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I Recently had Contact and Have Video Evidence.

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posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 03:42 PM
Where did all the debunkers go? CIA payroll getting tight?

posted on Oct, 22 2018 @ 06:50 AM
a reply to: redzi0n

This is Video evidence of contact.

Are you off your face completely?

Its lights in the sky from what I hear.

I guess I make contact about 3 times a weeks on average then.

Actual satellite watchers are making contact numerous times a night.

No one has even attempted to debunk it apart from you and one guy who claimed it was Iridium flare.

Debunk what?

Post the video of the lights in the sky.

Post the location, time and direction of viewing.

It's not Iridium flare. Iridium flares don't flash anything like this.

I didn't say it was, you and another were talking about that, it doesn't sound like one from your description.

So show me video evidence of satellites flashing in a similar way. You can't just make claims like this without evidence.

So is it drugs or mental instability?

What claims have I made?

I just said that satellites can fly in tandem because you said its very usual, I guess with the number of birds up there yes when a few fly in tandem than I guess its unusual but that shouldn't anywhere near enough to jump straight to Inter-dimensional aliens, for me at least, others may be easier to convince.

2. This is a rather juvenille answer from you. I'll just move on. 3. We've both devoted our lives to service. 4. Sorry I don't understand, what is it I'm ignorant of?

try using the quotation function if you want address things said.

What are you ignorant of?

I didn't say you were but asked a question why people say such things.

5. School teaches people to be slaves. Believe this. Do this. Don't think outside the box. Don't ask questions. We no best. Your'e not intelligent enough to question our theories.

Try speaking for yourself for a change,

You should learn that one simple bit of knowledge even before you go to school.

You learned well how not to think outside the box mentioning Corey Goode.

The most importaant information children currently need is: 1. We are beings of infinite consciousness and we create our own reality. 2. How we create our reality through our vibrational output. 3. How to connect to our Higher Self and discover our life purpose, who we really are and why we're here.

So why do a thread to stroke your ego and not do one to share this "most important information children currently need"?

Unless the current generation comes to understand this our planet is doomed.

The planet is doomed because of how humans think?

So earth needs humans to exist?

If we have bad thinking its doomed, good thinking its saved?

Unless the current state of your mind doesn't change you will be doomed.

School teaches children to be competetive, selfish, greedy. And it dumbs them down.

Do you know that children are humans and humans are all individuals?

everyone is different and how they develop, how their minds develop are all different on a certain levels?

These are characteristics that children pick up before school.

The few people that achieved anything worthwhile on this planet didn't learn it at school.

once you realize what school actually is you may realize that world we live in is one big school.

What is it I could learn from school that would help our planet more than introducing humanity to our Galctic neighbours?

in kindergarten you will learn that lying is no good.

then move on from there to learn how to help others

It starts by learning how stop deceiving yourself.

7. I have a long way to go until I can reach Jesus's level of compassion and service to humanity.

Like I said,

another delusional fool that compares themselves to Jesus.

8. How is the title B***S*** when it's a video of an Extraterrestrial civilisation communicating with us?

lights in the sky don't conclude any such things, sorry if you believe it does, you are fee to do so

edit on 22-10-2018 by InhaleExhale because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2018 @ 09:34 AM

originally posted by: redzi0n
a reply to: wmd_2008

This video was captured on a phone cam and it's pretty good. Undebunkable so far!

No it's NOT

A light in the sky using my DSLR

Light in sky

It's a helicopter

This is real quality at night below

£5000 night vision camera.

Or one of thes Sony A7S II for half that.

We hear aircraft at the start it planes through an average mobile phone.

posted on Oct, 22 2018 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: redzi0n

your video commentary you make up as you go along Owls they don't sound like that.

Planes at night mobile phone video

I don't know what school you went to but my school & my kids encourage thinking on your own.

You just sound totally deluded

posted on Oct, 22 2018 @ 02:51 PM
It feels like you have got yourself worked up with expectation and constant sky watching.

Many people ask us about flashes in the night sky. They see one and want to know, what is it? Unless one of us is standing there next to you, we have no way of knowing exactly what you saw. So we can’t say for certain. It’s possible you saw a flare from an iridium communications satellite. Or you might have seen a satellite or rocket body tumbling as it moves in its orbit around Earth. Follow the links below to learn more.

Dimmer rocket bodies may confuse observers, because they will remain invisible to the unaided eye while moving across the sky, then erratically “flash” toward those watching below.

edit on 22-10-2018 by SeaWorthy because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2018 @ 03:57 PM
The Goddard Space Flight Center's lists 2,271 satellites currently in orbit.”

posted on Oct, 22 2018 @ 05:45 PM
a reply to: redzi0n

Very good!

I've seen those around here in the mounstains, they flash and if you are close enough you'll see a tail of the movemt of the object;
This is a very good video of them, since its very hard to catch them, they move extremely fast;
They are many, and have the most absolutely perfect camuflage: They are a white dot in the sky!
I've seen them closer, i would say it has about 3 to 4 meters in diameter, its a sphere of light, not sure if its a vehicle or a living being, while on the ground the movements of the sphere looked like it was playing around, flying over the trees.

edit on 9914731x0000001405pm1031 by Bitxushanty because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2018 @ 05:51 PM
a reply to: redzi0n

Wow! I see these all the time..... Literally all the time for years. Why do they keep doing this
over and over, I say to them. Yeh, yeh I know, hello and now what guys? I guess they are just waiting
for something... a certain time??

