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Trans Activism, Trans Regret, and Resources for Desisters and Detransitioners

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posted on Feb, 5 2020 @ 07:50 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea
Bravo. Very cool. You have basically just affirmed what I have been saying for some time.

I’ve said before we probably agree on more things than we disagree on but the ones we do disagree on are pretty monumental. I just happen to know more about this than what I’ve read online and what radical factions I have aligned myself with. You, I'm not so sure of?

But it sure seems that you have been dragged kicking and screaming into reality... and have yet to acknowledge (must less condemn) the worst of the Trans agenda and Trans Activist, while quite happy to insult and think the worst of those who dare express real concerns and objections. Not cool.

What? You’re the one that only sees what they want to see. Let me quote myself

originally posted by: Kalamitous
Let’s agree that modern trans activism and the overbearing ideological narrative also being “shoved down everyone’s throat” is a bad thing…

originally posted by: Kalamitous
…neither the trans activists movement/ideology or the feminist’s “gender critical” movement/ideology is doing these people one damn bit of good

In case you missed it, let me clarify: I’m throwing shade at the whole damn lot of you – the rabid trans activists and the hysteria fueled gender critical feminists. I’d be happy if all of you went away and shut the hell up.

originally posted by: Boadicea
You may not like the sources in the OP, but you know damn well that they are the only ones even trying to help the many many people who have been, are being, and continue to be harmed by the Trans Terrorism which has been given free reign.

Your hyperbole is simply over the top. “Many many”? Where are your numbers, statistics and research? The self-righteousness of your campaign to save the poor wimmens and chillens I’m sure gives you a lot of personal satisfaction that you’re doing something noble and just but as far as I’m concerned the dogma, rhetoric and tactics of the gender crit movement is just as equally harmful and egregious to the lives of genuine trans youth as is the influence of the trans activists. Both of these opposing factions are fringe groups at their respective ends of the spectrum and neither is representative of the majority.

You also know that it is the Trans Terrorists and their terrorist tactics that have bullied and intimidated other voices into silence. You know that this silencing of voices has allowed trans bubbles that are convincing kids they must be trans and they must transition and literally creating these desisters and detrainsitioners!!! And you know damn well that this terroristic campaign against women's rights, and women speaking for women, has been enabled and empowered by the Trans apologists allies who have continually attacked and condemned and vilified anyone who dared speak "TERF."

I love it that you tell me what I damn well know. How precious! I’m glad you could clear that up for me.

I am sorry that you are so insecure in your womanhood and especially so that you feel “attacked, condemned and vilified because the majority of people and the LGB alphabet community as a whole thinks the TERFs are a little unhinged and their fringe ideology just as virulent and unhelpful as that of the TransTaliban . It is sad that you have aligned yourself with this victimization. Apologist for or ally to the trans activists I am not and I’ve been called a transphobe and a TERF myself but the people I care about are those rare and unseen “real” trans folks caught up in the middle of this that both sides are doing nothing but making their lives more difficult.

If Trans Activism wasn't taking this way too far, and being as hateful and obnoxious as possible in the process, then the vast majority of people wouldn't give a rat's patootie. Live and let live. The problem is not us.

Us? You frequently deny you are a TERF sucked into the gender critical mindset hook, line and sinker but why don’t you just go ahead and embrace it? I’d have a lot more respect for you rather than your wishy-washy denial that’s what you are when you quote their dogma and ideology word for word. If it walks like a duck…etc. It's okay, we all need a team to root for.

When they stop making their unreasonable, unacceptable and dangerous demands on the rest of us, we can begin to clean up the trail of broken psyches and bodies, and address the needs of the genuinely gender dysphoric.

So about those needs of the “genuinely gender dysphoric”… Care to elaborate because I know firsthand how the hateful rhetoric of the gender critical radfems makes them feel as well as the in-your-face embarrassing tactics of the trans activists when neither faction really has the best interests of this very small and rare group in mind. They tend to get erased somewhere between the narcissistic rage of the autogynephiles and the exaggerations of doom and gloom from the gender crits.

So tell me dear, just how is it you address the needs of the genuinely dysphoric? By telling them they’ve been brainwashed and are deluded poor souls that need to be rescued from the bad tranners? Do you have a guidebook that helps you separate the genuine transsexuals from the transgender wannabes? Where do you draw the line? Is it with all autogynephilic transgender women or just the ones that don’t pass to your standards or violate your tender sensibilities? Would you pee next to Blaire White? Do you have a detector to tell the good trans from the bad? Have you even ever met or gotten to know, even disregarding both kinds of trans people, a single transgender or transsexual person in your life at all?

