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originally posted by: 1320Q17yes
Sorta feel it is fear angled, not my cup of tea.
originally posted by: Ruiner1978
a reply to: 1320Q17yes
Open mindedness happens at level 4 once you've unlocked the Blue Balls perk...
Quote On Thu, Sep 19, 2019 at 2:53 AM Tom wrote:
I agree with this:
> - this reality is an intentional creation by what we would call source, so it is like a matrix that we are trapped in
> - source created this reality so that source could enter into the game
> - source entered into the game as source players
> - besides source players there are soulless ones and entities
> - soulless ones are the people without souls and animals that all don't have souls
> - there are different types of entities that includes reptilians
> - the matrix is scripted to be a certain way
> - the matrix as a whole is scripted to be a certain way
> - all soulless ones are acting based on what is in their script, and their lives are based on scripts
> - scripts are like the storybook in the matrix that is followed
> (you can see how the matrix is scripted when you look into how there are coded numbers that appear all through the matrix in synchronicity, it shows how this matrix is scripted)
> - religion is matrix programming and traps and participation in religions creates black magic attachments to you
> - souls have been reincarnating over and over until they win the game
> - souls use their energy to create the matrix
> - when source players lose their energy it goes to power the matrix by using it to power the entities that act as the soulless ones
> - source players can use their energy to manifest what they want to in their reality and rewrite their script
> - they can do this once they unlock their script and get to a higher frequency
> - source players can program a pendulum to ask questions to their source self
> - if a source player completes inner alchemy they will not have the desire for orgasm anymore
> - emotional states can also take energy from a source player and drain their energy, and can lower their frequency depending on the emotion
> - certain emotions are lower frequency states of being such as anger
> - when a soul does lower frequency things they lose their energy and keep their frequency in a lower state as a result
But not 100% with this:
> - there are only about 1,500,000 souls alive on Earth at this time
> - all other people are soulless, 5000 to every soul
Possible, but no way for me to know the exact number.
> - souls have source fractals and daily supply energies
Not sure what that means exactly, but we do have a Higher Self / Spirit that replenishes us with lifeforce energy.
> - souls can exist on different dimensional planes ranging from one to eleven, called frequency planes
On different planes, yes, but the #11 is pretty specific and I can’t confirm it’s that.
> - lower frequency things include things such as eating meat and having orgasms
Orgasms yes. Eating meat, depends. If you pray over your meal, it’ll help override the frequencies in food. Also a prayed over meat will be higher vibration than not-prayed over cucumber that’s been handled by someone with bad vibes.
> - if a source player is eating meat they can not reach the frequencies 5 or higher
Doubt it.
> - frequency 5 and higher is where you connect to your source self and can unlock your script, and law of attraction starts to work
Ok that’s some real bull**** right there. Law of Attraction is actually constantly working, just that people are attracting mundanity and suffering due to that being their regular mindset. Also, black magic rituals use extremely low frequency but strong vibrations to attract things, i.e. sex magick, so high vibrations aren’t necessary — however, higher vibrations DO make it happen faster, easier, and with fewer negative consequences. So yes, good idea to raise vibes regardless. But the idea that you can’t reality create or raise your vibes if you eat meat, I’ve disproven that many times. So it seems that’s the major flaw or disinfo angle in her work. I mean, she can say whatever she wants about the truth of reality but if she causes truth seekers to commit nutritional suicide and lose the ability to critical think due to iron/B deficiency then I guess that’s mission accomplished for the Matrix, isn’t it… I know plenty of meat eaters who have higher vibes than plenty of vegetarians or vegans, and the latter tend to be space cadets as far as energy and mental clarity goes.
> What is even more interesting is that she said this matrix we are currently in is actually a secondary matrix that was created from the primary matrix that we are hooked up to, but that both are powered by source energies. She says that there are entities that come from the primary matrix and plug into the physical matrix and that it includes entities such as aliens and reptilians.
Yes that’s a good theory and I find it plausible. Though, it could also be the reverse, that aliens/reptilians are products of THIS matrix, and WE are the spirits from a higher TRUE matrix that have come here into this FALSE one and come under the subjugation of these aliens/reptilians.
> What do you think about all that she says? Is any of this original to you? What she says seems very plausible to me.
Well the stuff in her material I find true I’ve also seen/read elsewhere, while the stuff that’s unique to her material I find kind of dubious to be honest.
- Tom
originally posted by: SourceTruth rs-create-the-matrix.
I don't understand why there have been so many negative responses to this thread
I made another thread about this on a different webside and there was nowhere near as much opposition as on this website.
originally posted by: midicon
originally posted by: SourceTruth rs-create-the-matrix.
I don't understand why there have been so many negative responses to this thread
I made another thread about this on a different webside and there was nowhere near as much opposition as on this website.
It is to this sites credit that it's members are less inclined to support self indulgent woo.
originally posted by: SourceTruth
originally posted by: midicon
originally posted by: SourceTruth rs-create-the-matrix.
