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Atlantis has been discovered?!

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posted on Aug, 7 2022 @ 11:55 PM

Anyone who reads multiple versions, or does even a little bit of their own research can tell that at least some parts of history as it is taught today, is intended to serve a political purpose.

Except in authoritarian countries you can find a wide range of interpretations of history; there are no 'one history' narratives for Western nations.

American history especially. The American revolution has King George twirling his villainous mustache as he levies "unfair" taxes on the people!!! But if you look at their total tax burden, and compare it to what we modern Americans pay today........

I've never seen what you've said above. It was taxation without representation, to take more control of the colonies an have them pay for the French and Indian wars. Stupid moves by the British like the Boston Massacre, the reactions to the tea and intolerable acts, and bad actin by old George who made a number of really stupid comments which shut down the Whigs who were 'allies' of the Americans. We won because of the French.

How far back do we have to go in academic memory to find full phd scholars writing about the Earth as if it were really only 6,000 years old?

That was the mainstream idea it didn't start to change until the mid 1800s as the geologists made some puzzling discoveries... ie we gathered evidence before that there was no particular reason - nor any methodology to challenge the Christian/Islamic, Buddhist, or Hindu claims (were they had the universe being VERY old).

If the politicians of your country like your telling of history, they will give you grants enough to support an army of 100 researchers for 100 years. If they dont like your telling of history, then you had better have achieved tenure at your institution prior to having written it....

Ever hear of the forty or so American Marxist historians? Heard of Noam Chomsky? Etc

But it means a lot of potentially valid hypotheses are never going to be investigated. You need to be saying that someone with a lot of tax money in their care is very very right about something.

That is common for disciplines, times and places.

Politicians like you to tell stories about how, if everyone came together, and paid 100% of their incomes into tax, so we were all working together and blindly following our great leaders, we could pull together and build something like the Great Pyramid just by the sheer volume of workers. No special technology or engineering. Just a willingness to pay higher taxes!!!


posted on Aug, 14 2022 @ 01:44 PM

For the first time, a team of archaeologists from the Universities of Cambridge and Ghent, has succeeded in mapping a complete Roman city, Falerii Novi in Italy, using advanced ground-penetrating radar (GPR). The technology has allowed them to reveal astonishing details while the city remains deep underground.

The archaeologists have discovered a bath complex, market, temple, a public monument unlike anything seen before, and even the city’s sprawling network of water pipes. By looking at different depths, they can now study how the town evolved over hundreds of years.

The research, published on June 8, 2020, in Antiquity, harnessed recent advances in GPR technology which make it possible to explore larger areas in higher resolution than ever before. This is likely to have major implications for the study of ancient cities because many cannot be excavated either because they are too large, or because they are trapped under modern structures.

Revolutionary Radar Archaeology: Entire Roman City Revealed Without Any Digging

posted on Aug, 14 2022 @ 06:25 PM

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye


Old news

They already knew a Roman town was there. In 1829, the theater was excavated and was discovered to have statues from the reign of Augustus depicting members of his family , with his wife Livia, and grandsons Gaius Caesar and Lucius Caesar. In 1903, the city plan of Falerii Novi was examined.

In 2020, a ground-penetrating radar survey conducted by Cambridge and Ghent universities showed a network of water pipes that notably run under the blocks and not, as is more usual, along the streets. The survey also mapped a market, temple, bath complex and a public monument buried underneath the town.

YOU are saying that based on images of the ground which show culturally unidentified ruins in an area where humans have been for hundreds of thousands years that they are Atlantis. Nope they are unidentified until excavated.

posted on Aug, 14 2022 @ 07:45 PM

posted on Aug, 14 2022 @ 08:34 PM

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye

So, you are upset now that your post didn't have the effect you wanted? Yeah they already knew there was a Roman town there.......

edit on 14/8/22 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 10:21 AM

originally posted by: Hanslune

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye

So, you are upset now that your post didn't have the effect you wanted? Yeah they already knew there was a Roman town there.......

Upset? Lol LOL LOL

You seem to have a habit of missing the point. "City Revealed Without Any Digging".

There is no history of ancient people living in, on, or around the Richat Structure. Period. There are no records of any civilization having lived in the pre historic region. Period. And, the only time frame a large civilization could have flourished in the region was pre 3550 BC, during the African Humid period. Oh sure, arrow heads have been documented, but no civilization.

Now if the technology mentioned in the above article (advanced ground-penetrating radar (GPR) ) were applied to the rings, what would it reveal? Specifically, the second ring.