Maybe you can see why it’s hard for me to take you completely seriously because from a less ingrained perspective, you’re the one that seems to sucked into an ideology, standing up for the cause and waving their flag with a sense of justice and self-gratifying thoughts that you’re saving the world with your mission. If you didn’t parrot the gender critical talking points verbatim and had an original or independent thought once and a while, it might get my attention.

You said yourself that ROGD is a problem

I did? I think too many young girls are falling into the trans trap that aren’t really trans and are making decisions for the wrong reasons and what I did say was that pointing the finger at social media was too simple of an answer implying that the was more than just that going on. If you have delved into the detransition stories, it isn’t hard to pick out a common theme between all of them and what they were trying to escape. It makes me sad because it isn’t hard to relate to the pressures that made them think they were trans they didn’t understand well enough before altering their bodies which I see as a failure of the trans healthcare business for failing to suss out these issues before handing out testosterone.


posted on Feb, 5 2020 @ 07:51 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea
Is there a particular number of detransitioners/desisters needed before anyone can offer help? A certain ratio that has to be reached? If it's just one or two or a dozen, are they just # out of luck?

If you’re trying to get me to say there are an acceptable number of losses, as cold as that might sound, yes, that is what I think. Here’s an analogy to elaborate: Treatment for cancer sometimes kills the patient but in most cases it’s remedial. Should we not treat anyone for cancer because for some the treatment is worse than the disease?

Inevitably and regrettably, mistakes will be made but that doesn’t mean the majority of people that transition and particularly those truly and genuinely transsexual that do go on to lead happy and normal lives be denied. Statistically, the number of people helped by far outweighs those that have been harmed and as long as that balance remains, my conscience is clear about that.

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 07:37 AM
a reply to: Kalamitous

Whine whine whine... TERF!!!... moan groan complain... FEMINIST!!!... blah blah blah... TRANSPHOBE!!!...yada yada yada... HYSTERIA!!!

And that's really all you've got. The most misogynistic insults you can hurl at me. You want to call me a TERF? Go ahead. It's as accurate as calling a man a woman, but that seems to be your thing. And, of course, using such insults and attacks to shut down the narrative.

And we both know that I am not even close to being as hateful and even violent as Trans Activists... nor true Rad Fems. We both know that I could bring up crap said and done by Trans Activists that would make folks toes curl. Shall we talk Sissy Porn? That would certainly be enlightening, eh? Shall I go into detail about what these MEN think a "real" woman is??? It's insulting and degrading and dehumanizing.

The simple truth is that I am very focused in my criticisms, I make very clear distinctions, and I only draw the line where folks are being hurt... especially children.

Your biggest problem with me as that I can't be stopped from speaking the truth. I'm not dependent on anyone or anything that can be threatened. No Twitter or Facebook or other social media to ban me from -- I'm not on social media. Want to tell my family and friends I'm a big fat gender critical TERF? Go ahead. They already know! Want to tell my employer and get me fired? No can do... I'm a freelancer and independent contractor. No one owns me or my opinion. Most important, of course, I'm not a fragile snowflake that melts when the mean person on the webz says mean things to me.

But here's the bottom line: I am quite happy to live and let live. It is the Trans Activists making unreasonable and unacceptable demands upon the rest of us that is the problem. When they stop trying to force their will on everyone else, leaving broken and bruised souls in their wake, everyone else will leave them be.

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 07:44 AM
a reply to: Kalamitous

If you’re trying to get me to say there are an acceptable number of losses, as cold as that might sound, yes, that is what I think.

Well isn't that special. And not at all surprising. You don't have a problem with some people being hurt as long as your peeps are happy.


posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 07:59 AM
You could also add anal remorse....

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 09:09 AM
a reply to: Bloodworth

Big big sigh... why? Why even go there? It's more than a little creepy that that's where your head's at... and even creepier that you thought it worth posting.

This is neither necessary nor appropriate and serves no benefit or practical purpose in a thread devoted to resources and advocacy groups for people who are seeking help for real pain and suffering. It actually does the opposite, and undermines and discredits the legitimate issues which need to be addressed.

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 11:45 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: Bloodworth

Big big sigh... why? Why even go there? It's more than a little creepy that that's where your head's at... and even creepier that you thought it worth posting.

