a reply to:
There are several versions of what people believe but for this I am just going to look at some Christian viewpoint's.
There are those that believe that when we die our spirit sleep's until a coming day of judgement.
Other's believe very much in ashes to ashes and dust to dust (and Spirit to Spirit) were our body is gone but our spirit return's to our creator for
a time to await judgement there and now - whether it is our spirit being judged or our earthly life and soul is for more debate.
Others believe that the day of judgement is NOW and that when we die since God is outside of time anyway we are before him then and there for our
All of these agree that Christ saves and if we have faith in him and call on his name even if damned we are saved.
There are many variations on a waiting place, much like the Bardo Buddhists there is a place of trial that is nasty but NOT hell called Purgatory in
some Christian tradition's, Hell in it's original form was not the hades like domain that later entered the Jewish and Christian faith's from probably
Greek influence but rather a place of disgrace and abandonment called Sheol were the rubbish, the household refuge and the body's of condemned
prisoners would be thrown and abandoned - there was therefore a Sheol for the wicked soul's whom were literally thrown away.
As for reincarnation there are many debates on just how Christian or un Christian the concept is.
Some Jewish sect's in the past very much believed in it and as for people many children alive today have memory's that if they are not from an
external source such as a discarnate being that may latch onto a child (often perhaps with benign intent but most often NOT benign but that is another
debate) then these memories could often only be explained as past life memory's.
I for example while I have to say I do not Ascribe to reincarnation I do believe it is a fascinating subject have my own odd memory's that fall into
both of these categories.
As a small child my mother was driving through at town in the north west of England were I had never been before, I was about two and a half years of
age and even today the impressions' were so strong I remember them if hazily, I suddenly had a fully formed adult personality 'come' into me and in an
almost panicked way try to hold onto it's own personality, remembering walking down the street as an elderly man with a walking stick and greeting
people and even the local pub this personality called John an elderly working class man in work pant's, shoes with holes in the soul's and sides and a
tattered old jacket and cloth cap used to frequent sometime in the late 1940's or 1950's and pointed these places out to my mum from the back seat as
she drove the car with the hairs on the back of her neck standing up as I kept on claiming that I was john - until we passed a certain place and the
personality seemed to be pulled back out of me as if it was more located in that place than in me and had only latched on perhaps as my soul was
unformed and perhaps somehow compatible with it's own soul.
But alternatively I have what you may regard as child hood vision's very different to this and nothing like the experience with John whom I regard as
a different person and NOT a past life of my own soul.
Floating away from a young big muscly blond haired and bearded Viking like crusader kneeling before a huge broadsword placed blade down in the sand
in a sandy rocky place, I was about 18 inches to about two feet off the ground as I floated away form this dead, chiselled faced nordic looking young
man whom had died with his eye's open in a posture of prayer.
Identical experience during a time of stress and illness much later in my life but I experienced something very nasty, the death of a woman or young
lady at the hand's of a pervert - not nice and not something to talk about but I floated away or near to the body as it was taken away in the boot of
a car once again about 18 inches to about 2 feet off the ground as if linked to this corpse.
But question's remain as I had an experience in 1984 as a young adolescent teenager when I found myself outside of my own body flying through the
air and woke up out there, I tried to control were I was flying as I woke in a bewildered state and saw a jungle below me, very dense and green and
even in the dark I could see the leaves hundreds of feet below me on the tree's in perfect detail - so better eye's than the physical variety - and
then found myself unable to gain control - it laterally felt like someone had my by the scruff of my neck, suddenly I saw a clearing crude hoot's what
we would call a loggers camp in the jungle and flew down right through the wooden roof of a roughly thrown together shack with a large lean too on
it's side, I tried to cringe back as I thought I was going to hit the wood but passed right through it and though I never paid much attention to that
I could see the inside of the wood as I past through it.
Inside was a young child, maybe 9 to 11 dancing in a once piece crude poncho died with a rope around her waist, south American I believe with no eye
brow's and long dark hair, she was dancing on the shack's wooden floor area - dancing is used loosely the kid was spinning around drunkenly and around
the rest of the room comprising the wooden lean too on the shack's side were the shack's flood served as a kind of stage and bar area with a crude bar
counter there were wooden tables on the dirt floor and wooden chairs all crudely made, most of the people looked Portuguese south American or Spanish
south American except one very fat sweaty short guy with a balding head and jowls.
I flew into the kid's head fighting it at every step as I felt like I was being forced into her, the crown of her head and suddenly I WAS her but
still me, I had no access to her mind or her thought's only her physical sensation's which I was not controlling and only had a rough impression of
what the leering drunken men were shouting at her, they shouted something and she lay down and lifted her poncho (wrag) front flap up and the fat guy
got up and abused her, the pain was nasty to say the least and shocked me awake again inside her and I somehow managed to force this fat guy up with
her arm's and screamed in English NO!, his look was one of absolute Shock and I got the impression he actually saw me looking out of her face then
like an elastic band that has been pulled to it's furthest whatever was holding me there broke and I snapped back to my own body thousands of miles
away up here in Lancashire England, I woke screaming and still reaching up shouting NO!.
Maybe just a traumatic nightmare, I was only 14 at the time, or maybe something much more profound, I will leave that for you to consider.
The one thing I am certain of is that Jesus is real and he is GOOD, the devil's are also real and they are NOT good.