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My reason to walk away

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posted on May, 20 2019 @ 10:19 AM
a reply to: projectvxn

I've read most of your threads and they are interesting. But aside from the blantent failures of communist exploitation. What critisizing facts do you have against it?

posted on May, 20 2019 @ 10:26 AM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

Forgive me if I read walking away from concern and engaging in complaining with no proposed course of reverse actions to be pure cognitive dissonance.

One can't be disengaged and engaged at the same time as my sub par reading & comprehension skills would indicate.

It would likely surprise a lot of readers here that I actually agree with the base concepts of the OP... the OP was ONLY missing key ingredients to become complete, which was the lack of proposed action. If they walked away, then why are we reading about it?

Thanks for your input to how I process my personal thoughts and reflections though...

posted on May, 20 2019 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to: Nothin

Thanks for the vote of confidence... it's much appreciated on this isolated island of thought that I reside on.

In me lives a strong desire to be wrong... I find it to be an easier path to learn from as it allows a bit of empathy to creep in so I can possibly look at new learning from new and different angles.

I kind of agree with you about the rant section here, so my common first step with these rants is to ask 'what is the plan of action going forward'. My input was to serve as 'dipping the toes in the water' before diving into the deep end per se.

Now once it was shown that my blanket statements about ATS ranting were taken as personal blows, it hinted to me that this debate still belongs in the kiddie pool. If base concepts about the topic of ranting are absorbed to be relevant to other readers absorption, then my concepts of proposing a forward action of concerns becomes more relevant.

Psychology studies indicate that ranting is extremely healthy and necessary when the consequences of ignoring concerns are of grave consequences. Left, right, blue, red, or identity politics and belief structures are not life and death matters in my opinion. In fact, my opinions reflect that the common rants pushing identity politics to be life and death decisions are one of the primary blockers of ANY debates going deeper... we need debate swimmie's I feel.

If I call ranting OP's out in the future for similar perceived concerns, the OP stops for a second, analyzes base concepts, and replies that they will reflect further on my opinions then my 'plan of action' will hae been successful. If OP's get upset at what I am offering as a base concept outside of the fine tuned concerns, and replies that I am personally insulting them then it indicates to me that the fine tuned debates of concern at the time are not ready for deeper thoughts and reflections. In nearly every one of these ATS rants, my base concepts are taken personally. The votes of support in and around the so called identity marker are a clear indication that one can't even make base opinions without it being absorbed as a personal blow to preconceived identities.

Welcome to my world of being a loner opinion martyr, where I question everything and answer nothing. Future ATS rants have been warned as my plan of actions towards identity crisis' have been put into full effect, and will move forward with full force. If OP rants leave a proposed course of action in their rants, then I will dive as deep as I can... and will actually thank the ranter for offering their plan of action towards their concerns.

I got my debate swimmie's on. Who's ready to learn the basics with me?

posted on May, 20 2019 @ 11:22 AM
a reply to: Breakthestreak

Maybe that's where my concepts are flawed?

Just because one indicates that they're walking somewhere does not mean it's been done in action. Had the OP walked away by never even starting to rant, or even omitted a directional awareness as they ranted I actually would have thankfully agreed with the OP.

It's just my opinion that walking and talking in circles has no identity beyond the scope of personal dilemma...

Right, left, up, down... they're all crazy and upset. Forgive me if I prefer to focus on the center of each of us rather than the blockades that group identity conflicts provide. All I ask for is one simple added step of what one plans to do about it while ranting on ATS... nothing more/nothing less.

posted on May, 20 2019 @ 11:32 AM
a reply to: projectvxn

Do a political test and you find the average person is slightly left or right of the center and slightly north or south of authoritarian/libertarian. The biggest problem the far left is small but super vocal and it's is causing a backlash with the true left centrists, they can't abide by the stupidity, it's pushing them away, but Trump is on the other side, they feel so lost.

But if they are doing well economically they might not want to rock that boat in 2020.

posted on May, 20 2019 @ 11:43 AM
a reply to: UKTruth

The moment these rants indicate a direction of any sorts I can't read anymore. While I do have personal feelings about each topic of concern that may be able to be grouped into an identity spectrum, I avoid it like the plauge and lean on intuition to vote upon.

I am many many election cycles into refusing to vote for what the consensus of group identities indicate. Never would my civic duty of voting offer a vote to block the ideals that I hate the least... my votes firmly remain for the course of action I personally want to go forward with.

Party system and group identity marker evaluation ingress while voting is one of the biggest cancer's this great republic has ever known. The join them if one can't beat them ideals that weigh so heavily on U.S. voters is the primary lure that these systematic approaches NEED to win newly elected terms.

