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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -7W3N7Y-

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posted on Oct, 7 2019 @ 12:46 PM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: EfilsGood

Looks real to me

The document is authentic. But the document is more a standing procedure and guidance regarding activation than an actual order to activate reservists. Activation orders will not be done as a publicly accessible document. In the old days, it would have been a "telephone chain" (which may still be the case, not sure), or perhaps it is done with email, sms, or something similar today.


Cavv, the contention here is that if Warrior posts it, it has greater meaning then revealing procedural change. He does not, or can not, post things that are superfluous.

In fact, Warrior's recent posts are not very "personal" if you know what I am hinting at.

posted on Oct, 7 2019 @ 12:50 PM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
a reply to: dashen

Graham showing his true colors as a war profiteer. EFF him.

"... Sound and Fury..."

Remember the unawake or invested still believe the world is as it was. Many of the reps MUST play both sides. They MUST placate their constituents and placate the awakening. Razor's edge and all that.

Momentary media outbursts that seem contradictory must be taken in context of The Plan, not the moment in isolation.

posted on Oct, 7 2019 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Cranky, yes, I am tracking on the significance of Warrior mentioning that procedure. Sure sounds like activation, of at least some personnel, is on the way.

The NG - Reserves question is kind of interesting. May be Reserves activated for purely federal purposes so that the NG is available to back up local and state police forces in case of serious civil unrest. That kind of deployment, while surprising to many, would look more "normal" than the use of federal troops for crowd control. Better political optics IMO.

But I'm not in any comms channels, so this is all speculation on my part.


posted on Oct, 7 2019 @ 12:53 PM
I was curious what Rudy G. was talking about in the Fox News interview yesterday when he said "just wait until we get to Romania", referring to Biden corruption scandal.

This Romanian oligarch hired Hunter Biden as a way into the Swamp. But he also hired former FBI Director Louis Freeh to claim he was wrongly accused.

This is the guy who hired Hunter Biden as a so-called "consultant" - a Romanian oligarch convicted on multiple counts of felony corruption.

Gabriel “Puiu” Popoviciu — The businessman with a finger in every pizza pie

There seems to be a pattern for many Romanian businessmen in their run-ins with the justice system. The pattern is obviously complex but it almost always involves shady real estate deals, ties to the Ancien Regime, ties to political movers and shakers and the odd football connection. Gabriel Popoviciu, also known as Puiu, fits this pattern down to a ‘t’.

On paper Popoviciu seems like the perfect businessman, dealing in everything from computer parts to pizza to real estate, but in reality, like may of Romania’s “Cardboard Billionaires” his main assets are his connections, especially the political ones.

Popoviciu established himself in New Jersey in 1990 — only to triumphantly return in the early 90s to start his business empire. Upon his return, the aspiring entrepreneur started a computer and tech company but, more famously, he was the businessman who brought the first Pizza Hut franchise to Romania.

Trump’s Demands for Investigations of Opponents Draw Intensifying Criticism

In addition to his work in Ukraine for the energy company Burisma, Hunter Biden advised a Romanian businessman with ties to the United States, Gabriel Popoviciu, whose real estate dealings had come under investigation, according to people familiar with the arrangement, which has not been previously reported. The investigation, which came as the United States and its allies were pushing Romania to clamp down on corruption, led to Mr. Popoviciu’s conviction and a prison sentence.

Mr. Freeh goes way back in the FBI and has a very interesting history of DS connections.
Statement of Former Federal Judge and Former FBI Director Louis J. Freeh regarding the conviction of Romanian businessman, Gabriel Popoviciu

Here's an article in the Romanian press announcing the conviction of Hunter Biden's employer Romanian oligarch Gabriel Popoviciu to 7 years in prison with no possibility of appeal, for an illegal transaction of a lucrative land deal near Bucharest airport.

Businessman Puiu Popoviciu, definitively sentenced to 7 years in prison

- Ukrainian oligarch Kolomoyskyi hired Hunter Biden.
- Romanian oligarch Popoviciu hired Hunter Biden.
- The Chinese hired Hunter Biden.
- Hunter got all three jobs immediately after he visited Ukranium, Romania and China with his Dad - Joe.
Dems/leftist media: Nothing to see here, just a coincidence.

