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Night Star
Thanks a bunch for the sentiments ladies, I truly do appreciate it. Hubs mentioned it was almost like a passing of the torch from the old guy to the
new boys in a way. It's still damn hard, but these kittens are keeping us busy & distracted enough to make it a little easier. One has decided he's
hubs' cuddle buddy/comfort buddy & 2 and a half pound personal guard, he's finding it very helpful.
We took the fur kids to the vet for their establishing visit today, and they (the vet) are handling the Old Boy's cremation. We should have his ashes
back by the end of the this week.
As for these kittens, telling everyone about these little jewels will make me feel better. They're 2 month old Siamese/domestic shorthair mix litter
mates. They sure act entirely Siamese through and through, though, and yes, we do know what we got ourselves into here. And that they're younger than
usual for shelter adoption kittens. I understand why they're adopting out kittens so young, though, they had a December litter boom and are about to
hit the spring boom, and have nearly no space.
One is a classic Seal Point Siamese fur pattern, with the dark face & ears, he's utterly adorable and super-duper cuddly, affectionate, intuitive,
etc, etc. His name is Meeko (yes, Skyrim fans, THAT Meeko) He's the one that decided to be hubs' buddy.
One of his most irresistible quirks is that when he shows you his affection, he holds your cheeks with his little paws, looks at you intently but
lovingly, and then nuzzles your mouth/chin/cheek. He also will not let hubs out of his sight, even to use the bathroom, otherwise he cries and cries
and cries until he sees him again, then he's at his side like glue. Work days are probably going to be nerve-wracking for him.
And he talks. A LOT. That Siamese shines through with his little vocal chords. He also sits expectantly waiting for you to answer him, it's cute as
Oh, and he's a total lap cat when he's not wound up. He likes to try to drape himself over hubby's shoulder, hog his lap, squeeze himself up next to
hubs' face laying down, etc. One way or the other, full body contact will be had, he won't have it any other way, he HAS to be touching hubs if
they're sitting/laying down.
He's also incredibly observant, he picks up on little changes/differences immediately. Like when hubby changed out of his PJs this morning, he was so
befuddled at the removal that he ran up to him wide-eyed and sniffing every square inch of skin he could, as if he were saying, "What happened to your
fur?? How did you DO that??"
The other is a Lynx Point Siamese fur pattern (meaning tabby markings are evident) His name's Leo, he's sort of the Everybody's Buddy kind of cat
(except he prefers to sleep on me over everyone else) And he's a squirrely thing, when he gets wound up, just get the hell out of the way. He's
decided he likes to make a full speed run into the kitchen from the back bedroom, because he "skates" all the way to the side door (and sometimes
smacks into it, his furry feet can't stop, no traction)
He's also a Foot Shark. We didn't get much sleep last night because he kept attacking our feet. He's sleeping on the older kid's bed tonight, so maybe
he'll attack hers and leave our feet alone tonight (I know, that's mean, but she's the type who'd just get up and play with him instead of getting mad
about it)
He's also not quite litter box trained yet, so to speak. He knows how to use it, but he's young enough where he doesn't quite understand the bladder
cues and had a few near-accidents, and two accidents on our bed (didn't recognize the urge right away and couldn't get to the box in time) Of course,
Bert decides this must be a territory challenge and decides HE must pee on the bed after clean bedding was put on. God dammit, I washed 3 loads of
sheets and comforters today, let's not do it again tomorrow, please. Nobody got yelled at, just firmly reminded "No pee on the bed, boys."
They are so energetic this age, it's ridiculous, heh. If anyone's watched Simon's Cat videos on Youtube, my house sounds like when Simon's kitten is
trompling around. We're well aware that we're going to have to invest in a hell of a lot of toys for variety and mental stimulation. We do have half a
dozen different types to start out with, but I'm thinking of making a crinkle pillow out of old fabric and plastic shopping bags for them to pounce,
and maybe see if I can find a sturdy cat tunnel tube thing, since they decided hubs' jeans legs were a neat thing, and his PJ pants legs when he was
sleeping were fun (that did not go over well this morning)
Overall, they're a blast. very tiring, but a blast. Bert doesn't know what to make of them yet, he stays in his hutch and just watches them. I did get
a few Looks from him, as if to say, "What the hell did you bring home? These tiny funny-looking rabbits are strange." He's eager to sniff them through
the wire bars if he can, but that's as far as he's willing to go. The kittens are leery of him, I think he scares them a bit. I figure a few weeks to
a few months of observing from a distance from both sides before they get used to each other.
And yes, I have a few pictures. I'll try to get them posted. Right now, I'm going to take advantage of them being asleep and see about some sleep