This is neither necessary nor appropriate and serves no benefit or practical purpose in a thread devoted to resources and advocacy groups for people who are seeking help for real pain and suffering. It actually does the opposite, and undermines and discredits the legitimate issues which need to be addressed.

Dude, that was funny.....

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 11:52 AM
a reply to: Bloodworth

Oh dear... and now you're going to misgender me?

That's Dudess, thank you very much.

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 12:11 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: Bloodworth

Oh dear... and now you're going to misgender me?

That's Dudess, thank you very much.

Out of respect for your gender and I hope its not the one you associate with, but were born with.

I am going to edit that comment.

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 12:12 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: Bloodworth

Oh dear... and now you're going to misgender me?

That's Dudess, thank you very much.

Just going to take 4 hours since that is the message I received about editing

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: Bloodworth

Out of respect for your gender and I hope its not the one you associate with, but were born with.

Yes, born female, forever and always female. But wise you are to check these days...

Just going to take 4 hours since that is the message I received about editing

I'll just consider it done

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 03:22 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

I'd buy you your favorite alcoholic beverage just to hear you rant.

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 03:47 PM

originally posted by: AutomateThis1
a reply to: Boadicea

I'd buy you your favorite alcoholic beverage just to hear you rant.

LOL! You might end up regretting it... I'm told I'm a happy drunk. But I'm sure I could be a happy ranting drunk too. It might be fun to find out

And just FYI you'd be buying me a shot of tequila!

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 05:51 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

I'd probably end up encouraging you to get it all out lol.

Let me know if you're ever passing through or around Nashville.

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 07:16 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea
Whine whine whine... TERF!!!... moan groan complain... FEMINIST!!!... blah blah blah... TRANSPHOBE!!!...yada yada yada... HYSTERIA!!!

You do realize this is hilarious, right? You do have mirrors in your house, don’t you? Maybe one day take a good hard look in one at your own behavior.

And that's really all you've got. The most misogynistic insults you can hurl at me. You want to call me a TERF? Go ahead. It's as accurate as calling a man a woman, but that seems to be your thing. And, of course, using such insults and attacks to shut down the narrative.

OMG! Won’t someone please give the poor lady some victim and oppression points to up her score a little? She’s needing a little validation. All it takes is expressing oppositional opinions to your gender critical agenda which of course, you handle by interpreting as “attacks to shut down the narrative”, credit them to misogyny, from a 65 year grandmother no less and then assume calling men women is my thing. Damn! Go girl, you’re on fire!

And we both know that I am not even close to being as hateful and even violent as Trans Activists... nor true Rad Fems. We both know that I could bring up crap said and done by Trans Activists that would make folks toes curl. Shall we talk Sissy Porn? That would certainly be enlightening, eh? Shall I go into detail about what these MEN think a "real" woman is??? It's insulting and degrading and dehumanizing.

Once again you’re doing exactly what I was encouraging others not to do – paint with a single, too broad of a brush. Transgender and transsexual people are not some monolithic homogenous entity and you may think you hold back a little rage for “the genuinely gender dysphoric” but your comments repeatedly fall back into condemnation of all trans people as a whole based on the worst of the worst AGPs which is the focus of and to the delight of the gender critical sources that have filled your head with such terror.

The simple truth is that I am very focused in my criticisms, I make very clear distinctions, and I only draw the line where folks are being hurt... especially children.

Pulling out the children card is one of the oldest and cheapest tricks in the book going back well before the fear mongering of letting the “colored folk” use the white women’s bathroom or drinking fountain and while you may think your criticisms are focused, they come across as generalizations based on stereotypes and misconceptions that all trans people are the same.

You claim some compassion for “the genuinely gender dysphoric” but if you were as smart as you think you are, you’d know that the truly gender dysphoric, the “real” transsexuals categorized by Blanchard as the HSTSs are all young people that do include children and adolescents that transition between puberty and the average age of 20 and practically never after 23 or so, so tell me how you reconcile not treating these suffering and tortured souls with compassion because the diagnostic protocols might be inadequate in some cases to not weed out those for whom transition is not in their best interests? Your goal seems to want transition and by default, trans people erased entirely. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Shall we forgo the needs of the many to save the few? When you can show me and every major medical association in the world the inefficacy of transition in treating gender dysphoria, I might be more inclined to listen but you won’t because there’s 70 years of science, research and statistics proving otherwise and trans people themselves, especially those that transition young that do go on to lead happy and productive lives, will tell you you’re misguided.

