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Corona Virus Updates Part 2

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posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 02:11 AM
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

Someone posted a great post or two. One used the term “governments scrambling...” another poster suggested
“Delay”. We could be seeing this. Or not.

You’re right to be skeptical.

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 02:11 AM

originally posted by: pteridine
Does anyone know how susceptible it is to chlorine or ozone?

There are some studies out there that show ozone could be effective against coronavirus.

Due to the excess energy inherent in the ozone molecule, it is theoretically plausible that ozone, unlike microbial-specific options, will show effectiveness across the entire Coronavirus spectrum. The acute infection phase of MERS and SARS is marked by massive viral replication, with viral flooding of the lymph and blood compartments. This stage presents the most clinical challenge. This paper proposes a method of viral culling via systemically administered oxygen/ozone gas to blood interfacing.

MERS, SARS and emerging coronaviruses

Many viruses require reduced sulfhydryl groups for cell fusion and entry. Corona viruses are rich in cysteine, which residues must be intact for viral activity. Sulfhydryl groups are vulnerable to oxidation. Ozone therapy, a very inexpensive and safe modality, may safely exploit this critical vulnerability in many viruses, inclusive of corona virus.

ozone therapy

I've also been looking into hydrogen. First heard of it from Prof Garth Nicolson in relation to curing lyme bioengineered mycoplasma coinfections. Plum Island...again.

Hydrogen Medicine Therapy: An Effective and Promising Novel Treatment for Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS) Induced by Influenza and Other Viral Infections Diseases?

hydrogen therapy

Clinical effects of hydrogen administration: from animal and human diseases to exercise medicine, by Garth L. Nicolson et al., International Journal of Clinical Medicine 2016; 7: 32-76


posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 02:12 AM
a reply to: weirdguy

I’d say ask the dudes in the BSL-4 lab outside of Wuhan.

But. Well you get it

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 02:15 AM
a reply to: slatesteam

Man if this goes all fubar on us then worrying about it will only cause pain, I like your previous comment, have a beer pat t h e dog, tease the missus, all good stuff.

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 02:17 AM
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

I dunno about the missus part. If I had one there’d be way more than teasing and y’all would have to do without my sardonic tone

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 02:21 AM
a reply to: slatesteam

Tease, well maybe just a little.

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 02:21 AM

originally posted by: TrulyColorBlind

originally posted by: liejunkie01
Another possible case here in Illinois. Getting closer to home folks.

CHAMPAIGN, Ill. (WAND) – A possible case of the coronavirus could be in Champaign County. However, the Champaign-Urbana Public Health district hasn’t confirmed the information.
Illinois Radio Network said on Tuesday that a child in the C-U area is suspected of having the virus.

possible case

I am currently getting a little nervous here.


You're darn tootin' it's getting closer to home!!! First, (for Illinois), it was reported in Chicago. Now, Champaign. I live in Southern Illinois, so it is in FACT getting closer to home! Ha ha!

I read about that earlier this evening! I am wondering how only the child (?) would be suspected of having the virus - not the parents/grandparents? Of course the article stated that they could not provide any other details at this time due to privacy concerns. So perhaps there will be an update soon as to how it happened and whether or not the child has the virus or not. Hopefully NOT!

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 02:25 AM
a reply to: slatesteam

The media has been doing that for quite some time. So, it's nothing new to me.

As far as who gets sued and when? Probably no one. But what I would like to see happen is that the survivors in China hold their government responsible and enact some change to bring their government into accountability.

If there are any survivors in the concentration camps there they need to bring them back into civilization as if they survived without any medical treatment they may be genetically resistant or immune to the virus and need to be able to pass their genes along with the rest of the Chinese, and be able to be compensated for their blood and stem cells to be researched for potentially more efficient vaccines or cures.

The government over there needs to be brought in line with what the people's will actually is and not just in name.

