originally posted by: projectvxn
Was it always this way?
Yes, and on the right too.
People are blinded by the whole my team vs your team when it should just be OUR team.
Look at most liberals, well the politicians at least. Rich, Egotistical, and anything but what 'Liberal" means. Focus is on making life better for the
rich. Themselves. Nothing more. Again same for the 'right'.
It's a game. We're all NPC's. We've been trained to accept how things are, like any belief or thought system be it religions, politics or whatever
most people tend to live by that which they were raised on or exposed to.
Few of us can genuinely see it for what it is. We've been long tired of watching the majority ignore logic and common sense and play the game.
It's hard to escape. The news, TV or Radio, Internet, it's all filled daily with Left vs. Right politics. Us Vs. Them.
It's no different than how we're driven to follow a football team.
We are taught to call these people 'leaders' that they're somehow special. Why? Because inherited wealth? Because high cost private school debate team
They're only human like you and me.
They're not our leaders. Not King or Queen, they are employees. They work for us, paid for by our dollar.
Yet nobody reminds them of that. Not properly, not as much as we should.
People think they have a democracy. They don't. Like my nations recent election. You only have 2 Choices.
No small independent party is going to get in.
It's Labor or Liberal. Democrats or Republicans. Liberals and Conservatives.
They get the press. They make the loudest noise. They are the ones noticed.
Those with ideas of UBI's, public ownership of essential services, cheaper affordable housing for all, basically for improving life for everyone in
the country, not just a few select classes.
When they get interviews they are just ridiculed and made a joke. Ignore all their great ideas and say you're nuts haha!
After all let's face it, you fill every current job today there's still going to be about 1 billion unemployed Humans because there is literally not
enough jobs in existence. Our mainstream politics, again on both sides, ignores that.
But because one of their policies is something like "Marijuana" or "Copyright Free Internet". And the public goes "wow state owned power that belongs
to us the people again? Sounds great.... WAIT DID SOMEONE SAY MARIJUANA?"
And bam they're gone.
People go with the devil they know. It makes them feel safer, makes it easier. No one likes standing out as being the one rocking the boat. Ya gotta
fit in with a team or get rejected by everybody.
Then there is education and upbringing. We learn about politics in school, like we learn religion in church. We learn politics from our parents and
their views.
You're taught how to play the game.
You only learn what they teach you. Most teachers discuss left and right. Talk about the big two parties. Dad might be a Labor man always going on
about how his Dad before him was also a proud supporter, the way some people join the Army or Police because Daddy did.
It's very hard for I think the majority of people to not follow their 'programming', if someone thinks their Team is without fault it is difficult for
them to change that thinking. It's always the other 'teams' fault.
They usually need a shake up to change their minds on their own. To be impacted directly by something their 'team' did.
God I could write a book on this. So much basic, yet common and shared human psychology into this.
But yeah I find I am one of those people who understands every aspect of human life. Humans for me are an easy read.
I can see how the world could be better for all, and it frustrates me to hell that it is not. That we're not working together, that the answers are so
simple. But we're stuck with the freaking colors of our lives.
We're played against each other by a few. For their benefits. And we pay for the privilage.
Billions of people controlled by a few thousand.
It's freewill slavery.
We hate X because we're told to hate X.
X hates us because they're told to hate us.
All share this great big giant ball literally falling corkscrew through space, yet we allow ourselves in 2019 to pretend we don't. Invisible lines in
sand. Instead of sharing we take.
People will happily kill other humans they have never met, have no conflict with because their government ordered them too.
It's madness.
I am breathing the same air as you right now. We're all drinking the same recycled dinosaur piss for billions of years. We share the same damn
oceans,have the same damn sun and stars above us.
But most act like they're on another planet and everyone else is an Alien.....
And it all comes down to my Team Vs. Your Team. That need to fit in. To conform. To feel safe and secure, that you can relax because despite working
50 hours a week someone else is running things for you.
If you're not with us, you're against us.
In the classroom we're taught Anthems. National Pride. To pledge everything to the state. More so in some places than others.
You're then made to compete against everyone else. Gold star for you. Ribbon for him. Trophy for her.
Join the Team. Beat our RIVALS!!!! BE PART OF THE PACK!!! or be ridiculed and outcast.
And it carries on through everything human.
From schoolyard politcs to the day we hit the grave.
But yeah some of us can see it. Liberals call me a Rigth Wing Nutter. Conservaties call me a Lefty Snowflake. If you're not on the team, then you must
be the enemy.
How can I be both left or right? I can't be and am not.
I'm on mankinds side, Earths side.
But they just cannot process what you're saying. You don't have a team? Does not compute.
I don't have a label. I am not one tracked minded in my beliefs and opinions. I am mentally fluid and flexible. My only concern is "Is this good for
It's hard living in the world when you are Neuro Diverse and everyone around you seems mad.
We just keep doing the same things over and over. Nobody will fight it anymore. Nobody wants too. The universe and reality is much too big for them so
they stick their heads in the sand and check out. They make themselves distracted.
Because life is bloody scary. One day it ends for us all.
It sits on everyones mind sooner or later. But no LALALA I can't hear you.
Me? I'd like to lead a enjoyable comfortable conflict free life? Makes sense yeah?
So why do all these other people just seem to keep making life worse. That genuinely think doing the same thing over and over using the same systems,
electing the same people is going to change things?
Why do we keep doing it over and over.
My favourite Quote.
"Insanity is doing the same # over and over and expecting different results."
We really need to break the cycle. Do something new and different.
edit on 20-5-2019 by AtomicKangaroo because: (no reason given)