Knowing the nature of the water disaster that took place one can predict the damage, and the undamaged areas. The water flowed out of the center island, picking up mass amounts of building materials, dirt, etc. Because of the shape of the area, the water did not wash away everything standing on the rings, but splashed upwards when it reached the second ring. In effect, the mud came down from above, filling in the lower areas, encasing everything that stood, in silt mud. The destructive force of the water, in the second ring, converted into a preservative of all that was there, similar as to how Ash preserves much of Pompey. Much of the second ring is preserved in this manner.

The ones who wish this "Ringed "City to remain buried, are upset. Not I.

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 01:05 PM

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye

You seem to have a habit of missing the point. "City Revealed Without Any Digging".

Yeah and if you did that remotely would you be able to establish who built it and when? Nope you'd have to excavate. You just cannot seem to understand that point can you?

There is no history of ancient people living in, on, or around the Richat Structure. Period.

ah, dude you've been putting up images showing that....

Yes there is is. The structure is in Africa 'people' have been there for hundreds of thousands of year and before people other hominids

There are no records of any civilization having lived in the pre historic region. Period. And, the only time frame a large civilization could have flourished in the region was pre 3550 BC, during the African Humid period. Oh sure, arrow heads have been documented, but no civilization.

Why is that important? Do your images show civilization or a culture?

The western edge of the Sahara Desert, received and assimilated into its complex society many waves of Saharan migrants and conquerors.

Plinius wrote that the area north of the river Senegal was populated, during Augustus times, by the Pharusii and Perorsi. Berbers moved south to Mauritania beginning in the 3rd century, followed by Arabs in the 8th century, subjugating and assimilating Mauritania's original inhabitants.

Islamization took place only gradually, much later than in the Sahel, over the course of the 12th to the 17th centuries by the expansion of the Beni Hassan. From the 15th century, there was also limited European trading activity, mostly in gum arabic.

The Richat Structure is the location of exceptional accumulations of Acheulean artifacts. These Acheulean archaeological sites are located along wadis that occupy outermost annular depression of this structure. Pre-Acheulean stone tools also have been found in the same areas. These sites are associated with rubbly, outcrops of quartzite that provided the raw material needed for the manufacture of these artifacts. The most important Acheulean sites and their associated outcrops are found along the north-west of the outer ring, from which Wadi Akerdil heads east and Wadi Bamouere to the west. Sparse and widely scattered Neolithic spear points and other artifacts have also been found. However, since these sites were first discovered by Theodore Monod in 1974,mapping of artifacts within the area of the Richat Structure have found them to be generally absent in its innermost depressions. So far, neither recognizable midden deposits nor manmade structures have been recognized and reported from the Richat Structure. This is interpreted as indicating that area of the Richat Structure was used for only short-term hunting and stone tool manufacturing. The local, apparent wealth of surface artifacts is the result of the concentration and mixing by deflation over multiple glacial-interglacial cycles.

Artifacts are found, typically redeposited, deflated, or both, in Late Pleistocene to early Holocene gravelly mud, muddy gravel, clayey sand, and silty sand. These sediments are often cemented into either concretionary masses or beds by calcrete. Ridges typically consist of deeply weathered bedrock representing truncated Cenozoic paleosols that formed under tropical environments. The Pleistocene to Middle Holocene sediments occur along wadis as thin, meter- to less-than-meter-thick accumulations in the interior annular depressions to 3–4-meter-thick accumulations along the wadis in the outermost annular depression of the Richat Structure. The gravelly deposits consist of mixture of slope scree, debris flow, and fluviatile or even torrential flow deposits. The finer grained, sandy deposits consist of eolian and playa lake deposits. The latter contain well-preserved freshwater fossils. Numerous concordant radiocarbon dates indicate that the bulk of these sediments accumulated between 15,000 and 8,000 BP during the African humid period. These deposits lie directly upon deeply eroded and weathered bedrock.

From various sources - one has to ask why did the evil villains who are hiding Atlantis allow decades of archaeology, paleontology and geology to be done at Richat which only stopped once the security situation went to crap? Please explain?

Now if the technology mentioned in the above article (advanced ground-penetrating radar (GPR) ) were applied to the rings, what would it reveal? Specifically, the second ring.

