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Secret Door in Great Sphinx leading to the Hall of Records (Cover up!)

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posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 03:56 AM
a reply to: Hanslune

Hey that is incredibly impressive , and yes a 50 ft boat is much less complex than the largest structure known to mankind at the time

but I doubt they did this completely without plans , one person would have had to design it , then make the plan then go to work and then every boat after could have been constructed in the same way without a design or plan to follow once they got it down after the first 10 tries.

obviously it is possible.

But a boat does not compare to the complexity of the great pyramid

the idea that a large structure the size of the pyramid of Giza was constructed without a single plan or design to me seems ridiculous and impossible.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 06:10 AM
a reply to: sapien82

According to the main stream they are just a pile of rocks, nothing special or noteworthy about them. Despite the great pyramid being subtlety eight sided...

Rather than consider the engineering practicality’s which they clearly know nothing about due to the specialisation of their subject, they automatically dismiss anything questioning the mainstream view as woo and fringe.

I would look into esoteric/religious meaning of the Sphinx and the ideas it was meant to convey rather than puzzle to much over the actual structure. This in turn might shed light on the pyramids, the culture and the lofty and noble ideas of the people that made these wonders.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: surfer_soul

The dream stele mounted in front of the Sphinx was the door from the tomb of Khafre.
And since Khafre was Khufu's second son the Sphinx was probably meant to be thematically connected somehow.
The Vikings kept cats on board their ships that they used for pest control, maybe there was some Egyptian equivalent at the time the idea of the Sphinx was conceived?

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 08:32 AM
a reply to: fromunclexcommunicate

cats were nearly deified by egyptians , there are supposedly over 10 million mummified cats found in egypt so yeh cats were pretty important animals to egyptians

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 08:42 AM
a reply to: surfer_soul

its the most ridiculous idea, they are just a pile of rocks . Yeh a non special pile of rocks that humans have not stopped talking about since we discovered them.

did you see that recent documentary about the pyramid and how they poured it all as limestone cement
even the granite , the lens theory is a bit much because I doubt you can cast granite from molten granite and have it cool into those shapes easily I dont think its possible.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 11:22 AM
a reply to: sapien82

I’m don’t know of the documentary you a referring too but I’m familiar with the idea that the stones were poured and cast somehow. Firstly there would be no need to do that with limestone which they had plenty of available and it is easily workable with bronze tools. Granite and other such hard stones are another matter.

I don’t believe they poured or cast these stones we see evidence of cuts made by saws and circular drilling. The the given explanation is that sand findings consisting of quartz and other hard particulates embedded into bronze tools cut the stone with a grinding method. Not only is method extremely slow and Laborious for making straight and circular cuts, imagine trying to carve out a perfectly symmetrical face in granite or quartz using such a method?

If they used a casting method then how would they cast all the different types of stone they used and re-create the natural veins running through them and the different minerals composing the stone? The bowls they made from various types of stone show visible markings of their mineral composition..

What is evident and certain, they were master masons and structural builders, what is uncertain is exactly how they achieved much of what they did?

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 11:48 AM

originally posted by: surfer_soul
a reply to: sapien82

According to the main stream they are just a pile of rocks, nothing special or noteworthy about them. Despite the great pyramid being subtlety eight sided...

Rather than consider the engineering practicality’s which they clearly know nothing about due to the specialisation of their subject, they automatically dismiss anything questioning the mainstream view as woo and fringe.

I would look into esoteric/religious meaning of the Sphinx and the ideas it was meant to convey rather than puzzle to much over the actual structure. This in turn might shed light on the pyramids, the culture and the lofty and noble ideas of the people that made these wonders.

Archaeologist don't work in a vacuum you always have specialists with you, geologists, pottery experts, animal bone experts, etc, etc, and engineers if there is a structure. They also publish their work so ANYONE can read it. Are you saying no building engineer has never looked at these structures? In Egypt I knew Civil engineers who were specifically trained in ancient structure restoration and repair. They worked with...wait for it... Egyptologists.

There is an difference between Alt., Fringe and fantasy and mainstream differences.