Romania, similar to Ukraine in the corruption dept, around the same time, a gang of corrupt officials had charges dropped related to Microsoft 3rd party vendors paying bribes in Romania to officials for software licensing deals. Microsoft recently plead guilty and fined to similar schemes in Eastern Europe.

posted on Oct, 7 2019 @ 12:56 PM

originally posted by: dashen
a reply to: Creep Thumper

Kun is literally synonymous with chan in Japanese on a weeb website.


If he's using it that way he's insulting women. My ex spoke Japanese.

posted on Oct, 7 2019 @ 12:57 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

posted on Oct, 7 2019 @ 01:08 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

In my mind I'd say follow the (new silk) China's Belt and Road initiative !

Romania Belt and Road Initiative

Probably can graph the corruption and sell-outs cashing in on the people ... Think of it as the "Yellow" brick road ...perhaps ...

.....Romania is one of the countries competing for such attention, its main selling points being its strategic position, its natural resources and energy potential, the largest Black Sea container port, Constanţa, the potential of the Danube, which is the current focus of the European Commission’s Danube Macro-region Strategy and the easy access for the transport of Chinese goods to the rest of Europe. Of course, Romania eyes the potential of having Chinese companies pick it to produce goods that bear the “made in Europe” brand, bypassing EU protectionism. ......

We know who we were being sold out to don't we ?

edit on 1072019 by MetalThunder because: 7 7 7 6

posted on Oct, 7 2019 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Romania is a major hub for child trafficking...and Biden's kid "advised" Romania's 'Pizza Czar'.

posted on Oct, 7 2019 @ 01:16 PM
a reply to: SilentWindofDoom

It upset me when Q seemed to implicate us in mass shootings, asking why Masons are always at the scene of the crime, posting pics of a few people sporting a hat and another one wearing a necklace. They look more like plants to me; fake Masons, there to take any heat off the real perps behind the problem. We make a perfect 'scapegoat'. With all the crap written about us out there, I don't blame anybody for suspecting we're into nefarious and dark things; if any of it were true, I'd hate us, too, 😆! One good thing that did come out of Q's (misguided?) Mason posts is that they led us to look into the therapists treating each shooter. "Each shooter has one." In a way, as a member of an Order that is often unfairly hated and reviled, treated as guilty of all sorts of BS, I kind of know how Trump must feel who is much better than I am at withstanding the slings and arrows of his enemies.

posted on Oct, 7 2019 @ 01:25 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

Yes, good point and IAMTAT as well. I had only skimmed the surface to see what is lurking in the shadows in quick search. Good lord where does this corruption end and the number of spider webs of corruption is mind boggling.

Their insatiable thirst for wealth & power along with some mixed in with occult practices is staggering and disturbing.
As CM mentioned earlier they all worship Mammon.

posted on Oct, 7 2019 @ 01:32 PM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: crankyoldman

Cranky, yes, I am tracking on the significance of Warrior mentioning that procedure. Sure sounds like activation, of at least some personnel, is on the way.

The NG - Reserves question is kind of interesting. May be Reserves activated for purely federal purposes so that the NG is available to back up local and state police forces in case of serious civil unrest. That kind of deployment, while surprising to many, would look more "normal" than the use of federal troops for crowd control. Better political optics IMO.

But I'm not in any comms channels, so this is all speculation on my part.


I just recalled Warrior's previous post on the topic and I think it connects. He said specifically there is no plan for mass chaos, but they NG might be used in spots as needed. Maybe like the China Lake purging.

If we combine the last few posts from Warrior on Trap Doors it would seem the rat line and trafficking purge is being undertaken - if I read them right.

It was my take that and NG stuff will be kept quiet for obvious reasons. I can't see why folks want to see a Q proof on NG in their reality.

posted on Oct, 7 2019 @ 01:47 PM
We are all the bad guy in somebody’s story, CM!

When this revelation comes to us - what we do with it is what will define us in the end. 🥂

a reply to: CanadianMason

edit on 7-10-2019 by SouthernGift because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2019 @ 01:49 PM
a reply to: CanadianMason

I agree with you. Q may of been hinting on fake Masons. Remember some of those Trump press conferences about the border wall crisis and Trump had a few high level Border Patrol/Homeland Security guys beside him who were wearing Mason necklace/ball cap?
Double meaning - careful who you trust/follow may have been the message.

