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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -24-

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posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 12:37 AM
a reply to: imthegoat

Apparently the King of Bahrain has issued a statement offering condolences on the death of both the King and the Crown Prince.

He offered prayers for the new King, a prince that rivals the crown prince.

However, the Crown Prince is NOT dead, and a coup attempt against him was thwarted. Which means the King of Bahrain was a part of the coup plot.

Unconfirmed still, but that seems plausible considering all the various stories I've seen regarding this.


posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 12:42 AM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

Sounds like a particular Crown Prince is NOT going to be happy with Bahrain.


posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 12:50 AM
DECODE ID 24RSH200307005D

Breakdown of Q posts linked to POTUS tweets on Mar 7th (and first on Mar 8th):

Mar 08 2020 00:24:08 1236523073689567234

Thank you @SenatorTimScott!

Q2416 Be on the Lookout for Voter Intimidation and Suppression
Q24, Q524, Q1224, Q1724,
Q110 MSM. CIA counter-ops. Will all fall down.
Q13 Now think about timing of POTUS traveling to China/SK. I’ve said too much. God bless, Patriots.
Q118 Bin Laden Family & 9/11
Q21 far enough along you can paint picture without risk of jeopardizing operation.
Tweet Delta= 39:05

Mar 07 2020 23:45:03 1236513235056111616

"Sleepy Joe💤in St. Louis, Missouri today:

“We can only re-elect @realDonaldTrump.”

#KAG2020LandslideVictory🇺🇸 "

Q2242, Q1145, Q2345, Q445, Q3545, Q173, Q111, Q177, Q115,
Tweet Delta= 02:55... Eyes On!

Mar 07 2020 23:42:08 1236512502210613249

.....least 5 States & the Nomination. Did the DNC & Dems tell Elizabeth Warren to wait? If so they were deadly the race would have been over & Bernie would have won. Dirty double dealing? Nobody knows for sure & history will be the judge. But I say here we go AGAIN Bernie!

Q1934, Sara Carter Applying Public Pressure on Bruce Ohr to Come Clean
Q1142 RR problems
Q1642 Grounds for Rod Rosenstein Impeachment and/or POTUS Declassification
Q442 UFO distraction
Q3542 Exculpatory: Evidence That May Ultimately Show Defendant Is Not Guilty
Q164 The Great Awakening is Spreading
Q57 Muslim Brotherhood Infiltration of US Govt
Q169 Soros Sells Tech Stocks
Q62 Biggest Intel Drop in American History
Q117 Saudi Prince Alwaleed Arrest
Q113 Owners of Social Media and MSM
Q177 Captain Green Stringer Explained

Mar 07 2020 23:42:07 1236512499563999234

We have now learned for sure that the Democrats don’t want anything to do with Crazy Bernie. Rigged? First @amyklobuchar & @PeteButtigieg quit the race & come out for Sleepy Joe BEFORE Super Tuesday. Pocahontas says NO & quits race AFTER ELECTION thereby depriving Bernie of at..

Q1935 It was Dems who Colluded with Russia/Putin; McCain did not Depart on His Own Terms
Q1142 RR problems
Q1642 Grounds for Rod Rosenstein Impeachment and/or POTUS Declassification
Q442 UFO distraction
Q3542 Exculpatory: Evidence That May Ultimately Show That Defendant Is Not Guilty
Q373 Maverick Stringer
Q59 POTUS' Welcome in Saudi Arabia
Q276 Q Repeating Trump Tweet (Q Proof)
Q63 Message to Blackhats - You have a choice to make!
Q115 Obama Flushed Out (Continued)

Mar 07 2020 23:04:06 1236502931509252097

President @realDonaldTrump signed the $8.3 billion funding bill to combat Coronavirus and defend the health and safety of the American people.