You've never been to an archaeology conference have you? My favorite one had a fist fight between over Cypriot pottery classifications. The mainstream is not some monolithic structure they are not remotely the same thinking - they do however follow the evidence. Alt's come up with alternative interpretations of that evidence which sometimes becomes new theory, fringe is classified as non evidence based speculation, dismissal of evidence and non-scientific conclusions, fantasy is stuff like Cayce, aliens, etc., that is not evidenced based.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 11:52 AM

originally posted by: surfer_soul
a reply to: sapien82

I’m don’t know of the documentary you a referring too but I’m familiar with the idea that the stones were poured and cast somehow. Firstly there would be no need to do that with limestone which they had plenty of available and it is easily workable with bronze tools. Granite and other such hard stones are another matter.

I don’t believe they poured or cast these stones we see evidence of cuts made by saws and circular drilling. The the given explanation is that sand findings consisting of quartz and other hard particulates embedded into bronze tools cut the stone with a grinding method. Not only is method extremely slow and Laborious for making straight and circular cuts, imagine trying to carve out a perfectly symmetrical face in granite or quartz using such a method?

If they used a casting method then how would they cast all the different types of stone they used and re-create the natural veins running through them and the different minerals composing the stone? The bowls they made from various types of stone show visible markings of their mineral composition..

What is evident and certain, they were master masons and structural builders, what is uncertain is exactly how they achieved much of what they did?

Time, it took Michelangelo with iron tools and assistants two and half years to carve his most famous statue David. Why would you doubt the AE would spend similar amounts of time on a task especially as when it had an important religious meaning to them?

Oh, and on 'pouring' the limestone also have whole fossils in in which is a non-starter for geopolymer idea of Davidovits(?)

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 12:09 PM

originally posted by: sapien82
a reply to: Hanslune

Hey that is incredibly impressive , and yes a 50 ft boat is much less complex than the largest structure known to mankind at the time

but I doubt they did this completely without plans , one person would have had to design it , then make the plan then go to work and then every boat after could have been constructed in the same way without a design or plan to follow once they got it down after the first 10 tries.

obviously it is possible.

But a boat does not compare to the complexity of the great pyramid

the idea that a large structure the size of the pyramid of Giza was constructed without a single plan or design to me seems ridiculous and impossible.

Yet, the ancients to include the Romans and Greeks don't mention making extensive plans, nor did they leave any. As noted the first plan that has survived is from the 9th century AD. Did the AE make plans? Maybe, if they did none survived. Note this conversation on how a tomb came to be built by one Debhen a friend of Menkaure. A very interesting read.

No mention of needing or directing a plan to be made for Tomb G 8090.

Debhen was
ebhen (Debehen). Overlord of Nekheb, Secretary of the Toilet-house, Master of the largesse in the Mansion of Life, etc. Tomb G 8090

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 12:25 PM
a reply to: Hanslune

20. An order of the king was made to the overseer of ........................ to make a tomb [100?] ells in length, 21. 50 ells in width, and ............ ells [in height] ................ more than made my father while he was alive. His Majesty gave moreover ........................ (end of inscription, as far as executed).

Yeh this is what I was talking about , like plans for dimensions and stuff , this is at least evidence that dimensions were thought about and written down.
From that one could construct a simple building , length breadth , height.

now could you imagine constructing a pyramid without any instructions , how would one person explain this to others without visual aids , maybe they just drew all their plans in a wet sand box on a table , because it was easier to use and reuse.
even then , i still find it mind blowing that this was achieved without designs and plans.
makes it even more impressive

but aye , is there anything like that when it comes to the pyramid , from khufu/ cheops
royal decree of building the pyramid and it must be x y z dimensions etc>?

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 12:39 PM

originally posted by: sapien82
a reply to: Hanslune

20. An order of the king was made to the overseer of ........................ to make a tomb [100?] ells in length, 21. 50 ells in width, and ............ ells [in height] ................ more than made my father while he was alive. His Majesty gave moreover ........................ (end of inscription, as far as executed).

