originally posted by: Night Star
a reply to: Nyiah
OMG Nyiah, your kitten story had me laughing so much. I haven't had a kitten in so long, but I remember their antics well. Hahaha! You know I'll be
bugging you for more pics of them and Burt and the fish.
Lol, hubby didn't believe me when I told him how active they are after he leaves for work in the wee hours. Today was his first day off for his
He believes me now, they ran him ragged while I slept overnight (finally), "Either it's a lot more work than I remember to keep after kittens this
young, or these two are wired like 8 day clocks!"
You'll definitely get more tank pictures! We bought one more plant type last week (the name of which escapes me at the moment) We kinda screwed up
buying it, er, them, we bought three of the type. We misread tags on the plants tanks and thought they were $5 each. Turns out I misidentified the
plants anyway.
They were actually $15 each, and we didn't realize until after we headed to the car that it seemed to cost more for the plants and fish (more
fishies!) than we expected. OUCH. It's didn't break the bank (put the kibosh on a few other plans, though) but yowza, $45 for 3 small slow-growing
aquarium plants, eek. That'll teach me to confirm before I buy.
We bought 3 Kuhli loaches when we bought the plants. They're small, scaleless eel-like fish that like to burrow in the sand. This particular variety
we have won't get any bigger than 3 or 4 inches (but others can get over 6-8) They're the perfect size for the tank to do sub-surface sand cleaning
(they're bottom feeders/filterers) Technically, I think we could get away with 3 more before we're at the max for the sand space for them.
They're VERY shy fish, though, they're finally starting to come out of hiding to look at us through the glass and interact with the other fish. Kitty
(the catfish) has taken a liking to one of them, and guards it like it's her baby (like she still does with Casper) I think Kitty just has a strong
maternal instinct, it's pretty sweet.
We bought 2 plecos today (aka "sucker fish"/ "algae suckers") One's the common dark one, and one is from an albino variety (I'm sensing a theme
here...) They're juveniles, not remotely close to adulthood yet, but they hoovered the hell out of the glass and back panel already. I let the algae
build up for a few days where it cropped up, so they had a complete King's Feast going on.
The glass and panel are damn near spotless already.
They're also working on the stone cave, the "ceiling" of it is spotless now. It's amazing how much these things eat, but I think we're good at two --
they might be able to keep the tank free of algae growth by themselves. I'm probably going to have to supplement with algae wafers, the growth rate
isn't going to keep up with their appetites! We switched the fish over from the cheapo flakes that came with them & their supplies when the neighbor
gave them to us (surprisingly, those flakes are mostly soy & potato
) to bloodworm flakes. The fish go NUTS with those, like they went from crummy
bologna to gourmet porterhouse steaks or something. Plecos are omnivores and can eat anything, but really need more algae in their diets than
meatiness, so I think I'll have to get wafers.