FWIW, I am absolutely against what you consider a push steering young people into the transition pipeline. I think promoting this is a terrible idea and that the trans activists will soon see their efforts have been misguided but I also know that albeit rare, there are genuine trans youth who will never thrive and prosper as adults without the right help and these are the lives we must not throw under the bus or erase from our concerns. It is for them and them only that prompts me to counter your campaign of hostility and ignorance. 45 year old men that suddenly can’t contain their “inner woman” are not part of my wheelhouse. Speak as you will. I’m kind of an absolutist when it comes to that and believe everyone has the right to their opinion but that doesn’t mean I’m going to roll over and play dead if I don’t agree with those opinions.

Your biggest problem with me as that I can't be stopped from speaking the truth.

No, my biggest problem with you is that you think your truth is the only truth and the whole truth and anyone that sees your truth as being biased and one-sided based alarmist ideology is the antichrist or something? Your smugness and self-righteousness that you are right and it is your duty to proselytize to protect the rights of women and children when your views do not speak for all women and children is off putting. The nobility of your hero complex does not move me especially when I find your cause equally as specious of that of the radical trans activists. As far as I’m concerned, your well intentioned threads have done little more than spread hate, fear and overblown alarmist propaganda. All I’ve tried to do is get people to recognize there are two sides to every coin. You’ve labeled me as some crazyass trans activist when I’m anything but and I’ve called you a TERF which you say you’re not so in my book, that makes things pretty square and even.

I'm not dependent on anyone or anything that can be threatened. No Twitter or Facebook or other social media to ban me from -- I'm not on social media. Want to tell my family and friends I'm a big fat gender critical TERF? Go ahead. They already know! Want to tell my employer and get me fired? No can do... I'm a freelancer and independent contractor. No one owns me or my opinion. Most important, of course, I'm not a fragile snowflake that melts when the mean person on the webz says mean things to me.

My, my! Aren’t we defensive? You’ve so aligned yourself with a sense of victimhood, you’ve lost your mind. You can’t wait for some enraged tranner to come after you so you can stand up with your gender crit buddies for sympathy and to acknowledge how right you all are. It’s transparent and a little pathetic. You just can’t wait for something to actually happen so you’ll have your own dog in the fight. That’s a little sad really.

But here's the bottom line: I am quite happy to live and let live. It is the Trans Activists making unreasonable and unacceptable demands upon the rest of us that is the problem. When they stop trying to force their will on everyone else, leaving broken and bruised souls in their wake, everyone else will leave them be.

I have no disagreement with you about the reprehensible behavior of the radical transgender activists but just like your TERF-y comrades, both are at extreme ends of the spectrum unrepresentative of the majority.

I’m still waiting to hear about the trans people you find acceptable and up to your standards and how you know the good tranners you allegedly support from the ones you don’t.

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 07:36 PM

originally posted by: AutomateThis1
I'd probably end up encouraging you to get it all out lol.

Let me know if you're ever passing through or around Nashville.

Haha! The scary thing is the OP and I live miles apart in the same metro area. I'd invite her to have drinks with me at my neighborhood pub but am afraid a catfight may ensue!

Just kidding! Although we're both strongly opinionated with contrary views, I'm sure we're both nice people.

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 08:10 PM
a reply to: Kalamitous

Do it. You may become good friends after hashing it out.

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 08:33 PM
quick question; this thing where, every couple months, you smash out the exact same tedious thread for the appreciation of a very small audience of people who believe that low lethality viruses are manufactured in labs and bushfires are started with lasers... does it make you happy? because you don't seem happy.

You readily admit, every time, that you don't know any trans people and that none of this effects you, yet here you are, regular as clockwork, just screaming into the void in return for a handful of stars from old men wholeheartedly endorsing a second confederacy.

Girl, it's not healthy. Get yourself a hobby, get yourself some friends. Every trans person i know is out there living their best life, dancing in the sun, blissfully unaware of the immense knot of bile tensing up your insides. Stop focusing on this bogeyman you've created and do something kind for yourself.

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 08:35 PM
a reply to: continuousThunder

You call this living your best life? Here bitching with us bitter women who are watching you tell us that men make better women?

posted on Feb, 6 2020 @ 08:50 PM
When I say I wish both sides of this "debate" would just go away and shut the hell up, this just posted video makes me wish for that even more. How appropriate for this conversation.

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