Yeh this is what I was talking about , like plans for dimensions and stuff , this is at least evidence that dimensions were thought about and written down.
From that one could construct a simple building , length breadth , height.

now could you imagine constructing a pyramid without any instructions , how would one person explain this to others without visual aids , maybe they just drew all their plans in a wet sand box on a table , because it was easier to use and reuse.
even then , i still find it mind blowing that this was achieved without designs and plans.
makes it even more impressive

but aye , is there anything like that when it comes to the pyramid , from khufu/ cheops
royal decree of building the pyramid and it must be x y z dimensions etc>?

Again they may have plans but none of it has come down to us. At this point the AE engineers had been building large pyramids for a number of generations. As was traditional this information was passed from father to son. So, they would have had a cadre of experienced people who also had similarly trained craftsmen to support them.

The first line is also instructive it calls the Menkaure pyramid as being in cemetery...

There is a great deal of material that was found in the inscriptions in all the burial mastabas around the Pyramids (hundreds of them it was necropolis) I read most of them long ago. I suspect a lot of such gems exist within that body of information - thoroughly ignored by the fringe gurus but still existing in dusty books and digitally now and much easier to get at now. I'll do remember that 6th Dynasty tomb of Weni and the Ipuwer Papyrus may have had something interesting in them however I've run out of time at the moment. Later

Edited to add

Found that material much faster but not the links yet

Indeed, the builders [of pyramids have become] cultivators, and those who were in the sacred bark are now yoked [to it]. None shall indeed sail northward to Byblos today; what shall we do for cedar trees for our mummies, and with the produce of which priests are buried and with the oil of which [chiefs] are embalmed as far as Keftiu? It is indeed good when the hands of men build pyramids, when ponds are dug and plantations of the trees of the gods are made.

Ipuwer Papyrus

His majesty sent me Ibheta (Ybh' .t), to bring the sarcophagus (named) : "Chest-of-the-Living," together with its lid and the costly, splendid pyramidion for the pyramid (called) : "Mernere-Shines-andis-Beautiful," of the queen. His majesty sent me to Elephantine [Aswan] to bring a false door of granite, together > with its offering-tablet, doors and settings of granite; to bring doorways and offering-tablets of > granite, belonging to the upper chamber of the pyramid (called): "Mernere-Shines-andis-Beautiful," of the queen. Then I sailed down-stream to the pyramid (called): "Mernere-Shines-and-is-Beautiful," with 6 cargo-boats, 3 [tow]-boats and 3 [-]-boats to only > one warship.... His majesty sent [me]' to dig five canals in the South and to make 3 cargo-boats and 4 [tow]-boats of acacia wood of Wawat Then the negro chiefs of Irthet (Yrrit), Wawat, Yam (Y'm) and Mazoi (Md')a drew timber therefor, and I did the whole in only one year. They were launched and laden with very large granite blocks for the pyramid (called) : "Mernere-Shines-and-is-Beautiful."

Note: The pyramid of Pharaoh Merenre was constructed for Merenre Nemtyemsaf I during the Sixth Dynasty of Egypt at Saqqara 450 metres (1,480 ft) to the south-west of the pyramid of Pepi I and a similar distance to the pyramid of Djedkare

6th Dynasty tomb of Weni
edit on 9/2/22 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

edit on 9/2/22 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 02:18 PM

originally posted by: Hanslune

originally posted by: surfer_soul
a reply to: sapien82

I’m don’t know of the documentary you a referring too but I’m familiar with the idea that the stones were poured and cast somehow. Firstly there would be no need to do that with limestone which they had plenty of available and it is easily workable with bronze tools. Granite and other such hard stones are another matter.

I don’t believe they poured or cast these stones we see evidence of cuts made by saws and circular drilling. The the given explanation is that sand findings consisting of quartz and other hard particulates embedded into bronze tools cut the stone with a grinding method. Not only is method extremely slow and Laborious for making straight and circular cuts, imagine trying to carve out a perfectly symmetrical face in granite or quartz using such a method?

