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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -24-

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posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 04:56 PM
Troy, those are all BOOM BOOM BOOMS

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
A screenshot of an anon post made on 8kun dated Feb. 17

I don't pay much attention to predictions concerning specific dates but...this sounds so promising:

"Based on upcoming Deltas: (Delta or 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment is one of the U.S. special missions units primarily focused on counter-terrorism).

March 16: Local events cancelled because of Corona Virus

March 23: US will go into quarantine for three weeks and shortly after Martial Law will be declared. The Corona Virus was a White House Op and not a real threat

March 30: US Return to Gold Standard

April 12: First arrest predicted by Q: BHO (Bill, Hillary, Obama?), Social Media significantly disrupted. Afterwards, a waterfall of arrests

July 2020: Full Disclosure"

Seems too neatly packaged to be true but I am game for the bottom part of this. The CV scare I could do without. A white hat event is what that link was claiming the Quarantine will be. We shall see

edit on 6-3-2020 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 05:38 PM

originally posted by: RelentlessLurkage

Evergreen air is a known CIA front. Atlas being an aggressive competitor only further supports the whole DIA vs CIA notion imo.

Evergreen Aviation was a known c eye a front.
But they've been out of business since 2013.
Delford Smith, Evergreen Aviation's sole proprietor, died the following year.
The companies fleet was sold to other companies to satisfy Evergreen's bankruptcy debt, and some of the airframes were sent to the Pinal boneyard.

More information
My ex was a pilot there.

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 06:08 PM
a reply to: carewemust

The 4-year-long LIE/propaganda comes to an end because EVERYTHING was focused on Russia collusion. Seth Rich comes back in the spotlight.

Take away Crowdstrike and you have no Russia Collusion. If you have no Russia Collusion, then Mueller probe was baseless and the indictments from it are void. Seems Stone and Flynn would be exonerated and the real criminals will take their place.

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 06:11 PM
a reply to: SouthernGift

Once you shed your mortal coil, you will feel a dead weight lift off your shoulders, like nothing you've ever experienced before. Ultimate liberty and freedom awaits us on the other side. It's really nothing to fear at all.

ETA This Earth life-experience is like an underwater aerobics class where you find yourself winded, puffing and just *done* before class even starts - like, right after you manage to get into your leotard yoga pants.

edit on 6-3-2020 by CanadianMason because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 06:13 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

Instead of relying on specific dates, I'm focusing more on the sequence of events. What really got my attention was the date this was posted (Feb 17 according to the screenshot). I don't know when the coronavirus was first mentioned in this thread but I don't think it was during that part of Feb. What was specified in those predictions correlates pretty closely to where we are now. I hope they do turn out to be booms

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 06:16 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

We stand on guard, not on god, lol!

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 06:20 PM
At the town hall DJT gave a HUGE North Korea reveal last night. HUGE. Anons know/knew the NK Armageddon scenario but not the normies. Did they hear this?

Remember, Donald Trump is going to start a war right away? Well, here it is, we're almost four years out. There's been no war, and we're respected again. But I was told by a general, sir, please don't do that. Why? We have no ammunition. This is the condition we were left in. When you look at so many different problems that we were left, I mean -- and with countries.

But he said, the biggest problem we have is North Korea. That's what you're alluding to. And I have a good relationship with him. I said, did you ever call him? The answer is, yes, he did. But I will tell you, I don't think they admit that. Maybe they do, but called many times. And Kim Jong-un didn't want to talk to him.

And me, he wanted to talk to. And we met in Singapore. And we met in Vietnam. And I also went to the border, first person ever to walk over from -- et cetera, et cetera. [Applause] And we had -- we have a very good relationship, understanding. Let's see what happens. But, you know, the pundits say, isn't it terrible, what he's done?

He's given -- I gave nothing. I gave nothing. The sanctions are on. They want to see if they can do something. But I haven't given anything. If the other side got in, you would right now be in a big war with North Korea. Maybe it would be over by now, but you would right -- almost immediately, you would have started.


posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 06:39 PM
a reply to: SouthernGift

I did mention the ability of revitalizing certain Viruses from a series of selected frequencies, A reminder of the measles return - later in life - as Shingles. The following is also worth noting, especially when the H1 - N1 of the present Covid-19 is spelt out. That is also H1 N1.............

the L version of Corona 19 is a bit more serious (Apparently) than the said S version. All boils down ACE 2 , so much for Enzyme inhibitors and Virus being able to deceit such eh ??

