posted on May, 19 2019 @ 12:58 PM
a reply to:
I don't know, to me it is refreshing to see people at least pick their heads up and look at the world around them for what it is, and more importantly
who it is. I think this is important.
I don't think it's critically important to have someone suddenly shout out...
"I've been reborn and found salvation in (x) political party!"
What is really important is to just see people realize they need to be objective and critical of their political beliefs, to not blindly follow a
party moniker just because. I don't care what party they are, blind obedience is never good.
I openly identify with most conservative ideals, but there are many which I take strong exception to. If those issues were to become the main
platform of conservatives I would question the same things as the OP does. And, I would gladly switch if that were the case. I am always of the
belief, we shouldn't fit IN a mold, we should be MAKING the mold. Political parties are what the constituents make them. When they go astray and run
amok they should be abandoned like the misguided organizations they are.
The simple awareness that change is required is a great start in my opinion. No matter if liberal, libertairian, conservative, democrat or
S&F to the OP