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originally posted by: coursecatalog
Someone tweeted the link to this bizarre column today. Does it look familiar to anyone? Seems like it might have originally appeared somewhere else. All kinds of odd stuff about Mitchell, Swann, Putoff, Vallee and Alexander and psychic alien 9/11 predictions.
I just noticed that the guy who tweeted the link is the author of the article:
"John Alexander is a lizard" Ha, does anyone actually like JA?
Jacques Vallee: Another aspect of your question is that for a long time the ufologists have been blind to the fact that the phenomenon can be manipulated. In particular it can be manipulated by the government, by various intelligence groups or by different cults with their own agenda. I published over ten years ago in Messengers of Deception my conclusion that many of the UFO organizations had been infiltrated.
That book got me in a lot of trouble with my friends in the UFO community who refused to look at that particular problem. Since then, of course, this observation has been vindicated. One government informant has even come forward to reveal that he, in fact, had been recruited to befriend various UFOlogists and to write psychological profiles of them.
Every UFO organization is monitored by government informers. On the board of the National Investigation Committee on Aerial Phenomena, which was one of the major organizations in this country in the ’50s and ’60s, were three people who were among the founders of psychological warfare. They were people with strong ties to the government and intelligence community. I’m not saying it’s necessarily illegal or wrong, but it should be recognized.
One of the recommendations of the 1953 Robertson Panel, convened by the CIA and the Air Force to review the UFO problem, was that UFO organizations be watched. That report was classified at the time. That recommendation was in fact implemented. The civilian UFO groups were being watched and infiltrated as early as the fifties. They still are. I think this aspect has many remarkable consequences.
To what extent were some well-known UFO sightings actually simulations that were staged for the benefit of someone who wanted to do social engineering research or psychological warfare research? Perhaps to see what kind of stimuli it would take to make people change their belief systems, for example.
...moving yourself from location to location through mind powers, is "quite real and can be controlled.
I guess you used the same methods to access the series?
originally posted by: beetee
So, why is it that in stead of feeling giddy with excitement I feel this gnawing sense of foreboding? Why is it that in this beautiful concerto of 'disclosure' I cannot quite enjoy it because there is this eerie false note squeaking in the background?
My own opinion is that either the saucers are interplanetary or they do not exist. I do not believe that there is enough evidence at hand to choose between these alternatives.
We had no evidence whatever that the saucers are some supersecret U.S. development. Ordinary horse sense is against this theory. If the U.S. had flying saucers that can perform the way saucer-sighters describe them, why would the government be pouring billions of dollars into conventional – and inferior – planes?
We also had no evidence that the saucers are of foreign manufacture. Again, logic opposes such a belief.
What is the argument that they are nonexistent? It has some stubborn facts on its side.
First, the residue of unknowns shows no common characteristics. Their shapes, performances, times of appearance, colors, locations showed the same bewildering variety as the 80 percent that we were able to explain. The 434 unknowns included little lights, big lights, multicolored lights, disks seen by day, cigar shapes, orbs and dots of lights.
Secondly, there were no bursts of unknowns.
Thirdly, in the seven years there has been no physical evidence of the existence of saucers. The Air Force has found no evidence that a saucer has ever crashed or landed. It has seen no photographic evidence that it can credit. It has seen no "hardware" that it cannot explain as man-made.
Against those arguments stands the testimony of hundreds of people. They include hard-bitten airmen familiar with all the hallucinations of flying, sober scientists who applied every natural explanation – and stubbornly insisted, "It was something else."
Among these sightings have been a small number that have been confirmed by radar. Whatever the object was, it was not a hallucination. And frequently, it outperformed any craft known on earth.
The Air Force has never ruled out the possibility that we are being visited from outer space. It says only that it has no evidence to support this possibility.
originally posted by: beetee
So, credit where credit is due.
Unidentified is very well done, as I have said before.
It is, in fact, exactly what I have hoped for all these years I have been interested in this phenomenon.
A Powerpoint presentation made available on journalist Glenn Greenwald’s web site,, may just have revealed the Mirage Men – or at least one branch of their operations.
The presentation is called The Art of Deception, Training for a New Generation of Online Covert Operations and was given by GCHQ’s Human Science Operation Cell (HSOC), linked to the Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group (JTRIG),
...we can infer from the slides that the powerpoint outlines applied techniques for deploying psychology, deception, illusion, dissimulation, magic, religion and belief in their intelligence and counter-intelligence operations.
And, sure enough, scroll down to pages 35 to 37 in Strand 2: Influence and Information Operations and you will find three slides
of UFO photographs…
If you’ve made it to this blog in the first place, then you don’t need me to explain why, but it’s clear that they consider the UFO subject, its attendant beliefs, and the vocal community surrounding it, to be a useful field of operations for their activities.
This might have implications relating to the SERPO ”extraterrestrial exchange” documents that were circulated in 2005 and, indeed, for almost any other online dissemination point for UFO information …
While in New York, Olson also met with John Mullholland, a CIA-employed magician. When Mullholland attempted to hypnotize Olson, the latter grew upset. He pleaded with them all to “just let me disappear.” Unfortunately, that wasn’t any kind of magic trick that John Mullholland could perform. The CIA had an entirely different trick up its sleeve and shortly thereafter, Frank Olson plunged to his death from his hotel window.
