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Christine Ford Willing To Testify on 9-27-2018 that SCOTUS Nominee Brett Kavanaugh Assaulted Her.

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posted on Sep, 21 2018 @ 03:32 PM
a reply to: Ahabstar

They seem to have forgotten that little tid bit.

I'm inclined to think that Trump and his advisers haven't. Whether they use it, or not, I don't pretend to know.

posted on Sep, 21 2018 @ 03:35 PM
a reply to: CynConcepts

That is the question, isn't it?

This whole stack of cards, imho, rests on Kavanaugh saying "You know what? This position ain't worth goin' through this #.", and saying "# allaya.", and waving both fingers in the air, as he walks away.

If he doesn't do that, this whole charade goes poof.

posted on Sep, 21 2018 @ 03:43 PM
Literally the only thing good that can come from the #MeToo movement is that victims of sexual assault would feel empowered to go to the authorities and report the crime when it happens and have those authorities take the report seriously so something can be done about it then. The rest of it is just the illiberal left using it for political posturing. This episode in particular is undermining what the #MeToo movement had originally achieved. If people can't see that, then heaven help you.

Sexual assault is not a trump card you get to hang onto for a lifetime and play it at your convenience. To do so only undermines the accuser's legitimacy and weakens the case against the accused. That is a terrible lesson to be teaching victim's of sexual assault. That is what it really seems like this is turning into. More of a power play in a political field of battle rather than nailing a predator's behind to the wall which I'm sure literally no one would have a problem with.

posted on Sep, 21 2018 @ 06:56 PM

originally posted by: seagull
a reply to: Ahabstar

They seem to have forgotten that little tid bit.

I'm inclined to think that Trump and his advisers haven't. Whether they use it, or not, I don't pretend to know.

If I was Trump, I'd quietly place the determination of whether I sign that inflated crap minibus on whether or not Kavanaugh is confirmed. No Kavanaugh, government gets shut down, special session is called during the Senate's usual break for campaigning, look at what I'm doing to your canoe with this fork, you savages!

posted on Sep, 21 2018 @ 07:03 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6


Rather than campaign, you can sit in special session.

Frankly, that's what Obama should have done. In their place, I certainly would, no hesitation, at all. Then, just to make my point crystal clear, preempt about half an hour of dinner time to tell the world why.

Gloves off. Past time for these jackholes in both parties to do their f'n jobs.

posted on Sep, 21 2018 @ 07:47 PM

originally posted by: seagull
Then, just to make my point crystal clear, preempt about half an hour of dinner time to tell the world why.

October 29th would be the first official day of the election recess... Imagine, Trump killing two birds with a single stone, calling Senators back to DC while pre-empting Monday Night Football in prime time to announce the decision to the American people. Hell, in his shoes I'd open it with a rendition of the National Anthem while standing in the Oval Office with his hand over heart.

Maybe I should consider a career in politics...

posted on Sep, 21 2018 @ 08:03 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

The meltdown


The polar ice caps would be just...gone. The "reeees" would echo from the Appalachians to the Rockies, and back.

I'm asking the wrong person, but should I feel guilty about the amount of pleasure I'd take from it??

posted on Sep, 21 2018 @ 08:20 PM

originally posted by: seagull
a reply to: burdman30ott6

The meltdown


The polar ice caps would be just...gone. The "reeees" would echo from the Appalachians to the Rockies, and back.

I'm asking the wrong person, but should I feel guilty about the amount of pleasure I'd take from it??

Not sure if you're referring to Trump doing as I would or me entering politics in general.

You are asking the wrong person, seeing as how I'd be entertained by the idea of sitting back and watching the world burn.

posted on Sep, 21 2018 @ 08:23 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

Not sure if you're referring to Trump doing as I would or me entering politics in general.

Haa! Both, now that I think on it. But actually, I was referring to Trump doing that.

There are times when watching the world burn doesn't sound like such a bad idea.

posted on Sep, 21 2018 @ 08:27 PM

originally posted by: seagull
There are times when watching the world burn doesn't sound like such a bad idea.

You bring a match, I've always got gas, my friend.

Wait... that could have a different meaning than I intended. Oh well, either way it will set that mother to burn. Things like ruining a man's previously stellar reputation with false charges rooted in childish partisan horsesnip don't make my outlook on this modern world get any more rosy.

posted on Sep, 21 2018 @ 08:29 PM
I'll bring the s'mores.

I love s'mores.

posted on Sep, 21 2018 @ 08:30 PM

originally posted by: Elostone

originally posted by: Malcador

originally posted by: LSU2018

originally posted by: oloufo
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

maybe it was about time because things are changing these days and more and more women coming out with their stories.
i believe her, but maybe i'm wrong. we will see.

Simple question. What makes you think she's telling the truth?

Duh! She has a vagina. What more is needed these days? As we all know women are perfect and moral creatures that would never ever lie or make false accusations.

C'mon man get with the times!

This ^
This is the mindset that this sort of thing sows: Mysogeny.
And who can blame men for feeling this way toward women when you have women...hell, we have entire political parties willing to weaponize false claims of sexual assault and domestic violence against them?
This is the long term damage that is being caused by this.
Right now, I truly fear for the future of this country and our children who will have to suffer from the disfunction of today.