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 07:02 PM
GREAT @Briancates thread on the Flynn motions and what happened.

@SydneyPowell approved as she retweeted.

Key Takeaway...

1) C & B lawyers hid from their clients that they'd botched the FARA filing for Flynn Intel Group

2) these same lawyers were representing Flynn when he was faced with the perjury charge from the Mueller Special Counsel

3) these lawyers urged Flynn to accept the guilty plea

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 07:07 PM
Dark Journalist video tonight for those who are interested.

Edit: Link below was not working for them. Will post new link when available


Dark Journalist and Intuitive Gigi Young goes deep into Austrian Mystic Rudolf Steiner's vision of the New Jupiter an evolutionary step that brings unique spiritual awareness.. This great step is being hindered according to Steiner by sinister astral forces called Ahriman that seek to operate through technology and scientific materialism to enslave humanity's future. Steiner describes something he calls the "Eighth Sphere" which Ahrimanic powers are setting up as an artificial astral prison of consciousness that manifests in modern society as excessive materialistic greed and mind control!

I swear everytime I see that sculpture of Ahriman I think of our last POTUS
edit on 6-3-2020 by liveandlearn because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 07:31 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Thanks Cranky. Great thread by Cates and reflects my understanding of how it all went down.

They can't give him or America back the years we lost without Flynn but he damn sure needs his lawyer costs back and then some. Last I heard he still owes 4.6 mil in lawyers fees.

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 07:43 PM

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 07:47 PM

originally posted by: liveandlearn
a reply to: crankyoldman

Thanks Cranky. Great thread by Cates and reflects my understanding of how it all went down.

They can't give him or America back the years we lost without Flynn but he damn sure needs his lawyer costs back and then some. Last I heard he still owes 4.6 mil in lawyers fees.

I know you follow closely.

So many have sacrificed so much in the Great Awakening, money, health, friends, family, even the reality we once held true. In many ways General Flynn is a symbol for all of us in that regard.

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 08:12 PM
Working link for DJ posted above

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 08:18 PM
Saudi Arabia detains two senior royals, including king's brother: sources

The Wall Street Journal reported the detentions of the two royals earlier on Friday, and said they related to an alleged coup attempt.

second link • Saudi Detains Three Royal Princes Over 'Coup Plot': Reports

Prince Ahmed bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, a brother of King Salman, and the monarch's nephew Prince Mohammed bin Nayef were accused of treason and taken from their homes early Friday by black-clad royal guards, the Wall Street Journal reported citing unnamed sources.

The Saudi royal court has accused the two men, once potential contenders for the throne, of "plotting a coup to unseat the king and crown prince" and could face lifetime imprisonment or execution, the newspaper said.

March Madness has gone Global.. perhaps

edit on 362020 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 08:21 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Add the John Radcliffe dni appointment to the mark Meadows Chief of Staff appointment, and you have the potential for some major SHTF reveals.

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 08:42 PM
An Econolodge in WA
is being converted into a quarantine facility. They're painting over the sign with black paint...seems a bit much. It's really bizarre watching this unfold

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 09:00 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

So many have sacrificed so much in the Great Awakening, money, health, friends, family, even the reality we once held true. In many ways General Flynn is a symbol for all of us in that regard.

Great analogy Cranky.

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 09:01 PM

originally posted by: MetalThunder
Saudi Arabia detains two senior royals, including king's brother: sources

The Wall Street Journal reported the detentions of the two royals earlier on Friday, and said they related to an alleged coup attempt.

second link • Saudi Detains Three Royal Princes Over 'Coup Plot': Reports

Prince Ahmed bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, a brother of King Salman, and the monarch's nephew Prince Mohammed bin Nayef were accused of treason and taken from their homes early Friday by black-clad royal guards, the Wall Street Journal reported citing unnamed sources.

The Saudi royal court has accused the two men, once potential contenders for the throne, of "plotting a coup to unseat the king and crown prince" and could face lifetime imprisonment or execution, the newspaper said.

March Madness has gone Global.. perhaps

Saturn called, they're pissed, law of unintended or intended conseQuence...

posted on Mar, 6 2020 @ 09:05 PM
FromPresident Trump

I am pleased to announce that Congressman Mark Meadows will become White House Chief of Staff. I have long known and worked with Mark, and the relationship is a very good one....

I always believed this was where Meadow retirement announcement was heading.

My only problem is that some great R's are having to be replaced.

Let us pray that equally great R's will be elected.

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