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Secret Door in Great Sphinx leading to the Hall of Records (Cover up!)

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posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 02:22 AM
Back to the topic of the Great Sphinx

I recently saw a video where there was an original Dream Stele that was removed and replaced with the one you see today.

I also read some where/ heard that back in the day it was illegal to take photos of the dream stele.

Also when you look at the dream stele you can see square grids. Possibly a map of what is beneath the Sphinx?
Maybe a map outlining the chambers in the left and right paw?

So many questions, so many things to think about.

So much secrecy, so many untruths told about ancient Egypt.

Biggest lie is that the Pyramids are tombs. Looking at the structure, internal chambers you can clearly see there are not tombs.

I’m no scientist, or mathematicians but I can clearly see the handy work of people who had some kind of knowledge we don’t have. They did not have basic tools and manpower to accomplish what they did. They knew and understood things we till this don’t really understand.

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 03:08 AM
a reply to: Hanslune

thats the thing that blows my mind

how did they manage to construct it , if there were no plans to follow

or did they have plans or instructions that just didnt survive.

Because how do you orchestrate so many people with a singular vision without the ability to express your ideas or visions or instructions clearly other than by word of mouth.

They must have kept some form of plan so that people in charge could refer to it.

unless they did this miraculous task entirely within their minds eye

its absolutely baffling , surely not all of the workers were adept in construction , only a few out of every 10 would have possessed any decent knowledge of construction or wood working or stone working.

so how did they co ordinate so many people without plans , did they just have perfect memory
it seems like it would be impossible without plans or drawings or instructions of any sort.

So someone or a group of egyptians or whoever designed this would have had to sat down for more than a month to design and plan the entire thing.

then to execute it without making any mistakes
I guess the egyptians really were all about " measure twice , cut once "

Even brick layers get to see a plan for a house so they know where to start laying bricks so they can measure and make precision placements etc.

you know exactly what its like when you get a group of people then tell them the same thing then ask them to do a task together, it creates confusion , especially when everyone heard something slightly different when the plan was explained , or had questions

edit on 8-2-2022 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 03:13 AM
a reply to: Sydney81

as for the sphinx

I think the pyramid and the sphinx are built on a meteor crater impact sight
where the AE found their rare metals and glass for their decorations , and this meteor impact crater cant be found
in the erea.
Thats because the meteor impact crater was used as a holy sight , and they built the entire giza complex on top of it .

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 06:06 AM

originally posted by: sapien82
a reply to: Sydney81

as for the sphinx

I think the pyramid and the sphinx are built on a meteor crater impact sight
where the AE found their rare metals and glass for their decorations , and this meteor impact crater cant be found
in the erea.
Thats because the meteor impact crater was used as a holy sight , and they built the entire giza complex on top of it .

Need to always think outside the box

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 06:29 AM
a reply to: Sydney81

The Great Pyramid was an ancient power grid. Granite produces electric charges under pressure. The Great Pyramids are placed where the strongest electromagnetic current to the moon and sun occur. 3-6-9 connection. Read previous post and I explain in more detail.

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: mcsnacks77

Part 3 of the old CIA Kryptos puzzle located near -77 degrees 8` 44" W longitude dealt with the 1922 account of the Great pyramid desecration by Howard Carter. The cipher for part 3 is a little more difficult. This would lead to a cryptographic eureka moment as you noticed the recurring rotor offset. There would also be some discordance since the latitude coordinates previously decrypted in part 1 would have suggested a slightly different rotor offset. This was probably intentional.

As Kryptos part 3 bleeds into K4 we perhaps start to see the role of a Sphinx guardian. James Gillogly the NSA computer scientist that easily cracked the first three parts refused to directly tackle part 4. The Kryptos sculptor Sanborn who had been initiated with the puzzle suggested that there would still be a riddle once all the cipher text had been decrypted to plain text.

So there was something of global importance to the US CIA here concerning Giza.
The sculptor Sanborn released some K4 clues concerning the "Berlin clock" with the tragic reminder of the clock maker Dieter Binninger who died with his son flying over a bakery in Germany. So again since part 3 clearly described the desecration of the Great Pyramid perhaps Gillogly's intuition about the Sphinx guardianship should be heeded for part 4?