Q1902, Q1104, Q2304, Q404, Q3504, Q44, Q55,
Tweet Delta = 01:07

Mar 07 2020 23:02:59 1236502647982735360

Thank you @GovBillLee and @MariaLeeTN. My Administration will always be there for the Great People of Tennessee. Together, we will prevail!

Q2157, Q1102, Q2302, Q402, Q3502, Q177, Q33,
Tweet Delta = 00:44

Mar 07 2020 23:02:15 1236502466407038976

@realdonaldTrump Donates His Quarterly Salary to Help Fight Coronavirus Find Vaccine

Q2113, Q1102, Q2302, Q402, Q3502, Q144, Q76, Q150, Q82,

Mar 07 2020 23:01:46 1236502342121541632

"The economic boom continues!

273K jobs added in February

7M+ jobs added since @realDonaldTrump was elected

Unemployment at a 50-year low

Manufacturing, construction defied expectations posting “solid” job growth"

Q2245, Q1101, Q2301, Q401, Q3501, Q108, Q42, Q132, Q66,
Tweet Delta = 00:13

Mar 07 2020 23:01:33 1236502287268356096

As a result of President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership, every state lab in the Country can now conduct Coronavirus testing.

Q2232, Q1101, Q2301, Q401, Q3501, Q47, Q41,

Mar 07 2020 22:59:21 1236501736715624448

@realdonaldTrump to Bloomberg: "One thing this whole thing has shown is that you can't buy an election... Sometimes you just don’t have what it takes."

Q3738, Q1059, Q2259, Q359, Q3459, Q56,

Mar 07 2020 22:56:39 1236501057192316928

I agree with Joe!

Q3417, Q1056, Q2256, Q356, Q3456, Q84, Q103,
Tweet Delta = 09:08

Mar 07 2020 22:47:31 1236498759670009857

Thank you to the Great State of Tennessee. We are with you all the way!

Q2516, Q1047, Q2247, Q347, Q3447, Q109, Q49,

Mar 07 2020 22:46:07 1236498405536468992

WOW thank you Lance! #KAG2020

Q2439, Q1046, Q2246, Q346, Q3446, Q150, Q74, Q167, Q91,

Mar 07 2020 22:45:09 1236498161654550528


Q2336, Q1045, Q2245, Q345, Q3445, Q92, Q90, Q100, Q98,

Mar 07 2020 07:12:41 1236263498272964608

"Mark Meadows is smart, loyal, and a true patriot. He’s a good man and my best friend!

Couldn’t have picked anyone better for the job."

Q529, Q712, Q1212, Q1912, Q2412, Q37, Q11,
Tweet Delta = 00:22

Mar 07 2020 07:12:19 1236263406254120960

"President @realDonaldTrump
traveled to Tennessee to survey damage from the recent tornado and meet with families.

We are with you, Tennessee!"

Q507, Q712, Q1212, Q1912, Q2412, Q103, Q43,

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 12:52 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Has there been any reference to COVID-19 and the number 2?

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 12:53 AM
SPREADSHEET UPDATE - Tweets up to Mar 08 2020 00:24:08:

Q V16.91 20200307 to 3890 incl. DECODE tools

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 12:58 AM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

I haven't had time to look through all the posts I linked to check... hopefully someone else will!

It's taken a few hours just to generate that post.

The one on 8th with a Time of 00:24:08 is worth a deeper look as 24:08 = 3x8:8 and multiple 8s are auspicious in Asia.

Also the 2 part tweet with 7 &s (4 in part 1, 3 in part 2) is worth a deeper look as that many is unusual and generated a lot of post links.

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 12:58 AM
This would be awesome
if a Q post at 1:59, then a POTUS tweet an hour later at 1:59.

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 12:59 AM
than-Q-uiet confirmation here of a theory tonight gang.

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 01:04 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: Vasa Croe

I haven't had time to look through all the posts I linked to check... hopefully someone else will!

It's taken a few hours just to generate that post.

The one on 8th with a Time of 00:24:08 is worth a deeper look as 24:08 = 3x8:8 and multiple 8s are auspicious in Asia.

