posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 10:12 PM
Poor Leo, the little lion he thinks he is isn't invincible. Nothing major, just a likely sprained paw from too much horseplay (these two play pretty
rough) He's been lightly limping about all day, when he isn't being carried to where he wants to go & looking all smug about it (lol)
The vet talked hubs through a physical check on the bones and joints of the leg in question (one of the front ones) and he determined through hubs
relaying reactions/lack of reactions & palpation that he likely just sprained it. "Keep an eye on it, chauffeur him around as much as possible to keep
him OFF it, and he should be fine in a day or two. Let me know if he isn't getting better, though, so we can work him in for an x-ray."
The start of the call was a bit funny, "Hello, this is Mr Nyiah, one of the new kittens has a problem with one of his paws....Yep, I WAS just in there
for the rabbit's tooth trim a few hours ago, haha!" XD
Right now, he's snuggled up against me, but I'm sure the second I get up to refill my coffee or go to the bathroom, he's gong to squawk and squawk
unless I pick him up & take him with me (or until I come back if I don't)