The doors in the Sphinx may just lead to hell....

edit on 8-2-2022 by fromunclexcommunicate because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 01:06 PM

originally posted by: fromunclexcommunicate
a reply to: Hanslune

Since this thread is supposed to be focused on the role of the Sphinx at Giza I'm assuming the riddle of the sphinx had a classical static interpretation. At the time the Great pyramid was built at Giza the math really didn't fit. I think the evidence shows they were looking for a site location at about 30 degrees north or south latitude.

What evidence is that? They took and used the west bank of the Nile as a large Necropolis
Starting in pre-dynastic times.

30 degree south is around Cape Town which would have been very difficult for them to reach.

The purpose of the trial chamber site was probably to verify the pyramid position thousands of years later without having to desecrate the actual grave site within the Great Pyramid.

...or a test and sample of how to build such a thing. What would they have needed to 'verify'?

They may have chosen the 30 degrees north latitude site after seeing locations further south might lay on the less stable East African rift.

Well they wouldn't have known it as the '30 degree north latitude' but as an imaginary line north of Memphis which they would never have heard of.

Maybe the Pyramid designers had access to million year old ice cores so there was a directly observable solution?

I'll take that as sarcastic humour

It would be highly unlikely they were aware of or would have cared about the Milankovitch Cycle.

They would have been concerned about when the flood would come, parasites, grain preservation, and their enemies to the south, North east and west, and the health of the Pharaoh and his family.

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 01:07 PM

originally posted by: sapien82
a reply to: Sydney81

as for the sphinx

I think the pyramid and the sphinx are built on a meteor crater impact sight
where the AE found their rare metals and glass for their decorations , and this meteor impact crater cant be found
in the erea.
Thats because the meteor impact crater was used as a holy sight , and they built the entire giza complex on top of it .

If there was an impact there would be a crater and if hidden by sand it would show up in the geology and radar studies down

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: sapien82

Howdy Sapien82

I hear you we are all working on assumptions due to a lack of information.

The Arabs in Dubai and Sur and other places in the Gulf make 50 meter long wooden Dhows without plans. They do so in the current age. I use to watch them making such ships,they use no plans. While much less complex they do show that complicated construction can be done without detailed plans.

If you are interested in the subject I would look at the Roman engineering, construction systems and how much formal planning they did. When they were repairing sites in Athens they found marks showing someone was marking out what to do on the stones.

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 01:45 PM

originally posted by: Sydney81
Back to the topic of the Great Sphinx

I recently saw a video where there was an original Dream Stele that was removed and replaced with the one you see today.

Sounds more like a fringe paranoid dream actually. No as far as I know and the three times I looked at it it was the original - they have made several copies and may have moved the original recently to new main museum.

I also read some where/ heard that back in the day it was illegal to take photos of the dream stele.

Lol out side next to city with thousands of tourists visiting - sure sounds reasonable - I took pictures in 83, 94 and 95 and my father of it in 1954 so when was this 'back in the day''?

Also when you look at the dream stele you can see square grids. Possibly a map of what is beneath the Sphinx?
Maybe a map outlining the chambers in the left and right paw?

So many questions, so many things to think about.

So much secrecy, so many untruths told about ancient Egypt.

Evidence of 'grid squares'

Most of the secrecy is pretended to explain why evidence of Atlanteans, and aliens is being hidden

Biggest lie is that the Pyramids are tombs. Looking at the structure, internal chambers you can clearly see there are not tombs.

I’m no scientist, or mathematicians but I can clearly see the handy work of people who had some kind of knowledge we don’t have. They did not have basic tools and manpower to accomplish what they did. They knew and understood things we till this don’t really understand.

Yet they did and did so and made a number of huge structures - oddly there is no evidence of anyone but the AE being in the area for thousands and thousands of years.

While your personal choice to chose incredulity it isn't that of many others nor supported by the evidence

The stele has been uncovered for quite some time

edit on 8/2/22 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 01:47 PM

originally posted by: mcsnacks77
a reply to: Hanslune

Look up stupid. Wake up you might learn something


I take that as your concession that you are wrong. Accepted enjoy bathing in ignorance! Keep making stuff up its easier that study.

