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Quartz Crystal: A youtube channel. Says reality is a matrix stimulated by the energy from souls

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posted on Oct, 13 2019 @ 05:07 AM
a reply to: SourceTruth

Do you regard the information you have received and the path you are following as spiritual? If so then perhaps you could give a loose definition of what that word means to you.

posted on Oct, 13 2019 @ 07:50 AM

originally posted by: SourceTruth
a reply to: Malisa
You don't take anything that I say seriously so why should I even bother responding to you?

Yes, why do you keep responding to posts and posters you think are trolling and off topic?

Many have said why you keep acting like this, you just keep proving them right.


posted on Oct, 13 2019 @ 07:57 AM

originally posted by: SourceTruth
a reply to: Malisa

I am not going to respond to you any longer.

and 2 posts later you respond again

Dude get some help.

Your not going to respond to that poster yet the rest of page 45 is you responding the them.

posted on Oct, 13 2019 @ 08:02 AM
a reply to: SourceTruth

I am way smarter than you, I am much better at math then you.

nah nah na na.

I bet your dad could beat up Malisa' dad as well too aha, yeah.

You wont be responding to that poster anymore other than every 2nd post you do.

This thread has become so insane/hilarious/sad and worrisome all at the same time.

posted on Oct, 13 2019 @ 08:14 AM
a reply to: SourceTruth

Math does measure a lot baout being smart and having reasoning ablilities

yeah ahhhhh ......... NO.

I could easily beat you in a chess match.

Because you are all knowing, No one doubts this.

Your humor appeals to those with little intellect.


Here is your proof that you demand. I presented this proof earlier in the thread.

you just quoted a paragraph you wrote about not eating meat and not jerking the turkey anymore.

That only proves you are here for attention and that you could have health issues both biologically and psychologically

that proof leads to suspicions that you are here to simply promote this you tube channel

That leads to beliefs that you are getting something out of this promotion

If not

and none of this is even near truth then you really need to start living life a little.

posted on Oct, 13 2019 @ 08:16 AM

originally posted by: Finspiracy

originally posted by: SourceTruth
a reply to: Finspiracy

Here is your proof that you demand.
I presented this proof earlier in the thread.

That was not proof. That was a statement made by some random individual online.


that individual has a screen name of source truth

If they say its proof then its proof....... of what I said in my previous post

posted on Oct, 13 2019 @ 08:32 AM

originally posted by: SourceTruth
I will not be responding to the two trolls on this thread.

only 2?

Is this another personality change or maybe anothert person unsing the screen name?

You have called well over 2 posters trolls.

In one post you ... let me quote it

TerryDon79, Malisa, and Raider1789 are trolls who only want to sow discourse.

You name 3 of them.

another post you said there are too many trolls in this thread.

The best post when you going on about trolls for about 4 pages straight was this post that every time I read it I cant help but smile

Trolls like to repeat the same statement in hundreds of different ways.

Is this a veiled confession?

The trolls will just keep trying to taunt me, but I won't acknowledge them individually, they don't deserve this.

Yes you wont, like you said many many pages ago but kept on acknowledging their posts with your replies.

You wont be posting any names either, oops.

2 trolls?

In one post you name 3.

just about everyone else in your thread has been called a troll.

This isn't the matrix, this isn't reality or me being conscious reading these posts

This must be a dream, no one can be this messed up, its just a dream.

I will wait for this new person to come onto the thread, but it will probably just be a sockpuppet of the troll. I said that I would talk to this person but I will not acknowledge the troll who is telling me about this person.

Posted as an acknowledgement to the poster or as you call them troll you wont acknowledge.

This is hilarious

posted on Oct, 13 2019 @ 08:38 AM

originally posted by: BoneSay

originally posted by: Ruiner1978

originally posted by: SourceTruth
a reply to: BoneSay

Hello. How are you doing?

Hello, how are you?
I'm OK I guess but I still have my pendulum stuck in my rectum.
Is this normal?

i heard that guys who play with own pendulums a lot can risk losing their pendulum power

That's a lie

You ever heard of Practice makes perfect?

posted on Oct, 13 2019 @ 08:48 AM
a reply to: Ruiner1978

I count four different personalities using the account now.

everyone place your bets,

4 personalities will only pay 2:1 as this is most likely

anyone willing to bet that its just 1?

The odds are astronomical, place a1 dollar bet and be set for life.

posted on Oct, 13 2019 @ 08:53 AM
a reply to: SourceTruth

You are only outwitting me in your head, because it is just a fantasy of yours that is based in your ego.

and some more projecting

There is no way I can quote all the projecting you do,

I would basically have to quote just about every post that you have posted about others and not about the topic.

Which is about 98% of your posts in this thread.

OH but you are responding to others you say?

even though you said you wont be responding.

posted on Oct, 13 2019 @ 08:59 AM
a reply to: SourceTruth

No, because I do not care as much as you do about trying to prove myself to others.

have you not realized everything you have posting on ATS since you joined?

Why are you so focused on trying to assert that you are the winner? Its as if you feel that there is a need to prove yourself to others.

Well everyone has say that they are better than others when in disagreement, that are more intelligent, better at reasoning, better at math and chess and so and so

I thought this was normal.

it doesn't matter what image you project onto me.

That's right

what matters is the image you yourself project unto others.

You have a done a great job at projecting an image.

Why do you think so many as you call them Trolls are interacting with you?

posted on Oct, 13 2019 @ 09:14 AM

originally posted by: SourceTruth
I am not going to answer to a specific person any more, they do not deserve to be acknowledged anymore.

yeah you said that about 10 pages ago, then 2 posts later responded and acknowledged them again.

lets see now

OH look you lasted 3 posts this time instead of 2.

I am just going to let this person keep rambling on. Until that person can actually provide something that contributes to the discussion then I will not respond to them.

Why are train crashes like this so hard to look away from?

posted on Oct, 13 2019 @ 11:15 AM
Thread closed.
Pendng staff review.

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