posted on Jan, 27 2019 @ 04:42 AM
I found an explanation of how water can stay in a spinning bowl...
The string acts as the centripetal force that pulls the bucket and water into the center and keeps them from following their paths of inertia,
giving the illusion that centrifugal force is pulling the water away from the center. ... If you spin the bucket too slowly, the water will fall out
and you will get wet.
An external force is required to spin the bucket fast enough to give the illusion that the water is held in the bucket by a force which doesn't exist
- centrifugal force.
So why don't you ask how come the water spills out of a bucket at slower speeds? There must a force that pushes the water OUT of the bucket, right?
No, you know there is no force acting on the water, pushing it out of the bucket. The lack of inertia at slower speeds is why the water spills out of
the bucket. NO FORCE IS PUSHING IT OUT OF THE BUCKET. The water 'appears' to be pushed out of the bucket, by some force acting on it, just like
gravity 'appears' to hold us down to Earth, or 'pull' us down to Earth from above. No force exists, it is an illusion.
The illusion of gravity can also be understood, the same way.
I've gone over the features that identify a real force, from an imaginary force. Centrifugal force seems like a real force, compared to gravity.
That's how bad gravity is. It can't even be consistent. It holds some objects, not others. It resists no objects which oppose it, like birds. It can't
hold astronauts between the moon and Earth in place, or force them down to Earth, yet it can hold a massive moon is place 1/4 million miles away.
While it isn't supposed to hold things in place, in the first place!. We feel no 'pull' from a force below us, as we fall to Earth. Anytime we are
ACTUALLY 'pulled' by a real, external force, we ALWAYS feel it. Yet somehow, we are supposed to be 'pulled' by a force and NEVER feel it? Are you
I hope you are starting to question why gravity is claimed to exist, after they have admitted that centrifugal force is an illusory force, that does
NOT exist.