Also the 2 part tweet with 7 &s (4 in part 1, 3 in part 2) is worth a deeper look as that many is unusual and generated a lot of post links.

Reason I ask is because COVID-19 has a possible reference to something.

All the letters add to 53...subtract 19 and you get 34....divided by 2 you get 17.....Q.

Was coronavirus the start of something? Wondering what a possible "2" connection could be. Maybe something with a "division".

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 01:11 AM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: Sillyolme
a reply to: carewemust

Are you kidding me?
Him calling those things hoaxes is just proof that he is a trump sycophant.
Another puppet.

Here's a good human-interest article for Q followers:

Adding to the content in the above quoted Tweet, a Q-related Tweet from Dan Scavino this evening.

It's Interesting that Scavino is getting so much attention the past 24 hours.

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 01:36 AM
a reply to: carewemust

care, here's the Qproof graphic linking Nothing can stop what is coming to Q posts:

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 01:40 AM
Saudi Arabia Starts All-Out Oil War: MbS Destroys OPEC By Flooding Market, Slashing Oil Prices

With the commodity world still smarting from the Nov 2014 Saudi decision to (temporarily) break apart OPEC, and flood the market with oil in (failed) hopes of crushing US shale producers (who survived thanks to generous banks extending loan terms and even more generous buyers of junk bonds), which nonetheless resulted in a painful manufacturing recession as the price of Brent cratered as low as the mid-$20's in late 2015/early 2016, on Saturday, Saudi Arabia launched its second scorched earth, or rather scorched oil campaign in 6 years. And this time there will be blood.

Following Friday's shocking collapse of OPEC+, when Russia and Riyadh were unable to reach an agreement during the OPEC+ summit in Vienna which was seeking up to 1.5 million b/d in further oil production cuts, on Saturday Saudi Arabia kick started what Bloomberg called an all-out oil war, slashing official pricing for its crude and making the deepest cuts in at least 20 years on its main grades, in an effort to push as many barrels into the market as possible.


posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 01:47 AM
Police Quarantine California Neighborhood After Coronavirus Death

Police in the Sacramento suburb of Rocklin, California ordered residents on one residential street to stay inside their homes as officers in protective gear patrolled the area as a sheriff's helicopter circled overhead, according to WIBW.

The reason? A man who became California's first coronavirus victim lived on the block.

Residents were kept in the dark until after they were allowed to leave their homes, according to the report.


posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 04:39 AM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

What, were they going 'round crooning, "HERE, virus, virus ..."

Wonder how keeping those people in their houses helped at all.


posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 07:54 AM
Are you kidding us is the real question?

But, once again the TDS is hurting your vision of reality. We forgive you. Now quit playing for the Puppet Masters please.

originally posted by: Sillyolme
a reply to: carewemust

Are you kidding me?
Him calling those things hoaxes is just proof that he is a trump sycophant.
Another puppet.

edit on 8-3-2020 by Justoneman because: quite quit

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 08:49 AM
Very interesting tweet by Dan Scavino here:

Sounds like Warrior might have got his orders........
edit on 8-3-2020 by pavil because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 09:06 AM
Probably not dormant. Probably just a different strain than normal that can be natural or mad men made. But fear helps weaken the immune system.

Stress and Illness

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
It is possible that all or most of us carry the code for the coronavirus in our DNA where it lies dormant, waiting for activation. We don't 'spread ' illness to one another..we 'activate ' it in each other through subconscious stimuli/triggers and the power of suggestion. The Propaganda Machine works to bring certain ideas into our collective awareness using fear and it takes off from there. When humans are fearful, we resort to our fight or flight animal instincts and the energy we project behaves like a stampeding herd producing mass hysteria

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 09:12 AM
Just woke up with a gut feeling that a famous person in the US is going to be announced to have Corona this week. Political/sports/Hollywood. Something to give a face to the disease, since there seems (to me) to be 2 dividing groups— the utterly panicked and those who are downplaying it. If they can unify us behind the face of the virus, they can keep working to control.

