posted on May, 3 2020 @ 09:04 AM
Manly men. Manly men doing men stuff. Really manly men stuff that most of you sissy panty waists couldn't do if your lives depended on it. I'm talking
all day, ass breaking, hard sweating manly men stuff in the fields. And living to tell about it, here, on ATS, in rather in depth detail. Manly stuff,
like riding a horsey, or cooking. Sometimes doing even more manly stuff like writing stories or dispensing relationship advice. Yeah, that kind of
Try not to get all worked up for our next guests, ladies, just the mere sight of him could cause you all to spontaneously ovulate. Forget if he
galloped up on his stead with a platter of his homemade Italian meatballs, you'd drop dead away. Please welcome this month's guest,
AM: Are you more Jake Gyllenhaal, Heath Ledger or another equally cool cowboy?
FC: Actually, I think I’m more a Mongo type with a little Waco Kid thrown in, and couple dashes of Hedley Lamarr.
AM: Chaps: Fashionably studded- or practical tanned-leather and why?
FC: I’m particularly fond of the ass-less persuasion, personally. Tanned elk skin, thank you. Bright red of course. I used to do the studded thing,
but those things chafe after a while.
AM: Did you lasso your mate?
FC: I kinda’ had to. The “Free Candy” sign spray painted on the side of the old van wasn’t working. Have you ever tried swingin’ a rope from
the driver’s seat of a 1973 Chevy Vandura while tryin’ to stay under the 25mph speed limit in a School Zone? Oh man! Kept getting hung up on the
fuzzy dice.
AM: Tell the truth, why did you buy a ranch, did you think it produced unlimited salad dressing?
FC: Well, the salad dressing was kind of an unexpected bonus. I just didn’t expect so much of it…all at once! Those lettuces are awful hard to
rope, you know.
In truth, it’s actually an interesting story. The short answer is, because this is what I said I was going to do. All my life. Despite what anyone
said. No matter how crazy they said I was.
I stood in the kitchen of my house one day, I’d gotten all the shots and vaccinations. I had a plane ticket sitting on the counter to a destination
on the other side of planet Earth. There was no return ticket. To say I was scared is the understatement of the century, and I was still undecided. I
could still bail out, but it was the opportunity of a lifetime. The next morning, I would either go to the airport, or I would live out a life of
mediocrity. When the hot humid air of SE Asia hit me on the face as I got off that airplane, I knew life would never be the same. It wasn’t.
In some respects it was a dare of sorts. My father, among others, didn’t believe I could, or would, do it. And…most importantly because…that’s
what I said I was going to do.
AM: What’s the most quintessential experience you’ve had on your ranch?
FC: I don’t know what the heck that fancy word is, but no, I don’t think I’ve ever used ‘quint’ in a ‘sentence’ before, if that’s what
yer askin’. I think I stepped in some ‘quint’ once and got some on my shoe. Me and a buddy of mine used to throw rotten ‘quinces’ at the
neighbor’s car when he drove by, except one time his window was open and we nailed him right in the pie hole!
Now, if’n you were askin’ about one of the most ‘interesting’ experiences, I’d have to go with…tryin’ to figure out how untangle a
pissed off cow hangin’ 4 feet off the ground by her hind legs over a 6 foot steel fence.
AM: Being that you live in near-artic conditions for many months a year have you ever had to climb into a Tauntaun for warmth?
FC: There you go with them fancy words again. (had to look that one up!). Never did know what them critters were called, but them’s some good
eatin’ right there! Damn straight!
AM: If you actually owned a map and decided to pick a warmer climate to live where would it be and why?
FC: If I owned a map? Okay, next question! Maps? We don’ need no stinking maps!!
I’ve had my fill of the heat and humidity in my life. I lived 2.5 degrees north of the Equator for several years. Can you say “green” and “one
perpetual season”? If and when we move, it will be north, not south. My Utopia would have it be Fall for 9 months, Winter for 2 months and early
Spring for a month. Me and Mr. Summer don’t see eye to eye.