I am just of the opinion that new age debating should and could benefit by wording our concerns that spark further questioning. It's actually what my posts here are in practice of. There's many ways to get points across without dragging identity markers that cripple credible debate at high rates into them, and we ALL, myself included, just may benefit greatly by doing so.

It's not enough in these difficult times to treat people as we ourselves wish to be treated. These difficult times require the added efforts of treating each and every other person how we wish for OUR CHILDREN to be treated.

posted on May, 20 2019 @ 12:01 PM
Yah the liberal wokeness was real fun to witness at my stepson’s college commencement ceremony. I won’t say what University it is, but it is on the West Coast. It was one of those large ceremonies with chairs on the lawn and bleachers. So then, we were treated to the usual student speech and faculty address. I was horrified to find them using the same sjw platitudes that cnn uses and it was like watching a clip from the Hannity show exposing the liberal hypocrisy. Literally I heard the same stuff about justice and yes the faculty speech did contain an actual
Reference to “Global Warming”. He didn’t even use the Climate Change facade. He went straight to the real deal. I was in shock that this college graduation had to be infused with every liberal platitude I read about here in ATS or see on the news. Oh dare I say the ceremony actually started with a reference to the actual land where the University is was “land taken from “ the native Indians. They had to make sure that all the visiting families from other states were fully aware of that tidbit. But you could just feel how thick the swamp was there. We got to hear how the faculty speech giver has been to India and was influenced by Gandhi and that somehow this was how he got to the place where his mission was to give speeches like this to the families of college students. He clearly expects the students to go into the world to deliver his liberal views to the rest of the world. Being that I had only one hour of sleep and a 7 am early flight to get there, I still
Had a hard time staying awake while he covered audience with a blanket of his worldview which sounded just like an announcer on msnbc.

posted on May, 20 2019 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: Box of Rain

Is that why my blanket statements about ATS ranting in general were stated to be personally insulting to the OP?

My initial post was a psychological test, the OP took my comments to the side of their choosing, and here we are. Had the OP stopped for a second, analyzed their view points to live in and around ATS ranting in general, then my posts would likely not align with such simple measures as is shown now.

Had the OP not indicated a group or direction of group identity markers, indicated that they are retracting to their own personal beliefs without the aid and support of flags and stars, and then indicated that they are 'walking away,' maybe I would be able to be a bit more impartial as to how the debate unfolded?

If someone crazy like me can enter into one's rant and knock them off their base concepts so easily in a stupid forum that less than .1% of the world will even read, it will more than likely be the lymbic system that takes precedence over the prefrontal cortex come voting time too.

The lymbic system serves the prefrontal cortex system... not the other way around as the common person operates. Emotions have been steering voting standards for far too long, and this debate here is nothing but a small indication of such.

Walking away from concerns starts by personalizing concerns and focusing on just what exactly each own self can do about it... not by bringing concerns of specifics up. People aren't falling for 'the banana in the tail pipe' trick where one's professed actions and concerns are stated to be 'walking away' from, yet those comments are forgotten about by both initiator and readers come time for the next rant to occur anymore. Patterns tend to repeat themselves until the initiator(s) are called out on the actions chosen.

It's kind of like racism... it exists because people don't stop talking about it, rather than acting on loving one and all prior to specifics showing up.

posted on May, 20 2019 @ 12:26 PM

originally posted by: ttobban
The common link with all of these ATS rants:

Never in these rants do we get to read what the OP plans to do about it themselves.

Why oh why do all these OP rants exclude a plan of personal action?

The OP walked away.

posted on May, 20 2019 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: ttobban
In my view, the ops post is not a “ join them if you can’t beat them” kind of thing. In fact I
Find myself in agreement with this poster quite often. I think he’s really disenchanted with the radical direction the Democrat Party has taken. He is right that’s it’s become the party of totalitarian forcing of others to see and do things their way. In fact it’s not liberal at all. Because Marxism and Socialism has never been liberal. It’s always been totalitarian. At my grandson’s graduation, they had a live band and a choir sing “God Bless America”, and the family behind us crossed their arms because obviously they hate the country that gave their son a college education.
Even you wish the OP’s rant to have been delivered the way you think it should.
Oh, and people are not falling for the “global Warming/climate change Green New Deal “ nonsense. You don’t need to
Have a plan of action to walk away from that, you just need common sense. Because getting rid of airplanes and farting cows is ridiculous.
edit on 20-5-2019 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2019 @ 12:47 PM
It probably been like this since the early days of the cold war. Hell, I used to recall that the right were as just dumb, aggroant, an reactive as the left was today, since it was a republican who caused the recession with same with a lack of facts.