Knowing the nature of the water disaster that took place one can predict the damage, and the undamaged areas. The water flowed out of the center island, picking up mass amounts of building materials, dirt, etc. Because of the shape of the area, the water did not wash away everything standing on the rings, but splashed upwards when it reached the second ring. In effect, the mud came down from above, filling in the lower areas, encasing everything that stood, in silt mud. The destructive force of the water, in the second ring, converted into a preservative of all that was there, similar as to how Ash preserves much of Pompey. Much of the second ring is preserved in this manner.

The ones who wish this "Ringed "City to remain buried, are upset. Not I.

Who are these mysterious 'ones' are these the folks who are willing to do anything to keep people from finding out about Atlantis because if they do all society will collapse? LOL

You keep misunderstanding what is being said to you. I would LOVE for their to be archaeology to be done there. Why do you keep lying about it? Until that is done all you have is speculation

edit on 15/8/22 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2022 @ 10:53 AM
a reply to: Hanslune

Why do you keep lying about it?

Now you know why I ignore you. You bring up some great debate points, but you ruin it with the personal attacks. In this case, Defamation. I have warned on multiple occasions to stick to the subject matter and stop the personal attacks. You take things out of context and claim it is false. What you claim is a lie was covered pages ago!

You keep misunderstanding what is being said to you.
Do not misunderstand this. The personal attacks, stop now!

posted on Aug, 16 2022 @ 04:30 PM
The point is, this:

The ones who wish this "Ringed "City to remain buried, are upset. Not I.

is a lie.
No such "ones" even exist.

Now, perhaps it's not a purposeful lie.
Perhaps you actually believe the nonsense you spew.

However, you assert that there are people that wish this "ringed city" (which doesn't actually exist) to remain buried.

Objectively speaking, since that is utterly false, it is a lie.


posted on Aug, 16 2022 @ 05:45 PM

originally posted by: Harte
The point is, this:

The ones who wish this "Ringed "City to remain buried, are upset. Not I.

is a lie.
No such "ones" even exist.

Now, perhaps it's not a purposeful lie.
Perhaps you actually believe the nonsense you spew.

However, you assert that there are people that wish this "ringed city" (which doesn't actually exist) to remain buried.

Objectively speaking, since that is utterly false, it is a lie.


Plus, think of what it would do for the area to announce a find like that.

It would be HUGE! The area is poor, and they'd see an influx of tourists plus dig groups plus government money plus tourism development. If it was Atlantis, it would be an even bigger draw than Gobekli Tepi or the Giza pyramids. Egypt and Turkey are kind of hot spots at the moment, and the Richat area is calm and relatively stable.

Think how many tv crews would travel there, plus festivals, visits from everyone who thinks they're a reincarnated Atlantean, etc, etc.

It would revolutionize the entire west coast of Africa!

posted on Aug, 16 2022 @ 11:21 PM
Then stop them first

posted on Aug, 16 2022 @ 11:27 PM

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: Harte
The point is, this:

The ones who wish this "Ringed "City to remain buried, are upset. Not I.

is a lie.
No such "ones" even exist.

Now, perhaps it's not a purposeful lie.
Perhaps you actually believe the nonsense you spew.

However, you assert that there are people that wish this "ringed city" (which doesn't actually exist) to remain buried.

Objectively speaking, since that is utterly false, it is a lie.


Plus, think of what it would do for the area to announce a find like that.

It would be HUGE! The area is poor, and they'd see an influx of tourists plus dig groups plus government money plus tourism development. If it was Atlantis, it would be an even bigger draw than Gobekli Tepi or the Giza pyramids. Egypt and Turkey are kind of hot spots at the moment, and the Richat area is calm and relatively stable.

Think how many tv crews would travel there, plus festivals, visits from everyone who thinks they're a reincarnated Atlantean, etc, etc.

It would revolutionize the entire west coast of Africa!

Every archaeologist I've ever met would LOVE for a place like Atlantis to exist. It would be a great find. You didn't see anyone trying to hid Catalhuyuck or Gobekli Tepe and hundreds of other sites. Only the most extreme religious government might try to hide something about a treasured God but i cannot think of an example of my head.

posted on Aug, 16 2022 @ 11:29 PM

originally posted by: Harte

However, you assert that there are people that wish this "ringed city" (which doesn't actually exist) to remain buried.

Objectively speaking, since that is utterly false, it is a lie.


