posted on Mar, 20 2020 @ 03:18 PM
In these highly troubled times of escalating panic and uncertainty we stumble from one frightening situation to the next with little in the way of
concrete answers as to why. But, as I promised years ago, I would get you the truth, no matter how hard or dangerous it may be and today I have not
let you down.
We are all looking to blame someone for the situation, world leaders, corporations, your neighbor who wouldn't socially distance themselves because
they're an annoying close-talker, but I have found the true culprit for this growing global calamity. The one agent that has been the bane of 2020 and
who may never let us return to normal. I bring you the... CORONA VIRUS!!!!
Let's interview this dirty mother******.
AM: There are so many rumors about your origins, where did you really come from?
CV: I am Chinese on my mothers side, but on the other side I'm phlegm-ish.
AM: What's the best way to keep you from turning us into zombies?
CV: Have me re-engineered to destroy cell phones.
AM: Why did you name yourself after a really crappy beer?
CV: The rejected names were Budweiser, Michelob, and Pabst.
I consider myself lucky.
AM: How much did you make on your toilet paper company investments and what will you do with the money?
CV: I'll wipe out my competitors.
AM: Are you here to get Biden elected?
CV: Yes. Hate to be blunt about it, but yes. He's so darned smart! And I heard he does push-ups. What else do you need? But seriously, have you seen
America? You guys (at this point) pretty much deserve him.
AM: On a catastrophe scale of 1-10 where do you rank and what possible events rank higher?
CV: I'm below The Walking Dead, but am worse than Christmas With The Kardashians.
AM: Favorite film?
CV: Shrek. C'mon! Did you expect a virus movie?
AM: Favorite TV show?
CV: Firefly. I did hear Biden was bringing it back.
AM: If I have symptoms what should I do?
CV: Panic. Post about your panic on social media. Blow your nose. Get better.
AM: Person you want to infect most and why?
CV: My dream infection would have to be anyone wearing skinny jeans.
Covid-19, or also known as Gary to his friends was born in a lab somewhere where they had bats. Or geese. I also remember they had the cast of
Friends there as well, it was disturbing. I was schooled in London, where I infected a jellied eel. My latter years were spent in a woman's prison,
because I identified that way, don't judge me! I was later released as part of a work-release program for the DNC.
You can find me resting on large piles of toilet paper and on the DNC website under [email protected]
I'm hoping that this interview gave you some insight into the level of danger that we're dealing with and that you'll all take Corona Virus seriously.
It isn't every day that we can speak to a microscopic organism bent on our destruction and live to tell about it, especially since George W.'s brain
declined to come in and speak with me. Hopefully my risking of life and limb will help all of you find answers in these trying times.
Corona Virus, thank you for speaking with us today and not killing us like you did to around 200 or so people so far in the United States. Your grim
total is impressive and totally worthy of the maximum government overreaction taking place along with the curtailing of our rights. As Americans we
are grateful. Your parting gift today is AIDS.
Until next time. Maybe.
edit on 20-3-2020 by AugustusMasonicus because: networkdude has no beer but he does have Corona