From what I recall, it more or less seems that the fighters posts have been switched and whom ever pullings the strings giving the artists an hippies what they want. From what I'm gathering though they quickly will pull the rug from under them.

Didn't Hitler kill the Artists first?
edit on 20-5-2019 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2019 @ 12:48 PM
a reply to: AtomicKangaroo

Great speeches... both posts. If only I could display thought and reflection as eloquently as you show... thank you!

Now that my base concepts of foundations have been witnessed within this debate, I will share my personal views on voting. They are my personal views, and I ask nobody to conform to the same ideals.

It only takes a simple 5% of popular vote for 3rd party campaigns to receive future and more equal federal campaign funding here in the U.S.. The two parties don't even allow an equal voice on debate stages until that 5% is achieved, which is purely by design. The only times the two party tyrannies seemingly come together is when a 3rd party shows any strength, which is conniving to say the least.

So there it is folks, nice and simple... not a single need or care to operate within a group identity or self inflicted burden to answer specifics before base concepts. My vote goes to the strongest 3rd party candidate without question, up and until that 5% is achieved. Not only does my voting structure remain simple and concise to the views and beliefs of BASE concepts, but it's my chosen action for what I have concerns over. There's absolutely nothing another citizen and or politican could ever do to brake my stride.

Citizens vote as inputs and processing, and governments operate as outputs. If we can almost all concede to the facts that the outputs of voting are poorly steered or driven, then it's about time that each own's input and processing be put into question prior to voting. Garbage out is only a consequence of garbage being put in...

posted on May, 20 2019 @ 12:48 PM

originally posted by: ttobban
The common link with all of these ATS rants:

Never in these rants do we get to read what the OP plans to do about it themselves.

Why oh why do all these OP rants exclude a plan of personal action?

Dang @ttobban... you read that as a rant? Tamest darn rant I ever saw.

Your remark contains a pregnant misnomer... the presumption that the OP's sense of politics, and what is wrong with it, is something to be fixed by "doing something about it".

When a wood frame house is fully engulfed in flames, about the only thing to be done about it, is to just let it burn, and try to prevent it from consuming everything valuable around it.

America, a young nation, has been led away from it's rather brilliant founding principles, since the term of the first President, George Washington, by those who believed in a strong Central Government, and weaker subservient States.

The BRILLIANT thing about the OP's post, is his correlation between leftist ideology, and religion.

Liberals and leftists are certainly not the same thing.

Leftists/socialists/Marxists scoff at the idea of a Higher Power or supernatural Supreme Intelligence... and deride those who are "believers" for following fairy tales and "magical thinking". They laugh it up, guffaw and backslap each other that anyone could be so silly as to believe in something like God.

Without missing a beat, they heap their own faith and ideas on a completely different and grossly base Higher Power.

The State.

They want the State to "manage" all the problems/people that they see as coming from the primacy of personal identity.

They REFUSE to acknowledge the implicit reality of THEIR GOD... that those under their god must obey, or they will be forced to obey at the barrel of a rifle... a rifle only their god and it's minions are allowed to possess.

They think believers have a God that is absurd and intangible... and believe their violent, punishing vindictive god is essential to forcing people to behave how they want them to behave.

In reality... in meatspace... the Leftist's almighty IS, all that is wrong with the "God" people who have grown up to believe in Graceless religion believe in.

Nothing more than a tyrant. By the time the tyrant comes for them or their families, it's usually too late. The same tyrant familiar everywhere in the 20th Century, for it's purge of 100 MILLION + people, for their "beliefs" through "democide".

Those who believe politics is the end all be all for solving the problems of humanity are foolish and grossly ignorant about history.
edit on 20-5-2019 by dasman888 because: edit

edit on 20-5-2019 by dasman888 because: edit

posted on May, 20 2019 @ 12:49 PM
It probably been like this since the early days of the cold war. Hell, I used to recall that the right were as just dumb, aggroant, an reactive as the left was today, since it was a republican who caused the recession with same lack of facts.

From what I recall, it more or less seems that the fighters posts have been switched and whom ever pullings the strings giving the artists an hippies what they want, peace an love. From what I'm gathering though they quickly will pull the rug from under them.

Didn't Hitler kill the Artists first?
edit on 20-5-2019 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2019 @ 12:49 PM

originally posted by: Blue_Jay33
a reply to: projectvxn

Do a political test and you find the average person is slightly left or right of the center and slightly north or south of authoritarian/libertarian. The biggest problem the far left is small but super vocal and it's is causing a backlash with the true left centrists, they can't abide by the stupidity, it's pushing them away, but Trump is on the other side, they feel so lost.