Thinking about it have we in our joint century of doing fringe ever come across someone who was actually trying to 'hide' Atlantis? A tough thing to do since no one can find it to hide it! LOL

posted on Aug, 19 2022 @ 08:11 PM
a reply to: Hanslune

The person that discovers Atlantis and the key part here proves it would be instantly rich and famous. And just imagine the money to be made in tourism and even lectures as a whole economy would spring up. Imagine hotels restaurants tours souvenir shops and of course all other manners of commerce to support the people that would flood the area. This would easily surpass even the great pyramid from a tourism perspective.

But we of course have to prove it and thats the hard part when you choose an area that had no major civilization there is no evidence of a city and they are very hard to miss

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 06:29 AM

originally posted by: dragonridr
a reply to: Hanslune

The person that discovers Atlantis and the key part here proves it would be instantly rich and famous. And just imagine the money to be made in tourism and even lectures as a whole economy would spring up. Imagine hotels restaurants tours souvenir shops and of course all other manners of commerce to support the people that would flood the area. This would easily surpass even the great pyramid from a tourism perspective.

But we of course have to prove it and thats the hard part when you choose an area that had no major civilization there is no evidence of a city and they are very hard to miss

As testament to what dragonridr posted - consider that there are numerous people getting rich (and infamous IMO) just making the claim they have found it.


posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 12:56 AM
The sad thing is everyone is so busy looking for Atlantis itself, we could miss something equally cool, if it were in the wrong place to be Atlantis.

I wonder if we could determine whether the Eye ever had water in it? Like a big lake. Wouldn't expect to find any artifacts in the part the water covered, only the center, and tops of the rings.

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 02:11 AM
Plus, think of what it would do for the area to announce a find like that. It would be HUGE! The area is poor, and they'd see an influx of tourists plus dig groups plus government money plus tourism development. If it was Atlantis, it would be an even bigger draw than Gobekli Tepi or the Giza pyramids. Egypt and Turkey are kind of hot spots at the moment, and the Richat area is calm and relatively stable. Think how many tv crews would travel there, plus festivals, visits from everyone who thinks they're a reincarnated Atlantean, etc, etc. It would revolutionize the entire west coast of Africa! Every archaeologist I've ever met would LOVE for a place like Atlantis to exist. It would be a great find. You didn't see anyone trying to hid Catalhuyuck or Gobekli Tepe and hundreds of other sites. Only the most extreme religious government might try to hide something about a treasured God but i cannot think of an example of my head.

Only the conspiracists and fringe$$$ push their agenda of 'hidden truth', ' hidden history', otherwise they couldn't sell their books, DVDs and expensive fringe travel tours to manipulate and infest uneducated people.
edit on 25-8-2022 by anti72 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 10:01 PM
Mainstream just doesn't seem interested in the same time frames.

I think they like the whole "nothing to see here" idea, about the pre-Younger dryas. Keeping the start of culture in front of the Dryas allows them to have a starting point. Go further back, and then you never know how far you may have to go and keep going to get to that starting point.

Humans were both

A: Just as smart, and
B: better nourished

It seems unfair to insist they couldn't do cool things.

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 10:12 PM

originally posted by: bloodymarvelous
The sad thing is everyone is so busy looking for Atlantis itself, we could miss something equally cool, if it were in the wrong place to be Atlantis.

I wonder if we could determine whether the Eye ever had water in it? Like a big lake. Wouldn't expect to find any artifacts in the part the water covered, only the center, and tops of the rings.

The African Humid Period, was very wet in the area. And the only place I found "ruins" were in the elevated locations.

posted on Aug, 26 2022 @ 08:49 PM

originally posted by: Harte

originally posted by: dragonridr
a reply to: Hanslune

The person that discovers Atlantis and the key part here proves it would be instantly rich and famous. And just imagine the money to be made in tourism and even lectures as a whole economy would spring up. Imagine hotels restaurants tours souvenir shops and of course all other manners of commerce to support the people that would flood the area. This would easily surpass even the great pyramid from a tourism perspective.

But we of course have to prove it and thats the hard part when you choose an area that had no major civilization there is no evidence of a city and they are very hard to miss

As testament to what dragonridr posted - consider that there are numerous people getting rich (and infamous IMO) just making the claim they have found it.


Very true. I just came back from my HS reunion one of my friends did the conventional Anthropology PhD. Had a good career; but made no great discovery, wrote papers, taught and did field research. Ended up teaching history and Anthro at a state college. We discussed what would have happened if he had found Atlantis. (we were both believers back in High School of fringe things), Yep, he would have easily gotten tenure at a major college, unlimited grants, probably a foundation founded for him, National Geo documentary, etc., etc.

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