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 04:43 PM

originally posted by: mcsnacks77
a reply to: Harte

I’m an engineer. And I can tell you the purpose of the pyramids and why math was so important. To prove they have advanced knowledge. The same knowledge I have that you don’t. Because your pride keeps you from seeing past your nose.
Do you know how fermentation works? All you need is starch and meat and a tight seal. Granite can be hermetically sealed. Another ingredient needed is oleic acid which is present in plants and animal fat. It is well known granite is made of quartz crystals and under mechanical stress those crystals generate electric charge. Thus, more pressure means more electric charge is generated.
The Serapeum since it was opened people have noticed that no soot is present on the ceiling and the walls. Upon making note of this, one cannot help but wonder how all the work was completed underground in complete darkness. The effect of high pressure stress on granite material makes it luminescence. When the voltage is high enough, it ionizes the air around the surface, creating a glow. As the granite boxes experienced mechanical stress electric charges would appear. The charges typically are dispersed toward the ground surface. When the charges reach the surface, they ionize air pockets above the ground and would have lit the sky above Saqqara.
The pyramids are the 3 pronged plugs. Without the 3 prongs(pyramids) people would be electrocuted. A ground pyramid(negative), A charge pyramid(positive) and a safety pyramid(pulls the charge back into the ground).
The APIs Bulls were needed to react with the yeast. And that is why an electrical engineering degree will teach you. Or you can just be really intelligent. 😎

You must be an engineer on a locomotive, right?
Because otherwise, you're just lying... and I wouldn't want to say that.


posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 04:46 PM

originally posted by: mcsnacks77
a reply to: mcsnacks77

Dr. Seiss outlined: “It has been ascertained and clearly demonstrated that there is in the measures, pointings, form, and features of that great primeval monument . . . a massive and indestructible stone memorial of a complete and faultless knowledge of the structure of the universe, of the exact and physical sciences both terrestrial and cosmical, a determination of a perfect system of weights and measures.

Dr. Seiss had lots to say about a cat that wears hats, and the grinch that stole Christmas as well.


posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 04:48 PM

originally posted by: mcsnacks77
a reply to: Sydney81

The Great Pyramid was an ancient power grid. Granite produces electric charges under pressure. The Great Pyramids are placed where the strongest electromagnetic current to the moon and sun occur. 3-6-9 connection. Read previous post and I explain in more detail.

Granite doesn't produce electrical charges under pressure.

Stick with your locomotive.


posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 04:50 PM

originally posted by: Hanslune
a reply to: sapien82

Howdy Sapien82

I hear you we are all working on assumptions due to a lack of information.

The Arabs in Dubai and Sur and other places in the Gulf make 50 meter long wooden Dhows without plans. They do so in the current age. I use to watch them making such ships,they use no plans. While much less complex they do show that complicated construction can be done without detailed plans.

If you are interested in the subject I would look at the Roman engineering, construction systems and how much formal planning they did. When they were repairing sites in Athens they found marks showing someone was marking out what to do on the stones.

That was found at Baalbek as well.


posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 07:09 PM

originally posted by: Hanslune

originally posted by: Sydney81
Back to the topic of the Great Sphinx

I recently saw a video where there was an original Dream Stele that was removed and replaced with the one you see today.

Sounds more like a fringe paranoid dream actually. No as far as I know and the three times I looked at it it was the original - they have made several copies and may have moved the original recently to new main museum.

I also read some where/ heard that back in the day it was illegal to take photos of the dream stele.

Lol out side next to city with thousands of tourists visiting - sure sounds reasonable - I took pictures in 83, 94 and 95 and my father of it in 1954 so when was this 'back in the day''?

Also when you look at the dream stele you can see square grids. Possibly a map of what is beneath the Sphinx?
Maybe a map outlining the chambers in the left and right paw?

So many questions, so many things to think about.

So much secrecy, so many untruths told about ancient Egypt.

Evidence of 'grid squares'

Most of the secrecy is pretended to explain why evidence of Atlanteans, and aliens is being hidden

Biggest lie is that the Pyramids are tombs. Looking at the structure, internal chambers you can clearly see there are not tombs.

I’m no scientist, or mathematicians but I can clearly see the handy work of people who had some kind of knowledge we don’t have. They did not have basic tools and manpower to accomplish what they did. They knew and understood things we till this don’t really understand.

Yet they did and did so and made a number of huge structures - oddly there is no evidence of anyone but the AE being in the area for thousands and thousands of years.