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 10:15 AM
DECODE ID 24RSH200308001D

Second POTUS tweet of the day, at 07:45:45 looks interesting... Let's decode:

We have a perfectly coordinated and fine tuned plan at the White House for our attack on CoronaVirus. We moved VERY early to close borders to certain areas, which was a Godsend. V.P. is doing a great job. The Fake News Media is doing everything possible to make us look bad. Sad!

1) Tweet content:
a) "perfectly coordinated" has echoes of "the perfect call" re Ukraine,
b) "fine tuned" refers to the Dan Scavino tweet, above, of POTUS playing the violin... "Nothing can stop what is coming!",
c) "fine tuned" could also refer to a WIFI or Schuman frequency... could it kill coronavirus?... Or the cabal?
d) "for our attack"... on coronavirus? Or on the cabal?
e) Why "V.P." instead of VP? Is it a new player's initials?
f) "Sad" = Seasonally Adjusted Depression"? Linked to Daylight saving time change yesterday?

2) Tweet timestamp points to:
Q745 NK meeting with ROGUE US leaders - STORMY WATERS backdrop and Magnolias carpet refs de-flowering!
Timestamp encodes tweet date of Mar 8th.

Q1245 SA -> NK -> Armenia -> Iran -> ?

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 3b9a43 No.1158695 📁
Apr 23 2018 14:31:49 (EST)
Think SA.
Order is important.
SA -> NK.
NK -> Armenia.
Armenia -> Iran
Iran ->

Any other rogue nuclear states?
Define hostage.
Define protection.
Who is protected by rogue nuclear states?
Trust the plan.
Why are border states like AZ/CA important?
Why is MX vocal against POTUS?
Those who are the loudest…..
The Great Awakening.
Iron Eagle.


IntraDelta gives Q3800

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: e6ce6c No.7943347 📁
Jan 28 2020 14:46:22 (EST)
Anons found the subtle hint dropped in the beginning.
Think Durham start.
Think 'Q' start.
You have more than you know

Timestamp and Q post number encode tweet date of Mar 8th.

2) CAPS only simple gematria gives:
Equivalents: "You wait to strike when their ego is inflated and their belief in themselves is set in stone",
"Pres Trump FBI DOJ to review the outrageous Jussie Smollett case",
"Chosen few have the KEYS to guide others who are connecting to the HEART and back to the SOUL",
The transcendental magic number,
Mary Magdalene and Jesus Christ,
Follow the yellow brick road.


Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: cbaed3 No.46820 📁
Dec 7 2017 00:33:36 (EST)
Reached est 1.2mm, Patriots.
You are reaching more than you know.
1=2, 2=4, 4=8, …

Timestamp encodes Mar 7th (twice, = end of DST) and Mar 9th.
RE_READ "Reached est" as "after end of Daylight saving time (DST), we have reached EST"!!

RE_READ "1.2mm" as a frequency, which is the 1/100 harmonic of 2.5GHz (4G), or 1/50 harmonic of 5GHz (5G)... the last line 1=2, 2=4, 4=8 reinforces talking about harmonics
This could also be another meaning of 5by5... 5G... 1/50th harmonic frequency?
(Link to wavelength frequencies)

b) RemoveDupes = HCERYGPTFNMS = 154
Equivalents: It's all about signs, Energy boost, The Fabian Society, List all actions to the CIA, Second sun comet Elenin, Blockchain technology, Russia Hoax, God Is With Us, Ritual sacrifice.

Q154 Who Financed 9-11... Lord's Prayer
Timestamp encodes Mar 8th.

edit on 8-3-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-3-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2020 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: 0311Warrior

Bring the pain and stay safe, Jarhead.

When it's all over, we'll buy your book....and Sufi's...and others.

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