I don't understand why there have been so many negative responses to this thread
I made another thread about this on a different webside and there was nowhere near as much opposition as on this website.
It is to this sites credit that it's members are less inclined to support self indulgent woo.
This website is a conspiracy forum, so you are wrong when you say that its members do not support woo.
You will call anything that challenges established ways of thinking as woo.
This is a conspiracy forum and indeed there is a lot of woo but it does get called out for what it is (for the most part).
Just saying something doesn't make it true. You say 'not everyone has a soul', so for that to be a viable statement we must first establish what a soul is, and verify it's existence. Then we might move on to the idea that not everyone has one. I doubt we can do that's a bit like proving God or some such.
You have been asked many times what a 'soul' is and you have still not answered that basic question to anyone's satisfaction.
originally posted by: blueman12
a reply to: SourceTruth
I support woo! You're right. It's a conspiracy website. Many on here forgot that in light of more and more political threads.
originally posted by: Purpapengus
a reply to: SourceTruth
My problem with these "views" is that they claim the world is an illusion while presenting a way to get "material gain". If the world is an illusion, than the gain is an illusion. If the world if all in your head then it shouldn't matter if you're on the top or the bottom of it, at the point you realize it's all fake, why should it matter? Time to quit and go do something else.
Be selective: A completely open mind could be likened to a pipe that lets just anything flow through it—even sewage. No one wants a mind contaminated with poison. Solomon, a king and educator in ancient times, warned: “Anyone inexperienced puts faith in every word, but the shrewd one considers his steps.” (Proverbs 14:15) So we need to be selective. We need to scrutinize whatever is presented to us, deciding what to accept and what to reject.
However, we do not want to be so narrow that we refuse to consider facts that can improve our thinking. How can we find the right balance? By adopting a standard with which to measure new information. ...
Use discernment: Discernment is “acuteness of judgment.” It is “the power or faculty of the mind by which it distinguishes one thing from another.” A person with discernment perceives subtleties of ideas or things and has good judgment.
Using discernment, we will be able to recognize those who are merely using “smooth talk and complimentary speech” in order to “seduce the hearts of guileless ones.” (Romans 16:18) [whereislogic: or those who are merely tickling people's ears, see 2 Timothy 4:3,4]
You asked me before what spiritual knowledge I have and I said none, which is true, but there was a time when I would have answered differently. I am a little older and wiser now.
originally posted by: midicon
originally posted by: SourceTruth rs-create-the-matrix.
I don't understand why there have been so many negative responses to this thread
I made another thread about this on a different webside and there was nowhere near as much opposition as on this website.
It is to this sites credit that it's members are less inclined to support self indulgent woo.
originally posted by: SourceTruth
a reply to: SourceTruth
What makes you think that your religion is any better than the so-calles "propaganda" you speak off?
I'd say this site still has a poor record in that department. Especially in the Philosophy and Metaphysics + Aliens and UFOs forums. The latter forum drawing quite a lot of attention and commentary. The General Conspiracies forum and most of the green forums not having a much better record either.
A lifetime of beneficial education, observation and exercising my thinking abilities, my ability to use logic and reason on the evidence available to me*, including facts and observations (*: or made available by inquiry, a search for knowledge and discovery, while seperating fact from fiction regarding things that are claimed to be discoveries or knowledge/"science" by others). Regarding topics such as:
propaganda and marketing (which share many similarities)
history (I'm a great fan of the notion of learning from our history)
psychology and human behavioural patterns, both historical and current
true knowledge vs that which is falsely called "knowledge" or "science" (which are synonyms)
I'm a bit of a polymath with a 'facility' for math (aptitude?). I'm not expecting you to agree with any of my views and warnings in my previous comment, you don't seem the type, but other than that, you have not had the same experiences, chosen education or path of inquiry that I have had or taken.
originally posted by: SourceTruth
a reply to: whereislogic
Can you explain why you believe that this is spiritual propaganda? Or how it relates to this thread?
originally posted by: whereislogic
originally posted by: SourceTruth
a reply to: whereislogic
Can you explain why you believe that this is spiritual propaganda? Or how it relates to this thread?
Regarding the first question: no, because I haven't even contemplated whether the term "propaganda" is even appropiate to use to refer to the information presented on the youtube channel being offered by you as containing beneficial knowledge and education about reality, let alone actually referred to it as "propaganda". That seems to be your rather blunt way of interpreting my comment to Purpapengus about "material gain", reading it into my comment. Perhaps to distract or degrade any actual things I've been talking about, which did indeed contain some things about the relation between propaganda and marketing, which in turn relates to attempts made at material gain.
Which brings us to the answer to the 2nd question, actually, it answers it already. Don't see the need to further elaborate. Especially if you already think it's too off-topic, yet did not feel the need to point that out to Purpapengus when you responded to him/her, perhaps because he/she was quite a bit more succinct with his/her commentary. With the additional effect of not saying all that much, even though it was still an excellent point and something interesting to think about. Better than a short dismissive response.