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Corona Virus Updates Part 2

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posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 01:18 AM

originally posted by: pteridine
Does anyone know how susceptible it is to chlorine or ozone?

According to WHO, bleach/chlorine-based disinfectants will kill the virus.

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 01:20 AM
a reply to: EnhancedInterrogator

Finally got my "uploads" thing on ATS working, attached are JPG versions of the hand-out from screening at LAX previously mentioned:


edit on 2020-2-6 by EnhancedInterrogator because: gammer,spling,4matten

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 01:22 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Wasn’t he a Chinese National in Philippines?

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 01:22 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Not trying to be funny, but that makes it look way worse than it currently is.

Take my country USA for instance.
12 confirmed cases and the whole country is red.
Two confirmed cases in Russia, and the whole thing is red. Australia same thing.
All but one of those countries same thing.

Only six countries have even over 20 confirmed cases, and out of those one one country has reported any deaths and that's China. The map is a bit alarmist.

The amount of panic I've been seeing on here is as if every country has had hundreds or thousands of confirmed cases, and as if there have been countless deatgs outside of China.

Don't take it the wrong way. I feel bad for the people of China. They're getting hit hard, but when this is over the Chinese people need to do what they need to make their government accountable. Maybe we'll see some changes with how things are ran over there.

I mean think about all the people in the labor/reeducation/concentration camps over there. I'm sure they're getting hit the hardest. They don't even get medical treatment on any given day. You think they're a priority now?

EDIT: I didn't catch the one death in the Phillipines
edit on 622020 by AutomateThis1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 01:26 AM
a reply to: AutomateThis1

“...up to 14-day incubation period.”

“3/50 do not show fever.”

“...asymptomatic transmission”

“....human-to-human transmission confirmed.”

“...5-28 days on surface.”

NO travel bans....

edit on 6-2-2020 by slatesteam because: Ruh-ro

edit on 6-2-2020 by slatesteam because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 01:26 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow
That site is too much pain to deal with.

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 01:32 AM
a reply to: AutomateThis1

Yea, I didn't think much of the map but I was rolling on that it's been live streaming for over a week. I've noticed so many youtubers putting out various vids, many doomporn it's almost comical.

The person who died in Philippines was a Chinese patient from Wuhan.

BNO site links the source to

ETA: Found a better source:

edit on 6-2-2020 by EndtheMadnessNow because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 01:35 AM
a reply to: weirdguy

From info I’ve seen and been told by hospital staff in the infectious diseases unit here, the virus doesn’t occur naturally, I don’t think that means bio weapon or engineered but I do think that if SARS and mers were of great concern when they happened, would someone not have taken that in the lab and “accelerated it” to see how it might evolve in the future?
To me that seems like a reasonable explanation as to its origin (although pure speculation ) and if so it accidentally getting out of the lab ( given the world can’t keep much secret any more and human error happens) seems possible at the least

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 01:36 AM
WHO 2019-nCov Strategic and Preparedness Plan PDF, Feb 3 2020.

Just had a quick read through this. When it comes to analysis and forecasting they don't know with the flood of information making it harder to sort out the facts from the fiction.

Resources look to be more directed to early warning and capture, once infections hit the local level of transmissions it is too late. Like Wuhan is now for example.

The focus looks to be matching up the supply chain and available resources with those on the ground getting the job done.

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 01:36 AM
a reply to: slatesteam

Yeah, and I keep reading wait until next week. Wait until next week. Wait until next week. Next week it will be wait until next week.

Until I see an explosion in infection rates I'm going to go about my life enjoying it, because I've already been prepared for worst case scenarios. I've got all the things I need to hole up for quite a long time.

But my life is too short to be worrying about getting some disease and dying. I've made it through a lot of harrowing incidents where I'm lucky to be alive to this day.

So, if I get it. I get it. I'll probably put myself out of misery if that's the case.

But until then I'm going to keep living life and going out for drinks with friends. Eating good food. Doing the things I enjoy, making new friends, going on dates, and being a responsible adult.

Because I can. Unlike the Chinese right now I have the opportunity to enjoy life, and I'm not going to waste it on what ifs and existential dread.
edit on 622020 by AutomateThis1 because: Spelling

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 01:39 AM
a reply to: AutomateThis1

Fair enough. Lemme ask this then. Why does it matter?

If it’s only a matter of time (it is), why is the benchmark of it killing a non-Chinese SO important. Like what does that tell us.

Or rather, what does that say about us...?

I’m not disagreeing, but for someone so savvy and happy, this ain’t the thread you ought to be paying attention to....