But if they are doing well economically they might not want to rock that boat in 2020.
It’s not just authoritarian, it’s downright nuts. Getting rid of farting cows will do absolutely nothing with regards to climate change. All it will do is reduce our choice of food while reinfusing the vegan movement. Vegan is fine and I’m
glad it’s brought some nice alternatives but they have no business telling the rest of us what to eat. And getting rid of airplanes to fight global warming ... seriously ???????
Did you know that Gaitsna Buddha left the radical asceticism of his day and founded the “Middle Way?” There’s a reason for that.
edit on 20-5-2019 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2019 @ 12:58 PM

originally posted by: Specimen

It probably been like this since the early days of the cold war. Hell, I used to recall that the right were as just dumb, aggroant, an reactive as the left was today, since it was a republican who caused the recession with same lack of facts.

From what I recall, it more or less seems that the fighters posts have been switched and whom ever pullings the strings giving the artists an hippies what they want, peace an love. From what I'm gathering though they quickly will pull the rug from under them.

Didn't Hitler kill the Artists first?
There’s no peace n love happening in all of this. Sorry it just isn’t so. It’s brutal and violent just like the communist revolution was. The communist party recruited the peace and love hippies in the 60’s convincing them that abortion and reducing the worlds population is the way to peace ( oh and letting the communists win in Vietnam Nam and N Korea).
edit on 20-5-2019 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2019 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: ThirdEyeofHorus

My wishes for the OP specifically were not mentioned initially. I spoke to my desires for ATS ranting in general. Whether I agree or disagree became irrelevant once my opinions were grouped into an identity marker of which didn't exist prior to being taken as so.

I made a base comment which will be repetitive for the unforeseen future, and MY plan for another's concerns were immediately put into question? Geez... was the rant started to woe ME, or are we here to woe the OP?

These base opinions of mine are actually debate traps. I make a base comment about clear cut desires for ATS rants to be improved upon by including a proposed course of action that hopefully could remove identity markers in exchange for some added reading for what one plans to personally do about their concerns. It's actions that will always speak louder than words. My input is aimed at getting ALL here to reflect on how they rant... that's all.

I may only be speaking for myself, but as soon as I read that a comment or OP turned base concepts into personal dilemmas it shows, hopefully all readers, just how silly we are getting with these rants. How are people supposed to find credibility with these rants that are missing ingredients when each and every little comment is taken as a verbal dagger to anything that may call for personal reflection?

If the first rebuttal to my base comments were something like, "I see what you're doing here, nice try buddy," I would have moved on as the trap would have been evaded.

How is it my dilemma in someone else's rant to answer for just how easily manipulated people can be? If a crazy ATS contributor can do it so easily, just imagine how easy it would be for a group or identity to achieve the same results? If it happened it happened... it's okay, I don't mind. It doesn't escape the realities that it's our actions that need to be spoken for... not our inputs and processing as is seemingly the main focus with these incomplete rants though... in my opinion.

posted on May, 20 2019 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to: dasman888

We are in the rant section here, aren't we?

Had my base comments that were intended to be universally motivated not been dragged into a spectrum of further personal conflict, perhaps it wouldn't speak to the actual lack of action responsibilities for concerns that we each make?

I barely care what I think and feel about specifics, let alone what others fundamentally think and feel. I stand by my actions of being different... forever and always.

As I said previously... my input of specifics became unwarranted when the ability to even take a single step out of group identity marking by the OP became shown as a choice of debate. Hell, had I been bamboozled into losing my cool in debate as I ranted, I'd just admit it and move on. It's just a common finding to find the average woe'r disappear when a further call to action may be justified in my opinion.

For all the OP knows, I fully agree with their thoughts and rants. Its the constant need for acceptance and approval over simple rants prior to engagement of debate that befuddles me. The "prove it or shut up's," the constant putting down of others," and the clear acts of divide among free thought and reflection that kill valuable debates... it's not base concepts of ranting that kills valuable debate.

I can't say that I agree or disagree with your opinions, as they are at an intellectual level beyond the debating kiddie pool that we're apparently swimming in here.

posted on May, 20 2019 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: strongfp

But aside from the blantent failures of communist exploitation. What critisizing facts do you have against it?


Come on...Really?

posted on May, 20 2019 @ 01:49 PM

originally posted by: ttobban
The common link with all of these ATS rants:

Never in these rants do we get to read what the OP plans to do about it themselves.

Why oh why do all these OP rants exclude a plan of personal action?

look...this is just classic "divisive speech"'s an opinion backed up by a few thousand loud-mouths that get a thrill out of others fear, anger, and "we-they" fights....this has already been done in many countries, separating people into tribes, and publicly lying to them to suit their own agendas....easy solution...if you disagree with someone, go have coffee with them and talk it out like's like shinning sunlight on a vampire

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