Edit to add:
Can women be mysogenists?
Because right now I'm ashamed to admit that I am one because of this kind of thing

I'm not a misogynist if that's what you meant (if not my apologies for misundersranding what you wrote) My comment was tongue in cheek mocking leftist ideology that's so pervasive with the "women must be believed no matter what" mindset.

I love women. But I call it as I see it and am not afraid of being labeled a misogynist because I do.

posted on Sep, 21 2018 @ 08:32 PM

originally posted by: CynConcepts

originally posted by: Vasa Croe
LOL! Latest excuse for not showing on Monday is being reported that she is afraid to fly.....

Oh it just keeps getting better.

If that is her reasoning, why didn't she accept the Senate Committee's offer to come to her privately?

That would make sense if she had any interest in actually testifying. My opinion is that they thought Kav would drop out or that the Reps would withdraw the nomination and when they didn't its turned into a scramble drill of epic CYA.
edit on 21-9-2018 by Malcador because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2018 @ 08:35 PM

originally posted by: Malcador

originally posted by: CynConcepts

originally posted by: Vasa Croe
LOL! Latest excuse for not showing on Monday is being reported that she is afraid to fly.....

Oh it just keeps getting better.

If that is her reasoning, why didn't she accept the Senate Committee's offer to come to her privately?

That would make sense if she had any interest in actually testifying. My opinion is that they thought Kav would drop out or that the Eps would withdraw the nomination and when they didn't its turned into a scramble drill of epic CYA.

That's an interesting theory.

It's their "oh crap" moment when Kavanaugh didn't back down against the accusations.

He called their bluff.

posted on Sep, 21 2018 @ 08:44 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Malcador

I thought someone said she had told her husband about it.

So if there is now a claim that she only ever told her therapist, then there is another contradiction.

I think the husband thing is the new info. As far as I know and everything I've read she maintained that only the therapist knew.

Edit- her husband was there when she told the therapist during counseling maybe?

posted on Sep, 21 2018 @ 08:50 PM

originally posted by: seagull
a reply to: CynConcepts

That is the question, isn't it?

This whole stack of cards, imho, rests on Kavanaugh saying "You know what? This position ain't worth goin' through this #.", and saying "# allaya.", and waving both fingers in the air, as he walks away.

If he doesn't do that, this whole charade goes poof.

That's what they were banking on. Read an article today with a family friend being quoted as saying that Kavs wife is 100% behind him (gasp! I just said women should stand behind men!! I guess I AM a woman hating misogynist!!!) and is adamant that he not turn down the nomination.

Considering the death threats she's been getting I have to take my hat off to what is an incredibly strong and brave lady.

The Dems have made a grave tactical error here I think. I think normal people are sick and tired of this stuff and imo women in particular are starting to grasp the gravity of this "ruin a man with an accusation" nonsense.

We'll see, but from talking to people on the net and irl I think the tide is turning against this nonsense.

posted on Sep, 21 2018 @ 08:59 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: Malcador

originally posted by: CynConcepts

originally posted by: Vasa Croe
LOL! Latest excuse for not showing on Monday is being reported that she is afraid to fly.....

Oh it just keeps getting better.

If that is her reasoning, why didn't she accept the Senate Committee's offer to come to her privately?

That would make sense if she had any interest in actually testifying. My opinion is that they thought Kav would drop out or that the Eps would withdraw the nomination and when they didn't its turned into a scramble drill of epic CYA.

That's an interesting theory.

It's their "oh crap" moment when Kavanaugh didn't back down against the accusations.

He called their bluff.

Look at how strident and shrill they got when he didnt withdraw. It went into overdrive with the Hawaii lady telling men to shut up, Hollywood making videos etc etc.

I have to say the fortitude of the Republicans has surprised me.

And hats off to Kav and his wife who are sacrificing so much to stand up to these intolerant and hateful demagogues! J wouldn't wish what they are going through in any one and their resilience and refusal to cave to these bullys is inspiring.

It's when people stand up to bullys like this that others get inspired to stand their ground. I think that the Dems have made a massive and critical misstep on this one. The only people I see taking their side are the far left types. Most everyone else is calling this for what it is.

posted on Sep, 21 2018 @ 09:45 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6

originally posted by: seagull
Then, just to make my point crystal clear, preempt about half an hour of dinner time to tell the world why.

October 29th would be the first official day of the election recess... Imagine, Trump killing two birds with a single stone, calling Senators back to DC while pre-empting Monday Night Football in prime time to announce the decision to the American people. Hell, in his shoes I'd open it with a rendition of the National Anthem while standing in the Oval Office with his hand over heart.

Maybe I should consider a career in politics...

I can see it all now right as the anthem starts to play ...

"Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight we preempt these kneeling football pansies and the kickoff to bring you a special message from the President of the United States ..."

Then cue the scenario you describe.

posted on Sep, 21 2018 @ 10:52 PM
Wow....Never seen Grassley post like this. 21 minutes ago he tweeted this.

Seems they are all calling her out now. He isnt typically this forward. Makes me think he already knows either she wont or if she does they already have proof she is lying.

Cant wait to see what the next excuse is for Ford.
edit on 9/21/18 by Vasa Croe because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2018 @ 11:13 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

Methane burns.

I know, ruining people reputations just to score political points.

Thing is, for a large percentage of the population, it's business as usual. They don't seem to care, so long as their "side" wins.

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