Thanks for sharing this.

posted on Oct, 23 2018 @ 07:30 AM

originally posted by: Bitxushanty
a reply to: redzi0n

Very good!

I've seen those around here in the mounstains, they flash and if you are close enough you'll see a tail of the movemt of the object;
This is a very good video of them, since its very hard to catch them, they move extremely fast;
They are many, and have the most absolutely perfect camuflage: They are a white dot in the sky!
I've seen them closer, i would say it has about 3 to 4 meters in diameter, its a sphere of light, not sure if its a vehicle or a living being, while on the ground the movements of the sphere looked like it was playing around, flying over the trees.

Right I will give you the challenge that I have said to others on here making claims like that have a camera ready and prove your claim I wont hold my breath as for being a good video you like many on here have very low standards.

Same challenge to you Alienmindflare
edit on 23-10-2018 by wmd_2008 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2018 @ 07:37 AM
a reply to: Alienmindflare

Perhaps they are waiting for you to take some decent photos/videos of them and post them here?

posted on Oct, 23 2018 @ 07:40 AM
a reply to: wmd_2008

I Only say its a good video for the objects themselves, 'cause i've seen them and its not easy to get them on camera you are not exactly sure where they are going to show up, and they move preety fast;
So while you get your gear on and cross check info to make sure they are not registred aircrafts, the show is already over;
I've seen the same type of objects with friends, and besides the first realization that it was really happening, when we finaly remember to record it, it was already too late, besides i remember i was shaking so hard and wanted to at least make a small video or take a photo, and was not able to, the objects move very fast and make sudden 90º turns (against everything i've seen any other vehicle do before). For my experience seing the same type objects this is a good video indeed!

posted on Oct, 23 2018 @ 08:32 AM
So the video evidence of "Contact" is some wobbly mobile phone footage of some lights in the sky that could be anything? Looks like planes to me.

Video evidence of contact? Bollox.

posted on Oct, 23 2018 @ 08:46 AM
a reply to: oldcarpy

I can only agree with your assessment


is your signature not missing a J, A J Rimmer, Red Dwarf nerd also

posted on Oct, 23 2018 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: UpIsNowDown


I don't think Arnie was too keen on the "Judas" bit!

posted on Oct, 23 2018 @ 09:02 AM
a reply to: oldcarpy

Smeg Head was my fav nickname for him, poor Rimmer, lol

I have been passed on this photo which shows contact with a group of "friends" and aliens

Is this the evidence we require?

Its nice to see DJJ (cat) is back on TV in the UK smashing the dancefloor in SCD
edit on 23-10-2018 by UpIsNowDown because: typo

posted on Oct, 23 2018 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: UpIsNowDown

Now that is evidence!

Don't watch SCD, though, but glad he is back. Was also in Death in Paradise?

Back on topic,

posted on Oct, 23 2018 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to: redzi0n

Cory goode or how ever you spell his name is so full of poop its laughable and everything. He says is likely to be b.s and most of us here know that so that doesn't help your cause

If you are having contact face to face you need to wear a gopro

And as someone already said test the voices being channeled with provable facts, I think there is even something in the bible about testing spirts/voices

posted on Oct, 24 2018 @ 06:54 AM
a reply to: oldcarpy

So the video evidence of "Contact" is some wobbly mobile phone footage of some lights in the sky that could be anything?

I think this is correct.

I cant watch anything linked to Facebook so I haven't seen it.

What the Op described is lights in the sky, from their description I thought they spotted a satellite rotating and catching the sun which was creating flashing.

It seems others that I think have a good handle on observing these types of videos have viewed it and say something even worse, like what you are saying, a plane or planes.

It was tricky to gauge the OP without watching the video as on the first page they seem level headed,

then it goes very down hill into lala land where Corey Goode is brought up and OP compares themselves to Jesus.

Something about an important message that all kids should know and what not...

But instead of an ALERT thread, BREAKING NEWS about this message that all children need to know we get a thread about video of lights in the sky that is most likely an airplane that is somehow proof of contact that the OP had a week before the video was taken.

Gotta love ATS

posted on Oct, 24 2018 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: InhaleExhale

But instead of an ALERT thread, BREAKING NEWS about this message that all children need to know we get a thread about video of lights in the sky that is most likely an airplane that is somehow proof of contact that the OP had a week before the video was taken. Gotta love ATS

I tried to help the OP.

That was the important thing to do.

But most people don't want help.. they want their personal biases to be confirmed.

That said, it's also helpful to show people that those 'lights in the sky'
actually have no meaning 99 times out of 100... and then that 1 time in
100 they only have a bad meaning.

So I don't see this post as entirely negative.. various people tried to help
in various ways.

If someone wants baseless delusions confirmed, they'd be much further ahead
joining a mainstream religion and going to church for fellowship.. not posting
on ATS.


posted on Oct, 24 2018 @ 11:38 AM

edit on 24-10-2018 by Lysergic because: (no reason given)

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