While your personal choice to chose incredulity it isn't that of many others nor supported by the evidence

The stele has been uncovered for quite some time

I’m talking more than a hundred years ago. Their is a picture of the original in the New York public library. It’s different to the one seen today.

I don’t believe in Aliens, so definitely don’t think Aliens had any role in Ancient Egypt.

I believe Ancient Egyptians made and built all their structures with sacred Knowledge. They knew and understood things we don’t know. An advanced civilisation in many ways.
Yeah they used basic tools such as hammers and chisels in many statues, structures and jewellery. We can see evidence of that clearly. But then they are things that defy logic. One being the pyramids. For centuries Egyptologists have presented and pushed the theory that it is a tomb.
Even though there isn’t anything so support that claim except for an empty sarcophagus. They have discovered many sarcophagus with the anticipation of finding mummies in them because history has told us that is what they are for. But how many mummies have ever been found in a sarcophagus?????

The Serapeum at Saqqara is another site that defies logic.
How and why did they make those large black sarcophagus, each weighing nearly 100 tons.

The perfectly carved statues made of granite, limestone and other harder materials. Yet they were made and carved with such precision.

I don’t have the answers, just lots of questions floating around in my head.

I totally support the idea they had power of some sort and the pyramids were used to generate that power.

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 08:26 PM
Also just wanted to add the sarcophagus I’m referring to are the solid hard stone sarcophagus and not the ones made from wood. There is big difference to the sarcophagus found in the Pyramid and the Serepeum of Saqqara to the ones used to hold a mummy, it’s case and coffin which is always made of wood. Completely two different things with two different uses.

Compare it to the ones found at the Serepeum at Saqara

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 10:28 PM
a reply to: fromunclexcommunicate

More like being used across galaxies for optical communications, and a three-dimensional display system. An organic electroluminescent device based on aligned conjugated polymers that emitted polarized light could be used to send and receive radio signals across space. We still receive these signals but scientists haven’t figured out how to translate them. The last one being 4,000 light-years away from Earth GLEAM-X J162759.5-523504.3.

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 11:57 PM

originally posted by: Sydney81

I’m talking more than a hundred years ago. Their is a picture of the original in the New York public library. It’s different to the one seen today.

Okay lets see it then show me these 'differences'.

One being the pyramids. For centuries Egyptologists have presented and pushed the theory that it is a tomb.
Even though there isn’t anything so support that claim except for an empty sarcophagus. They have discovered many sarcophagus with the anticipation of finding mummies in them because history has told us that is what they are for. But how many mummies have ever been found in a sarcophagus?????

A number of them just not royals other that Tut. Only one Pharaoh tomb was unlooted it was Psusennes

There is a great deal more evidence for their being tombs than what you say. Minor things (to you) of the Egyptians calling the pyramids tombs.

What does this hieroglyph mean?

So what are these the names of:

Menkaure's tomb
Khufu's tomb
Khafre's tomb

How come you don't know that? Because those make up fringe stuff just ignore it and lie.

Pyramids which are oddly constructed in a massive necropolis and surrounded by hundreds of Mastabas (an earlier version of the tombs) why put x on the other side of the river from the cities which were on the East bank?

So, why did the AE call the pyramids tombs if they weren't?

You tell me

The Serapeum at Saqqara is another site that defies logic.
How and why did they make those large black sarcophagus, each weighing nearly 100 tons.

Religion - can you explain why Christians built 3,000 cathedrals some taking centuries to complete?

The perfectly carved statues made of granite, limestone and other harder materials. Yet they were made and carved with such precision.

Yes but the Romans Greeks exceeded them greatly but every other culture also worked hard stones. It just time and expertise.

I don’t have the answers, just lots of questions floating around in my head.

I totally support the idea they had power of some sort and the pyramids were used to generate that power.

What 'power' and why did the AE never mention it? If they were power plants why call them tombs?

Read Merer's diary. He mentions that his crew is transporting limestone from Turah and delivering to the half brother of Khufu and guess what he calls what they are building. Shown in French and English.

That tomb word again...pesky thing

edit on 8/2/22 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

edit on 9/2/22 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 12:03 AM

That was found at Baalbek as well. Harte

Yes thanks for the reminder!
edit on 9/2/22 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

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