If they used a casting method then how would they cast all the different types of stone they used and re-create the natural veins running through them and the different minerals composing the stone? The bowls they made from various types of stone show visible markings of their mineral composition..

What is evident and certain, they were master masons and structural builders, what is uncertain is exactly how they achieved much of what they did?

Time, it took Michelangelo with iron tools and assistants two and half years to carve his most famous statue David. Why would you doubt the AE would spend similar amounts of time on a task especially as when it had an important religious meaning to them?

Oh, and on 'pouring' the limestone also have whole fossils in in which is a non-starter for geopolymer idea of Davidovits(?)

You could have all the time and religious devotion in the world, but if you don’t have the right tools and know how you will fail. The AE didn’t have iron tools according to the mainstream and you can’t carve granite with bronze. Hence the grinding method suggested with hard particles embedded in bronze tools. You can’t make chisel cuts with this method though, you can’t carve, your effectively rubbing at the material with lots of pressure applied.

Just saying they had enough time doesn’t cut it...I appreciate you need evidence, but if you lack a murder weapon for example does that mean it wasn’t done with the weapon that did the murder? Rather an investigator would surmise the weapon by the damage inflicted. In this case they must have used proper and effective tools for working very hard yet also brittle materials like granite and even quartz.

I take you’re familiar with the symmetrical and intricate quartz busts held at the British museum?

I’m in what you call the Alt camp as I believe there must be an alternative explanation for how it was done as the evidence suggests in the form of the intricate and precision work of very hard stone.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: Hanslune

They also publish their work so ANYONE can read it. Are you saying no building engineer has never looked at these structures?

Yes there are plenty of building engineers who have looked at these structures and questioned how it was done. As yet there is no consensus and no hard answers. Plenty of suggestions but we simply don’t know for sure.

I recommend you read Bill Bryson’s a Short History of Nearly Everything. Plenty of evidence in there of Archeologists, and specialists in their different fields outright fabricating information, data and evidence, or even covering up evidence all to fit in with their thesis and theories..

I’m not disparaging archeology, Egyptology or any scientific approach, it has provided so much valuable information. But when it becomes dogmatic and anyone not towing the line because their theories cast doubt on the established model and they are dismissed as charlatans, well, it’s no longer scientific is it?
edit on 9-2-2022 by surfer_soul because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 04:11 PM
a reply to: Hanslune

Do you know how fermentation works? All you need is starch and meat and a tight seal. Granite can be hermetically sealed. Another ingredient needed is oleic acid which is present in plants and animal fat. It is well known granite is made of quartz crystals and under mechanical stress those crystals generate electric charge. Thus, more pressure means more electric charge is generated.
The Serapeum since it was opened people have noticed that no soot is present on the ceiling and the walls. Upon making note of this, one cannot help but wonder how all the work was completed underground in complete darkness. The effect of high pressure stress on granite material makes it luminescence. When the voltage is high enough, it ionizes the air around the surface, creating a glow. As the granite boxes experienced mechanical stress electric charges would appear. The charges typically are dispersed toward the ground surface. When the charges reach the surface, they ionize air pockets above the ground and would have lit the sky above Saqqara.
The pyramids are the 3 pronged plugs. Without the 3 prongs(pyramids) people would be electrocuted. A ground pyramid(negative), A charge pyramid(positive) and a safety pyramid(pulls the charge back into the ground).

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 04:13 PM

originally posted by: Hanslune

originally posted by: mcsnacks77
a reply to: Hanslune

Yes it is! The Great Pyramid is located at the exact intersection of the longest line of latitude and the longest line of longitude which is at the exact center of all the landmass on planet Earth!

Yawn...No it isn't I linked to the information on this and you are simply are denying it. That isn't science that is just ego and avoidance.

Just because you say it isn’t true doesn’t make you right, obviously. That 3/60th of a degree that it is off is due to an earthquake.

So you agree its not perfect - it never was, just like the sides are mismatched and there are all kinds of errors in it but that isn't the problem it is a mighty achievement but trying to pretend its supernatural or perfect is just not correct - nor supported by the evidence.