Growing up I had relatives who were Masons (two were cops), I went to school right next door to a Masonic temple & home. As a kid I always thought of them as a friendly brotherhood fraternity who looked out for each other, never bothered anyone, which was probably very true back then. Funny, I never got involved but I left home for the Navy when I was 19. But, these days evil corruption has intertwined into just about everything.

Just like in any big organization or corporation you will always have some bad apples, bad cop/good cop, imposters/infiltrators, and I guess stolen valor for the nut cases.

posted on Oct, 7 2019 @ 01:53 PM

originally posted by: queenofswords
Can a member of Congress be impeached? I don't think there has ever been a definitive answer to that through any court proceeding.

However, even though they have some immunity while in session against arrest, the House is in recess till Oct. 15th, aren't they?


1. A Congress member is exempted from arrest while attending a session of the body to which the member belongs, excluding an arrest for treason, breach of the peace, or a felony, or;

2.A Congress member is exempted from arrest or interrogation for any speech or debate entered into during a legislative session.

"1. A Congress member is exempted from arrest while attending a session of the body to which the member belongs, excluding an arrest for treason, breach of the peace, or a felony, or;

2.A Congress member is exempted from arrest or interrogation for any speech or debate entered into during a legislative session."

It seems to me that congressional immunity really isn't very strong at all. It only appears to protect them against arrests for misdemeanors.

posted on Oct, 7 2019 @ 02:01 PM

Donald J. Trump
As I have stated strongly before, and just to reiterate, if Turkey does anything that I, in my great and unmatched wisdom, consider to be off limits, I will totally destroy and obliterate the Economy of Turkey (I’ve done before!). They must, with Europe and others, watch over...


posted on Oct, 7 2019 @ 02:03 PM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Right, Reservists are usually called Up by their chain of command (everyone has a cellphone). One weekend a month two weeks a year still applies to most reservist except IRR those guys will get a phone call or a letter. One way or another they will find out the good news.

Activation Orders are either handed to them or emailed followed by a confirmation phone call.

Ever hear the term “Poo rolls down hill”? Well that’s how the chain of command works in the Military, starts at the top and rolls down hill to the Private.

posted on Oct, 7 2019 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to: dashen

This is some very very aggressive language. He loves to step right to the edge of the abyss and look in, doesnt he?

posted on Oct, 7 2019 @ 02:05 PM

originally posted by: AndyFromMichigan

originally posted by: queenofswords
Can a member of Congress be impeached? I don't think there has ever been a definitive answer to that through any court proceeding.

However, even though they have some immunity while in session against arrest, the House is in recess till Oct. 15th, aren't they?


1. A Congress member is exempted from arrest while attending a session of the body to which the member belongs, excluding an arrest for treason, breach of the peace, or a felony, or;

2.A Congress member is exempted from arrest or interrogation for any speech or debate entered into during a legislative session.

"1. A Congress member is exempted from arrest while attending a session of the body to which the member belongs, excluding an arrest for treason, breach of the peace, or a felony, or;

2.A Congress member is exempted from arrest or interrogation for any speech or debate entered into during a legislative session."

It seems to me that congressional immunity really isn't very strong at all. It only appears to protect them against arrests for misdemeanors.

AFM, this one is pretty clear in intent. The idea, which pertains to the POTUS as well, is to prevent folks from being "detained" or "arrested' to prevent them from doing their job - voting on legislation primarily.

It is to prevent a Coup based on "orange man bad" syndrome via arrest him to get him out. Of course this leaves assassination as the means... (as the world turns)

The idea that anyone could be looking at this any other way is obscene. The intent was honorable, the adherence to the intent is the only honorable thing.

The Talib statement is beyond ignorant, hateful, and treasonous frankly. Then again there are an awful lot of reports of folks "swatting" "false allegations" "faked police reports" concerning those who just hate another and want the Government to deal with it for them.

posted on Oct, 7 2019 @ 02:06 PM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: dashen

This is some very very aggressive language. He loves to step right to the edge of the abyss and look in, doesnt he?

He's angry and it's making him careless.

posted on Oct, 7 2019 @ 02:09 PM
a reply to: Creep Thumper

If he wouldn't have thrown in great and unmatched wisdom I would totally agree with you.
This is some DARPA level bait.
This is Q clearance bait

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