I actually completely agree. You’re making logical sense to be sure. But. The other side of your coin might be, “who gets sued and why” when this DOES explode...

edit on 6-2-2020 by slatesteam because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-2-2020 by slatesteam because: Choices

edit on 6-2-2020 by slatesteam because: Lawyer fees, death claims, mental hardship etc

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 01:39 AM
a reply to: tennisdawg

Check your PMs, please.

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 01:51 AM
a reply to: AutomateThis1

I’d expect about a month lag between first cases in a country until infection rate starts to climb( if it’s going to!) like China.
Think first cases outside China were mid jan to early feb?, so personally I’ll be happier if it tops out where it is and stays like that or starts to drop by end of feb to mid March, tbh no ones in a rush to lift quarantines at the moment and patients here (Germany) have been told they have to spend 4 weeks in quarantine as the virus survives in the body that long! The virus also has longer viability in cooler temps ( perhaps why it’s not been seen so much in the Middle East?)

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 01:52 AM

originally posted by: Adphil28
a reply to: weirdguy

From info I’ve seen and been told by hospital staff in the infectious diseases unit here, the virus doesn’t occur naturally, I don’t think that means bio weapon or engineered but I do think that if SARS and mers were of great concern when they happened, would someone not have taken that in the lab and “accelerated it” to see how it might evolve in the future?
To me that seems like a reasonable explanation as to its origin (although pure speculation ) and if so it accidentally getting out of the lab ( given the world can’t keep much secret any more and human error happens) seems possible at the least

Really? What evidence do you have that it's a manmade virus? Can you share it with us? I'd be very interested to read it if it's a legit science report. I've been looking for information that 2019-ncov is man made but I can't find anything of substance, and it seems that people here won't share their evidence.

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 01:59 AM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

1 in Philippines is all I know so far.

Interesting, I hadn't heard that, my marker for worry is when that number becomes a problem.

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 02:00 AM

originally posted by: slatesteam
a reply to: AutomateThis1

Fair enough. Lemme ask this then. Why does it matter?

If it’s only a matter of time (it is), why is the benchmark of it killing a non-Chinese SO important. Like what does that tell us.

Or rather, what does that say about us...?

Why does what matter?

I don't know. After reading what I've just said do you really think I've been sitting around all day contemplating what you're asking?

I'm not someone with the ability to cause any significant impact in this matter. The chances of me creating a vaccine, or figuring out why this happened, or what we could do to prevent this sort of thing from ever happening again is precisely zero percent. Hell, if it were possible I'd give myself a negative percentage on me being able to do any of that.

How I wish the world to be will most likely never happen as it involves no big governments, no nuclear or biological weapons, and everyone is mature and responsible enough to look out for themselves and each other.

I have no solution.

That this virus has been hitting Asian people, Chinese specifically is really weird. There are also other ailments that affect mostly specific ethnicities. Think about the hematological differences of black people. They're more at risk of sickle cell disease. White people are more at risk of cystic fibrosis. Certain Jewish people have a increased risk of Tay-Sachs.

It's all genetics man. That's why we have specific health treatments for different ethnicities. That's part of the reason the Human Genome Map is a thing.

We all have things that can get us.

I'm sure sometime in the future we'll have a vaccine for this, and it'll probably be another injection some of us get as babies, and if not later in life. If someone can't afford, then maybe one of those medical charities will go out and do it.

Life is hard, not everyone is fortunate enough to have the best things in life. The thing is that the strong survive, adapt, and keep going.

I don't know what you think that says about us, but this is just like my opinion man.
edit on 622020 by AutomateThis1 because: Spelling

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 02:01 AM
a reply to: weirdguy

Don’t have a link it’s what I’m being told by staff from hospital that deals with infectious patients ( quarantine people and Ebola was last time they were busy), they say “doesn’t look like man made “ but “not occurring naturally”, meaning to me that if you took an existing virus and accelerated its evolution ( believe that’s not hard to do in a lab ), and see what mutations etc evolve then you have some idea of where it might progress.

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 02:01 AM
a reply to: hiddenNZ

Thanks for letting me know.

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 02:01 AM

originally posted by: slatesteam
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

Any day now. I’m guessing the end of the week latest.
Or. More likely we aren’t being told.

But those market surges... amirite!

Where’s toys..?

I can buy into China keeping the numbers skewed but not some conspiracy about all the other countries affected are keeping the facade, doesn't gel with me.

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 02:09 AM
a reply to: AutomateThis1

Right there with you. Read a book. Pet your dog. Listen to music. Watch a flick. Go for a walk. Hug your family and tell them you love them. Mend a fence or two. Have a beer or three.

I’m not about the doom and gloom. But....

I think we’re on the cusp of something quite possibly catastrophic. The fact MSM is telling us to tone down the antiglobalization rhetoric is both confusing and disturbing as Pandora’s box might’ve just been opened....

All we have is this life and the time allotted.

Make it your own

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