If this virus truly does wreck them and their economy they are going to have to accept outside help. We're too far along in as a global community to be petty. I'm not saying that they couldn't rebuild on their own, but they would only be making it harder for themselves. They are too tied in to other country's economies to be playing that game.

We may be seeing a different China by 2030.

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 02:26 AM
Good morning everyone!

Here are the latest figures from WuFlu.Live

Confirmed: 28341
Deaths: 566
Recovered: 1261


posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 02:29 AM
a reply to: AutomateThis1

Th “who gets sued” was a poor choice of situational description....

I’m suggesting if everything IS fine and dandy, the buck is gonna stop somewhere...or just get passed and we’ll go
“What did we learn kids?” And “better luck next time”
And I’m sure like super-duper positive that nothing like this, man-made or not, will ever EVER happen again....

Personally speaking, if we’re all dead, suing anyone will be the last of our worries.

Or how about this token tidbit: WHO can’t make up its mind as to how they should refer to Taiwan and its people.
You really think they got this boondoggle sewn up?
Let alone name the company in Singapore at the Grand Hyatt For an int’l meeting. Ya know- HPAA standards and all I’m sure....corporations are people and stuff...

edit on 6-2-2020 by slatesteam because: Name-calling hurts, viruses kill

edit on 6-2-2020 by slatesteam because: Who dat meeting?

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 02:36 AM
a reply to: revmoofoo

Good morning everyone!

You mean good evening. Considering where the dateline is that makes you the nightshift.

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 02:39 AM

originally posted by: slatesteam
a reply to: weirdguy

I’d say ask the dudes in the BSL-4 lab outside of Wuhan.

But. Well you get it

Yah, I get there is no scientific reports pointing to evidence 2019-ncov is man made. So it would seem that it's all just misinformation and hearsay. If reputable scientists and Phd's are saying it's from a lab, they would have published a report on the matter.

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 02:45 AM
a reply to: weirdguy

I’d say it’s controlling the narrative.

But again tomayto, tomahto

You DO realize this is a conspiracy site, right?

And if it was developed, manufactured, and disseminated in China, even accidentally, do you think we would know?

Might the CCP be strong-arming scientists and virologist to not spill the beans? I mean it’s not like they’re killing people for spreading rumors or going against the party line.

Just a thought

Here’s another: everything that’s been posted by bioweapons experts includes some stuff going back to the 80s and further into the Cold War. So any minute now....

edit on 6-2-2020 by slatesteam because: Reasons

edit on 6-2-2020 by slatesteam because: Any minute now

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 02:46 AM
a reply to: AutomateThis1

4 weeks ago there were less than 50 cases, we are now just short of 30,000... going by officially confirmed cases. Is that not significant?

Maybe next week you'll pay attention?

The point is time will tell, the 20 odd countries with 50 cases or less at the moment could in 4 weeks be at 30,000 also.

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 02:53 AM

originally posted by: slatesteam
a reply to: weirdguy

Starred ya anyway. Tomato, Tohmahto

*Tohmahto, Tomaytoe. Or, Tomaydoe

edit on 6-2-2020 by FinallyAwake because: Because because 👍🏻

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 03:03 AM
Snapchat vid

Not sure what this is, but found it through Snapchat map
edit on 6-2-2020 by RobinKuiper because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 03:06 AM
Here’s a thought, as we now have children being born with the illness and it’s starting to look like it’s transmitted before birth
Given the speculation about having hiv “bit” (although debunk or discounted) would having sex with Asymptomatic patient infect another person?

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 03:09 AM
I've been 50/50 the whole way regarding the wuflu.

I seem to be less concerned now than I was a week ago. Which is a good thing,.. I think? 🤔

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 03:23 AM

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 03:25 AM
a reply to: primalfractal

Agreed, given one of the testing routes is to test the sputum (what is coughed up
) this would lend its self to being fairly obvious imo
edit on 6-2-2020 by Adphil28 because: (no reason given)

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