virus.

China tried to keep the lid on it be locking down Wuhan early, then releasing a normal coronavirus in the same area, and surrounding communities. They did not release the bioweapon, but knew that they had stolen it from the USA. At first, they did believe this was an accident from their own lab. Within days, they were aware that it was released near their lab intentionally. Now, here we are with the same deep state players trying to throw gas on the fire in Iran.
China, Iran, Korea..........................................>>>>>> bio W..............could be just that! And the virus is nothing worse than flu.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 01:48 PM

I do not mean to propel doom porn nor panic. But any information we might get that helps us fight an unknown is probably well worth the risk in believing, as these are different, and trying times.

It would be foolish and could in fact be dangerous to believe stories like that without further proof. Personally I'm not buying into the stories.. nor that that many sources would provide that much information, it makes no sense at all. Each to their own, but I'd recommend during times of crisis, don't blindly believe everything you read and hear. Not from unverified sources.. but also not from some verified sources - i.e. governments of certain countries.

A fatality rate of 1.5 to 3% (on the high side) seems about average for this, so far, with many of those being older, or with existing medical issues.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 01:49 PM
Anyone else notice you can no longer see this site? Asks to sign in
Coronavirus Maos & Stats

NVM it’s working now
edit on 24-2-2020 by violet because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 01:49 PM

originally posted by: checkmeout
BNO reporting another Italy death. 62 yr old female. Not sure of comorbidities. Don't mean to be a dumbass but 220 cases. 7 deaths. That's pretty high no?

Remember how we were all freaking out over the crazy high death rates in China at the beginning too?

Remember, this thing will kill you faster than you will recover if you need hospitalization for it. So if you go to the hospital, you will end up dying in around 12 to 15 days on average, but if you're going to end up surviving, you could be in the hospital for upwards of 20 or more days, so in the early stages of an outbreak/epidemic, you'll see the death toll shoot up faster than you'll see the recovery rate go up.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 01:50 PM

originally posted by: violet
Anyone else notice you can no longer see this site? Asks to sign in
Coronavirus Maos & Stats

I had the same issue...

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 01:55 PM

originally posted by: violet
Anyone else notice you can no longer see this site? Asks to sign in
Coronavirus Maos & Stats

May be maintenance. I only can see the graph showing number of cases, will try back later. Website still says its public information

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 01:55 PM
Video of Medical SWAT teams practicing catching coronavirus victims with a doc-catcher net thing (looks like a active drill/simulation):

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 01:56 PM
a reply to: FamCore
a reply to: violet

originally posted by: violet
Anyone else notice you can no longer see this site? Asks to sign in
Coronavirus Maos & Stats

Yeah don't worry, it does that when they are updating it. I was worried first time it happened to me. Hopefully will be back shortly.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 01:58 PM

originally posted by: tennisdawg
A lot of the misinformation is centered around a smokescreen virus (much milder) released by China itself to cover up/confuse the actual bioweapon that was released in Wuhan.

Ummm... and you are only just now getting around to telling us this?

I've been on the fence about you since you started posting for all of the reasons Power_Semi has outlined...

But come on. If you knew this, you would have said something about it from the beginning.

There is a significant difference between Wuhan and outside of Wuhan.

And this has been speculated on by myself and others since this whole thing started. This is definitely the most logical explanation for the differences, but again - the fact that you are only just now mentioning it so off-hand...

Well, I am joining Power_Semi in calling BS...

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 01:59 PM

originally posted by: fleabit

I do not mean to propel doom porn nor panic. But any information we might get that helps us fight an unknown is probably well worth the risk in believing, as these are different, and trying times.

It would be foolish and could in fact be dangerous to believe stories like that without further proof. Personally I'm not buying into the stories.. nor that that many sources would provide that much information, it makes no sense at all. Each to their own, but I'd recommend during times of crisis, don't blindly believe everything you read and hear. Not from unverified sources.. but also not from some verified sources - i.e. governments of certain countries.

A fatality rate of 1.5 to 3% (on the high side) seems about average for this, so far, with many of those being older, or with existing medical issues.

Yes, I agree....but, what of the exponentially INCREASINGLY VIRULENT RESPONSE?
and why is that the response

It's not really about believing "stories...." It's about nothing factual or supposedly factual, making sense, in terms of response. So therefore, we might want to just take a deep breath, pause, and consider there is something more or else going on. We cannot fight something if we have no foundation to identify the enemy we are fighting.
stay safe,

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