The most dangerous form of black magic is the scientific perversion of occult power for the gratification of personal desire. Its less complex and more universal form is human selfishness, for selfishness is the fundamental cause of all worldly evil.
A man will barter his eternal soul for temporal power, and down through the ages a mysterious process has been evolved which actually enables him to make this exchange. In its various branches the black art includes nearly all forms of ceremonial magic, necromancy, witchcraft, sorcery, and vampirism. Under the same general heading are also included mesmerism and hypnotism, except when used solely for medical purposes, and even then there is an element of risk for all concerned.
Though the demonism of the Middle Ages seems to have disappeared, there is abundant evidence that in many forms of modern thought--especially the so-called “prosperity” psychology, “willpower-building” metaphysics, and systems of “high-pressure” salesmanship--black magic has merely passed through a metamorphosis, and although its name be changed its nature remains the same.
---from Ceremonial Magick and Sorcery
The Layout of the Essay
Students of the JFK case, like my self have largely ignored the comings and goings on of those inhabiting Zeta Reticuli, and dare I say most of the time, with very good reason. But with regards to this ongoing JFK-MJ-12 mess we really shouldn’t have. This foreword serves to provide something of a backdrop to the madness herein. It’ll give a series of brief and not so brief looks into the current explosion of JFK-MJ-12 hype, the leeches that have fed off it, the origins of said documents, and a clarification of where I stand on the issue of UFOs. More specifically, I shall adress this topic in the following sections:
Preamble I and II seek to provide a backdrop to Scientist Leon Davidson, who made a number of alarming accusations against the CIA’s whipping up UFO mania. In turn, he created a powerful cultural phenomena--picked up by other agencies who know a good thing when they see it--that is to hide, subvert and confuse all manner of issues within and outside of the government. I would like to point out that I am well aware that there is much conjecture on the topics I bring up. I have tried as best I could to provide some antecedent or give a relevant example to any points made. I hope that the reader will appreciate my honesty in this regard as far too many individuals covering this ground mistake their own fantasies and musings for reality (I hope Richard Dolan and Joseph Farrell read this). All I aspire to is that in putting this out there to provide a template to work from or to debate.
Part I - Majestic Documents & Marilyn deals with how the current craze has started and who has cashed in on it. But primarily it deals with the Wood’s family’s Majestic Documents group, their use of the bogus documentation surrounding Marilyn Monroe, and their attempts to link her death to Kennedy and UFOs and vice versa.
Part II - Kennedy Killed Over UFOs (and Other Lies) deals with the recent assault on the senses concerning dubious evidence concerning Kennedy’s murder being enacted for sticking his nose in and around the UFO issue. In so doing, I rationally (a key word here) discuss what Kennedy’s interests in the phenomena likely was.
Part III - Lunacy, Loyalty and Failed Lie Detectors returns to the Woods, focussing on denials of Tim Cooper’s wrongdoing in the face of strong evidence to the contrary.
Part IV - Tweedle Dee Rob Meets Tweedle Dee Linda discusses Wood Sr. and his lack of knowledge concerning the basics of Cold War intelligence initiatives, with resident UFO/JFK ‘expert’ Linda Moulton Howe. What’s important about this section is that aside from giving the abdominal muscles a good work out from reading this clueless duo is that (depending on one’s prerogative) it also expands upon some issues pertaining to the MJ-12 stuff mentioned in parts II & III.
(Parts V and VI of this essay embark from a more solid and factual basis established in Parts I to IV, becoming more speculative due to the dodgy nature of the subject and the people involved.)
Part V - A Very Sad Attempt At Making a Rabbit Hole in effect discusses how people unprepared to confront the fact that just because someone is a ‘con’ and has a history of being one, doesn’t mean they aren’t intelligence agency material. In fact it often makes them prime candidates for being so and they are thus particularly effective in disinformation campaigns. There seems to be a total and utter failure in UFO circles to acknowledge that counter intelligence is in itself designed to mislead and misrepresent. Once one realizes that intelligence agencies like to ‘cut it both ways’ then looking over scraps from them loses its lustre. It's not a rabbit hole after all, the hole doesn’t even exist, but well you fell into it anyhow. Nevertheless, it discusses the extremely dubious company the originator of the documents has kept. Not too, mention how one well-known figure in the MJ-12 drama has absurdly escaped a great deal of scrutiny.
Part VI - Gus Russo, Phone Home! is effectively a continuation of Part V and discusses how outcasts from the JFK scene like Gus Russo have made homes for themselves in a field all to willing to be taken in by the ‘next bright thing’. In many ways it’s also the most important chapter of this study as it examines why the JFK community ignored the MJ-12 palaver, but more importantly it explores why ‘truth seekers’ and ‘crank busters’ like Russo and others avoided the JFK-MJ-12 issue altogether and gives an outline of one of the potential targets of this disinformation.
Part VII - The Conclusion is a summary of all that has been covered, in the essay and essentially the bookend to this foreword.
originally posted by: beetee
So why, dear friends, do I dread where this might be going next?