I do you don't you I know you don't have any supporting evidence because I''ve had his same conversation with other true believers people at least a hundred times before. You'll keep yelling stuff you've been told to believe - and which you never checked to see if it true. you just repeat it because that is what you were told to believe and you refuse to consider that you were lied to.

Evidence? It’s scientifically documented under Faiyum DNA and Genotypes.

LOL sure it is! That is why you refuse to link to it because you and I both know its nonsense. So how long do you want to continue to insist it is true? 'm just gonna keep asking for the scientific peer reviewed paper that support this...

This is why people weren’t buried at the pyramids. The bull horns were everywhere because they could harness electricity since they would have having a positive and negative side. The placement of the pyramids had to be exact because of the electromagnetic current that the earth has with the sun and the moon. The strongest electromagnetic current is at the center of the earths land mass.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: Hanslune

Dr. Seiss outlined: “It has been ascertained and clearly demonstrated that there is in the measures, pointings, form, and features of that great primeval monument . . . a massive and indestructible stone memorial of a complete and faultless knowledge of the structure of the universe, of the exact and physical sciences both terrestrial and cosmical, a determination of a perfect system of weights and measures.
The Great Pyramid is that it is perfectly oriented to the four points of the compass – only being out by 3 arc minutes – a discrepancy of less than 0.06 percent. We are told that the most accurate north-oriented structure today is the Paris Observatory – however, even this is 6 arc minutes off from true north.
29 degrees, 58 minutes, 51 seconds of arc – North (Latitude)
31 degrees, 09 minutes, 0 seconds of arc – East (Longitude)

Of the two noted values, the latitude is of greatest significance, as the placement of the pyramid north of the equator is the very thing that forces one to conclude the builders knew the true and exacting dimensions of the earth.
Now are you ready to feel stupid? The Great pyramids longitude and latitude is the center of earths landmass because it goes by the celestial Globe you dumb son of a bitch.
The celestial globe, however, uses terms and notations which differ somewhat from those of the globe of the Earth. Meridians are marked by the angle α (alpha, Greek A), called right ascension, not longitude. It is measured from the vernal equinox, but only eastward, and instead of going from 0 to 360 degrees, it is specified in hours and other divisions of time, each hour equal to 15 degrees.
Similarly, where on Earth latitude goes from 90° north to 90° south (or -90°), astronomers prefer the co-latitude, the angle from the polar axis,equal to 0° at the north pole, 90° on the equator, and 180° at the south pole. It is called declination and is denoted by the letter δ (delta, Greek small D). The two angles (α, δ), used in specifying (for instance) the position of a star, are jointly called its celestial coordinates.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 04:19 PM
a reply to: Harte

It’s like talking to a kindergartner. Do you know how to make batteries or do I need to draw pictures in crayons?

British Lithium says it has extracted lithium from granite for the first time – initially on a pilot scale. The pilot plant is expected to produce five kilogrammes of lithium carbonate per day from the beginning of this year.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 05:01 PM

originally posted by: mcsnacks77
a reply to: Harte

It’s like talking to a kindergartner. Do you know how to make batteries or do I need to draw pictures in crayons?

British Lithium says it has extracted lithium from granite for the first time – initially on a pilot scale. The pilot plant is expected to produce five kilogrammes of lithium carbonate per day from the beginning of this year.

Now, if the piezoelectric effect created charges, why do quartz watches need batteries?

See, you really don't know squat about it, do you.


posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 05:04 PM
a reply to: Harte

I figured that was about the depth of reading you do.

The Great Pyramid’s capstone was made of gold
The pyramids were covered with highly polished limestone casing stones that do conduct electricity
The set up of the chambers in the pyramid and the rocks chosen can aid electrical flow and conduction of electricity
Some of the rocks inside the pyramid have been scorched by an electrical current
The Giza plateau (where the pyramids are located) is full of underground water channels and these high volumes of salt water pass through the underground cavities, capable of producing an electrical current; known as physio-electricity

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 05:20 PM
a reply to: Harte

It wouldn’t but it would be too large to wear. Damn do I have to explain everything. Get a clue. You are not smart.

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